

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

As I rushed among the tables, suddenly, a asked if I could mind a child. I was quite ________ but I could tell the man was quite desperate. So I had to make a _____________ with him that if he wanted his son to stay and wait for him, he had to ________ something in the shop.

This was quite ________ for the man to do; I could ________ he was quite poor by the ________ he was dressed. It looked as if he had tried to come in his ________ clothes. But they still looked a bit old and worn out ________ he had often worn them, just to make himself look best. Looking down I could see his________ were also a bit torn and the heels were in a terrible state. I thought he was going for a job interview. In the end he bought a small box of ________ for his little son and seated him down in the corner. I could tell the boy was feeling down and only could ________ with a bit of cheering up.

Seeing that the kid sat there for quite a while, I was a bit ________ as the poor little kid was sitting ________ his own. People watched him and some kids even came over to pick on him. I was ________ to see one of them even knocked his cookies off the table.He quickly went and got them back without saying a word.I was hoping his father would ________ up and come back for his son's ________ .

At closing time, the only person left was the little boy.After a while, the father finally came in with a tiresome look. I ________ he didn't get any job.As they were leaving, I offered the kid a little cake, but the man rejected it. I ________ he felt as if I had just abused him.Of course I didn't mean to.But I could understand why he felt like that.I only wished them good ________ whatever happened.

The man opened the door to leave-father and son hand in hand.

1.A.sound B.voice C.noise D.tune

2.A.pleased B.frightened C.annoyed D.interested

3.A.date B.decision C.promise D.deal

4.A.do B.leave C.buy D.eat

5.A.easy B.hard C.natural D.possible

6.A.tell B.explain C.think D.prove

7.A.manner B.means C.method D.way

8.A.oldest B.poorest C.prettiest D.best

9.A.even though B.as if C.so that D.now that

10.A.socks B.gloves C.shoes D.pants

11.A.cookies B.sweets C.cigarettes D.cakes

12.A.laugh B.do C.speak D.help

13.A.relaxed B.nervous C.satisfied D.worried

14.A.on B.of C.by D.for

15.A.touched B.disappointed C.astonished D.excited

16.A. hurry B.give C.turn D.run

17.A.chance B.benefit C.future D.job

18.A.hoped B.imagined C.doubted D.guessed

19.A.assumed B.clarified C.confused D.ignored

20.A.night B.progress C.luck D.supper


How many coins have you got in your pocket right now? Three? Two?or one?

With a phonecard you can make up to 200 calls without any change at all.

(1)What do you do with it?

Go to a telephone box marked(you guessed it)“phonecard”. Put in your card, make your call and when you’ve finished, a screen tells you how much is left on your card.

(2)Now appear in a shop near you.

Near each Cardphone place you’ll find a shop where you can buy one. They’re at bus, train and city tube stations(地铁).

Many universities, hospitals and clubs. Restaurants and gas stations on the highway and shopping centers. At airports and seaports.

(3)No more broken payphones.

Most broken payphones are like that because they’ve been vandalized(故意破坏). There are no coins in Cardphone to excite thieves’ interest in it. So you’re not probably to find a vandalized one.

Get a phonecard yourself and try it out ,or get a bigger wallet.

1.The passage is most probably ________ .

A. a warning B. a note

C. an announcement D. an advertisement(广告)

2.There are three sections(部分) in the passage. Which section do you think is about why phonecards are good?

A. Section 1. B. Section 2.

C..None. D. Section 3

3.Choose the right order or the steps under “How do you use a phonecard”.

a. Put in your phonecard.

b. Look at the screen to find out how many calls you can still make.

c. Go to a telephone box marked “Phonecard”.

d. Make your call.

A. a, b, c, d B. a, d, c, b

C. c, a, d, b D. c, d, a, b

Visitor Oyster cards are electronic smartcards that come fully charged with credit. Whether you're making a one-off trip to London or you’re a regular visitor, using an Oyster travel smartcard is the easiest way to travel around the city's public transport network. Simply touch the card on the yellow card reader at the doors when you start and end your journey.

Advantages of a Visitor Oyster Card

A Visitor Oyster card is one of the cheapest ways to pay for single journeys on the bus, Tube, DLR, tram, London Over-ground and most National Rail services in London:

● Save time----your card is ready to use as soon as you arrive in London.

