

  Long ago, near the frontier lived an old man.One day he found his horse missing.It was said that the horse was seen   1   (run)outside the border of the country.The neighbors came to comfort   2   for the unfortunate loss.But the old man was   3   (expect)calm and said, “ It doesn't matter.It may not be a bad event; on the contrary, I think it can be a good one.”

  One night the old man heard some noise of horses and got up to take a look.To his surprise, he saw another handsome horse besides his own.It was clear that his horse   4   (bring)a companion home.Hearing the news, the neighbors all came to say congratulations on his good luck.  5   , the old man was very calm.He added, “It is true that I got a new horse for nothing, but it is hard to say   6   it is good or bad.It may be   7   unlucky thing.”

  What he said turned   8   to be right.The son of the old man was very fond of the horse brought home, and one day, when he   9   (ride)the horse, he fell off the horseback and terribly hurt in the left leg.“Nothing serious, ” the old man said, “Perhaps it is going to be good.”

  A year later, many of the youth were recruited(应征)to fight in a war, most of   10   died.The son of the old man was absolved(免除)from the army service for his disability, so he escaped death.


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