
3.At one point along an open highway,I came to a crossroad with a traffic light.I was alone on the road,but(16)as/when  I drove up to the light,it turned red,and I braked to(17)a   stop.I look left,right,and behind me.Nothing.Not a car,no suggestion of headlights,but there I sat,waiting for the light(18)to change  (change).I was the only human being for at least a mile in any direction.
I started wondering(19)why I refused to run the light.I was not afraid of being caught by the police,because there was(20)obviously(obvious) no policeman anywhere around and there certainly would have been no danger in going  through  it.Much(21)later  (late) that night,the same  question of why I(22)had stopped(stop) for that light came back to me.I think I stopped because it's part of a contract (合同) we all have  with  each other.It's not only the law,but it's an agreement we have,and we trust each other to honor(23)it:we don't go through red lights.Like most of(24)us,I'm more ready to be stopped from doing something bad by the social agreement that disapproves of it than by any law(25)againstit.

分析 本文作者通过讲述并分析自己遵守交通规则,不闯红灯的行为及其原因,旨在告诉读者应靠已达成共识的社会契约来约束自己的行为,自觉遵守社会规则,而不只是因为法律禁止才不去做违法的事情.

解答 答案:
16.when/as  考查从属连词  分析句意可知,本句是时间状语从句,意为:但是当我驶近交通灯的时候,它变成了红灯;故填when/as
17.a    考查冠词    此处用在动词短语"braked to"之后作宾语,所以句中的stop 为名词,意为:停顿;故填a   
18.to change   考查动词不定式    此处在句中作宾语补足语,表示将要完成的动作;意为:但我就那么坐在那儿,等着红灯变绿;故填to change 
19.why    考查特殊疑问词    本句的意思是:"我开始琢磨为什么我不闯红灯呢".故填why
20.obviously   考查副词   此处用来修饰一个句子,所以应使用副词;意为:因为很显然这里到处都没有警察;故填obviously
21.later    考查形容词的比较级   由于much之后的形容词需要使用比较级,此处的意思是:那天夜里,指比较晚的时候;故填later
22.had stopped    考查时态     此处表示发生在过去之前的动作,即:发生在Much later that night(那天深夜)之前的动作;故用过去完成时had stopped   
23.it    考查人称代词      本句的意思是:它不仅仅是法规,也是我们达成的一种契约,我们相信每一个人都会尊重它;这里代指的应是 the law或an agreement;故填it
 24.us   考查人称代词的宾格形式      这里指的是:像我们中绝大多数人那样;此处用作介词of的宾语;故用人称代词的宾格形式us
25.against   考查介词   本句的意思是:我更愿意用达成共识的社会契约来阻止人们做一些不好的事,而不是用法律来禁止;故填against

点评 本题主要考查了各种语法在短文中的具体运用.做本题时,需要在正确理解短文的前提下,逐句分析句意以及所考查到的语法现象;因此在平时的学习中,应熟练掌握各种语法知识,其中包括词法,句法,各种时态语态以及虚拟语气等.

19.Texas parks will celebrate National Fishing Week by offering a day of license----free fishing in public waters on June 3.Besides,youth fishing activities are scheduled across the state June 3-11.
l  Cedar Hill State Park (Dallas County):Wal-Mart Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 3.10 am to 2 pm.Kids can test their fishing skills; prizes are offered.972-291-3800,ext.232.
l  Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre (Henderson County ):National Fishing Day,June 3,9 am to 4 pm.Children 12 and younger will be admitted free for fishing,contests,games and prizes.903-676-2278.
l  Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area (Harrison County):Wal-Mart-Kids All-American Fishing Derby,June 11,9 am to 3 pm 903-679-3351.
       CONTACT:1-800-792-I112; www.takemefishing.org and www.tpwd.state.tx.us.
Alligators (短吻鳄) can be found in the wild in nearly half the counties in Texas,especially in the eastern part of the state,so residents and visitors may need a safety course about alligators.Although no deaths attributable to alligator attacks have been recorded in Texas during the past 15 years,17 people have reported injuries.It's against law to feed a free-ranging alligator,because after an alligator realizes that people are a source of food,it will become a problem animal.The alligator is a protected game animal in Texas,so special permits are required to hunt,raise or possess alligators.
l  Stay at least 30 feet away from an alligator.
l  Never Feed an alligator or leave food accessible.
l  Don't approach them or swim in areas where alligators have been seen.
l  During warm months,alligators are most active at dawn and dusk.
l  Alligators are common in swamps,rivers and muddy places.While typically found in fresh water,they can endure salty water.
SOURCE:Texas Parks & Wildlife; www.tpwd.state.tx.us/nature
70.In this passage,the writer has mainly talked aboutD.
A.kids'shopping and fishing activities in Wal-Mart
B.most people's preference for fishing and alligators                    
C.fishing activities and alligator hunting in public waters
D.the celebration of National Fishing Week in Texas parks
71.If a child wants to know how good his fishing skill is,it's better for him to visitA.
A.Cedar Hill State Park in Dallas County
B.Texas State Parks & Wildlife Protection Centre
D.Caddo Lake State Park & Wildlife Management Area
C.Texas Freshwater Fisheries Centre in Henderson County
72.What can be learned about alligators from this passage?D
A.Alligators are rare animals protected by law.
B.Alligators are most active in all places and climates.
C.There have been some victims of alligators in the past decade.
D.Hunting alligators are not allowed unless you've got permission
73.The underlined word"swamps"can most probably be replaced byB.
A.streams      B.wet lands              C.deserts           D.dry lands.

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