
16.Mr.Green is always devoted to his work and has a sense of responsibility.That's why he was asked to _______the company when manager's health was declining.(  )
A.take overB.hand overC.turn overD.trip over

分析 考查动词短语,句意:格林先生一直致力于他的工作,他有责任感,这就是为什么当经理的健康每况愈下时,他被要求接管公司.

解答 答案A,take over接管,hand over移交,turn over打翻,trip over被绊倒.根据句意,应该选A.

点评 动词及动词短语是英语学习中的重点,所以要多多练习.

7.Meet the amazing Eliot Schrefer,and see why we're big fans!
Scope:Why do you write stories about animals?
Eliot:I've always been excited by animal stories.When I was young,I liked reading about animals because they seemed like they needed help,and they were also voiceless.
Scope:Where did you get the idea for Animal Distress Calls?
Eliot:Many years ago,I had a friend who worked as a doctor at the Bronx Zoo.One evening he invited me to see the zoo after hours.Wandering that still,dark zoo was haunting.I was imagining adventures with big wild animals,but only the wolves were awake.Then he took me into the clinic,where I met a sick bird.That nighttime visit clearly had a big impact on this story.
Scope:Why did you leave Josie's fate ambiguous in the story Animal Distress Calls?
Eliot:So many of us have known a creature,human or nonhuman,who's been suffering.Sometimes everything gets better,and sometimes it doesn't.That doesn't change the important,compassionate act of caring.I didn't want the story to become about the outcome of Josie's illness.I wanted it to be about the sympathy Josie and Julia share for each other.
Scope:Have you had a personal experience with an animal that changed you?
Eliot:I had a moment during research for my ape novels when I was staying at a bonobo sanctuary in Congo.I'd have breakfast with Oshwe,a young bonobo who was too little to eat with the rest of the group.Sitting with him for a few hours each morning,I helped make sure that he finished his meal and got the nutrition he needed---but it also felt like a gift he was giving me.Oh,I remember thinking,you're spending this precious morning time with me!

28.What is Eliot Schrefer famous for according to the text?C
A.Being an animal doctor             B.His special bond with animals
C.His amazing animal stories          D.Being a volunteer taking care of animals
29.What was Eliot Schrefer surprised by while visiting the Bronx Zoo?A
A.The quiet atmosphere             B.The active wolves
C.His friend's behavior              D.The violent wild animals
30.Why did Eliot Schrefer leave Josie's fate ambiguous?A
A.Because he thought it was not important
B.Because he wanted readers to make a guess
C.Because he wanted to attract readers'attention
D.Because he would make it clear in his next story
31.What was Eliot Schrefer's attitude towards Oshwe?D
A.Proud            B.Frightened       C.Disappointed         D.Appreciative.
4.For many people,being on the job might just sound like a picnic compared to a day at home filled with housework,meals and childcare.Even for those with a happy family life,home can sometimes feel more taxing than work.
In a new study,researchers at Penn State University found significantly and consistently lower levels of cortisol(皮质醇)released in response to stress,in a majority of subjects when they were at work compared to when they were at home.This was true for both men and women,and parents and people without children.
Both men and women showed less stress at work.But women were more likely to report feeling happier there.Men were more likely to feel happier at home.Experts say there are other reasons why work is less stressful than home for many."Paid work is more valued in society,"says Sarah Damaske,the lead researcher on the study."Household work is boring and not particularly rewarding."
We get better at our job with time and the increased competence means less stress and more rewards.Yet none of us,no matter how long we've been doing it,ever truly feels like an expert at parenting or even at marriage.
The support and friendship of co-workers also offer stress relief.At home,meanwhile,stress spreads and accumulates(积累)quickly."That's the reason why most housewives wish they were the bread earners,"Dr.Damaske says.
Much of the advice to families and couples include the warning to"leave work stress at the office"and even to change our mind-set (思维定式)from work to home,for example,a walk around the block.The recent findings,though,suggest  our home life,not our attitude,might be due for some change.

