
Anne LaBastille was born in New York City and grew up in New Jersey. Her first experience with the wilderness was in the Adirondacks in the northeast of New York, where she worked at a summer resort to earn money for college tuition by caring for the horses, giving riding lessons, and working as a waitress. And she has many chances to begin her adventure in the Adirondack wilderness.

Anne returned to school in the fall, but she continued to spend as much time as she could in the Adirondacks. She grew to love her time alone in the mountains. Anne graduated from college with a bachelor’s degree in conservation of natural resources and began working for the National Audubon Society in Florida as a wildlife tour leader.

Although Anne took great pleasure in showing people the animals living in the Florida Keys and the Everglades National Park, she longed for the mountains in the northern parts of New York. Eventually, she decided to build a cabin near Black Bear Lake. Over the years, however, more and more tourists began hiking near her cabin. As a result, Anne decided to build another cabin deeper in the woods at Lily Pad Lake.

Anne lived in the woods for most of her life. She enjoyed living alone in the woods, and her life was far too busy for her to be lonely. When she was not writing books, she wrote articles for National Geographic, Reader’s Digest, and other magazines. In her later years, Anne conducted research in Guatemala on an endangered bird called the grebe. She also lectured nationwide about ecology. Besides, Anne worked with a number of organizations dedicated to conservation.

As a respected guide, author, and conservationist, Anne not only loved the land but also had found a way to become part of it.

1.Anne’s work at the summer resort _________.

A. showed her love for long tours

B. helped her to explore the wilderness

C. earned her high admiration in college

D. gave her a chance to learn horse riding

2.Anne built her cabin at Lily Pad Lake in order to ________.

A. live in the mountains

B. enlarge her living space

C. settle in a more beautiful place

D. get away from increasing numbers of tourists

3.We can conclude from the text that Anne _________.

A. felt very lonely living in the woods

B. made the wilderness a part of her life

C. tried to make more people aware of the grebe

D. longed to be an editor of National Geographic

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A. The life of Anne LaBastille.

B. The achievement of Anne LaBastille.

C. Anne LaBastille’s adventures in the wilderness.

D. Anne LaBastille’s pioneering work in wildlife ecology.


Facebook is an Internet-based social network site that lets people get in touch with family and friends and reach out to people with common interests around the world, all through computer. It is very popular, with more than 900 million users. If Facebook were a country, it would have about three times the population of the United States.

Documents filed with US. financial regulators say Facebook has hundreds of millions of active users who send billions of messages each day and upload 250 million photographs on their personal pages. Facebook users have registered 100 billion “friends.”

On Facebook, “Friending” someone means you add the person to your list of people you can communicate with directly, which often allows the person to see more information about you than you share with the general public.

Facebook was started by Mark Zuckerberg and other students at Harvard University in 2004, and has grown at an amazingly fast pace.

Facebook makes money when advertisers pay to get access to hundreds of millions of Facebook users. Advertisers can often direct their messages to the people most interested in their products because Facebook computers keep track of information that users place on their pages. For example, a person interested in diving, planning a wedding, looking for work, or suffering from diabetes(糖尿病) may see advertisements related to those topics.

Facebook has become so much a part of the culture of the United States and other nations that it has been the subject of a Hollywood movie. It is a key marketing tool for many businesses, and its users’ content has been used as evidence in some divorce or criminal cases.

1.From the first paragraph, we can learn that ________.

A. about 900 million Americans are using Facebook

B. Facebook is widely used in the world

C. Facebook is a country in the Internet

D. Facebook is a place where people can meet face to face

2.If you are a friend of someone on Facebook, you__________ .

A. will have 100 billion friends

B. can download 250 million photographs

C. will share more private information

D. have to send message every day

3.Advertisers use Facebook because they can know__________.

A. who are interested in their products

B. how to keep track of information

C. what products are popular with the young

D. where their products are sold well

4.What might be the most suitable title for the passage?

A. Who starts Facebook?

B. How to use Facebook?

C. When is Facebook on?

D. What is Facebook?

Improve your memory

Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests? 1.Before your next big exam, be sure to check out some of these tried and tested ways of improving memory.

Focus your attention on the materials you are studying. Attention is one of the major parts of memory. In order for information to move from short-term memory into long-term memory, you need to actively attend to this information. 2.

Structure and organize the information you are studying. Researchers have found that information is best organized in related groups.3.Or you can make an outline of your notes and textbook readings to help group related concepts (概念).

4.When you are studying unfamiliar material, take the time to think about how this information relates to things that you already know. By establishing relationships between new ideas and previously existing memories, you can remember the recently learned information.

