
     Jane raced onto the train platform and asked a porter, "Is this the train to Rochester?" "Yes," said the
porter, "but only the Hey! Wait." He was too  1  . Jane had raced off   2   he had finished speaking.
    She had just   3  herself in a seat when the train   4  out of the station. Jane got out her book and
settled down to read. After about an hour or so, she looked  5  and glanced out of the window. "That's 
   16   ." she thought. "the landscape(景色)doesn't look  7  ,and it should; I've   8   this route so many
times." She was getting   9  when the big, red-faced conductor walked up and asked for her  10  .
   One glance was enough. He  11  his head in friendly reproach(责备) and said, "Now, young lady,
what did you do a fool thing like that for? This is the  12  ticket. You  13  have sat at the back of the
train. The Rochester-bound(开往) section was   14  at the last station.
   Jane's face grew red. "I'm sorry," she said, "I guess I was in too much of a   15  to find out…"Well,"
said the conductor, "don't   16  . You shouldn't have been in such a hurry, but I dare say we can   17 you
a train going in the right  18  at Syracuse. You'll be a couple of hours late  19  , though."
   When Jane finally stepped onto the Rochester platform, her mother   20  up to her . "Oh, Jane, we
have been so worried. What on earth happened?" "Well, Mom," said Jane, "it's a long story......."
(     )1. A. busy      
(     )2. A. when      
(     )3. A. settled    
(     )4. A. pushed    
(     )5. A. around    
(     )6. A. exciting  
(     )7. A. familiar  
(     )8. A. walked    
(     )9. A. uneasy    
(     )10. A. money    
(     )11. A. put      
(     )12. A. wrong    
(     )13. A. would    
(     )14. A. joined    
(     )15. A. hurry    
(     )16. A. sorry    
(     )17. A. make      
(     )18. A. time      
(     )19. A. arriving  
(     )20. A. called    
B. early          
B. then            
B. took            
B. pulled          
B. about          
B. interesting    
B. beautiful      
B. gone            
B. calm            
B. ticket          
B. shook          
B. used            
B. must            
B. turned          
B. trouble        
B. worry          
B. give            
B. place          
B. leaving        
B. picked          
C. late        
C. after        
C. made        
C. left        
C. up          
C. strange      
C. nice        
C. followed    
C. angry        
C. book        
C. raised      
C. only        
C. should      
C. connected    
C. worry        
C. hurry        
C. find        
C. station      
C. going        
C. rushed      
D. quick        
D. before      
D. gave        
D. started      
D. down        
D. right        
D. alike        
D. traveled    
D. unhappy      
D. name        
D. nodded      
D. right        
D. could        
D. separated    
D. difficulty  
D. regret      
D. get          
D. direction    
D. returning    
D. pushed      
1-5:  CDABC  6-10: CADAB          11-15:   BACDA   16-20: BCDAC



    David, my neighbor, has two young kids who are five and seven. One day he was  36  his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower(割草机) around the yard. As he was telling him how to turn the mower  37 , his wife, Jan, called to him to ask a question. As David answered the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower  38  through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn — 39  a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!

    When David turned back and saw what had happened, he began to lose  40 . David had put a lot of time and  41  into making those flower beds the  42  of the neighbourhood. As he began to  43  his voice to his son, Jan walked quickly over to him, put her hand on his shoulder and said, “David, please remember we are raising children, not  44 !”

    Jan  45  me how important  46  is as a parent to remember our priorities (things that need attention before others). The window shattered(打碎) by a  47 , a lamp knocked over by a careless child, or a plate dropped in the kitchen are already  48 . The flowers are already dead. We must remember not to  49  to the destruction by breaking a child’s spirit and deadening his  50 .

