
Although the Garden God had made him the most beautiful place that there could ever be, Adam was lonely.

Adam needed some    . So God reached into the ground again and took some more stuff from the earth. This time he made every kind of animal and every kind of bird. He brought them all to Adam to see    he would call them. It must have    a long, long time to think up all those    ! Luckily, he didn't call them things like 'Foo Foo' or “Snuggems”or 'Pooky' or anything like that.     , he called them 'gerbils' and 'rabbits' and 'rhinoceroses'. And he    the birds 'eagles' and 'egrets' and 'ruby throated warblers'.

Well,     , we don't know what Adam named them,     he didn't speak English. But he named each kind, and that's important because people are the only ones that name things. Your    knows what a squirrel is, but he doesn't call    a squirrel. He just barks    it! But naming things is one of the things that shows we are    from all the other creatures that God made.    

      even with all the animals around to keep him company, God saw that Adam was     sad. Monkeys are fun to play with, but they don't have very much to say and they have    table manners. So God made Adam fall    , and while Adam was sleeping, God took one of his ribs(肋骨).God took Adam's    and he made a woman from it. When Adam woke up, God    Eve to him , and Adam said, “At last! Here is    like me! Her bones were made from my bones, and her body was made from my body. I will call her 'woman' because that means she was taken out of man.”

  At last Adam was    . And so Adam and Eve lived together in God's garden.

1.A. friend         B. classmates     C. company       D. family

2.A. how   B. what      C. why       D. that

3.A. taken B. cost       C. paid       D. spent

4.A. birds  B. animals C. plants    D. names

5.A. Instead       B. But        C. However       D. Therefore

6.A. raised         B. called    C. played  D. names

7.A. surprisingly         B. strongly         C. relatively       D. actually

8.A. that    B. why       C. because         D. how

9.A. dog    B. bird       C. plant     D. flower

10.A. that B. him        C. them     D. it

11.A. in     B. at  C. on          D. about

12.A. different  B. difficult C. great     D. clever

13.A. Because   B. And       C. But       D. However

14.A. much        B. even     C. any        D. still

15.A. terrible    B. polite    C. good     D. trained

16.A. ill     B. asleep   C. awake   D. alone

17.A. body         B. animal   C. bird       D. rib

18.A. slept         B. got         C. brought        D. took

19.A. someone B. anyone C. nobody D. everyone

20.A. lonely       B. happy   C. sad        D. alone


























1.考查名词。根据So God reached into the ground again and took some more stuff from the earth. This time he made every kind of animal and every kind of bird.可知亚当需要一些同伴。Company同伴,故选C。



4.考查名词。根据Luckily, he didn't call them things like 'Foo Foo' or “Snuggems”or 'Pooky' or anything like that.可知这里想说想出这些名字一定花了很长时间,故选D。

5.考查副词。根据he called them 'gerbils' and 'rabbits' and 'rhinoceroses',可知这里填Instead代替,故选A。

6.考查动词。根据he called them 'gerbils' and 'rabbits' and 'rhinoceroses'.故选B。

7.考查副词。根据we don't know what Adam named them可知这里想说事实上,我们不知道亚当称呼它们什么?故选D。

8.考查连词。根据we don't know what Adam named them可知这里想说因为他不说英语,故选C。

9.考查名词。根据He just barks 46 it!可知这里想说你的狗知道松鼠是什么,但是它不叫 它松鼠,故选A。

10.考查代词。根据He just barks 46 it!可知这里想说你的狗知道松鼠是什么,但是它不叫 它松鼠,故选D。


12.考查形容词。根据But naming things is one of the things that shows we are 47 from all the other creatures that God made. 可知这里想说但是,给事物起名字表明了我们和其它动物的不同,故选A。

13.考查连词。 这里想说但是即使这么多动物在亚当的周围做伴,上帝看到亚当依然很悲伤。故选C。


15.考查形容词。根据Monkeys are fun to play with, but they don't have very much to say and they have 50 table manners.可知猴子们的餐桌礼仪很糟糕,terrible糟糕的,故选A。

16.考查形容词。根据and while Adam was sleeping, God took one of his ribs(肋骨).可知这里想说所以上帝让亚当睡着了。Fall asleep睡着,故选B。

17.考查名词。根据and while Adam was sleeping, God took one of his ribs(肋骨),故选D。


19.考查代词。根据Her bones were made from my bones, and her body was made from my body. I will call her 'woman' because that means she was taken out of man.”可知这里想说最后,这是长得像我的一个事物,故选A。

20.考查形容词。根据And so Adam and Eve lived together in God's garden.可知这里想说最后,亚当高兴了,故选B。





  For many years, T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color——white. And since they were worn under shirts, they were generally not seen.

