

Based on recent researches.distance.1earning is slowly proving as 1.________ (value)as the traditional campus.based form.It is a fixed truth that this form of learning is 2. the increase.Moreover, both students and teachers have expressed their 3. (happy)with these courses.The best part of distance learning courses is their flexible format.Students can continue 4. (work)and study at the same time without any kind of difficulty.You will5. (provide)with the facilities of a virtual(虚拟的)classroom and a virtual campus.Anyone6. upgrades their professional knowledge to a new level can apply for these courses.With an online study format,the tests and notes can be 7. (access)with just a mouse click from your home computer.However, a student 8. (attend)an online course must take the time management9. (serious).Every online student must keep 10. in mind that proper management of time and study schedule is the key towards success in this format.



Article writing has been a way of conveying information through the web.If you’re a writer, being able to let them stay on your article for more than two seconds is already a success.Your writing style can create more readers for your content if you know how to capture the attention of readers.1. .

Be Direct-to-the-Point

Website writing differs from print writing.People do not want to spend much time on a website because they want to get the information they need.2. .

Be Informative

Articles for web content are briefly written.They flesh out the information without decorations.Be sure that your articles are not confusingly

worded.3. Make sure you organize your facts logically so that your reader can effectively process them.

Be Conversational

4.. Be conversational so that readers can grasp what you mean in your article.With quality content,engage your readers so that your article will have that personal and human touch.

Be Connected

Most article writers just place sentences that state a certain fact to form a paragraph.However, in readers’hopes,these writers fail to establish a human connection.5. So it is important to make the connection smooth and not abrupt.

A.Stay away from decorations when writing online content.

B.Most readers like to read articles that“speak”to them.

C.Connection will allow the readers’minds to effectively process what is written.

D.Get to your point directly so that your readers can process the information.

E.Here are some important points to consider before writing online.

F.Article writing is a fun way of establishing a connection with a reader and a writer.

G.Complex sentences tend to wrongly lead your reader and make them confused.



Article writing has been a way of conveying information through the web.If you’re a writer, being able to let them stay on your article for more than two seconds is already a success.Your writing style can create more readers for your content if you know how to capture the attention of readers.1. .

Be Direct-to-the-Point

Website writing differs from print writing.People do not want to spend much time on a website because they want to get the information they need.2. .

Be Informative

Articles for web content are briefly written.They flesh out the information without decorations.Be sure that your articles are not confusingly worded.3. Make sure you organize your facts logically so that your reader can effectively process them.

Be Conversational

4. Be conversational so that readers can grasp what you mean in your article.With quality content,engage your readers so that your article will have that personal and human touch.

Be Connected

Most article writers just place sentences that state a certain fact to form a paragraph.However, in readers’hopes,these writers fail to establish a human connection.5. So it is important to make the connection smooth and not abrupt.

A.Stay away from decorations when writing online content.

B.Most readers like to read articles that“speak”to them.

C.Connection will allow the readers’minds to effectively process what is written.

D.Get to your point directly so that your readers can process the information.

E.Here are some important points to consider before writing online.

F.Article writing is a fun way of establishing a connection with a reader and a writer.

G.Complex sentences tend to wrongly lead your reader and make them confused.


I am a mom of two young children whom we home-school.This that they are with me almost constantly.Whenever possible I will random acts of kindness; things like paying for the order behind me in the drive-thru lane, holding doors, etc.So, they are very________ with the concept and are, of course, to also do "nice" things for others.

Just a few days ago we stopped our local grocery store to pick up a few things which quickly turned into an entire cart load of stuff.We got into one of the two open checkout lanes and waited our .While waiting a young man came up behind us with only a few________in his basket.I told him to go ahead of us as we were in no

He seemed very pleasantly surprised and graciously .As he began putting his items on the belt the clerk began to her till tape so we had a fairly long wait in line.My kids were very behaved but they were still children; they asked questions, they talked , they moved around and they were generally very entertaining.(To me, anyway.)

I could see the young man watching and listening with a smile on his face.

We were putting our groceries on the when the clerk finished with order.What I didn't know was that he had heard my kids bubble gum.I had agreed they could have some.______, he picked up a pack of bubble-gum and asked the clerk to ring it through twice before putting it back.He then told my kids that he bought their gum their mom was________enough to let him go ahead in the queue.

The experience really drove home the that good begets(产生,引起) good for my lovely little kiddos(亲呢的称呼:小伙子).

1.A.tells B.leaves C.means D.ensures

2.A.entertain B.serve C.function D.perform

3.A.important B.impressive C.suitable D.simple

4.A.satisfied B.occupied C.familiar D.pleased

5.A.supported B.taught C.encouraged D.supposed

6.A.near B.by C.with D.against

7.A.opportunity B.return C.turn D.time

8.A.fruit B.vegetables C.items D.sales

9.A.time B.hurry C.case D.sense

10.A.accepted B.collected C.carried D.agreed

11.A.change B.remove C.continue D.stop

12.A.badly B.poorly C.well D.ill

13.A.constantly B.immediately C.usually D.rudely

14.A.belt B.bench C.basket D.cart

15.A.her B.his C.their D.our

16.A.complain about B.allow for C.ask for D.concern about

17.A.So B.But C.Or D.For

18.A.when B.unless C.because D.until

19.A.happy B.helpful C.serious D.nice

20.A.idea B.reward C.chance D.instruction


Rock climbing requires not only physical strength, but also complete mental concentration. So it is not an easy sport. But this may not be true for 20-year-old Sasha diGuilian. This fearless girl who has been dominating the sport ever since she entered this field is just getting warmed up.

The youngster who is also studying for a creative writing degree at Columbia University says that she began climbing even before she could walk. As a baby, she constantly escaped from her bed and led her friends to the nearest rocks or hills. Then at the age of seven she attended brother’s birthday party at a local rock climbing gym and found her gift for it.

Soon after, she joined the local center in her hometown of Alexandria, Virginia and began climbing— first once a week, then twice and soon, almost every day. At the age of nine, she won her first climbing competition by participating in an event that she hadn’t even been aware of, until she went to the gym for her normal climbing routine. Her competitive nature and love for the sport immediately reached the peak and she began training seriously, but this time outside the gym—climbing real mountains.

As a youngster, she dominated the Junior Continental Championships from 2004 to 2010. Then she went on to catch the Pan American Championship and the US National Championship as soon as she was old enough. And in 2011, at just 18 years old, she was crowned(加冕)Female Overall World Champion in Arco, Italy at her first attempt.

Sasha diGuilian is also the youngest woman who has completed the 5.14d graded climb in which climbers must climb rocks that are vertical. The 5.14d graded climb is regarded as the most difficult climb and it is something that even the most experienced climbers are a little afraid to take on, because a small slip could result in a severe injury or even death.

1.What does the underlined word “dominating” (Paragraph 1) mean?(1 word)

2.Where and when did Sasha diGuilian find she had the talent for rock climbing? (No more than 12 words)

3.What made Sasha diGuilian begin training seriously to climb real mountains? (No more than 10 words)

4.Why is the 5.14d graded climb considered the most difficult climb? (No more than 7 words)

5. Please explain how you are inspired by Sasha diGuilian.(No more than25 words)

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