
19.Like all big cities,Paris has a traffic problem:lots of cars,lots of traffic jams(阻塞) and lots of pollution from exhaust fumes(废气).So the city began a scheme(计划) to improve the si tuation.
Under the Velib sc heme(‘Velib'comes from velo liberte,or‘bicycle freedom'),people can take a bicycle,use it for as long as they want,and then leave it at the same or another bicycle station.The first half-hour on the bike is free,but if you don't return it after 30 minutes,you have to pay.But it's only∈1 a day or∈29 a year!The bicycles are heavy (25 kg),and they are all grey and have baskets.There are about 20,000 of them in the city,and around 1,450 bicycle stations.So there are a lot more Velib stations than the 298 subway stations!
 Paris is not the first city to have a scheme like this.But not everybody thinks it's a great idea.One Parisian said,"These bicycles are only for short journeys.If people want to travel across the city,they won't use a bicycle-they'll still use their cars."
 A city spokesman said,"The bicycle scheme won't solve all our traffic problems,of course.But it might help reduce air pollution.Traffic,together with factory fumes,is a big problem.There aren't any simple answers to traffic problems and pollution in cities.But unless we do something now,there will be more traffic jams and temperatures will continue to rise,so the problems in our environment will get worse.The bikes might help people to lead a healthier life,too."
21.What can we learn about the Velib scheme?D
A.Its bikes have no baskets.
B.Its bikes are light and colorful.
C.People must return the bike to the same place after using it.
D.It owns more stations than the subway.
22.If you use a Velib for 1 hour,you should payA.
A.∈1              B.∈30              C.∈29             D.no money
23.Why do some people disagree with the Velib scheme?C
A.The cost is rather high.
B.It's hard to find a Velib station.
C.It's not suitable for a long journey.
D.The distance between two Velib stations is long.
24.What's the city spokesman's attitude towards the bicycle scheme?B
A.Doubtful         B.Positive.C.Uncaring.D.Worried.

分析 本文是一篇人文地理类阅读.像所有的大城市一样,巴黎有着交通问题:大量的汽车,大量的交通堵塞和大量的尾气污染.所以为了改善这种状况城市开始实施一些计划.本文以此展开谈论,介绍了一种新的自行车骑行方案,呼吁人们为了环境和自己的身体健康,多骑自行车.

解答 21.答案:D.细节理解题.根据"So there are a lot more Velib stations than the 298 subway stations!"可知,他拥有比地铁站更多的车站.故选D.
22.答案:A.细节理解题.根据"The first half-hour on the bike is free,but if you don't return it after 30 minutes,you have to pay.But it's only∈1 a day or∈29 a year!"可知,半小时之内是免费的,超过三十分钟后,∈1一天或∈29一年.故选A.
23.答案:C.推理判断题.根据"These bicycles are only for short journeys."可知,这些自行车仅适用于短途旅行,故可推断出,自行车不适合长途旅行.故选C.
24.答案:D.推理判断题.根据全文内容,尤其是"The bikes might help people to lead a healthier life,too."可知,这些自行车或许会帮助人们生活得更健康.故可推断出作者的态度是积极的.故选B.

点评 本文是一篇人文地理类阅读,题目涉及多道细节理解题及推理判断题题,做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.

