
“How to Train Your Dragon” by British author Cressida Cowell is one of the best pieces of children’s literature. A child can make a whole alternative universe with a vivid imagination and Toothless, the hero’s hunting dragon, thus turning a rainy day into an adventure of a lifetime. However, if you have never read the book but instead choose to see the film version, you might think you were seeing a new-age war movie meant for adults rather than children.

Let’s look at “Where the Wild Things Are” for further discussion. The story centers around a lonely eight-year-old boy named Max, who sails away to an island. Creatures living there declare Max their king.

What an amazing piece of children’s literature! A treasure for every child’s library. Yet, children were crying in the movie theatre. Owls were falling from the sky, chicken’s arms were being torn off, and a child was running around a dark abandoned world fighting evil as the only human. It was almost as if Hollywood could not imagine children enjoying a movie for its basic literature content. Hollywood might be right. But more and more its audiences are complaining that there is an increased amount of violence in children’s stories today than in the past.

While there appears to be a trend in our society to make more violence more accessible to younger children, books and literature are generally an exception. I truly believe that children’s literature has become more vivid, and more colorful. This is a great treasure for the children, and is certainly not violent. What has changed the children’s stories of today is not the writers, but the film industry. In some way, children’s literature is just being strangely twisted. I wonder how much influence the author have over this.

1.The Text is mainly about ________.

A. two good books for children                            

B. how a book is adapted into a film

C. whether children should go to movies

D. whether children’s literature is getting more violent

2.It can be inferred that the film “Where the Wild Things Are” is _______.

A. moving          B. frightening                       C. interesting                       D. amazing

3.According to the text, the author thinks that ________.

A. the film industry’s treatment of children’s literature is wrong

B. writers should provide more colorful works for children

C. there is an increase in violence in children’s literature

D. children should read books rather than see films.

4.How does the text mainly develop?

A. By inferring.                                       B. By giving explanations.

C. By providing examples.                    D. By making comparisons.











2.推理题: 根据第三段中“children were crying in the movie theatre. Owls were falling from the sky, chicken’s arms were being torn off, and a child was running around a dark abandoned world fighting evil as the only human”孩子们在电影院哭了。猫头鹰从天上掉下来,鸡的胳膊被撕掉,和一个孩子在四处黑暗被抛弃的世界中成为对抗邪恶唯一的人。由此可知这部电影是很可怕的。故选B。

3.细节题:根据最后一段中“What has changed the children’s stories of today is not the writers, but the film industry. ”今天改变孩子们故事的不是作者,而是电影行业。故选A。





Telecommuting(远程办公) will have major effects on the worlds of work and family life. However, its biggest effect will be in the area of individual freedom, responsibility and time management.

Work and workplaces will change greatly. Offices may become smaller, as fewer desks are needed. There will be greater need for high-speed Internet connections to link the office and the home, and even homes to other homes, as other employees also begin working at home. Hours spent in traffic jams, and fights for parking should diminish, as workers travel less.

Family life will also change. Both husbands and wives will be able to arrange their work around family commitments such as taking children to school, cooking, spare time activities, and so on. However, households(家人) will also have to set aside areas for work-particularly if more than one person is telecommuting.

However, although the ideas of more time at home and less time traveling are attractive, there are some drawbacks to telecommuting. People may feel that they cannot escape from work, work longer hours, or become less social. The quality of work may suffer because of fewer face-to-face interactions with other employees, and there may be delays if other workers are not immediately available. Telecommuters may also feel isolated. A major change will be in the way people think about work as a place or an institution. Instead, they will focus on the task or the product. Workers may feel less loyal to a company.

In conclusion, the effects are difficult to predict because they depend on the extent to which telecommuting becomes popular. At the same time, however, telecommuting could be the start of a major societal shift, possibly as big as the Industrial Revolution which created our present ideas of work.

64. This passage was mainly written to tell us _____.

        A. about the advantages of telecommuting               

B. how telecommuting will change the world

        C. that telecommuting will affect family life            D. how to telecommute in the future

65. What is Paragraph 4 mainly about?

        A. The disadvantages of telecommuting.                  B. Setting aside areas for work.

        C. The future of telecommuting.                             D. The employees’ focus on work.

66. With telecommuting in the future, which of the following will be reduced?

        A. Working hours and family time.                         B. Face-to-face communication.

        C. Spare time and individual freedom.                            D. Spending time with friends.

67. What can we infer from the passage?

        A. Telecommuting will change the world completely.

        B. There will be no traffic jams because of telecommuting.

        C. Work efficiency will increase through telecommuting.

        D. Telecommuting workers will likely change their jobs.

Most parents love the Internet and want their kids to use it. But a new survey in America finds almost as many also fear the online world—especially social networking sites such as My Space—and worry their kids will get in trouble with people they meet.

“The parents see the web’s incredible potential(可能性), and they know their kids have to be there.” says James Steyer, CEO of Common Sense Media, which released results from a survey that looked into parental attitudes toward the Internet. “It is also what they are scared of most.”

The study was conducted online May 5-10 by Insight Research Group. It says 80% of parents are concerned about kids meeting bad people online. That’s because young people who largely have grown up with the Net think of it as a social outlet(出口), say the researchers. To young people, the benefits of giving out some personal information to reach out to friends outweigh the risks. And the study shows they are so comfortable with the medium that 78% have a personal website or blog.

