

Walking is a popular form of exercises. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness. Walking also gives many of the same benefits as other kinds of exercises.

Regular, brisk(轻快地)walks helps a person’s body work better. Walking builds a stronger heart and lungs. The heart pumps blood through the body. It gets more rest between beats. Walking also seems to help protect the heart from heart diseases. Walking can help lose weight, too. What’s more, walking causes very few injuries, which is why there is a lower “dropout” rate among walkers than among runners. People are more likely to continue a walking program. This gives a better chance for success.

Walking offers some mental benefits, too. It seems to make people feel better. Many walkers say they sleep better at night when they take regular walks. Others say they have a better attitude about life.

Walking offers many of the same physical and mental benefits as other forms of exercise, but walking offers some special advantages, too.

★ Almost everyone can walk. There are no special lessons of coaching. To become a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther and more often.

★ People can walk almost anywhere. There are no special playing fields or courts for walking. Sidewalks, streets, parks, fields and malls are excellent places for walking.

★ People can walk almost anytime. A person doesn’t need a team or a partner for walking. There is no “season” for walking. Most walkers walk in all kinds of weather.

Walking offers a form of exercise within the reach of nearly everyone. With a little time and effort, people can rediscover a valuable form of exercise and improve their fitness.

1. What’s the best title of the passage?(within 10 words)


2.Please explain the underlined word “dropout” with proper words or phrases.(within 5 words)


3.Why is there a lower dropout rate among walkers than among runners? (within 10 words)


4. How can people become a more serious walker? (within 10 words)


5. Which do you prefer, walking or jogging? Why? (within 15 words)




1.Walking for exercise  /  The advantages and benefits of walking

2.Cuving up or Quitting

3.Because walking causes every few injuries.

4.By walking faster, farther and more often.

5.I prefer walking. Because I can walk almost anywhere and anytime.

I prefer jogging. Because it can give me a larger amount of exercise.



1.根据Walking is a popular form of exercises. It is an easy activity and offers a good way to improve physical fitness. Walking also gives many of the same benefits as other kinds of exercises. 可知这里主要叙述走路散步的好处,故用Walking for exercise  /  The advantages and benefits of walking

2.根据walking causes very few injuries,中途放弃,故用Cuving up or Quitting.

3.根据walking causes very few injuries因为走路人们受伤的可能性小,故用Because walking causes every few injuries.

4.根据To become a serious walker, a person only needs to walk faster, farther and more often.故用By walking faster, farther and more often.

5.根据People can walk almost anywhere. People can walk almost anytime. 故用I prefer walking. Because I can walk almost anywhere and anytime.

慢跑地运动量大一些,故用I prefer jogging. Because it can give me a larger amount of exercise.


点评:在做阅读表达时,先要快速读题干,带着问题和目标在阅读过程中找到题干中要找的原句。回答问题时,即就文章内容回答问题。① 要重新组织答案,不要照抄原文;② 注意词数限制。要从上下文意义和结构角度考虑,同时也要注意词数限制。








         Confidence: you’ve either got it or you haven’t, right? Wrong. Most people learn confidence

as they go through life.

         Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you’ll make a lasting impression if you can come across as confident. Here are some confidence-building tips.

         Fake(假装) it! If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don’t and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence. It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit—so get in the habit of         .

         Think it. For an instant encouragement to yourself-esteem (自尊心), recall three things that give you positive emotions. It could be a great compliment somebody paid you, a special time when you felt happy and popular, or when you really excelled (胜过别人) at something. Bringing them to mind will help you to feel good instantly—and when you feel good, you have greater confidence.

         Focus it. Difficult situations, such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel shy. If you’re feeling anxious about yourself, stop thinking about yourself and focus on something else. It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand—getting the job! Either way, you'll feel less awkward.

         Talk it. If you keep telling yourself that you're not good at something, you’ll start to believe it. Next time you blame yourself, ask yourself whether you'd talk to your friends like that. So quit being negative and start recognizing and appreciating the things you are good at.

         Walk it. Great posture can signal great confidence. Walk with a purposeful stride, walk with your back straight and with your head held up high!

1.What is the best title of the passage?  (within 8 words)


2.Please fill in the blank in the 3rd paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. 

    (within 6 words.)


3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

         Stop finding fault with yourself and try to think more about your advantages.


4.Which of the tips given in the passage will work best with you? Why? (within 30 words.)



5.Please translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.







       Confidence: you’ve either got it or you haven’t, right? Wrong. Most people learn confidence

as they go through life.

       Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you’ll make a lasting impression if you can come across as confident. Here are some confidence-building tips.

       Fake(假装) it! If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don’t and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence. It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit—so get in the habit of         .

