
One cold morning in winter, when I was a little boy, a smiling man with an ax on his shoulder stopped me, saying: “My pretty boy, has your father a grindstone(砂轮)”
“Yes, sir,” said I.
“You are a fine little fellow!” said the man. “Will you let me grind(磨) my ax?”
Pleased with the flattery, I answered, “Oh, yes, sir. The grindstone is down in the shop.”
Patting me on my head, he said, “Will you get me some hot water?” I ran and brought the hot water.
“How old are you, and what is your name?” he asked without waiting for a reply, “I’m sure you are one of the finest boys I have ever seen. Will you turn the grindstone a few minutes for me?”
Hearing the flattery again, I went to work with a will. It was a new ax, and I worked hard until I was almost tired to death. The school bell rang, but I could not get away, because the ax was not half ground.
At last, however, it was sharpened. Then the man turned to me and said, “Now, you little rascal(小坏蛋), you’ve played truant(逃课)! Run to school, or you’ll be sorry!”
“Alas!” thought I. “It was hard enough to turn a grindstone this old day, but now to be called a rascal is too much.”
The memory of turning the grindstone that winter morning sank into my mind. I have thought of it since. Now, whenever I hear words of flattery, I say to myself. “That man has an ax to grind.”
60.In this passage, the word “flattery” means _____.
A.an order or direction
B.nice words used beyond truth
C.kind words spoken by elder people to children
D.good manners
61.The man asked the boy many questions because _____.
A.he liked the boy very much
B.he wanted to know the boy’s name
C.he wanted to sharpen his ax
D.he wanted to know how old the boy was
62.The man called the boy “rascal” because _____.
A.his ax was damaged by the boy
B.he didn’t like the boy’s play truant
C.he didn’t need the boy any more
D.he thought that boy should go to school on time
63.Today in the writer’s vocabulary “That man has an ax to grind” means _____.
A. that man has some selfish reasons for his actions
B. that man works with an ax
C. that man is very kind and polite to boys
D. that man needs to sharpen his ax




Most people think of birds as feathered animals that fly. Scientists,   36 , do not define (给…下定义) birds as animals that fly, because some birds do not. Of the 10,000 or so species of birds, 46 cannot   37 . Flight plays a key role in   38  for most birds. It allows them to find food over a   39  area and to get away from enemies. Ancestors of flightless birds may have   40   their ability to fly because they had no regular predators (捕食者) or did not need to fly to find food. Rather than fly, some of these birds developed other   41  to catch food and avoid enemies. Two examples of   42  birds are penguins and ostriches.
  43  birds that fly, penguins do not have wide wings or large feathers. In order to catch the fish they feed on, penguins use their powerful wings to swim   44 . And when they swim,  they look as if they are flying through the water. The   45  of penguins’ bodies makes it possible for them to dive deep underwater,  46  their thick feathers protect them from the cold.
Ostriches are known for their long legs, long necks, and large size. To   47  themselves, they stay in groups and use their excellent sight and hearing to   48  enemies. As soon as    49  approaches, they can run at a speed of more than 65 kilometers per hour to   50  . In addition to using their strong legs to run, they can kick powerfully. 
Not all flightless birds have been   51  in protecting themselves. Flightless birds on some islands had no enemies until people   52 . These birds were hunted and easily caught by people and the animals   53  by people. Human land development has   54  the habitats of some birds. A number of flightless birds   55  because they were unable to adapt to new conditions and new enemies.

A.Instead ofB.Because ofC.BesidesD.Unlike
A.shapeB.color C.bone D.skin
A.flew awayB.watched outC.gave awayD.died out

Vincent Van Gogh was not always an artist. In fact, he wanted to be a church minister and was even sent to the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879. He discovered that the miners there endured terrible working conditions and poverty-level wages. Their families were skin-and-bone and struggled simply to survive. He felt concerned that the small pay he received from the church allowed him a reasonable lifestyle, which, in contrast, seemed to him unfair.
One cold February evening, while he watched the miners trudging home, he spotted an old man staggering toward him across the fields, wrapped in a burlap(粗麻布) bag for warmth. Van Gogh laid his own clothing out on the bed, set aside enough for one change, and decided to give the rest away. He gave the old man a suit of clothes and he gave his overcoat to a pregnant woman whose husband had been killed in a cave-in.
He lived on starvation food and spent his salary on food for the miners. When children in one family caught typhoid fever, though feverish himself, he packed up his bed and took it to them.
A wealthy family in the community offered him free room and board, Van Gogh declined the offer, stating that it was the final temptation (诱惑) he must reject if he was to faithfully serve his community of poor miners. He believed that if he wanted them to trust him, he must become one of them. And if they were to learn of the love of God through him, he must love them enough to share with them.
He was acutely aware of the big difference between words and actions. He knew that our lives always speak louder and clearer than our words. Maybe that is why Francis of Assisi often said to his monks, “Wherever you go, preach(讲道). Use words if necessary.”
Others are “listening” carefully to your actions. What are you saying to them?
1. We can infer form the passage ____________.
A. our lives always speak louder and clearer than our words
B. the miners there worked under excellent working conditions
C. the ministers lived a much better and easier life than the miners at the time
D. Van Gogh himself offered to work in the Belgian mining community of Borinage in 1879.
2. What does the underlined word “trudging” in the second paragraph mean?
A. Moving very quickly              B. Moving with quick light steps
C. Walking slowly for pleasure.         D. Walking with slow heavy steps.
3. According to the passage, which of the following words can best describe Van Gogh?
A. Ambitious and aggressive.          B. Considerate and sympathetic
C. Greedy and selfish.                D. Determined and grateful
4. What does the last paragraph want to tell us?
A. Use words if necessary             B. Actions speak louder than words
C. Rome was not built in a day.         D. Where there is a will there is a way.



