
       Everyone likes to feel that he or she is special.

       Unfortunately, many of us grow up believing that we’re not special at all. We wish that we could be better at sports or more attractive. We wish we had nicer clothes or more money. Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, or the Cowardly Lion from The Wizard of Oz (《绿野仙踪》), we believe we’re not good enough just as we are. In the movie, the Scarecrow wishes that he had a brain. The Tin Man wishes he had a heart, and the Lion wants courage. In the end, each of them realizes that he already has what he needs.

       Most parents want us to be the best we can be. They sometimes try to encourage us to do better by comparing us to others. They mean well, but the message we often get is that we’re not good enough. We begin to believe that the only way we can be special is by being better than someone else, but we are often disappointed. There will always be someone out there who is better than we are at something. There are plenty of people around who may not be as smart as we are but who are better at sports. Or they may not be as good-looking, but they have more money. It is impossible for us to be better than everyone else all the time.

       Like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion, we all want what we believe will make us better people. What we don’t realize is that often we already have inside us the very things that we seek. Parents sometimes forget to tell us that we are special, that we are good enough just as we are. Maybe no one told them that when they were growing up, or maybe they just forgot. Either way, it’s up to us to remind them from time to time that each of us, in our own way, is special. What we are ... is enough.

This passage is most likely written by a ______.

A. teenager     B. parent C. teacher       D. coach

According to the author, it seems improper for parents to ______.

A. compare their children with others now and then

B. give no pressure to their children 

C. remind their children frequently they are special

D. praise their children too much

By discussing the characters in The Wizard of Oz, the author mainly wants to show ______.

A. we are not good enough just as we are

B. we already have inside us what we want

C. it is impossible for us to be better than others

D. there is always someone who is better than us

What does the author of this passage believe?

A. Not everyone can be special.                 

B. Smart people are more special than others.

C. The richer you are, the better you are.           

D. We are all good enough just the way we are.









Dear Christie,

       I’m here in the National Park, in      (southeast)California.             72.    

I have been t     around the state of California for three weeks              73.    

now, It's very different from        I have seen in American movies.           74.    

Not everyone is rich and not everyone l      near the beach. I first        75.    

travelled southeast      rich farmland then to the central part.        76.    

They grow e      here including cotton,vegetables,nuts and              77.    

fruit.They raise cattle too.Then I traveled    (far)southeast into            78.    

mountains and desert. Californians are very friendly,      they are         79.    

from many different r     and cultures. Every cuIture has its own         80.      

music,food and art. I show great interest in them.         81.    

       Wish you were here. Give my love to Paula.





    The following story took place long ago in Israel. One day when government officials were using smoke to force the mice inside a hole to come out, they saw two mice, after all the others escaped, squeezing slowly out at the exit of the hole. The strange thing was that after they came out, they did not run away immediately. Instead, one chased after the other near the exit of the hole. It seemed that one was trying to bite the tail of the other.

    Everyone was puzzled, so they stepped closer to take a look. They realized that one of the mice was blind and could not see anything, and the other one was trying to allow the blind mouse to bite on his tail so he could pull the blind one with him to escape.

     After witnessing what happened, everyone was speechless and lost in thought. Then, one serious Rome official said: “I think the relationship between those two mice was that of emperor and minister.”  A smart Israeli said: “I think husband and wife.” A Chinese, who was accustomed to the firm tradition of loyalty to parents, said: “I think mother and son.” And a pure Samaritan said......





2) 以你或他人的亲身经历说明你的体会。







From school to band Practice, the Venturi Eclectic is an Earth-friendly way to get where you want to go. This battery-powered, zero-emission (meaning it doesn't pollute the air) vehicle runs mainly on renewable energy. Solar panels on the Eclectic's roof absorb sun rays when you're driving. On windy days, you can connect a machine to the car's roof that collects energy from the wind while you're parked. The Eclectic's top speed is 28 miles an hour; the battery lasts for 31 miles before it needs to be recharged. Zipping (迅速行进) around the neighborhood has never been better.

Here's an eco-friendly way to tell time: Simply fill the Bedol Water-powered Clock's tank (箱) with water, add some lemon juice, and the clock will display the time without the need for environmentally harmful batteries. There are two sets of metal electrodes (电极) inside the water tank. Water contains ions (离子) that carry negative and positive charges. These ions complete a charge between the electrodes, creating enough energy to power the clock. Just refill the tank every few weeks, and this clock will keep on ticking.

Bloodhound SuperSonic Car (SSC) will be the first car to attempt to break the l,000-mile-an-hour barrier. (The current record is 763 miles an hour.) A concept for now, the rocket-shaped car gets its original push to 350 miles an hour from a jet engine. Then a rocket fires up, pushing the SSC past 1,000 miles an hour. In order to keep the car streamlined (流线型的), the driver lies back at a 45-degree angle (角度).

You’re having a blast at your friend’s birthday party. But when it's time to bring out the cake, everyone crowds around, blocking your view. No worries. Throw the Triops into the air, and this clever camera captures the view from above. The Triops can take three pictures at once, each from different angles. You can also record sounds and command the Triops to start shooting whenever it hears that noise. That's one smart camera.

1.What is the common characteristic of the Venturi Eclectic and the Bedol Water-powered Clock?

A. They don't need batteries.       B. They are difficult to operate.

C. They can be powered by water.  D. They are environmentally friendly.

2.According to the passage, the Venturi Eclectic      .

A. is popular with businessmen       B. is suitable for a long trip

C. can turn wind into energy   D. has only a little gas emission

3.The underlined phrase “having a blast” in the last paragraph probably means      .

A. looking at a picture               B. enjoying yourself

C. blowing out a candle   D. recording sounds

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Triops is sensitive to sounds.

B. The driver of the SSC must be of great size.

C. The color of the Bedol Water-powered Clock is like that of lemon.

D. The SSC doesn’t have anything to do with a rocket actually.




Dear Christie,

       I’m here in the National Park, in      (southeast)California.                           72.    

I have been t     around the state of California for three weeks                                   73.    

now, It's very different from        I have seen in American movies.                          74.    

Not everyone is rich and not everyone l      near the beach. I first                             75.    

travelled southeast      rich farmland then to the central part.                                    76.    

They grow e      here including cotton,vegetables,nuts and                                   77.    

fruit.They raise cattle too.Then I traveled    (far)southeast into                          78.    

mountains and desert. Californians are very friendly,      they are                              79.    

from many different r     and cultures. Every cuIture has its own                               80.      

music,food and art. I show great interest in them.                                                   81.    

       Wish you were here. Give my love to Paula.





Dear Christie,

       I’m here in the National Park, in      (southeast)California.                            1.    

I have been t     around the state of California for three weeks                                   2.    

now, It's very different from        I have seen in American movies.                          3.    

Not everyone is rich and not everyone l      near the beach. I first                             4.    

traveled southeast      rich farmland then to the central part.                                     5.    

They grow e      here including cotton,vegetables,nuts and                                  6.    

fruit.They raise cattle too.Then I traveled    (far)southeast into                         7.    

mountains and desert. Californians are very friendly,      they are                               8.    

from many different r     and cultures. Every culture has its own                               9.    

f      ,music,food and art. I show great interest in them.                                   10.    

       Wish you were here. Give my love to Paula.



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