9.A young boy recently received an unexpected message in the mail from his father Joseph,who died two years ago.Rowan's dad was a hardworking man who wanted to give his son the best life he could.It was why Rowan's mother,Julie Van Stone,said Joseph joined the Navy(海军) and went to MIT to get two masters degrees.While at school in Boston,he would often write to Rowan.Even when he left school and was driving back to Colorado,he would send postcards from each state he stopped in.Those postcards were sent in 2007."I remember him saying he had sent 5 or 6,and I only got 3 or 4 in the mail.But I never thought anything of it,"Van Stone said.
Those postcards and pictures are priceless memories for Van Stone and her son,especially after Joseph passed away from a rare brain disease.Rowan never had a chance to say goodbye.But,on Saturday,just days before the two-year anniversary of Joseph's death,a postcard a rrived in the mail.It arrived March 11,2015.The message read:"Hello from Pennsylvania.I love you,and I miss you so much.See you soon.Love,Daddy."
Neither he nor his mother knows how it happened,and they may never know.But,they have their own ideas why."I feel like that was the final goodbye that he didn't get to say,"Van Stone said.Van Stone says Joseph's last words to her before he died were:"Everything is a circle.We will see each other again.All that matters is love."
21.What did Rowan's dad do to give his son the best life?B
A.He bought many for Julie.
B.He became a soldier in Navy.
C.He kept writing to his son.
D.He got many masters degrees.
22. How long did it take for the postcard to reach Rowan?D
A.2 years.B.5 years.C.6 years.D.8 years.
23. Where did Rowan's dad send the postcard?C
A.In Boston.B.In Colorado
B.In Pennsylvania     D.In New York.
10.Parents are often scared to talk to their kids about money.In fact kids need to understand how to save and manage their money.Proper preparation for your children,even at a young age,can start them down the path of a successful financial life.(46)F
Talk early and often.
Children start learning about money long before their first savings account,job or credit card.
(47)G Avoiding the subject until your child needs a bank account can make the conversation hasty(草率的) and confusing.
A trip to the grocery store is a good time to explain price comparison,value and inflation.An ATM stop offers a chance to explain that money doesn't actually come from a machine.You can discuss both earned income,investment returns and even inheritance.Opening bills is a chance to talk about payment for services,credit card debt and interest rates.Children need to be taught about debt,specifically loans and credit cards.
Talk about giving.
Children should learn that money doesn't always need to be used for them.(49)A Don't just write the charitable check.Get the kids involved in the process by asking them to pick and check charities.
Websites like www.charitynavigator.org  and www.guidestar.org provide information and ratings.
If they open a savings account,they can place their savings in the bank to earn a small amount of interest.Besides,they can learn about fees,account maintenance and even interest.It can provide a motivation for them to save money.You can offer them a prize if they put the money into savings.
A.It can also provide assistance to others.
B.Open a checking and savings account.
C.Children are eager to know about money.
D.Everyday activities are teachable moments.
E.Parents should help their children know how to use money.
F.Here are some tips that might help you teach kids about money.
G.Begin the conversation even before they're in school by talking about work and money.
11.Ireland has had a very difficult history.The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer(征服) Ireland.For hundreds of years,the Irish people fought against the English.Finally,in 1921.The British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland.The result is that today there are two"Irelands".Northern Ireland.In the north,is part of the United Kingdom.The republic of Ireland,In the south,Is an independent country.
In the 1840s the main crop,potatoes was affected by disease and about 750,000people died of hunger.This,and a shortage (短缺) of work,forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA,the UK,Australia and Canada.As a result of these problems,the population fell from 8.2million in 1841to 6.6million in 1851.
For many years,the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers.Today,many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices.Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside,where things move at a quieter and slower pace.
The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly,Oscar Wilde,a famous Irish writer,once said that the Irish were"the greatest talkers since the Greeks",Since independence,Ireland has revived(复兴) its own culture of music,language,literature and singing.Different areas have different styles of old Irish song which are sung without instruments.Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin,whistles,etc.

