
My earliest bee experience took place at a summer camp. One day our teacher told us to head up the hill nearby. As little kids do, we all began to race to our .The girls took the concrete(水泥)stairs the boys ran straight up the grassy hill, at the top of which sat a long wooden fence. fear the boys ahead of me vaulted(跳跃)over the fence bravely.

What should I do? Take the stairs and look like a girl, or jump the fence and look ? Then I took my chances with the .

Standing in front of the fence, I placed both hands on the top and . The moment of truth had arrived. If I made it, then I would be as cool as all the other guys. If I didn’t make it…

I it. As I jumped, my foot caught on the top of the fence. I went! But I landed on my backside. I to laugh off the accident. But then I something moving under me. Just then I saw what seemed like hundreds of bees flying towards me. I had a beehive! I jumped and as fast as I could. But bees flew faster than I ran. At that moment, all the kids at the camp ran after me, too. What a(an) situation I was in!

When the teacher caught me in the camp parking lot, my were covered with bees. With all the other campers standing around, he all my clothes but my underwear. Bees flew out of my clothes and out of my mouth!

I had gained the of the entire camp, but I did not feel very cool. When all was said and done, I found that I had been given almost 45 bee stings(蜇)all over my body. I learned a most lesson that day. When we are occupied by the to look cool, we might find ourselves sitting on a beehive. I have stopped trying to be cool since then.

1.A.home B.trip C.destination D.village

2.A.but B.therefore C.because D.as

3.A.With B.Without C.For D.Out of

4.A.brave B.cool C.strong D.lively

5.A.stairs B.girls C.boys D.fence

6.A.hesitated B.watched C.jumped D.trembled

7.A.made B.almost made C.wouldn’t make D.didn’t make

8.A.Down B.Up C.Over D.Out

9.A.managed B.failed C.continued D.tried

10.A.caught B.felt C.saw D.heard

11.A.pulled down B.broken into C.landed on D.knocked over

12.A.hid B.walked C.crawled D.rushed

13.A.exciting B.fearful C.embarrassing D.funny

14.A.clothes B.arms C.legs D.classmates

15.A.put on B.took off C.found out D.took away

16.A.also B.nearly C.even D.hardly

17.A.sympathy B.attention C.strength D.help

18.A.valuable B.humorous C.satisfying D.interesting

19.A.consideration B.way C.curiosity D.desire

20.A.Still B.So C.Yet D.However
























1.名词。根据前一句One day our teacher told us to head up the hill nearby.可知我们都快速跑向我们的目的地。故选C。


3.介词。根据后面the boys ahead of me vaulted(跳跃)over the fence bravely.可知用否定意义的介词without。一点也不害怕,男孩子们越过了栅栏。故选B。


5.名词。根据第三段Standing in front of the fence, I placed both hands on the top and 6 .提示可知答案。然后我抓住了栅栏这个机会。故选D。

6.根据下文中As I jumped, my foot caught on the top of the fence.可知我举起双手并跳下来。故选C。

7.时态。短语make it做到了,成功。根据句意可知为“没有做到,成功”,故用否定形式。根据下文我摔倒说明我没有成功。故选D。

8.介词。此句为倒装句。短语go down为“跌倒”之意。根据上下文可知,“我”跌倒了。故选A。

9.这里考查try to do试图做。laugh off以笑来去除…的尴尬。我想要笑来去除自己摔倒的尴尬。故选D。


11.短语辨析。A.pulled down毁坏;B.broken into破门而入;C.landed on着落;D.knocked over撞翻。我落到了一个蜂窝上。故选C。



14.上下文连串。根据下一句With all the other campers standing around, he 15 all my clothes but my underwear.提示可知,我掉到了蜜蜂我上面,蜜蜂追着蛰我,那么我的衣服上应该都是蜜蜂了。故选A。

15.短语辨析。A.put on穿;B.took off脱;C.found out查明;D.took away拿走。除了内衣之外,他脱掉我所有的衣服。故选B。




19.名词。A.consideration考虑;B.way 方法;C.curiosity好奇;D.desire欲望。当我们被炫耀的欲望所领导时,我们就好像是踩在蜜蜂窝上。故选D。

20.副词。A.Still任然;B.So因此;C.Yet 然而;D.However但是。因此,从那以后,我再也不耍酷了。故选B。



Michael J. “Crocodile Dundee” (also called Mick), played by Paul Hogan, is the main character in the fictional Crocodile Dundee film series consisting of Crocodile Dundee, Crocodile Dundee II, and Crocodile Dundee in Los Angeles. The character is a crocodile hunter, hence the nickname.