       Think it. For an instant encouragement to yourself-esteem (自尊心), recall three things that give you positive emotions. It could be a great compliment somebody paid you, a special time when you felt happy and popular, or when you really excelled (胜过别人) at something. Bringing them to mind will help you to feel good instantly—and when you feel good, you have greater confidence.

       Focus it. Difficult situations, such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel shy. If you’re feeling anxious about yourself, stop thinking about yourself and focus on something else. It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand—getting the job! Either way, you'll feel less awkward.

       Talk it. If you keep telling yourself that you're not good at something, you’ll start to believe it. Next time you blame yourself, ask yourself whether you'd talk to your friends like that. So quit being negative and start recognizing and appreciating the things you are good at.

       Walk it. Great posture can signal great confidence. Walk with a purposeful stride, walk with your back straight and with your head held up high!

1.What is the best title of the passage?  (within 8 words)


2.Please fill in the blank in the 3rd paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. 

    (within 6 words.)


3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

       Stop finding fault with yourself and try to think more about your advantages.


4.Which of the tips given in the passage will work best with you? Why? (within 30 words.)



5.Please translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.





       Confidence: you’ve either got it or you haven’t, right? Wrong. Most people learn confidence

as they go through life.

       Even if you are shaking like a leaf on the inside, you’ll make a lasting impression if you can come across as confident. Here are some confidence-building tips.

       Fake(假装) it! If you can pretend that you feel confident when you don’t and keep on doing so, your fake confidence will soon turn into real confidence. It only takes a few repetitions of an activity for it to become a habit—so get in the habit of         .

       Think it. For an instant encouragement to yourself-esteem (自尊心), recall three things that give you positive emotions. It could be a great compliment somebody paid you, a special time when you felt happy and popular, or when you really excelled (胜过别人) at something. Bringing them to mind will help you to feel good instantly—and when you feel good, you have greater confidence.

       Focus it. Difficult situations, such as interviews or new jobs, can make you feel shy. If you’re feeling anxious about yourself, stop thinking about yourself and focus on something else. It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand—getting the job! Either way, you'll feel less awkward.

       Talk it. If you keep telling yourself that you're not good at something, you’ll start to believe it. Next time you blame yourself, ask yourself whether you'd talk to your friends like that. So quit being negative and start recognizing and appreciating the things you are good at.

       Walk it. Great posture can signal great confidence. Walk with a purposeful stride, walk with your back straight and with your head held up high!

1.What is the best title of the passage?  (within 8 words)


2.Please fill in the blank in the 3rd paragraph with proper words to complete the sentence. 

    (within 6 words.)


3.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

       Stop finding fault with yourself and try to think more about your advantages.


4.Which of the tips given in the passage will work best with you? Why? (within 30 words.)



5.Please translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.





第一节:阅读表达(共5小题;每小题3分, 共15分)

阅读下面短文, 请根据短文后的要求进行答题。(请注意问题后的字数要求)

       [1]World Consumer Rights Day is celebrated annually by consumer organizations worldwide. It commemorates the historic declaration on March 15, 1962 by John F. Kennedy, the former U.S. President, of the basic Rights of consumers, which include: "the right to safety", "the right to be informed", "the right to choose", and "the right to be heard".  

[2]This declaration has led to international recognition by governments and the United Nations that all citizens, regardless of their incomes or social standing, have certain basic Rights as consumers. Officially, World Consumer Rights Day was first observed on March 15,1983 and has since become an important occasion for mobilizing citizen action, with recognition of consumer rights taking off around the world. On April 9,1985, the United Nations Assembly General Assembly adopted the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection that provide a framework for strengthening national consumer protection policies around the world.  

[3]The guidelines included Kennedy's four basic consumer rights plus another four: the right to satisfaction of basic needs; the right to redress(赔偿); the right to education; and the right to a healthy environment. Currently, the fundamental consumer rights are recognized globally.

[4]World Consumer Rights Day normally has a theme associated with an activity or development that is relevant to consumers. Whatever their objectives, they share the same underlying aim of bringing about important and needed benefits for consumers.  

   [5]In recent years, progress has been made for recognition and protection of consumer rights in developing countries. At least, March 15 is a day when consumers are filled with pride and satisfaction. However, there are many reports on violation of consumer rights by unethical marketing practices.

76. What is the main idea of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)


77. What was John F. Kennedy mentioned in the first paragraph? (Please answer within 15 words.)


78. Which of the sentence in the passage can be replaced by the given one?

   Presently, countries around the world acknowledge the basic consumer rights.


79. Please translate the underlined sentence in the second paragraph into Chinese.



80. What do you think will follow the passage? (Please answer within 20 words.)




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