【题目】Moving in with a boyfriend causes women to eat more unhealthily and put on weight. But the opposite is true for men, whose longterm health benefits when they move in with a female partner.

Dieticians at Newcastle University said both partners try to please one another, and so change their dietary habits to suit their other half.

It leads men to eat more light meals, such as salads, fruit and vegetables, while women choose to make creamier, heavier dishes like curry or rich pasta sauces, which may please their partner.

Women still have the strongest longterm influence over the couple's diet and lifestyle, as they still have the traditional role of shopper and cook in most households.

The report, by Newcastle University's Human Nutrition Research Centre, reviewed the finding of a variety of research projects from the UK, North America and Australia, which looked at the eating and lifestyle habits of couples.

The research shows that women are more likely to put on weight and increase their consumption of foods high in fat and sugar when they move in with their partner.

Women also use food as a comfort when dealing with emotional stress and have been found to gain weight when a relationship ends, while the same finding has not been observed in men.

Many couples reported food as being central to their partnership, and eating together in the evening was particularly important to many.

Report author and registered dietician Dr. Amelia Lake said, “The research has shown that your partner is a strong influence on lifestyle and people who are trying to live healthier lives should take this factor into consideration.”

【1】According to the passage, moving in with a girlfriend, men ________.

A.have few changes of their dietary habits

B.have to eat more unhealthy foods

C.don't like foods high in fat and sugar at all

try to eat foods that their girlfriends like

【2】The underlined word “light”(in Paragraph 3 ) probably means ________.

A.not very heavy

B. gentle.

C.less in fat and sugar

D.not serious or important

【3】According to the report by Newcastle University's Human Nutrition Research Centre, ________.

A.women put on weight only because they want to suit their other half

B.when men are faced with emotional stress, they will change their dietary habits

C.eating together in the evening is a good way to communicate for couples

D.it is wrong to change your dietary habits to suit your partner

【4】From the passage, we can infer that ________.

A.women should pay more attention to their partner's influence on them

B.more men will play roles of shopper and cook in most households

C.couples will not change their dietary habits and lifestyle to please their partner

D.longterm health of men benefits when they move in with a female partner

【5】What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Don't be silly any more, women!

B.Which are better dietary habits?

C.Boyfriends make you fat

D.Dr. Amelia Lake and his study

【题目】After my dad died on Aug.30, 2001, my mother made sure we marked each anniversary. At first, my brothers and sister and I would travel hours to get home, but eventually we got to the point where just one or two of us would make it back to go to Mass with her and spend the day together.

The great love of her life, the man who broke up with her right before her college graduation, only to return two years later claiming he'd traveled the world and hadn't found anyone to compare with her, remained a daily presence in her life.She spoke about him so often and kept his memory so alive that people were sometimes surprised to learn that he was gone. She took over the garden where he'd planted and made it on her own.

When the 10th anniversary of his death approached,my mom began talking about it and planning for it weeks in advance. The date on her kitchen calendar was circled and marked R.I.P. (Rest in Peace). Of course she wanted all of us there and settled the date for our coming back.

On Monday—the day before the anniversary—she went to Mass and walked downtown for lunch with friends, and later told my sister on the phone that she felt Dad still so close that as she was walking back home, she heard someone yell and thought, “Oh, there's Dick.”

That evening she went out to water flowers, just as my father, 10 years before, had gone out to the garden to pick vegetablesbefore he died. A neighbor heard the tin watering can strike the ground as she fell and hit her head. My mother died within hours, on Aug. 30, 2011, the 10th anniversary. She needed to mark that anniversary, she_wanted_us_all_home and my dad had waited long enough.

【1】The author and her brothers and sister would________each year during the first

few years since 2001.

A.go home to see their father

B.go home to see their mother

C.spend the special day with their mother

D.serve their mother on Aug.30

【2】From the second paragraph we know that the author's father________.

A.traveled around the world and left her mother

B.left her mother first but returned two years later

C.had a quarrel with her mother before her mother's graduation

D. was not the right man her mother wanted at that time

【3】We can infer from the passage that the author's mother________.

A.knew her last day was coming on Aug.30

B.kept everything of her husband's

C.missed her husband though he had passed away

D.remained a daily presence in her husband's life

【4】What does the writer imply in the underlined part of the last sentence?

A.Mother wanted us to stay at home.

B.Mother missed us very much.

C.Mother expected us to get back.

D.That day was Mother's last day.

【题目】What did your school smell like? Was it noisy or peaceful? It might not seem important, but a growing body of research suggests that smells and sounds can have an impact on learning, performance and creativity.

Bridget Shield has been conducting studies and advising people on the effects of all sorts of noises, such as traffic and sirens, as well as noise made by the children themselves. "Everything points to a harmful impact of the noise on children’s performance, in numeracy, in literacy, and in spelling,” says Shield.

Shield says the sound of “babble” the chatter of other children, is particularly distracting in the classroom.。People are very distracted by speech-particularly if it is understandable, but you’re not involved in it.” This phenomenon is also known as the irrelevant speech effect, she says, adding that “it’s a very common finding in open-plan offices as well.’’

In a series of studies published last year, Ravi Mehta found that people were more creative when the background noises were played at a medium level than when volume was low. Loud background noise, however, damaged their creativity. Ravi Mehta suggests there maybe some benefit to playing music or other sounds in an art class or other situations where creativity is the key.

Many teachers all over the world already play music to students in class. Many are inspired by the belief that hearing music can boost IQ in their tasks, the so-called Mozart effect. While the evidence actually suggests it’s a guess to say classical music boosts brainpower, researchers do think pleasant sounds before a task can sometimes lift your mood and help you perform well, says Ravi Mehta," If you like the music or you like the sound-even listening to a Stephen King novel-then you did better. It didn’t matter about the music,“ he says.

However, it’s worth considering that music is not always helpful while you’re trying to work. Trying to perform a task which involves serial recall - for instance, doing mental mathematics-will be distracted by sounds with audio variation, says Ravi Mehta. Songs with lyrics, on the other hand, are more likely to interfere(干扰)with tasks that involve languages-such as reading comprehension.

This isn’t the only sense being related to affecting learning.

【1】The second paragraph implies that _________.

A.general noise also has a harmful effect.

B.students are sensitive to noise.

C.some children need special sounds to do tasks.

D.children aren't affected by their own noise.

2The irrelevant speech effect refers to the fact that _________.

A.you don’t understand what others are talking

B.you are interrupted by the chatting of others

C.you are unwilling to chat with other people

D.you find what others are talking irrelevant to you

3According to the text, Ravi Mehta believes that __________.

A.music matters when you want to do better.

B.music will help you do mental arithmetic.

C.any music can be beneficial as long as you like it.

D.songs with lyrics will improve your reading comprehension.

4What might be discussed in the following paragraph?

A.Whether music is helpful all the time.

B.What sound can promote a person’s creativity.

C.When smell can improve students’ behavior.

D.How smell affects children’s performance.

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