the bow tie and ,of course, the beard.You might be surprised to find out that it was an elevenyearold girl
who urged Lincoln to grow his famous whiskers.
In the fall of 1860,a beardless Abraham Lincoln was running for President of the United States when he
received a letter from elevenyearold Grace Bedell of Westfield,New York.In her letter,Grace told him that
he should let his whiskers grow because his face was "so thin".She explained that "ladies like whiskers"
and that if he grew a beard,"they would ask their husbands to vote" for him.
Lincoln responded with the following letter:
My dear little Miss,
Your very agreeable letter of the 15th is received.
I regret the necessity of saying I have no daughters...
As to the whiskers,having never worn any,do you not think people would call it a piece of silly affection
(感情) if I were to begin it now?
Your sincere wellwisher,
Mr Lincoln was elected the sixteenth President of the United States on November 6,1860.Shortly after
the election,he had a change of heart about growing facial hair.By the time he left Springfield on February
11,1861,to begin his journey to the White House,he had a full beard.Lincoln had his picture taken,and this
image is what we see on the fivedollar bill today.
On his train ride to Washington D.C.,Lincoln made a stop in Westfield, New York. He greeted the
cheering crowd. Then he asked if the girl who wrote him a letter was present. Grace emerged from the
crowd carrying roses. He kissed her and announced that he had let his whiskers grow because of her
advice.Grace,who felt at a loss,ran all the way home still holding the flowers,which she had forgotten to
give to Mr Lincoln.
B.it would improve his appearance
C.most gentlemen liked whiskers
D.President of the US should wear whiskers
B.Grace came up with a silly idea.
C.Wearing whiskers could be troublesome.
D.It was a pity that he hadn't daughters.
B.He was not satisfied with his image.
C.He kept Grace's advice in mind for a long time.
D.He went to Washington D.C.by bus after being elected President.
C.confident D.proud