● It's more than 50% cheaper than buying a paper travel card or single tickets with cash.

● There is a daily price cap----once you have reached this limit, you won’t pay any more.

● Enjoy special offers and promotions at leading London restaurants, shops and entertainment venues----plus discounts on the Emirates Air Line cable car and Thames Clippers river buses.

Buy a Visitor Oyster card

Buy a Visitor Oyster card before you visit London and get it delivered to your home address. A card costs £3 (non-refundable) plus postage. Order online and arrive with your Oyster in hand! You can also buy a Visitor Oyster card from Gatwick Express ticket offices at Gatwick Airport Station and on board Eurostar trains travelling to London.

Add Credit to Your Visitor Oyster Card

You can choose how much credit to add to your card. If you are visiting London for two days, you can start with £20 credit. If you run out of credit, add credit at the following locations:

● Touch screen ticket machines in Tube, DLR, London Over-ground and some National Rail stations.

● Around 4,000 Oyster Ticket Stops found in newsagents and small shops across London.

● TFL Visitor and Travel Information Centers.

● Tube and London Over-ground station ticket offices.

● Emirates Air Line terminals.

1.When can you use your Visitor Oyster Card?

A. After you become a regular visitor.

B. Only when you end your journey.

C. Once you arrive in London.

D. Before you leave home.

2.What can we learn about the Visitor Oyster card?

A. It can reach you before your journey to London.

B. It requires you to pay as much as the daily price cap.

C. It can provide you a 50% discount at a London shop.

D. It can be delivered to your home address free of charge.

3.Where can you add credit to your Visitor Oyster card?

A. On the Internet.

B. At a Tube station ticket office.

C. On Eurostar trains.

D. At Gatwick Express ticket offices.

Volunteer(志愿者) Projects Abroad

Working place: Brasov, Romania

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: Romanian

For those looking to break into the competitive world of journalism, this is for you!

You will be working at “The Village”, an English and Romanian language magazine. As a writer you will work on special tasks, reporting local events with guidance from the editor. You will be interviewing local people, reviewing events, writing reports, and taking photographs. You will be working alongside the local experts.

Before leaving Romania you should have several articles ready to be published in the next edition. You will also have the chance to live with a local host family. This will give you a full understanding of Romanian and Eastern European culture and society.

Working place: Koh Sdach, Cambodia

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 15~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Khmer

Volunteers joining our project in Cambodia will travel to the island of Koh Sdach. The facilities there are basic, but you will become part of this tiny island community(社区), learn to dive, and take part in valuable community projects.

During your stay you will complete a course to qualify you to dive. After that you will take part in dives to clean up the seabed and collect data on rare fish. When not in the ocean, you will take part in land-based activities, including a woods survey and helping with a beach clean-up. During the two weeks you may also have the chance to join in a village fun day where volunteers play games and run fun water-based activities with the village children.

Working place: Accra, Ghana

Living place: Host families

Age requirements: 16~19 years old

Local official languages: English & Twi

On this project you will spend two weeks living with a host family and coaching soccer in friendly West Africa!

Working alongside a local coach, you will spend your two weeks based at our sports placement in Accra learning soccer coaching and developing your skills alongside the locals.

You can work on your coaching ability by preparing children for games, which you can help referee(裁判). You will develop their skills and confidence while having fun playing soccer at the same time.

1.“The Village” is the name for _________.

A. a local magazine

B. a volunteer project

C. the task given by the editor

D. the place where volunteers live

2.What will the volunteers in Cambodia do?

A. Help with fishing.

B. Clean up the seabed.

C. Give a diving course.

D. Teach the village children.

3.The underlined word “coaching” probably means ________.

A. nursing B. watching

C. playing D. teaching

4.All the volunteers of the three projects will ________.

A. work for two weeks

B. be at least 16 years old

C. stay with local families

D. learn the local language

As we know,many teen celebrities(名人) feel and think that having a slimmer figure can do great good to them.But,does size really matter?Are teenage fans trying hard to become like their celebrity idols(偶像)?Do celebrities really have the power to influence people,especially teenagers?

