
Why does most of the world travel on the right side today? Theories differ, but there's no doubt Napoleon was a major influence. The French have used the right since at least the late 18th century. Some say that before the French Revolution, noblemen drove their carriages on the left, forcing the peasants to the right. Regardless of the origin, Napoleon brought right-hand traffic to the nations he conquered, including Russia, Switzerland and Germany. Hitler, in turn, ordered right-hand traffic in Czechoslovakia and Austria in the 1930s. Nations that escaped right-hand control, like Great Britain, followed their left-hand tradition.

The U.S. has not always been a nation of right-hand drivers; earlier in its history, carriage and horse traffic travelled on the left, as it did in England. But by the late 1700s, people driving large wagons pulled by several pairs of horses began promoting a shift (改变) to the right. A driver would sit on the rear (后面的) left horse in order to wave his whip (鞭子) with his right hand; to see opposite traffic clearly, they travelled on the right.

One of the final moves to firmly standardize traffic directions in the U.S. occurred in the 20th century, when Henry Ford decided to mass-produce his cars with controls on the left ( the reason was stated in a 1908 catalog: the convenience for passengers exiting directly onto the edge, especially if there is a lady to be considered).Once these rules were set, many countries eventually adjusted to the right-hand standard, including Canada in the 1920s, Sweden in 1967 and Burma in 1970.The U.K. and former colonies such as Australia and India are among the Western world's few remaining holdouts(坚持不变者).Several Asian nations, including Japan, use the left as well—though many places use both right-hand-drive and left-hand-drive cars.

1.Why did people in Switzerland travel on the right?

A. They had used the right-hand traffic since the 18th century.

B. Rich people enjoyed driving their carriages on the right.

C. Napoleon introduced the right-hand traffic to this country.

D. Hitler ordered them to go against their left-hand tradition.

2.Of all the countries below, the one that travels on the right is ______.

A. Austria B. England C. Japan D. Australia

3.Henry Ford produced cars with controls on the left ______.

A. in order to change traffic directions in the U.S.

B. so that passengers could get off conveniently

C. because rules at that time weren't perfect

D. though many countries were strongly against that

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Before the French Revolution, all the French people used the right.

B. People in Britain and the U.S. travel on the same side nowadays.

C. The Burmese began to travel on the right in 1970.

D. All the Asian nations use the left at present.



Dr Wiseman started “the laugh lab” project in September 2001. It is the largest study of humour. Participants(This is a subject that has long attracted psychologists and philosophers. Most of the time, people are not completely honest. We do things that society expects us to and say things that help us get what we want. But laughing cannot be controlled. When we laugh, we tell the truth about ourselves. By December 2001 over 10, 000 jokes had been submitted. This gave the scientists enough evidence to make early conclusions. It seems that men and women do have different senses of humour, for instance.

“Our findings show the major differences in the ways in which males and females use humour, ” said Dr. Wiseman. “Males use humour to appear superior to others, while women are more skilled in languages and prefer word play. ”

Researchers also found that there really is such a thing as a national sense of humour. The British enjoy what is usually called “toilet humour”. But the French like their jokes short and sharp: “You’re a high priced lawyer. Will you answer two questions for $500?” “Yes. What’s the second question?”

The Germans are famous for not having a sense of humour. But the survey found that German participants were more likely to find submitted jokes funny than any other nationality.

Perhaps that proves the point. Is this joke funny? I don’t know, but let’s say yes, just to be safe. Dr Wiseman and his workmates also submitted jokes created by computer. But none of those who took part in the survey found any of them amusing. Perhaps this is relief. Computers already seem like they can do everything. At least they should leave the funny

stuff to us.

1.Scientist started “ the laugh lab” project________

A. to find the funniest joke in European countries

B. to get more personal details about participants

C. to know what funny people are like from different nations and cultures

D. to find out the differences between the male and female sense of humour

2.We can infer from the passage that________.

A. most of the people all over the world are completely honest

B. people tell the truth about themselves only when they laugh

C. ordinary people are not interested in “the laugh lab” project at all

D. psychologists and philosophers take interest in the “laugh lab” project

3.According to the passage, we can safely say that ________.

A. Jokes created by computer are less appealing to people.

B. Men and women have similar senses of humour.

C. The project lasted from September, 2001 to December, 2001.

D. Scientists have collected enough evidence to make final conclusions.

4. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Funny or not?

B. Laugh louder!

C. Men laugh better.

D. Watch out for the trap in jokes!


All over the world people enjoy sports. Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.

1. They buy tickets or turn on their TVs to watch the games. Often they get very excited when their player or team wins.

2. Football, for example, has spread around the world. Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers. What fun it is to jump into a pool or lake, whether in China, Egypt or Italy! 3. Think how many lovers to skate or ski in Japan, Norway or Canada.

Some sports or game go back thousands of years, like running or jumping. Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history. But basketball and volleyball are rather new. Neither one is a hundred years old yet. 4. Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.