13.Which of the following can replace the underlined word"taxing"?A
14.What did the research in the second paragraph prove?D
A.Men felt better at home.
B.Women felt they had less time.
C.Women were easier to feel happier.
D.Most people felt more stress at home.
15.According lo the recent findings,what should we change to solve the problem mentioned?C
A.Our attitude.
B.Our mind-set.
C.Our home life.
D.Our working style.
1.It was the first day of school.I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder.I turned around to find a little old lady smiling at me.
She said."Hi handsome.My name is Rose.I'm eighty-seven years old.Can I give you a hug?"
I laughed,enthusiastically responding,"of course!"And she gave me a giant squeeze."Why are you in college at such an age?"I asked.
"I'm here to meet a rich husband,get married,have children,and then retire and travel."
"I always dreamed of having a college education and now I'm getting one!"
We became instant friends.Over the course of the year,Rose made friends wherever she went.She loved to dress up and she took great delight in the attention given to her from the other students,she was living it up.At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet (宴会) and I'll never forget what she taught us.
As she began to deliver her prepared speech,she dropped her note card on the floor.A little embarrassed,she simply said,"I'm sorry.This whiskey (威士忌酒) is killing me!I'll never get my speech back in order so let me just tell you what I know."As we laughed,she cleared her throat and began:"We do not stop playing because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.There are only four secrets to staying young,being happy and achieving success.You have to laugh and find humor every day.You have got to have a dream.When you lose your dreams,you die.We have so many people walking around who are dead and don't even know it!There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up.If you are nineteen years old and lie in bed for one full year and don't do one productive tiling,you will turn twenty years old.Anybody can grow older.That doesn't take any talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change.Have no regrets.The elderly usually don't have regrets for what they did,but rather for things they did not do."
At the year's end Rose finished the college degree.One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep.Over two thousand college students attended her funeral to honor the wonderful woman!

30.while meeting Rose at college for the first time,the author was curious aboutD.
A.her age  B.her dream  C.her life  D.her motivation
31.In Rose's opinion,one can learn to grow up byD.
A.getting new ideas
B.making mistakes
C.gaining new knowledge every day
D.finding chances of doing productive things
32.The story of Rose mainly tells readers thatC.
A.it is never too late to change your life
B.it is good for old people to have friendship
C.it is never too late to be all you can possibly be
D.it is very important to be healthy when people are old.
7.Green invaders (侵略者) are taking over America.No,not invaders from space.Plants.You might not think of plants as dangerous,but in this case they are threatening nature's delicate food web.
The invaders are plants from other countries brought here to make gardens and yards look pretty.Ever since people started to arrive on America's shores,they've carried along trees,flowers,and vegetables from other places.Now there are so many of those plants,they are crowding out the native plants that have lived here since before human settlers arrived.
And that's a problem,says Dr Doug Tallamy.He's an entomologist (an insect expert)at the University of Delaware.He explains that almost all the plant-eating insects in the United States-90% of them-are specialized.That means they eat only certain plants.Monarch butterfly caterpillars (毛毛虫),for example,feed on milkweed.If people cut down milkweed and replace it with another plant,the butterflies will not have the food source that they need to survive.
But the trouble doesn't stop there,it goes right across the food web.When insects can?t get the right plants to eat and they die off,then the birds don't have enough bugs for their meals.Tallamy points out that almost all migrating birds depend on insects to feed their young."We cannot let the plants and animals around us disappear,"says Tallamy."The way to preserve them is to give them food to eat.But when we plant non-native plants,we are clobbering  the food web,because then we don't have the insects the birds need to live."
Fewer of the right plants mean fewer bugs,and fewer bugs mean fewer birds.And that's bad for the Earth,because we need a variety of living things to keep the planet healthy and beautiful.The good news is,gardeners everywhere are working hard to protect native plants and get rid of the invaders.Many local garden centers sell native plants.Planting the right things makes a real difference,and fast.
60.What's the best title for the passage?B
A.Plant Native Plants
B.Green Invaders
C.Invaders from Space
D.Monarch Butterfly Caterpillars
61.We can infer from the passage that milkweed is a kind of.A
A.plant B.animal C.insect D.fish
62.Which of the following statements is NOT true?C
A.Green invaders are mainly brought in by human beings.
B.Monarch butterfly caterpillars only feed on milkweed.
C.No measures are taken to plant more native plants.
D.Food web in nature can be easily damaged.
63.Which of the following shows the CORRECT order in which food web is destroyed?C
a.some insects will lose food source
b.birds don't have enough bugs
c.native plants are cut down
d.green invaders
A.a,b,c,d B.b,d,c,a C.d,c,a,b D.d,c,b,a.

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