Parents also recognize the importance of the Internet. The survey shows 91% think the Net helps their children explore their passions, and 77% think the Internet is one of the most valuable education tools teens have. But 88% think it’s important to know what their kids are doing online.

Findings suggest both parents and teens need more education about using online media, Steyer says.

Internet safety has become an increasing concern for parents in America. Organizations like the Non-profit Common Sense have been trying to reach and help parents pay attention to the problem.

In the second paragraph, the underlined word “It” refers to_____.

A. Common Sense Media                         B. the result of the survey

C. the web’s incredible potential                   D. the website called My Space

Why do young people give out their personal information?

A. They think it has more advantages than disadvantages.

B. They want to make themselves famous by doing that.

C. They want to have a personal website each.

D. They want to get some information from others.

Most parents think it is important to know_____.

A. where their children give out the information  B. what kind of websites they have

C. how often they go online                        D. what their children are doing online

From the passage we can infer that_____.

A. children are too young to know how to use the Internet

B. parents must teach their children how to use the Internet

C. parents also need to learn more about using the Internet

D. the Internet is the most valuable tool for children to learn

China Daily Oct. 11----The ministry of Health has called for more awareness from the public on the mental health of the young, as part of efforts to make World Mental Health Day which fell on Friday.

   More than 15 percent of Chinese youths have been found with mental problems, and about 30 million young people under 17 are suffering from depression, the Shang-based Wenhui Daily reported. The World Health Organization estimates that before 2020, the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent, and mental problems will become a major factor behind deaths and illness in the young worldwide.

   Deng  Xiaohong, the spokesperson for the Beijing Municipal Health Bureau, said rapid changes are one of the reasons behind the rising number of youngsters with psychological problems. If these mental diseases are not addressed on time, occurrence of crimes, drug-taking and other dangerous behavior are expected to rise. Experts said mental diseases could be caused by many factors, such as the inability to handle interpersonal relations well, unstable emotions and pressures from an overload of studies. A number of experts have also said the one-child policy is another reason leading to poor mental health in the young. Children are said to be too “ spoiled” and “selfish” in a one-child family.

It’s reported  schools in many cities are rolling out measures to help students maintain their mental well-being. Yin Jingmiao, a teacher of the Beijing No.105 Middle School, told China Daily that the school invites psychologists to provide counseling to students three times a month.”  Students can be arranged to have 40-minute counseling sessions,” Yin said. The school also gives lectures on mental health to senior grade students before they take the national college entrance exams to help ease any anxiety arising from the tests.

Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

   A. Efforts to Mark World Mental Health Day

   B. Seriousness of Youngsters’ Mental Health Problems

   C. How to Maintain Mental Well-being

   D. Public Awareness on Youngsters’ Mental Disease Expected

The writer intends to tell us in the second paragraph that________

   A. mental health problems of the young are becoming a popular problem.

   B. only young people are suffering from mental health problems.

   C. mental problems will become as serious as deaths and illness.

   D. the rate of children with mental problems will increase to 50 percent.

Which could be the consequence if the problem is left untreated?

   A. Inability to handle interpersonal relations. B. Unstable emotions

   C. Drug-taking and other dangerous behavior D. Rapid social changes

Why is the Beijing No.105 Middle School mentioned in the passage?

  A. To provide the students with counseling sessions.

  B. To give an example showing how mental problems are dealt with.

  C. To help ease the anxiety arising from the national college entrance exams

  D. To call on other schools to learn from the No.105 Middle School

Alaskan black bears hibernate for up to seven months a year, during which time they do not eat or drink, before waking up in virtually the same physical state they fell asleep in.

    Now experts hope to develop methods of putting humans into a similar state which could help astronauts survive long missions and lead to new ways of treating severely ill patients.

    While many studies have examined hibernation in mice and hedgehogs, little research has been done into the same condition in larger mammals such as bears.

    But new research conducted at the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska monitored the animals' body temperature, heart rate and muscle movements while they slept.

    The research results showed that during a five-month hibernation the bears’ body temeratures varied between 30℃ and 36℃ in cycles that lasted between two and seven days—a pattern that was previously unknown in hibernating animals.

    The research project leader said, "If our research could help by showing how to reduce metabolic(新陈代谢的) rates and oxygen demands in human tissues, one could possibly save severely ill patients. We simply need to know how to turn things on and off to take advantage of the different levels of hibernation."

    Craig Heller, of Stanford University, who contributed to the study, added: "There has always been a thought that, if there is ever long-distance space travel, it would be good to be able to put people into a state of lower metabolism or a state of hibernation. That's almost science fiction but you can see the logical basis."

We know from the text that            .

    A.during winter Alaskan black bears sleep for more than half a year

    B.researchers have examined hibernation in humans

    C.experts have got no results from their research

    D.Craig Heller is a leader from the Institute of Arctic Biology

The best topic of the text should be                

.  A.The Latest Research Results

    B.New Methods of Putting Humans into Hibernation

    C.Alaskan Black Bears Hibernate

    D.Astronauts Could Hibernate Like Bears

According to the text, we can infer that          .

    A.many studies have examined hibernation in mice and bears as well

    B.humans' body temperatures vary between 30℃ and 36℃ while they sleep

    C.research into hibernation in animals may help deadly patients stay longer

    D.scientists have already take advantage of the different levels of hibernation in space missions

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