
第三节:短文填空(共5小题。每小题1分,满分5分)    在短文的空白处填入合适的单词,使短文意义完整,逻辑通顺。答案写在短文后面的指定位置。(每空只填一词)  There are many theme parks in the world. Disneyland is one of them. You can not only step into a magical world but also can 85      your dreams there. As time goes by, Disneyland has become one of the most attractive parks worldwide. 86     , where there is a Disneyland, tourism is surely increasing. Dollywood is a most famous cultural theme park in the USA and the park’s  87      is its main attraction. People come here to enjoy the wondful country music played by famous music groups indoors or 88     .

England’s Camelot Park is a place where you can experience many ancient days and great deeds of English knights and ladies. Also you will learn how people worked on their farms in ancient  89     .

In short, wherever you go, you will find a theme park for you.


The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My __36__ began when I was just a kid.I __37__ becoming a doctor.
My mother was a domestic.Through her work, she observed that __38__ people spent a lot more time reading than they __39__ watching television. She announced that my brother and I __40__ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and __41__ her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a __42__. My mother was illiterate. 
When I entered high school I was a(n) __43__, but not for long. I wanted the fancy clothes. I wanted to __44__ the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from __45__ her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I'll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy __46__ food and pay the bills. With everything __47__, you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very __48__ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money, there was __49__ left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to be able to __50__ our heads and any kind of food on the table, __51__ buy clothes. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn't going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual preparation. I went back to my __52__ and became an A-student again, and eventually I __53__ my dream and I became a doctor.
My story is really my mother's story—a woman with __54__ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job __55__ than parenting. This I believe.
36.A.belief                        B.work                  C.education            D.promise
37.A.majored in             B.got used to             C.dreamed of             D.got tired of 
38.A.lazy                   B.easy-going             C.successful               D.reliable
39.A.spent                     B.paid                   C.took                     D.did
40.A.could only             B.could not                   C.must not               D.should often
41.A.read to             B.present to               C.teach                    D.explain to
42.A.joke                         B.means                    C.tool                   D.Trick
43.A.A-student               B.B-student               C.C-student               D.D-student
44.A.get rid of                                                B.hang out with
C.break away from                                        D.keep in touch with
45.A.making              B.stopping             C.working                  D.getting  
46.A.your brother           B.yourself             C.your sister              D.the family
47.A.left over            B.paid off          C.used up              D.carried out
48.A.angry                   B.pleased              C.disappointed       D.bored
49.A.anything              B.everything          C.something              D.nothing
50.A.put an idea into                                 B.  gave an impression on  
C.keep a roof over                                     D.have eyes in the back of       
51.A.let alone               B.let out                C.let in                     D.leave alone
52.A.guys                    B.mother          C.studies                   D.play 
53.A.made                    B.fulfilled          C.changed                  D.tried
54.A.little                      B.much                 C.few                      D.high
55.A.more interesting                                     B.less important  
C.more important                                      D.less interesting

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21 ̄40各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
At the end of my senior year of high school, I got a job working at a local coffee shop. I thought the job would be easy and stress-free. I   21   myself pouring the best coffees, making delicious doughnut (炸面包圈), and becoming friends with   22   customers.
But I wasn't   23    the people with enormous orders, the women who   24  that the coffee was much too creamy (全乳脂的), or the men who wanted their iced coffees   25  again and again until they reached perfection. I couldn't seem to   26 anyone.
One rainy day, one of my regular customers came in looking  27  . He said he felt like getting in bed, pulling the   28  up over his head, and staying there for a few years. I knew exactly how he felt.
29   he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He was   30  , since he hadn’t ordered anything but coffee, I had given him his favorite type of doughnut.
“It’s   31  me,” I told him. “have a nice day.”
He smiled and thanked me before heading back out into the  32  .
The next day, it was still raining. I   33  my afternoon hanging out the window, handing people their  34   . I was completely wet and freezing cold.   35  , no one was tipping that day. Every time I looked into our   36   tip jar, I grew more depressed.
In the evening, the customer from the day before drove up to the window. He handed me a pink rose and a  37 .He said that not many people took time to  38  others and he was glad there were still people like me in the world.With a friendly wave, he drove away.I ran to the back of the shop and read the note.It read:
Thanks for being so sweet, kind and thoughtful yesterday.It's so nice to meet someone who’s genuinely (真诚地) nice.Please don ' t change your   39  ! Have a great day !——Hank
After that, whenever I felt depressed or sick of coffee, I thought of Hank and his kindness.Then I would smile, hold my head up high,   40   my throat and ask politely, "How can I help you?"
21.A.believed             B.hoped               C.pictured           D.supposed
22.A.particular        B.regular   C.special           D.common
23.A.thinking  B.considering           C.guessing          D.expecting
24.A.complained     B.praised     C.doubted           D.explained
25.A.repeated         B.returned        C.recovered       D.remade
26.A.fit         B.please   C.suit      D.meet
27.A.satisfied        B.happy    C.upset            D.anxious
28.A.hat             B.sheet          C.coat       D.pillow
29.A.Before         B.After        C.Until           D.While
30.A.embarrassed    B.angry          C.surprised D.glad
31.A.on                  B.in       C.for      D.after
32.A.crowd         B.street    C.shop             D.rain
33.A.spent     B.took   C.cost     D.wasted
34.A.doughnuts      B.coffees         C.orders     D.bags
35.A.Better              B.Worse              C.Further           D.Later
36.A.old            B.full              C.broken         D.empty
37.A.letter          B.bill            C.note             D.gift
38.A.talk about      B.care about   C.hear about            D.know about
39.A.way     B.job       C.mind            D.product
40.A.cut                  B.force       C.raise        D.clear

第三节  完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)


Friendship has great power, and it can inspire the people in trouble as well as in easy circumstances.