63.What does the author tell us in paragraph 1?D
A.how the Irish fought against the English.
B.how Ireland gained independence.
C.how English rulers tried to conquer Ireland.
D.how two"Irelands"came into being.
64.We learn from the text that in IrelandA.
A.food shortages in the 1840s led to a decline in population
B.people are moving to the cities for lack of work in the countryside
C.it is harder to make a living as a farmer than as a factory worker
D.different kinds of old Irish songs are all sung with instruments
65.What can be the best title for the text?C
A.life in Ireland             B.A Very difficult history
C.Ireland,past and present   D.the independence of Ireland.
8.Whether you've been in college or you're looking forward to going to university in the future,you and your family likely spend some time worrying about the cost of your college education.(36)F However,that will pay off for years to come.Earning scholarships is a great way to help you.The Financial Aid Office at Illinois State helps students identify scholarship opportunities every day.Here is some advice to help you.
Have you asked your high school or community college financial aid office about scholarships at your school?Many schools have a list of several scholarships right there.(38)D Check with community organizations,banks and credit unions,and large employers who may offer scholarship opportunities in your area.
•Find your"hook"
(39)A.Your unique characteristics can help your scholarship applications stand out.Pay special attention to awards that mention your best qualities,whether that's academic achievements,leadership,community service,or something less common.Think about why a donor wants to assist you in paying for your education.Most scholarship providers want to encourage a particular behavior.Companies may want to attract future employees.
•Develop a routine
Every scholarship is different in terms of when you can apply,what you need to turn in,when the winner is announced,and how the money is given to you.(40)B There isn't a single application or search engine that allows you to find and apply for everything.Visit the website for the Office of Student Financial Aid for lists of scholarship opportunities.Go through the lists to find the ones that match you best and keep track of when you can apply for them.

A.While you're searching,consider what makes you special as a student.
B.Typically,scholarship applications open in the late fall or early spring for the next school year's awards,but that also varies depending on the donors.
C.There is no doubt that college education is a necessary step to get yourselves prepared for the future.
D.Local awards can often be easier to get as the application pools are smaller and less
E.Begin in your own backyard.
F.It's no secret that college is one of the biggest investments.
G.Believe in yourselves.
9.It was Easter 1990,and my family was on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to the Solomon Islands for my sister's wedding.
I was traveling with my husband,my four-year-old son and my daughter,who was nearly two.We'd been  (36)Bit was very hot in the Solomons,so we'd  (37)Clots of light cotton clothes and were wearing the same as it was summer.The only problem was that we had to catch an overnight bus that  (38)Aat midnight for the airport so we could make our early morning (39)D to Honiara.It was cold on the bus!My husband and I were snuggling(依偎)our children as best we could,trying to keep them (40)B.The bus stopped many times as passengers got on and off,and we didn't take much (41)B.The little ones were (42)C,unable to sleep for the biting cold.Then at one stop,an older lady came forward from the back of the bus and paused by our seat.I sat forward to see what she wanted and she(43)Dout a small knee rug(毛毯).My little girl reached (44)Bfor it and pulled it tight  (45)Aher.The lady said she'd made the rug herself and,seeing that we were cold,she wanted us to use it.After she went back to her seat,our now-warm children (46)Coff,and they slept snugly all the way to the airport.Just a stop or two (47)Dwe arrived,the rug lady made her way to the door to get off.I tried to(48)Bthe children to return her blanket,but she protested."No,"she said,"(49)Ait.I can always make another one!"
Over the years,that little blanket became a  (50)C to me and to my children of the kindness of strangers.I told the story to the children over and over and hung the rug on the end of my daughter's bed so we would see it often.That rug was handmade with the colors carefully chosen.Yet its maker (51)Bwith it to keep my family warm for a night.If ever people were bad or (52)A,it served as a  (53)Cthat there is goodness in the world.
I am forever (54)D,not just for the warmth that night,but for the lifelong reminder of the(55)A of people.That blanket has warmed my life.
37. A.offeredB.piledC.packedD.discovered
38. A.leftB.wentC.pulledD.drove
39. A.trainB.tripC.rideD.flight
41. A.careB.noticeC.actionD.attention
42. A.naughtyB.noisyC.restlessD.energetic
43. A.showedB.madeC.putD.held
46. A.sleptB.wentC.noddedD.shook
48. A.unloadB.unwrapC.unfoldD.unpack
49. A.keepB.possessC.returnD.bring
50. A.signB.markC.symbolD.decoration
51. A.remainedB.partedC.desertedD.handed
52. A.cruelB.sensitiveC.cautiousD.ugly
53. A.storyB.giftC.reminderD.reward
54. A.delightedB.pitifulC.excitedD.grateful
55. A.goodnessB.warmthC.welcomeD.Help.

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