    A few weeks ago Mark Michaels, the owner of a store, and I were together  51  parenting. He told me while his family were out for dinner, his daughter knocked over her water glass.  52  the water was cleaned up without any blaming remarks from her parents, she looked up and said, “I  53  want to thank you for not being like other parents. Most of my friends’ parents  54  have shouted at them and given them a lecture about paying more attention. Thanks for not  55  that!”

A. teaching        B. helping          C. looking at           D. asking

A. up             B. around               C. down             D. over

A. nearly         B. even                 C. almost               D. right

A. leaving            B. staying          C. remaining            D. finding

A. hope           B. control              C. mind             D. heart

A. strength           B. effort               C. power                D. courage

A. pride          B. respect              C. envy             D. honor

A. rise           B. expand           C. improve          D. raise

A. flowers            B. trees                C. grass                D. vegetables

A. called         B. reminded         C. warned           D. told

A. this           B. that             C. it                   D. one

A. mower          B. baseball         C. chair                D. book

A.broken          B. shabby           C. torn             D. worn

A. attend         B. tend             C. add              D. see

A. happiness      B. liveliness           C. bravery          D. humor

A. talking            B. speaking         C. telling              D. discussing

A. Before         B. After                C. Until                D. Since

A. really         B. actually         C. eventually           D. especially

A. should         B. need             C. would                D. must

A. saying         B. doing                C. thinking         D. Showing

There are great doctors and perhaps it is enough to say that Dr Charles Mayo was one.  36 ,it is not enough for me.
Charles Mayo was not a  37  of mine in the sense that he would  38  by for dinner or remember my daughter’s graduation.We were not that  39 ,for he lived in Minnesota and I lived in California.He was a friend in the sense that he  40  more like a friend than a doctor when he was being a doctor.
I got very close to him just once.More  41 ,he got very close to me.I was flying my own plane to Washington and I felt a serious  42  in my back.It turned around,  43 for a clinic nearby and got in  44  with Dr Jan,my doctor.Jan at once said I had appendicitis (阑尾炎) and I told him he was the  45  doctor I had ever met.“I have no fever and any other symptoms of it.How can I  46 have appendicitis?”
“If you want to  47  better as quickly as possible,we’ll have Charles Mayo look at you.”It took Charles Mayo about thirty seconds to  48  to Jan’s request.
Charles was washing his hands when I was  49 into the operation room.I said,my
50  shaking,“You have done this before,haven’t you?”
“Of course,”he said.“Twice.”
Among all his interests he was craziest about being a doctor.He faced  51  often enough to know that while it is final in a sense,it is not  52  final at all.He enjoyed  53 too much not to know that it has a meaning beyond here and now.
54  he died on July 29,1968,at the age of seventy,following an accident,he lived on in the  55 of his books.I am glad he wrote them,giving people the feeling that we still have him.
36.A.Therefore         B.Actually               C.However              D.Besides
37.A.friend               B.teacher                 C.doctor                  D.workmate
38.A.come                B.pass                     C.drop                    D.stand
39.A.fast                  B.friendly                C.far                       D.close
40.A.seemed             B.looked                 C.found                   D.became
41.A.luckily             B.happily                C.exactly                 D.usually
42.A.trouble             B.pain                     C.worry                  D.problem
43.A.hurrying           B.running                C.waiting                D.heading
44.A.telephone          B.reach                   C.touch                   D.related
45.A.funniest            B.best                     C.worst                   D.oldest
46.A.possibly            B.necessarily            C.suddenly              D.fearfully
47.A.do                    B.think                    C.examine               D.feel
48.A.stick                 B.get                       C.come                   D.agree
49.A.driven              B.wheeled                      C.forced                  D.led
50.A.hand                B.head                    C.voice                   D.leg
51.A.patients            B.death                   C.dangers                D.diseases
52.A.only                 B.nearly                  C.yet                       D.really
53.A.himself             B.life                      C.working               D.everything
54.A.When               B.After                   C.Although              D.As
55.A.pages               B.papers                  C.articles                 D.Subjects