Recently, one of my best friends, whom I've   21    just about everything with since the first day of kindergarten, spent the weekend with me. Since I   22   to a new town several years ago, we've both always looked forward to   23   times a year when we can see each other.

Over the weekend, we   24   hours and hours, staying up late   25   the night, talking about the people she was hanging around with. She started telling me stories about her new boyfriend, about how he   26   with drugs and was into other self-destructive[自毁]  27  . I was blown away! She told me how she had been   28   to her parents about where she was going and even sneaking out to see this guy because they didn't want her around him. No matter   29  hard I tried to tell her that she deserved better, she didn't believe me. Her self-respect seemed to have disappeared.

I tried to convince her that she was ruining her future and heading for big   30  . I felt like I was getting   31  . I just couldn't believe that she really thought it was acceptable to hang with a bunch of losers, especially her boyfriend.

By the time she left, I was really worried about her and   32   by the experience. It had been so  33  , I had come close to telling her several times during the weekend that maybe we had just grown too far apart to continue our friendship - but I didn't. I put the   34   of friendship to the   35   test. We'd been friends for far too long. I had to hope that she   36   me enough to know that I was trying to save her from hurting herself. I wanted to believe that our friendship could conquer anything.

A few days   37  , she called to say that she had thought long and hard about our   38  , and then she told me that she had  39   with her boyfriend. I just listened on the other end of the phone with tears of joy running down my face. It was one of the   40   rewarding moments in my life. Never had I been so proud of a friend.

21. A. divided               B. shared               C. experienced              D. enjoyed

22. A. got                            B. traveled             C. moved                     D. arrived

23. A. the few               B. the little            C. few                   D. little

24. A. took                   B. spared               C. offered                 D. spent

25. A. into                    B. in                            C. for                    D. at

26. A. supplied                 B. experimented     C. tried                 D. provided

27. A. action                 B. movements        C. behavior            D. activities

28. A. explaining           B. speaking            C. calling                     D. lying

29. A. what                   B. why                  C. how                  D. however

30. A. trouble               B. worry               C. difficulty           D. task

31. A. somewhere          B. nowhere            C. anywhere          D. everywhere

32. A. burned down              B. turned down      C. turned out         D. worn out

33. A. discouraging              B. encouraging       C. exciting             D. inspiring

34. A. strength                     B. force                 C. power               D. energy

35. A. last                        B. final                 C. late                   D. recent

36. A. treated                B. regarded            C. honored            D. valued

37. A. later                   B. after                 C. ago                   D. before

38. A. information         B. dialogue            C. conversation      D. communication

39. A. broken out          B. broken up          C. broken away      D. broken off

40. A. luckily                B. correctly           C. naturally           D. truly



第三节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


         “I’m going to make you attractive,” said Mika Hill, looking at the  21  of the woman sitting before her.The women once had long,  22 , dark hair.But alopecia(秃头症) had  23  her just a little of it.Hill, a wig(假发) maker, was about to change that.

         At 30, Hill knows from experience how a woman feels when she  24  her hair.Her own hair fell out several years ago  25 a lack of iron after giving birth.“I cried when I washed it, when I combed it, and when I looked in the  26   ,” she says.Then she bought a wig.“It was too small,” she says, “but my   27   went up greatly.”

         Hill enrolled(注册) in a wig-making  28   in New York.Back home with what she learned, she started making wigs that she planned to   29   for $300 each.

         But many of her customers with alopecia and cancer couldn’t  30  that much, and their health insurance often didn’t  31  the cost.So Hill started giving the wigs away, eventually spending $10,000 of her own money.Last year, she and her friend Lita Warren  32  Pink Barrette, a non-profit organization that has  33   about 60 wigs to poor women.

         Hill pays  34   the donations with profits from her other products.  35   , she and her husband have also spent much of their savings keeping the organization running.

         Hill’s customers can’t thank her enough.Elyssa Montoya was too   36  to be seen in public with her  37   thinning hair.“I didn’t feel I could show my bald head outside.Thanks to Mika, I now have beautiful hair, and feel 38   about myself again.”

         “Seeing their self-confidence   39   after they try on their wigs,” says Hill, “brings   40   to my eyes.This is a job for me, and a most rewarding one.”

21.A.head             B.face         C.nose         D.mouth

22.A.light              B.thick              C.little           D.ugly

23.A.showed          B.destroyed      C.left          D.offered

24.A.washes          B.changes        C.loses          D.dyes

25.A.thanks to     B.except for          C.as for       D.because of

26.A.picture         B.room            C.sky  D.mirror

27.A.confidence       B.belief            C.power     D.image

28.A.speech                 B.company     C.course    D.club

29.A.sell            B.produce        C.rent     D.order

30.A.supply           B.appreciate       C.allow        D.afford

31.A.recover       B.cover           C.admit      D.contain

32.A.set up            B.put up             C.set down D.put down

33.A.donated        B.imported          C.picked       D.valued

34.A.up            B.off             C.back        D.for

35.A.Besides         B.Therefore         C.Somehow D.Otherwise

36.A.embarrassed            B.excited          C.happy       D.angry

37.A.hardly            B.badly         C.heavily      D.largely

38.A.frightened        B.strange          C.grateful    D.good

39.A.limit              B.exchange         C.improve    D.cut

40.A.doubt           B.tears           C.fear         D.joys


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