
Young people are perhaps better-known for spending money than saving it. But some new banking websites are seeking to change that. These websites offer young people the information and tools they need to watch over their money. The websites also let the users share their financial experiences with other young people.

Nineteen-year-old Alix Scott has been working at a store this summer. She is saving money to pay for college next year. “I have to save for all my college money because my parents can’t afford to co-sign on loans. So, I have to rely on my own savings.”

But instead of putting her money in a local bank, Miss Scott began using SmartyPig, a web-based banking service.

SmartPig was developed by Michael Ferrari with a friend in 2007. It is really all about helping people save for very specific goals, such as a wedding, a vocation or an IPhone.

MICHAEL FERRARI said : “For example, you want to save five thousand dollars for a vacation in three years. SmartyPig will actually calculate how much money you need to save every month. You don’t have to move from your existing bank, we’ll actually go in and withdraw those funds on the day you specify every month and we’ll put it into your SmartyPig account, where it’ll earn interest, as well.”

SmartyPig also enables outsiders to add money to the accounts of its users. “Perhaps a holiday is coming up or your birthday is coming up, and rather than getting a gift, your friends, your family can actually contribute to any of your SmartyPig goals.”Mr.Ferrari said. He believes that as technology continues to develop, more and more people will use the electronic banking sites.

A growing number of young people have shown an interest in online banking sites like SmartyPig. They say they like the ease of operation and services the sites offer. These personal finance websites offer tools that help users follow their spending, set up a budget, and combine their investments. And they all involve social media, which interests young adults who are already at ease about sharing their personal information online.

1.Which of the following is TRUE of Alix Scott?

A. She can’t afford her college education.

B.She has received a student loan

C.She prefers online banking services to local banks.

D. She has been working part-time at weekends

2.What do we know about SmartyPig?

A. It was created in 2008.

B. It offers the best rate.

C. It was founded by Michael Ferrari alone.

D. It is a tool for helping consumers save money.

3.According to the text, users of SmartyPig __________.

A. can share their experiences of saving money

B. need to put their money in their SmartyPig account

C. Have access to low rate loans.

D. Can often receive free gifts from SmartyPig

4.The last paragraph mainly talks about_________.

A. how to save money on SmartyPig

B. Why young people like online banking sites

C. What SmartyPig should do to improve its services

D. how online banking sites differ from traditional banks




It was early in the morning, on a lonely road. It's _________heavily. A 9-year-old boy was in the car with his mother, who was _________ him to school. Suddenly, the car went off the road, _________ several times, and came to rest upside down in a ditch (沟渠) filled with water.

Luckily, both the mother and son were _________ seatbelts. The mother suffered a blow to her head and was unable to move. The boy was frightened but _________. As water came through broken windows in the car, he _________unbuckled (解开) himself, climbed out of the _________window, made his way around to the driver's side, and reached inside the _________ to free his trapped mother. With great effort, he managed to _________her, pull her through the window and up to the road, where they were soon _________ .

His mother later recalled her experience of the _________ . Being unable to move or even _________ to offer instructions or encouragement to her son, she was _________ by her little son's action. She recalled _________ her boy saying out loud as he pulled her through the water, “I think I can, I think I can!”

It seemed _________ that this little boy's act of courage was from one of his favorite books: The Little Engine that Could. In that _________ , when everyone else had _________ hope, the Little Engine carried the heavy load of toys and good things to eat over the hill to the children waiting on the other side. He had _________ and took action. Obviously this book had left a _________impression before the accident that rainy _________ and motivated (激励) the son to take action if the terrifying moments.

1.A. snowing B. smoking C. blowing D. raining

2.A. ordering B. driving C. pushing D. flying

3.A. rolled B. fell C. moved D. stopped

4.A. making B. watching C. wearing D. missing

5.A. afraid B. dead C. tired D. unhurt

6.A. quickly B. carefully C. nearly D. happily

7.A. student B. passenger C. family D. worker

8.A. box B. room C. car D. ditch

9.A. respect B. introduce C. recognize D. free

10.A. accepted B. rescued C. welcome D. fed

11.A. accident B. experiment C. travel D. fire

12.A. listen B. sleep C. speak D. look

13.A. excited B. frightened C. wounded D. amazed

14.A. seeing B. hearing C. smelling D. feeling

15.A. clear B. sorry C. useful D. necessary

16.A. poem B. notice C. story D. dream

17.A. realized B. waken C. kept up D. given up

18.A. courage B. food C. space D. time

19.A. bad B. deep C. false D. general

20.A. afternoon B. night C. morning D. evening


Patricia Blues, 29, has a new aim in life: to keep drivers’ hands on their steering wheels and off their cell phones. On November 2, 2007, Blues lived through a horrible experience. A motorist dialing a cell phone drove through a stop sign at 45 miles per hour and ran into the side of Blues’ car. Blues’ 2-year-old daughter was killed immediately in the crash.

Blues has since devoted her time top pushing for laws that would prevent this type of tragedy from happening again.

Cell phones are not the only distractions(分神) that cause accidents. Eating, changing CDs, reading maps, talking to passengers, and just reaching for an object on the floor can be dangerous. Therefore, the emphasis should be on educating drivers to avoid all distractions. However, talking on cell phones might be easier to regulate than eating or changing music. At least 34 states have already passed laws to restrict cell phone use in moving cars. No state has banned it yet, but several US. cities. Worldwide, 13 nations, including Australia, England, Germany, Japan and China have banned drivers’ use of cell phones in moving cars.

To date, no scientific evidence has been published showing that talking on the phone affects driving safety. But according to a test by some high school students, “driving while on the phone does affect safety and probably shouldn’t be done”.

1.What happened to Patricia Blues on November 2, 2007?

A. She was seriously injured in a car crash.

B. She lost her daughter in a road accident.

C. She broke the traffic rules at a bus stop

D. Her vehicle was destroyed by a motorbike.

2.The tragedy was caused by ________.

A. Blues’ lack of driving experience

B. the motorist’s failure of seeing the stop sign

C. Blues’ poor car conditions

D. the motorist’s absence of mind while driving

3.Patricia Blues’ new goal of life is to persuade the government ________.

A. to forbid the carrying of cell phones in cars

B. to educate drivers to avoid all distractions

C. to ban talking on cell phones while driving

D. to study harmful results of using cell phones

4.Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

A. Using cell phones while driving is easier to be controlled by law than other distractions

B. It is more important to make laws than educate drivers to be aware of driving safety.

C. Driving while on the cell phone is firmly against only by some students from high schools.

D. It is extremely urgent for the cities with a large population to restrict using cell phones

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