My brother-in-law lifted out a package in which was delicate lingerie(女式内衣)“Jan bought it 8 years ago   36   she never wore it. She was   37   it for a special occasion.” He put it with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician(殡仪员). “Don't save anything for a special occasion. Every day when you're   38   is a special gift.” he said.
I remembered those words through the funeral(葬礼)and the days that followed when I helped with all the chores after Jan's sudden   39  . I thought about them on the plane returning to California. I'm   40   thinking about his words, and they've   41   my attitude towards life. I'm admiring the view   42   worrying about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and   43   time in committee meetings.
Whenever possible, life should be an experience to   44  , not tolerate. I'm trying to recognize these moments and   45   them. “Someday” and “one of these days” are   46   from my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done if she had known she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all __47__ for granted. I think she would have gone out for her favorite Chinese food. She might have called a few former friends to apologize for past   48  . I'm guessing — I'll   49   know.
It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were __50__ . Angry because I   51   seeing good friends I was going to get in touch with — someday. Angry and __52__ that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them.
I'm trying not to put off, or save anything that would add   53   and color to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself it is   54  . Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a(n)  55   from God.
36. A. and                 B. so                     C. as                  D. but
37. A. buying                B. saving                 C. leaving              D. remaining
38. A. happy                B. healthy               C. alive                D. successful
39. A. separation             B. death                  C. disease               D. treatment
40. A. still                  B. also                   C. even                 D. therefore
41. A. changed               B. spoiled                 C. shaped                     D. held
42. A. beyond               B. besides                 C. without              D. over
43. A. most                 B. little                   C. more                 D. less
44. A. enjoy                B. share                  C. control              D. choose
45. A. ignore                B. value                 C. stress                 D. remember
46. A. disappearing           B. escaping               C. coming              D. leaving
47. A. find                  B. think                  C. take                 D. make
48. A. affairs                B. quarrels                C. hardships             D. memories
49. A. surely                 B. always                C. ever                       D. never
50. A. endless                B. abundant              C. valuable              D. limited
51. A. called off              B. gave off              C. put off                     D. took off
52. A. sorry                 B. disappointed           C. shameful             D. embarrassed
53. A. value                 B. laughter              C. imagination                 D. freedom
54. A. common               B. unforgettable                C. special               D. similar
55. A. offer                  B. promise                    C. smile                D. gift



There are great doctors and perhaps it is enough to say that Dr Charles Mayo was one.  36 ,it is not enough for me.

Charles Mayo was not a  37  of mine in the sense that he would  38  by for dinner or remember my daughter’s graduation.We were not that  39 ,for he lived in Minnesota and I lived in California.He was a friend in the sense that he  40  more like a friend than a doctor when he was being a doctor.

I got very close to him just once.More  41 ,he got very close to me.I was flying my own plane to Washington and I felt a serious  42  in my back.It turned around,  43 for a clinic nearby and got in  44  with Dr Jan,my doctor.Jan at once said I had appendicitis (阑尾炎) and I told him he was the  45  doctor I had ever met.“I have no fever and any other symptoms of it.How can I  46 have appendicitis?”

“If you want to  47  better as quickly as possible,we’ll have Charles Mayo look at you.”It took Charles Mayo about thirty seconds to  48  to Jan’s request.

Charles was washing his hands when I was  49 into the operation room.I said,my

50  shaking,“You have done this before,haven’t you?”

“Of course,”he said.“Twice.”

Among all his interests he was craziest about being a doctor.He faced  51  often enough to know that while it is final in a sense,it is not  52  final at all.He enjoyed  53 too much not to know that it has a meaning beyond here and now.

54  he died on July 29,1968,at the age of seventy,following an accident,he lived on in the  55 of his books.I am glad he wrote them,giving people the feeling that we still have him.