Pay extra attention to difficult information. Remembering information at the beginning or end of an article is easy. However, recalling information from its middle can be difficult. 5.Another way is to try restructuring what you have learned so it will be easier to remember. When you come across an especially difficult concept, devote some extra time to memorizing the information.

A. Use this approach in your own studies.

B. Try grouping similar concepts and terms together.

C. Relate new information to things you already know.

D. Repeat the information you are studying to improve memory.

E. Try to study in a quiet place and concentrate on your learning.

F. Fortunately, there are things that you can do to help improve your memory.

G. You can overcome this problem by spending extra time memorizing this information.

On a bright Friday afternoon in spring, Sumeja Tulic had every reason to enjoy walking in the streets of New York, a city she'd_______nine months earlier from London to attend a journalism school. “When the weather is good, it's very hard to find a reason to be_______or dissatisfied with the city,” she said.

Yet her time in New York has coincided with endless ugliness, As she_______toward the subway station, she thought, “Please, God, I want to see something_______today.” She said, “Enough of this craziness”.

At the City Hall_______, she settled onto a bench. It was just after 2 p.m. Only a few people were there. A man___________against a pillar(柱子), the way anyone might, waiting for the train. The stillness was interrupted by a(n)___________that the next train was two stations away. Then Tulic_______the man at the pillar collapsing forward onto the tracks.

A man, who was_______waiting for the train on the platform, ran over, peered over the edge and then jumped onto the________.

The man who had________was not moving. Two more men jumped down to help.

"I don't know________these men got the wit and the quickness," Tulic said. "The man who fell was kind of jammed in the tracks. They were very________to know that the train was coming. Will it stop? Will they________pulling him out?"

On the tracks, the________man was held up to a sitting position by the three men, who then lifted him from below to________who dragged him from above and rolled him onto the platform. Then the rescuers were themselves ____________, pulled back to safety by helping hands. As soon as they were all clear, the train pulled in.

An ambulance________soon and the man was taken to a local hospital with________but non-life-threatening injuries, doctors said.

"That is the greatest thing." Tulic said," The infrastructure(基础设施)in this city of millions is the________themselves providing, being there for others."

1.A. hung out B. moved to C. passed by D. left behind

2.A. pleased B. ashamed C. depressed D. relieved

3.A. walked B. rushed C. travelled D. toured

4.A. urgent B. strange C. mysterious D. nice

5.A. station B. school C. theatre D. store

6.A. struggled B. leaned C. lay D. sat

7.A. note B. report C. announcement D. poster

8.A. remembered B. foresaw C. ignored D. glimpsed

9.A. again B. also C. never D. seldom

10.A. tracks B. road C. train D. platform

11.A. stood B. settled C. fallen D. escaped

12.A. whom B. whether C. when D. where

13.A. nervous B. embarrassed C. dangerous D. disappointed

14.A. object to B. succeed in C. put off D. give up

15.A. unconscious B. dying C. active D. discouraged

16.A. them B. us C. others D. anyone

17.A. jammed B. recognized C. affected D. rescued

18.A. stopped B. started C. arrived D. raced

19.A. careless B. serious C. slight D. unforgettable

20.A. people B. passengers C. friends D. students

Travelling with teens

Vacationing with teens can be unpleasant since they can be a little moody sometimes. But with some careful consideration and planning you can make your family vacation fantastic and memorable.

1. Teens have strong opinions. If they don’t get a vote on options ahead of time, they are likely to punish you with a bad attitude. If you respect kids’ ideas, they’ll feel more included and be more cooperative.

Handle “Can I bring…?” requests carefully. Taking another child on your family’s vacation is a huge responsibility. Only agree if you know that child well and approve of their relationship with your child. If you don’t want to bring the friend, be honest, stand firm, and don’t negotiate(谈判). 2.

Grad their attention. 3. Boring. Telling them you are going to the place where Tom Hanks first investigated the murder in The Da Vinci Code? Interesting! The big surprise is that once they’re there, they’ll probably find more than a few things to amuse them.

Avoid too much time with digital products. Teens can be addicted to their digital connections. (So can adults.) Family vacations are opportunities for us to get to know and appreciate new places and each other! Discuss digital use before the trip. Set realistic expectations for unplugged time.4.

Make good memories. Sharing digital photos is awesome but written family travel journal can record different kinds of impressions. 5. These conversations are extremely interesting because everyone’s views are unique. Write them down! Rereading sections of your travel journals will provide wonderful family memories over the years.

A. Let them help plan.

B. It is the destination and the journey

C. As a teen, I came to hate this form of travel.

D. But be sympathetic as your child deals with disappointment.

E. Telling them you’re going to the most famous museum in Paris?

F. At the end of every day, talk about what each of you finds memorable.

G. Hopefully, everyone will enjoy themselves so much they won’t think about screen time.

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