  Today the T-shirt has become fashionable. It can be seen everywhere and on everyone. Women and little children wear T-shirts as teenagers, university students, and men from all walks of life do. T-shirts are worn on playground, at the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Yet T-shirts remain relatively inexpensive and long wearing, as well as easy to care for. Smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of America's newest ideas on fashion.

  Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan or picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a single word, a popular phrase, pictures of popular singers, or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time.

(1)Which statement is true about T-shirts in the past?

[  ]

A.There are a large variety of T-shirts in the past.

B.They were worn by people from all kinds of work.

C.There were many multi-colored T-shirts.

D.They were usually worn inside.

(2)Compared with the past, T-shirts have changed a lot. Which of the following is NOT true about their changes?

[  ]

A.They are worn by more and more people

B.They can be worn on more and more occasions.

C.There are more and more new designs

D.They are more and more expensive.

(3)What is the most popular kind of T-shirts?

[  ]

A.The silk T-shirt in white color.

B.The cotton T-shirt with a slogan or picture

C.The wool T-shirt worn on playground

D.The cotton T-shirt worn for work

(4)What is being done to make T-shirts more attractive?

[  ]

A.Advertisements are being widely used

B.New technology is being used

C.New designs are being adopted

D.More man-made materials are being introduced


  For many years, T-shirts were simple short-sleeved undershirts for men and boys. T-shirts used to be of one color——white. And since they were worn under shirts, they were generally not seen.

  Today the T-shirt has become fashionable. It can be seen everywhere and on everyone. Women and little children wear T-shirts as teenagers, university students, and men from all walks of life do. T-shirts are worn on playground, at the beach or in town. They can also be worn for work. Yet T-shirts remain relatively inexpensive and long wearing, as well as easy to care for. Smart but comfortable and convenient to wear, they have become one of America's newest ideas on fashion.

  Although T-shirts are now available in a wide variety of bright materials and styles, the most popular kind is the traditional cotton T-shirts with a slogan or picture printed on the front. A T-shirt may bear a single word, a popular phrase, pictures of popular singers, or an advertisement. As T-shirts are becoming more and more popular, new designs are coming up all the time.

(1)Which statement is true about T-shirts in the past?

[  ]

A.There are a large variety of T-shirts in the past.

B.They were worn by people from all kinds of work.

C.There were many multi-colored T-shirts.

D.They were usually worn inside.

(2)Compared with the past, T-shirts have changed a lot. Which of the following is NOT true about their changes?

[  ]

A.They are worn by more and more people

B.They can be worn on more and more occasions.

C.There are more and more new designs

D.They are more and more expensive.

(3)What is the most popular kind of T-shirts?

[  ]

A.The silk T-shirt in white color.

B.The cotton T-shirt with a slogan or picture

C.The wool T-shirt worn on playground

D.The cotton T-shirt worn for work

(4)What is being done to make T-shirts more attractive?

[  ]

A.Advertisements are being widely used

B.New technology is being used

C.New designs are being adopted

D.More man-made materials are being introduced

Ⅱ. 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从第21 — 40各题所给的四个选项(A 、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。
I stood there listening to dad’s severe words. He gathered us into our yard and had the look on his face that told us one of us did something   21  .
We stared down at the floor containing the art of a child’s   22   in chalk. I suppose that was a no-no for us, though I can’t say I quite   23   the result when I was committing the crime. All the others denied (否认). I stood there,   24   inside. The only words that came from my mouth were, “ Not me, dad. ” I couldn’t find the   25   to tell the truth. Lying was not   26   for me. But the look on dad's face scared me.
Without saying a word, dad   27   for only a few minutes and came back with paper and a pencil. He was so   28   to find the truth! “ I want each of you to write   29   what you see on the floor. ” I was not a   30   kid, though and when my turn came, I wrote the words   31  . So when my dad compared the handwriting, he still   32   tell the truth.
“ I will give you one more chance to confess (承认) ”, he said. Not   33  , no one spoke up.
Should I say something? I guess he’ll be   34  ! So again, I held my   35  . “ Well, if someone came forward, there would be   36   punishment.” he added. Oh, no! I’ve lost my last chance!
He took us into the house. “  37   none of you confessed, then you all get a spanking (打屁股).” 
“ I did it, ” someone said. I looked around to see my sister come   38  . My sister was going to get spanked. And I let it   39  .
I didn’t tell the truth until years later. When I think back to that day, I know I learned the   40 
of family, of a sister who would do anything for me. And I would do the same for her now.
21. A. special          B. funny          C. wrong          D. useless
22. A. handwriting           B. map            C. calculation        D. drawing
23. A. understood      B. remembered      C. accepted        D. expected
24. A. cheering        B. imagining      C. trembling         D. wondering
25. A. courage              B. time            C. way            D. chance
26. A. unusual        B. unfit             C. normal                D. difficult
27. A. walked           B. disappeared     C. hid                   D. escaped
28. A. afraid           B. determined     C. surprised        D. proud
29. A. similarly       B. carefully       C. particularly      D. exactly
30. A. smart           B. stupid          C. naughty               D. lovely
31. A. differently            B. strangely        C. quickly          D. quietly
32. A. would not       B. might not            C. could not              D. need not
33. A. excitingly      B. disappointingly         C. interestingly      D. surprisingly
34. A. mad           B. curious        C. delighted              D. amused
35. A. breath         B. face           C. hand           D. tongue
36. A. heavy         B. much          C. new              D. no
37. A. Since          B. Although       C. Unless          D. While
38. A. out            B. forward         C. in                    D. round
39. A. remain         B. exist           C. happen          D. do
40. A. knowledge     B. use             C. sense            D. value