36.A.Therefore         B.Actually               C.However              D.Besides

37.A.friend               B.teacher                 C.doctor                  D.workmate

38.A.come                B.pass                     C.drop                    D.stand

39.A.fast                  B.friendly                C.far                       D.close

40.A.seemed             B.looked                 C.found                   D.became

41.A.luckily             B.happily                C.exactly                 D.usually

42.A.trouble             B.pain                     C.worry                  D.problem

43.A.hurrying           B.running                C.waiting                D.heading

44.A.telephone          B.reach                   C.touch                   D.related

45.A.funniest            B.best                     C.worst                   D.oldest

46.A.possibly            B.necessarily            C.suddenly              D.fearfully

47.A.do                    B.think                    C.examine               D.feel

48.A.stick                 B.get                       C.come                   D.agree

49.A.driven              B.wheeled                      C.forced                  D.led

50.A.hand                B.head                    C.voice                   D.leg

51.A.patients            B.death                   C.dangers                D.diseases

52.A.only                 B.nearly                  C.yet                       D.really

53.A.himself             B.life                      C.working               D.everything

54.A.When               B.After                   C.Although              D.As

55.A.pages               B.papers                  C.articles                 D.Subjects




My brother-in-law lifted out a package in which was delicate lingerie(女式内衣)“Jan bought it 8 years ago   36   she never wore it. She was   37   it for a special occasion.” He put it with the other clothes we were taking to the mortician(殡仪员). “Don't save anything for a special occasion. Every day when you're   38   is a special gift.” he said.

I remembered those words through the funeral(葬礼)and the days that followed when I helped with all the chores after Jan's sudden   39  . I thought about them on the plane returning to California. I'm   40   thinking about his words, and they've   41   my attitude towards life. I'm admiring the view   42   worrying about the weeds in the garden. I'm spending more time with my family and friends and   43   time in committee meetings.

Whenever possible, life should be an experience to   44  , not tolerate. I'm trying to recognize these moments and   45   them. “Someday” and “one of these days” are   46   from my vocabulary. If it's worth seeing or hearing or doing, I want to see and hear and do it now. I'm not sure what my sister would have done if she had known she wouldn't be here for the tomorrow that we all __47__ for granted. I think she would have gone out for her favorite Chinese food. She might have called a few former friends to apologize for past   48  . I'm guessing — I'll   49   know.

It's those little things left undone that would make me angry if I knew that my hours were __50__ . Angry because I   51   seeing good friends I was going to get in touch with — someday. Angry and __52__ that I didn't tell my husband and daughter often enough how much I truly love them.

I'm trying not to put off, or save anything that would add   53   and color to our lives. Every morning when I open my eyes, I tell myself it is   54  . Every day, every minute, every breath truly is a(n)  55   from God.

36. A. and                      B. so                           C. as                     D. but

37. A. buying                     B. saving                       C. leaving                   D. remaining

38. A. happy                     B. healthy                      C. alive                     D. successful

39. A. separation                         B. death                       C. disease                  D. treatment

40. A. still                       B. also                         C. even                     D. therefore

41. A. changed                   B. spoiled                       C. shaped                           D. held

42. A. beyond                    B. besides                      C. without                  D. over

43. A. most                     B. little                         C. more                      D. less

44. A. enjoy                      B. share                       C. control                   D. choose

45. A. ignore                     B. value                      C. stress                     D. remember

46. A. disappearing                B. escaping                    C. coming                   D. leaving

47. A. find                        B. think                        C. take                    D. make

48. A. affairs                     B. quarrels                    C. hardships                 D. memories

49. A. surely                      B. always                     C. ever                    D. never

50. A. endless                    B. abundant                  C. valuable                  D. limited

51. A. called off                    B. gave off                    C. put off                   D. took off

52. A. sorry                      B. disappointed               C. shameful                D. embarrassed

53. A. value                      B. laughter                  C. imagination              D. freedom

54. A. common                    B. unforgettable                     C. special                   D. similar

55. A. offer                       B. promise                 C. smile                    D. gift


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