
January l:  It has happened.  I got a call today saying a little girl in Russia is now my little girl. There are a lot of papers to prepare, and we have to travel to Russia to bring her home,

but now it is certain. I think I'll tell some close friends. Jason is so excited.  I haven't told Steven yet. How can I tell a seven-year-old that he has a sister who is already five years old?

         January 10: Today I received a picture of Katerina. The picture is small and not very clear,  but I look at it over and over again.  I don't know anything else about her.  She has lived in a home for children without parents for most of her life.  I wonder how I will talk to her.  I don't speak Russian, and she doesn't speak English.

         February l: Today I showed Katerina’s picture to Steven* He is very happy and wants to tell all his friends about his new sister.  I want to buy some new clothes for Katerina, but I don't know her size.  I haven' t received any information from the adoption organization,  and I'm feeling a little worried.

    February 16: Finally! Today we received good news! All the papers are ready and tomorrow we will go to Russia to bring Katerina home with us.

    February 18: Today I met my daughter for the first time.She is very small, very thin, and very shy. On the way home in the airplane, she slept most of the time.When she woke up, she cried. I am very worried and hope that I can be a good mother to Katerina.

    February 19: Steven met his sister this morning. Although Katerina was quiet at first, soon she and Steven began to talk in a mix of Russian, English, and hand movements. Steven and his sister get along well together. In fact, he is able to help her talk with Jason and me. I am worried about how Katerina will be in school. Next week she will start school. How will she understand her teacher?

         March 21: Katerina looks much better now. She is heavier, her hair looks good, and her skin is clear. She loves to watch television with her brother, and she has learned to roller-skate. She is doing well in school, and her English gets better every day. Although she sometimes looks sad, and sometimes cries, most of the time she is happy. I think she is slowly my life without her.

1.Who is Katerina?

A.Steven's elder sister.                    B.An adopted girl.

C.Jason's close friend.                     D.The writer's niece.

2.When back at home, what is the writer most worried about?

A.How Steven can get along well with Katerina.

B.How Katerina can communicate with Jason and her.

C.Whether Katerina will adapt herself to the school life.

D.Whether she can be a good mother to Katerina.

3.From the passage we know that in her new family Katerina ______.

A.gets very fat                              B.becomes depressed

C.remains frightened                        D.is well treated

4.Where is the passage most probably from?

A.A diary.                         B.An advertisement

C.An essay.             D.A speech










1.推理题:从第一段的内容:I got a call today saying a little girl in Russia is now my little girl. There are a lot of papers to prepare, and we have to travel to Russia to bring her home,可知作者要从俄罗斯收养一个孩子,第二段提到:I received a picture of Katerina. The picture is small and not very clear,  but I look at it over and over again.  I don't know anything else about her.  She has lived in a home for children without parents for most of her life.  可知Katerina之前一直住在孤儿所,说明她是被收养的孩子,选B

2.细节题:从倒数第二段的句子:I am worried about how Katerina will be in school. Next week she will start school. How will she understand her teacher?可知作者担心Katerina能否适应学校的生活,选C

3.推理题:从最后两段的内容:Steven and his sister get along well together. In fact, he is able to help her talk with Jason and me.和She is heavier, her hair looks good, and her skin is clear. She loves to watch television with her brother, and she has learned to roller-skate.可知Katerina在新的家庭被很好的对待,选D





Hours & Admission

Open Daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. except major holidays (see below)

July and August only - Thursdays until 7:00 p.m.

Please Note: all MIT Museum sites are wheelchair accessible.

Admission beginning July l, 2013

Adults: $10.00; youth under 18, students, seniors: $5:00; children under age 5: free

Admission is free the last Sunday of each month, all day, from September 2013 -June 2014

Evening programs are free with Museum Admission

Visit our Partner Organizations pages for more information about discounts(折扣).

Closed, 2013:

January l: New Year's Day

May 27: Memorial Day

July 4: Independence Day

September 2: Labor Day

November 28: Thanksgiving Day

December 24 & 25: Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

December 31: Early Closing for New Year's Day

1.The information you read above is probably about ______.

A. a museum    B. a cinema       C. a park           D. a cafe

2.How much do they have to pay in total if a family, including grandparents, parents and a child of 8, go together on the last Sunday of November 2013?

A. $0.       B. $25.     C. $30.    D. $35.

3.You won't be refused at the door if you go there at ______.

A. Thanksgiving Day                    B. Christmas Day

C. 6 p.m. on a Thursday of July           D. 6 p.m. on a Tuesday of August

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. Children under the age of 7 do not have to pay.

B. It is possible for the disabled to go there on wheelchairs.

C. Visitors have to pay some extra money for the evening programs.

D. There are definitely no more discounts besides those listed here.                                                   


  “Happy New Year!”Everyone will greet each other with these words as they meet over the next couple of weeks.But it wasn’t always January l that marked the New Year.

  At least 4,000 years ago the ancient Egyptians and Bahylo-nians(古巴比伦人)marked the changing of the year.In Egypt, the year started when the Nile River(尼罗河)flooded,enriching farmers’ fields with silt(淤泥).This happened at the end of September.

  The Babylonians held a festival in spring,on March 23,to kick off the next farming cycle.The Babylonian celebration lasted for l l days.

The date January l was picked by the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar as the change of the year when he established his own calendar in 4 6 BC.The month of January was named after the Roman god,Janus(雅努斯).He is pictured with two heads.0ne head looks forward and the other back.They represent a break between the old and new.That new calendar was in time with the sun and it has been used until the present day.

  Around the world,different cultures have their own traditions for welcoming the New Year.The Japanese hang straw rope across the front of their houses to keep out evil spirits and bring happiness and good luck.They also have a good laugh as the year begins to get things started on a lucky note.

  In India people like to wear pink, red ,purple and white flowers. Women favor yellow,the colour of spring.Hindus also leave shrines next to their beds so they see beautiful objects when they wake up.

  Canadians enjoy the traditional polar bear swim.People of all ages put on their swimsuits and jump into frozen lakes.

60. Which ancient country has a great effect on the New Year we are celebrating now?

A.Egypt.         B.Rome. 

C.Babylon.       D.India.

61. What’s the main idea of the last three paragraphs?

A. In different countries people celebrate the New Year in different ways

B.People in different countries celebrate the New Year in different times of the year.

C. Which country has the best tradition for welcoming the New Year?

D. In different countries people play different games to celebrate the New Year.

62.What can we infer from this passage?

A. Everyone will greet each other with “Happy New Year” for several months.

B. Women favour yellow flowers in Japan when they celebrate the New Year.

C. Canadians like swimming in the lake to celebrate the New Year though it is very cold.

D. Human beings have been celebrating the New Year for no more than 4.000 years.


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