For the longest time,many parents blame teen idols for influencing the way their kids act.Have you noticed how teens idolize the celebrities these days?Even,their personal affairs are being followed by kids these days.Take for example the case of Lindsay Lohan of Mary Kate Ashley.They are definitely famous teen stars.But,since they are trying to project an image to satisfy a lot of people in show business,their health and body suffer.Many kids are aware of this problem.But they are easily influenced by these celebrities to exercise and eat less.

It is a fact that the media,and especially famous teen celebrities,can influence people powerfully.But teenagers are easily influenced because teenage years are the period when our personality and identity developments take place.Teens watching TV shows and reading magazines are easily pulled into the dieting and harmful eating habits because the media have some ways to pull these acts.They use thin models and celebrities to endorse(做广告宣传) products or to star in an up-and –coming shows or movies.With fierce competition,celebrities are forced to eat less and do extreme exercise routines to get the roles or offers that come their way.

Living in today’s time and generation is a bit disturbing to a lot of parents.Media,especially as well as the celebrities,have a very powerful influence to drive teenagers to good or bad. It’s good that we can control ourselves to avoid bad things from happening.If not,parents should really be aware and guide their teens to determine what’s in ad what’s out.

1.From the passage we can find Lindsay Lohan_________.

A. lives an unhealthy lifestyle

B. lives a rich and happy life

C. doesn’t get any exercise

D. sets a good example for teenagers

2.According to the writer,why are teenagers easily influenced by some TV shows?

A. They are tired of school.

B. Their celebrity idols appear in many TV shows.

C. They’re in their development period.

D. They have nothing to do in their spare time

3.Many celebrities have to be on diet__________.

A. to keep healthy to face competition

B. to survive under pressure

C. to keep a slim size

D. to satisfy their teenage fans

4.What’s the title of the passage?

A. Parents’ responsibilities

B. Advice on self-control

C. Bad influences of celebrities

D. Media’s bad influences

Can you touch your belly button (肚脐) by reaching behind your back and around your waist?

A new social trend has started in China, with thousands of netizens facing the challenge and uploading photographs of themselves to show off their bodies. Popular among many young female users on Weibo, the top, which translate as “reaching your belly button from behind to show your good figure,” was mentioned more than130 million times among Weibo users.

It not only spawned over 104,000 active discussions, but also led to concern about what means a healthy body image. “Look! It has taken me more than four hours but I’ve finally reached my belly button,” said Weibo user GayleRabbit. Another user Lucky said, “Why does my belly button suddenly look and feel completely new?”

While the trend was popular with many female users on Weibo, a photo uploaded by a male blogger caught people’s eye. “Is this pose (姿势) really that difficult? I don’t think so,” Said Weibo user Sough Sa. His photo showing he was trying to touch his belly button was shared more than 8,452 times. It also drew over 2,000 comments from other users on Weibo. “Show the skinny girls how it’s done,” said one user.

Weibo user MedicalCream Tang Zhao said, “Now you did it! So you don’t have to lose weight and please stay the same.”

“I always support failures. Now I don’t feel so bad about not being able to touch my belly button,” said another user Jacket.

“Do we need to have flexible arms or a skinny waist to pull this off?” asked Weibo user Chantilly623.

But some experts argued that China’s new belly button trend was actually distorting (歪曲) society’s standards of beauty. “These poses and pictures can be fun but sometimes they also become an expression of competitiveness,” said Jolene Tan, Programmes and Communications Senior Manager in Singapore championing women’s rights. She also told the BBC that the trend seemed to be a way of examining women’s bodies to see whether they are good enough. However, experienced body trainers say the new trend is about flexibility of the arm and the size of the waist, rather than a good figure. A skinny person with fewer muscles has a better chance of achieving the pose.

1.The underlined word “spawned” in Paragraph 4 probably means “_____________”.

A. brought about B. put off

C. commented on D. resulted from

2.What can we learn from the above passage?

A. Boys show no interest in this new trend.

B. GayleRabbit reached her belly button on her first try.

C. Sough Sa’s photo of reaching his belly button was popular online.

D. Jacket felt sorry for not being able to touch his belly button.

3.What is experienced body trainers’ attitude towards the new trend meaning a good figure?

A. Disbelieving. B. Uncaring.

C. Doubtful. D. Worried.

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