In the first film, Crocodile Dundee, Mick is visited by a New York reporter, Sue Charlton, who travels to Australia to investigate a report she heard of a crocodile hunter, who had his leg bitten off by a crocodile in the outback. The hunter supposedly walked more than a hundred miles back to civilization and miraculously survived his injuries. However, by the time she meets him, the story turns out to be a somewhat exaggerated legend where the “bitten-off leg” turns out to be just being some bad scarring on his leg; a “love bite” as Mick calls it. Still interested by the idea of “Crocodile Dundee”, Sue continues with the story. They travel together out to where the incident occurred, and follow his route through the bush to the nearest hospital. Despite his old-fashioned views, the pair eventually become close, especially after Mick saves Sue from a crocodile attack.

Feeling there is still more to the story, Sue invites Mick back to New York with her, as his first trip to a city (or “first trip anywhere,” as Dundee says). The rest of the film depicts Dundee as a “fish out of water,” showing how, despite his expert knowledge of living outdoors, he knows little of city life. Mick meets Sue’s boyfriend, Richard, but they do not get along. By the end of the film, Mick is on his way home, lovesick, when Sue realizes she loves Mick, too, and not Richard. She runs to the subway station to stop Mick from leaving and, by passing on messages through the packed-to-the-gills crowd, she tells him she won’t marry Richard, and she loves him instead. With the help of the other people in the subway, Mick and Sue have a loving reunion as the film ends.

1.Which of the following statements is true about Mick?

A. He is a crocodile hunter living in Los Angeles.

B. He is based on a real person in Australia.

C. He got his nickname because of his job.

D. He wrote a film series about himself.

2.In the film Crocodile Dundee, Mick ______.

A. pretends he was bitten by a crocodile

B. urges Sue Charlton to write his life story

C. hasn’t been abroad before his trip to America

D. shows Sue Charlton around the town he lives in

3.When in New York, Mick ______.

A. makes friends with Richard

B. makes full use of his bush skills

C. feels excited about living in a big city

D. doesn’t know how to fit into city life

4.The film Crocodile Dundee can be best described as ______.

A. a romantic story B. an action movie

C. a science fiction D. a frightening story


Comparisons were drawn between the development of television in the 20th century and the diffusion of printing in the 15th and 16th centuries. Yet much had happened _____. As was discussed before, it was not _____ the 19th century that the newspaper became the dominant pre-electronic _____, following in the wake of the pamphlet and the book and in the _____ of the periodical. It was during the same time that the communications revolution _____ up, beginning with transport, the railway, and leading _____ through the telegraph, the telephone, radio, and motion pictures _____ the 20th-century world of the motor car and the air plane. Not everyone sees that process in a right way. Nevertheless, it is _____ to do so.

It is generally recognized, _____, that the introduction of the computer in the early 20th century, _____ by the invention of the integrated circuit during the 1960s, radically changed the process, _____ its impact on the media was not immediately _____. As time went by, computers became smaller and more powerful, and they became “personal” too, as well as institutional, with display becoming _____ and storage capacity _____. They were thought of, like people, _____ generations, with the distance between generations much _____.

It was within the computer age that the term “information society” began to be widely used to describe the _____ within which we now live. The communications revolution has _____ both work and leisure and how we think and feel both about place and time, but there have been _____ views about its economic, political, social and cultural implications. “Benefits” have been weighed _____ “harmful” outcomes. And generalizations have proved difficult.

1.A. betweenB. beforeC. sinceD. later

2.A. afterB. byC. duringD. until

3.A. meansB. methodC. mediumD. measure

4.A. processB. companyC. lightD. form

5.A. gatheredB. speededC. worked D. picked

6.A. onB. outC. overD. off

7.A. ofB. forC. beyond D. into

8.A. importantB. difficultC. honestD. concrete

9.A. indeedB. henceC. howeverD. therefore

10.A. broughtB. followedC. stimulated. D. characterized

11.A. unlessB. sinceC. lestD. although

12.A. apparentB. desirableC. negativeD. believable

13.A. sharperB. darkerC. heavierD. higher

14.A. decreasingB. increasingC. decliningD. flowing

15.A. by means ofB. in terms ofC. with regard toD. in line with

16.A. deeperB. fewerC. nearerD. smaller

17.A. environmentB. distanceC. skyD. state

18.A. regardedB. impressedC. influencedD. effected

19.A. competitiveB. controversialC. conditionalD. clumsy

20.A. aboveB. uponC. againstD. with


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