






Many of us were raised with the saying “Waste not, want not”. None of us, therefore, can completely avoid waste in our lives.

Any kind of waste was thoughtless, whether we waste our potential talents, our own time, our limited natural resource, our money, or other people’s time. Each of us can become more aware of and careful. The smallest good habits can make the big difference. It’s a good feeling to know in our hearts we are doing our best in a world what is in serious trouble. By focusing on oil, water, paper, food or clothing, we are playing a part in cutting down on waste.

We must keep reminding us that it is easier to get into something than it is to get out of it. Actually, severe damage done to our land is fair recent in the history of our evolution. It’s time for us to say no to waste so that our grandchildren’s children will able to develop well.



1.考查连接副词。句意:我们中的许多人都是这样说的:不浪费,不需要”。 然而,我们没有人能完全避免生活中的浪费。前后句是一种转折关系,故把therefore改成however。


3. 考查名词复数句意:任何一种浪费都是轻率的,无论我们是在浪费我们的潜能,我们自己的时间,我们有限的自然资源,我们的金钱,还是其他人的时间。resource(资源),是可数名词,这里要用名词复数形式,故把resource改成resources。


5.考查固定搭配固定搭配:make a big difference产生很大的不同,有很大影响。故把the改成a。

6.考查定语从句句意:在我们的心中,我们在一个陷入严重困境的世界里尽了最大的努力,这是一种很好的感觉。此处a world是先行词,指物,后面的定语从句缺少主语和引导词,故把what改成that/which。




10.考查固定结构固定搭配:be able to do sth.能做某事;will后跟动词原形,故在will后面加be。


【题目】Why do you go to the library? For books, yes--but you like books because they tell stories. You hope to get lost in a story or be transported into someone else's life. At one type of library, you can do just that--even though there's not a single book.

At a Human Library, instead of books, you can “borrow” people. Individuals volunteer as human “books” and participants in the event can “read” the book--meaning they would have a one-on-one conversation with the volunteer and share in a dialogue about that individual’s experience. “Books” are volunteers from all walks of life who have experienced discrimination (歧视) based on race, religion, class, gender identity, age, lifestyle choices, disability and other aspects of their life.

For a certain amount of time, you can ask them questions and listen to their stories, which are as fascinating and as attractive as any you can find in a book. Many of the stories have to do with some kind of stereotype. You can speak with a refugee (难民), a soldier suffering from PTSD, a homeless person or a woman living with HIV. The Human Library encourages people to challenge their own long-held beliefs—to truly get to know, and learn from someone they might otherwise make a quick judgment about.

According to its website, the Human Library is “a place where difficult questions are expected, appreciated and answered.” It provides the opportunity for the community to share and understand the experiences of others in their community.

The Human Library Organization came to be in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2000. Ronni Abergel, his brother Dany, and some colleagues hosted a four-day event during a major Northern European festival, hoping to raise awareness about violence among youth. After the success of this event, Abergel founded the Human Library Organization, which has been growing ever since.

Though there are a few permanent human libraries, most aren’t places at all, but events. Though many do take place at physical libraries, you don’t need a library card—anyone can come and be part of the experience. There have been human library events all over the globe, in universities and in pubs, from Chicago to Tunis to Edinburgh to San Antonio.

The stories these "books" tell range from fascinating to heartbreaking and everything in between. And that's the very point of the organization—to prove that no person can be summed up in just one word. It seeks to show people that you truly can't judge a book by its cover---or by its title or label.

1The “books” in human libraries are ________.

A. long-held beliefs attracting individuals

B. inspiring stones motivating people in trouble

C. events in which people can talk to volunteers

D. unfairly-treated people sharing their experiences

2The event in Copenhagen is significant because it ________.

A. aimed to help the young suffering from violence

B. attempted to replace traditional physical libraries

C. laid a foundation for the Human Library Organization

D. led to a pleasing development for the community with racism

3In human libraries, the readers are likely to ________.

A. deepen their understanding of people

B. enrich their own personal experiences

C. hear the stories from all over the world

D. make quick judgments about the “books”

4The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. compare and evaluate B. inform and explain

C. discuss and persuade D. analyze and suggest

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