People from different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game together they often become good friends. 5. One learns to fight hard but fight fair, to win without pride and to lose with grace.

A. And think of people in cold countries.

B. Sports help to train a person’s character.

C. Not a few people participate in different sports competitions themselves.

D. Many people like to watch others play games.

E. People aren’t inventing new sports or games.

F. Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere take part in them.

G. People are inventing new sports or games all the time.


My ears are recently full of joyous remarks from my friends such as, “Oh, Beckham is so handsome, so cool, that I can’t help falling in love with him!” or “What perfect skills he has!” Yeah, I agree _____ some degree, though I sometimes do want to ask them how much they _____ Beckham, apart from his appearance and how much they know about football_____ scoring goals. It seems funny that we are crazy for things, with which we are unfamiliar or _____ we are uncertain, but we all, my friends _____ I, consider this _____ .

We need these pleasures to brighten up our lives. But that doesn’t amount to craziness _____ nonsense. As an old saying _____ :“Don’t judge a book by its cover.” We should not _____ anything from its appearance. We should all know, it is one’s good character and great contribution that _____ one a star and unforgettable. Therefore we’d better say _____ about Beckham’s good looks.

If we close our eyes, _____ in deep thought, we can find that the things _____ us to be in truth happy, sad or moved _____ a clear meaning. If we don’t go deeper and just satisfied with superficial things, _____ we will find that we have not really gained anything _____ our first impression has blinded and misled us, and we’ll remain ignorant _____ we realize that and make some changes.

It is believed that thinking and going deeper than before is sign of great _____ .If one day we are willing to go deeper into everything, no matter how much it _____ us, we will finally prove how much we have grown up, how much more sensible, mature, and intelligent we have _____ .

1.A. to B. on C. in D. at

2.A. learn from B. learn C. know D. know about

3.A. rather than B. except for C. except D. apart from

4.A. with which B. about that C. about which D. which

5.A. not B. as well as C. rather than D. but

6.A. one of life’s pleasures B. pleasures of life C. one of life’s sorrow D one of life’s

7.A. nor B. and C. or D. or else

8.A. speak B. talks C. tells D. goess

9.A. take B. judge C. accept D. conclude

10.A. makes B. causes C. builds D. creates

11.A. more B. much C. worse D. less

12.A. fell B. fallen C. falling D. fall

13.A. that move B. that moves C. move D. moves

14.A. lack B. have C. include D. cover

15.A. in fact B. indeed C.in a while D. sooner or later

16.A. so B. even thoughC. because D. although

17.A. even if B. although C. unless D. if

18.A. joy B. progress C. effort D. work

19.A. cares B. pains C. worries D. minds

20.A. come B. made C. had D. become

Music for Humans and Humpback Whales

As researchers conclude in Science, the love of music is not only a universal feature of the human species, but is also deeply fixed in complex structures of the human brain, and is far more ancient than previously suspected.

In the articles that discuss the field of bio-musicology, the study of the biological basis for the creation and appreciation of music, researchers present various evidence to, show that music-making is at once an original human "business", and an art form with skillful performers throughout the animal kingdom.

The new reports stress that humans hold no copyright on sound wisdom, and that a number of nonhuman animals produce what can rightly be called music, rather than random sound. Recent in-depth analyses of the songs sung by humpback whales show that, even when their organ would allow them to do otherwise, the animals converge on the same choices relating to sounds and beauty, and accept the same laws of song composition as those preferred by human musicians, and human ears, everywhere.

For example, male humpback whales, who spend six months of each year doing little else but singing, use rhythms (节奏) similar to those found in human music and musical phrases of similar length—a few seconds. Whales are able to make sounds over a range of at least seven octaves (八度音阶), yet they tend to move on through a song in beautiful musical intervals, rather than moving forwards madly. They mix the sounds like drums and pure tones in a ratio (比例) which agrees with that heard in much western music. They also use a favorite technique of human singers, the so-called A-B-A form, in which a theme is stated, then developed, and then returned to in slightly revised form.

Perhaps most impressive, humpback songs contain tunes that rhyme. "This suggests that whales use rhyme in the same way we do: as a technique in poem to help them remember complex material," the researchers write.

1.The underlined words "converge on" in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.

A. tend towards B. refer to

C. turn into D. put forward

2.Which of the following shows the advanced musical ability in humpback whales?

A. They can remember complex material.

B. They can create pleasing patterns of music.

C. They can make sounds like drums continuously.

D. They can sing along with rhythms of western music.

3.What is the main idea of the article?

A. Animals are able to compose and enjoy music like humans.

B. Human beings borrow ideas in music from humpback whales.

C. Humpback whales are skillful performers in the animal kingdom.

D. Music-making, an ancient activity of both humans and animals.

4.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.

A. argue and discuss B. inform and explain

C. compare and advertise D. examine and assess

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