
Visitors to the grounds of New College at England’s Oxford University pass under an iron gate with the advice: Manners make the man. Even after an appropriate update to: Manners make the person, it’s thought-provoking(引人深思的)—especially to today’s Americans.

When we think about what makes the person—it’s more likely the degree, the job, the salary. Since when do we count manners as a measure of success?

We do know that these would make life nicer, if more tolerable. However, we forget or overlook our manners. So , it seems, does everyone else—including, unluckily, our children.

As a university president, one of my great joys is to visit our campuses and see our students, though we’re separated by different generations, interests, and, of course dressing, each student tells me something within the first few minutes that we meet: whether he or she has been taught manners. I sense this in different ways: through her words or her gestures, in the way she listens or how he refers to friends and faculty, how she greets and says goodbye, how he responds when an elderly person enters the room.

In the absence of manners, however, I make some allowances. For instance, the many ethnic(种族的)groups that students represent often have different explanations of what makes up good manners. In other cases, some students may reject what they’ve learned to break from their parents and be accepted by other students. Whether students are being different or openly opposing, a recent experience I had with them tells me that there’s some hope for reviving and good manners.

Good manners don’t just guarantee acceptance. Good manners open doors to deeper connections and more meaningful roles in our society. Good manners are gentle signals that show we care about one another and allow us to relate to another person in a thoughtful way but at a respectable distance.

1.Which of the following is seldom a mark of success to people today?

A. Handsome income. B. An academic degree.

C. High ranks in the office D. Polite behavior.

2.What does the underlined part “make some allowances” in Paragraph 4 probably mean ?

A. treat the absence of manners differently

B. reject the absence of manners

C. oppose bad manners somehow

D. partly permit being in the absence of manners

3.Which of the following is the benefit by good manners?

A. Good manners makes people thoughtful

B. Good manners help deeper connections with others

C. Good manners guarantee acceptance of ourselves

D. Good manners inspire people to care about one another


You wait in a long queue in the supermarket, but when it’s finally your turn to pay, you can’t find enough money in your purse. 1. While you are bending down to look for them, the people behind you are getting angry. The cashier is pounding her fingers impatiently on the counter.

2. But the good news is: scientists have thought of a way to make queues shorter and paying for things easier. They have invented an eye scanner. In the future, when you pay for food at the supermarket, an eye scanner will take a picture of your eyes and a computer will identify you. 3.

Students at Venerable Bede School, England, have already got an eye scanner in their cafeteria. After the students choose the food they want, the scanner looks for their information and sends a list of the food to their parents. 4. Also, parents pay for the meals at the end of the week, so the students don’t have to take money to school and wait in long queues to pay for their lunch.

If all shops had eye scanners, shopping would be easier. 5. So, it seems that it will be a while before most of us get our eyes scanned at the cashier.

A. Sometimes shopping can be unpleasant.

B. You take out your credit cards, but they fall on the floor.

C. If students aren’t eating a healthy diet, their parents will know.

D. Stores are trying several new ways to get shoppers to spend more.

E. Parents are urging the government to introduce better security safeguards.

F. However, eye scanners are very expensive and many shops can’t afford them.

G. As soon as the machine finds your information, it will send it to your bank which pays for your food automatically.

Jenna had graduated from her middle school and was lucky enough to be admitted to Westwood College, She was ready for new ________ at the college and filled with confidence,________, she didn’t expect it that college life was quite ________. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts for cheerleaders. She was competing against very talented girls, and she knew it would be ________ for her to be selected. Two hours later, the ________ read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart ________ as the list ended without her name. Feeling ________, she walked back to her dormitory carrying her schoolbag full of homework.

Arriving at the dormitory, she started with ________. She had always been a good math student, but now she was ________. She moved on to English and history, and ________ to find that she didn’t have any trouble with those subjects. Feeling better, she decided not to ________ math for the time being.

The next day Jenna went to see Mrs. Biden about being on the school ________. Mrs. Biden wasn’t as enthusiastic as Jenna. “I’m sorry, ________ we have enough ________ for the newspaper already. Come back next year and we’ll talk then.” Jenna smiled ________ and left. “Why is college so different?” she sighed.

Later in math class, Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much ________. By the end of the class, she understood how to get them right. As she gathered her books, Jenna decided she’d ________ to try to fit in with her new school. She wasn’t sure if she’d ________, but she knew she had to try. College was just as her mom had said, “You will feel like a small fish in a big pond ________ a big fish in a small pond. The challenge is to become the ________ fish you can be.”

1.A. decisions B. challenges C. problems D. exercises

2.A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Otherwise

3.A. normal B. necessary C. different D. desperate

4.A. simple B. troublesome C. certain D. difficult

5.A. editor B. judge C. boss D. candidate

6.A. stopped B. jumped C. sank D. changed

7.A. awful B. lonely C. happy D. strange

8.A. English B. history C. science D. math

9.A. working B. struggling C. complaining D. improving

10.A. bothered B. ashamed C. pleased D. shocked

11.A. show up B. make for C. give up D. prepare for

12.A. committee B. team C. newspaper D. radio

13.A. and B. so C. or D. but

14.A. writers B. players C. speakers D. readers

15.A. brightly B. weakly C. widely D. happily

16.A. courage B. lack C. hope D. sorrow

17.A. hesitate B. refuse C. continue D. attempt

18.A. succeed B. complete C. agree D. accompany

19.A. in the hope of B. in honor of C. in case of D. instead of

20.A. tallest B. best C. hardest D. gentlest

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