
某英文报纸正在举行“我难忘的一次经历”主题征文比赛。假设你曾参加过全校大合唱比赛。请你以“An unforgettable experience”为题,根据下表提示,用英语写一篇短文,准备投稿。

a group singing competition

win the first prize
Your feelings
e. g. No pains, no gains.
An unforgettable experience
During the past year at high school, I have had many unforgettable experiences.  One of them was                                                                                                                                                                                     

One possible version:
An unforgettable experience
During the past year at high school, I have had many unforgettable experiences. One of them was when our class prepared for a group singing competition. In order to win the competition, we went all out for it. During the week before the competition, we practiced singing in our free time. Although it was a hard job, every participant took it seriously and did their best. Thanks to our efforts, we won the first prize. Hearing the exciting news, we were all wild with joy. The moment we got the prize, an old saying hit my mind — No pains, no gains. It was hard work, but during the course of preparation, we developed friendship, confidence as well as understanding.

解析根据题目要求和表格,要表达的要点有:1.参加了大合唱活动, 2.前期的准备活动
2.获得一等奖 3.自我感受。范文虽然只有100子左右,但是里面不乏亮点,其中有一些高级别的单词和词组,例如: go all out for全力以赴,  participants参与者, take it seriously认真对待它, thanks to our efforts由于我们的努力 ,wild with joy高兴的疯了, 还有一精彩的句子,如:hearing the exciting news,…….  The moment we got the prize,…an old saying hit my mind….我想到了一句俗语。另外文章的关联也很自然,比方说最后一句用as well as 很好的把句子串联了起来。所以在书面表达中,不能逐字逐句的翻译,应该熟练的运用所学的语法和词汇,并


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