On the night of my birthday, I went with my mom to the nearest drug store to buy vitamins. Even though it was my birthday, I was feeling   11  and a bit lonely. Maybe I missed my dad who died four years ago, I just wanted him to be beside me that day.
On my way to the drug store, I was crying. When I arrived there, I cleaned my   12   up from the tears and tried to   13  when I ordered the vitamins my mom wanted to buy. While I was waiting, I looked around the building and I   14  sight of a beggar next to the door. She was with her son, a cute little boy. They were sitting on the street. Although it was in winter at the moment and I still felt   15   with my coat, I noticed that the child was just wearing an old T-shirt. I felt sorry for them. When I   16   for my vitamins, I glanced at them and had an idea. “Why don’t I contribute some of my smaller clothes to them? Today is my   17 .” I thought to myself. I had to   18  something with someone else that day. Yeah, I   19  that I had to do that. I went home in a hurry and I felt so excited as I looked for some of my smaller   20 .
At home, I told my mom my   21  and told her my idea. My mom   22  with me. I found a few clothes and went back to the drug store. When I got there, I didn’t hand the clothing over myself. I wanted it to be a   23 , so I asked someone to hand the clothes over, then I left. As I left, I   24  someone saying “thank you!” and I hoped it was for me.
On the road, my heart was full of   25  and warmth. I felt glad that I could share something on my birthday and that was a big gift for me.

A.happyB. sadC. gladD. delighted
A.handB. cheekC. headD. shoulder
A.smileB. askC. runD. cry
A.putB. caughtC. keptD. held
A.warmB. cloudyC. coldD. hot
A.paidB. answeredC. accountedD. applied
A.SundayB. holidayC. MondayD. birthday
A.shareB. discussC. supportD. send
A.expectedB. managedC. failedD. decided
A. clothesB. booksC. medicineD. caps
A. experienceB. practiceC. experimentD. discovery
A. discussedB. agreedC. arguedD. debated
A. secretB. wonderC. newsD. pride
A. touchedB. heardC. smeltD. felt
A. sadnessB. happinessC. coldnessD. worry

All the wisdom of the ages and all the stories that have delighted mankind for centuries are easily and cheaply available to all of us within the covers of books. The most unfortunate people in the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.
Reading is the pleasure of the mind, which means that it is a little like a sport: your eagerness and knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Reading is fun, not because the writer is telling you something, but because it makes your mind work. Your own imagination works along with the author's or even goes beyond his. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.
Every book stands by itself, like a one--family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Although they are separate, together they all add up to something. They are connected with each other and with other cities. Books influence each other; they link the past, the present and the future and have their own generations, like families. Wherever you start reading, you connect yourself with one of the families or ideas, and in the long run, you not only find out about the world and the people in it but also you find out about yourself, too.
Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you "you ought" to read, you probably won't have fun. But if you put down a book you don’t like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax yourself with it, you will almost certainly have a good time  and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you won't have suffered during the process.
72. In the writer's opinion, in fact reading is a process of ________.
A. listening to the author                                   B. accepting the author's ideas
C. communicating with the author and yourself             D. judging the author's work
73. The writer thinks that the most unfortunate people are those _______.
A. who don't have any books                                  B. who can't enjoy reading books
C. who don’t like books                                     D. who read too many books
74. To find pleasure in reading, you should read the books _______.
A. written by famous writers                                             B. written in humor style
C. which you like to read                                     D. which are recommended by your friends
75. The author's purpose in writing the passage is to _______.
A. show the importance of reading                               B. tell us how to make reading more effective
C. tell us how to read                              D. show the pleasure of reading
72-75 CBCD

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