Staying silent can be just as powerful as the words you mean to say, like when the act of hugging will be more comforting than saying, “Sorry for your loss.”

Another time when silence is golden is when you are unsure of what to say. If you are confused about your own feelings concerning a matter, it’s best to stay quiet until you are more certain because more harm can be done by revealing false or exaggerated feelings

Choose silence instead of blurting out “in-the-moment” feelings that are hurtful and not really how you feel in the grand scheme of things. When you feel the urge to say an unkind thing, take a few breaths and think of the possible consequences of your words.

Silence can be your best friend during negotiations. Say your piece, then close your mouth, and let the other person come to their own conclusions. Your silence shows that one, you are confident in what you just said, and two, you respect the other person enough to hear what they have to say.

Sometimes silence is the best and most timely solution because the other person is not in a position to hear what you have to say. For example, when a friend needs for you to listen to her problems, but she is unable to accept your advice at that moment.

Practice being silent at work when you don’t have anything meaningful to contribute. Unless you can start the conversation by pointing out something interesting, missing, or beneficial, it’s best to just observe and learn.

Finally, silence is golden when you don’t want to engage in a fool’s argument. As some squabbles(口角) will never be resolved, one must agree to disagree.

However, there will be times in your life where you will need the power of your voice,the voice within you that wants and needs to be respected and appreciated.

1.The passage mainly tells us about ________.

A. whether or not to stay silent B. why to stay silent

C. how to stay silent D. when to stay silent

2.What is the best to do during negotiation?

A. Grasp every chance to say more than the other

B. Close your mouth and just listen to the other

C. Speak out your own points and discuss with others

D. Keep silent after expressing yourself

3.To follow this passage, the writer is likely to continue telling about ________.

A. the occasions when you should speak up

B. the power of your voice

C. the advantages of speaking up

D. the disadvantages of staying silent


The attraction of television is undeniable when it comes to kids. 1. Here are guidelines we created to help us decide what’s appropriate for our family:

Monitor television time. Choosing good shows isn’t a big issue if you’re not watching a lot of television, so really the best solution to finding appropriate television is saying, “Go play.” 2.

Don’t trust network ratings. A kid-approved stamp given by a television network is a general guide that doesn’t take into account your parenting style and the things your family feels are important. 3. There are plenty of adult cartoon shows on television now, many with highly inappropriate topics.

4. The bottom line is, I want to know what my kids are watching, and if the TV is on my time in our home, I want to first approve of the show ahead of time, and second to watch it with my kids so that I’m aware of anything they might be seeing that needs intervention(干涉).

Talk about the show with your kids. As kids get older, we realize that we can’t shelter them from every single person/show/behavior that doesn’t fit exactly with our values. They’re going to hear a swear word from time to time—and might walk into the room while the characters in the romantic comedy we’re watching are kissing. 5.

A. If it doesn’t feel good, turn it off.

B. And be aware of cartoons!

C. We can talk about what we see, though, using story-lines to teach lessons when possible.

D. The standard for what our kids can watch might be difficult to set.

E. But how do you choose which shows are appropriate for the younger set?

F. Watch TV with them.

G. Still, a little bit of television doesn’t hurt and can be fun.

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