Most people think of birds as feathered animals that fly. Scientists,   36 , do not define (给…下定义) birds as animals that fly, because some birds do not. Of the 10,000 or so species of birds, 46 cannot   37 . Flight plays a key role in   38  for most birds. It allows them to find food over a   39  area and to get away from enemies. Ancestors of flightless birds may have   40   their ability to fly because they had no regular predators (捕食者) or did not need to fly to find food. Rather than fly, some of these birds developed other   41  to catch food and avoid enemies. Two examples of   42  birds are penguins and ostriches.

  43  birds that fly, penguins do not have wide wings or large feathers. In order to catch the fish they feed on, penguins use their powerful wings to swim   44 . And when they swim,  they look as if they are flying through the water. The   45  of penguins’ bodies makes it possible for them to dive deep underwater,  46  their thick feathers protect them from the cold.

Ostriches are known for their long legs, long necks, and large size. To   47  themselves, they stay in groups and use their excellent sight and hearing to   48  enemies. As soon as    49  approaches, they can run at a speed of more than 65 kilometers per hour to   50  . In addition to using their strong legs to run, they can kick powerfully. 

Not all flightless birds have been   51  in protecting themselves. Flightless birds on some islands had no enemies until people   52 . These birds were hunted and easily caught by people and the animals   53  by people. Human land development has   54  the habitats of some birds. A number of flightless birds   55  because they were unable to adapt to new conditions and new enemies.

1.                A.thus           B.however        C.therefore D.otherwise


2.                A.stand          B.fly             C.hear D.sing


3.                A.growth         B.communication   C.health    D.survival


4.                A.wide           B.familiar         C.crowded  D.special


5.                A.developed      B.improved       C.lost  D.proved


6.                A.parts           B.habits          C.ways D.tools


7.                A.wild           B.interesting      C.rare D.flightless


8.                A.Instead of       B.Because of      C.Besides   D.Unlike


9.                A.quickly         B.carefully        C.differently D.gradually


10.               A.shape          B.color           C.bone D.skin


11.               A.if             B.and            C.but   D.so


12.               A.help           B.feed           C.protect    D.hide


13.               A.kill            B.notice          C.confuse   D.frighten


14.               A.dawn          B.darkness        C.danger    D.food


15.               A.look           B.escape         C.move D.fight


16.               A.successful      B.natural         C.unusual   D.positive


17.               A.realized        B.acted          C.stopped   D.arrived


18.               A.brought        B.found          C.bought    D.hunted


19.               A.provided       B.formed         C.destroyed D.controlled


20.               A.flew away       B.watched out     C.gave away D.died out



第Ⅱ卷  (两部分,共35分)




Left behind, we watched as Shackleton and the boat sailed away from Elephant Island. The danger of what lay ahead of them, the chances of them ever returning to find us, the fear that we might never know their fate and possible delays, at first made us feel low and discouraged. But it was not for long. There was nothing like a good dinner of penguin(企鹅) and some dynamic music to make a man feel more cheerful again.

Life now fell into a regular pattern. Just keeping alive took all our time and energy. For example, we had to gather fresh water by grasping and then melting sea-ice. If this drinking But melting the ice was a problem. With no trees growing on Antarctica and no oil, the only fuel we could use was seal fat. This gave off oily, black smoke but had he advantage of burning strongly in fierce winds. We could also eat the remains when the fire died down.

Food was also a problem as there were no vegetables or fruit to be found. As one of’ our group, Lionel Greenstreet noted in his diary after a few weeks how bored he was with the meals: “The food now is pretty well all meat -- seal steaks, cooked seal, penguin steaks, cooked penguin liver.” As a chef, it was my duty to clean and cook these animals, so I was soon being encouraged to vary the meals in whatever way I could. It was difficult.

We had to be very particular about our personal care because a changeable temperature could harm us. It was almost as dangerous to become too hot from wearing too many clothes as to become too cold from wearing too few. Becoming too hot led to sweating and this could freeze very quickly. Another part of the body that needed special caution was the eyes. The ice and snow reflected dangerous rays from the sun so that if we did not wear sunglasses we would suffer from sun-blindness.

Four months of this was as much as the twenty-two of us could bear in this bone-numbing cold. We were lucky that our group wolf worked hard to show an admirable mental attitude and dealt with our ever-present fears in a positive and successful way. Above all, Shackleton encouraged us to have celebrations: for birthdays, festivals or even just because of a good catch of penguin. This kept us cheerful and encouraged harmony in the group.

When rescue did come, we felt such relief and joy that many of us could not hide our tears. We were at last free to go home to a warm bed, good food and the care of our family and friends. Our optimism and faith in Shackleton had helped us persevere in staying alive and he had repaid us by his commitment to return and save us from a slow but painful death.

Main Points



Shackleton and his boat having (71)   ▲   away, we stayed on Elephant Island, feeling low and discouraged. A dinner of penguin and dynamic music (72)    ▲   us up.

Water problem

To gather fresh water, we grasped and then melt sea-ice by(73)    ▲  

seal fat.

(74)   ▲  problem

Food lacked variety, with only meat from seals and penguins.

Personal care

● Sweating from wearing too many clothes and(75)   ▲   from wearing too few could do harm to us.

● We needed to be (76)   ▲   of the eyes’ being harmed by the dangerous reflected rays from the sun.

(77)    ▲   for our survival

● Our positive (78)    ▲   

● Having celebrations

● Harmony in the group


Four months later, we were (79)   ▲   by Shackleton. And he

(80)    ▲    his promise.


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