

The sea has always interested man.From it he can get food,minerals and treasure.1. But he couldn’t go far beneath its surface.

2. However,he isn’t a fish.Because he must breathe air,he can’t stay under the water’s surface for any length of time.To explore deep water,man faces even more dangers and problems.

A diver who wants to stay under water for more than a few minutes must breathe air or a special mixture of gases. 3. He can carry a tank of air on his back and breathe through a hose and a mouthpiece.Water weighs 800 times as much as air.Tons of water pushes against a diver deep in the sea. 4. .

When a diver is under great pressure,his blood takes in some of the gases he breathes.As he rises to the surface,the water pressure becomes less.If the diver rises too quickly,the gases in his blood form bubbles.The diver is then suffering from the bends(减压病).The bends can cause a diver to double up in pain. 5. .

A.His body is under great pressure.

B.Scientists are trying to find more about the sea.

C.For thousands of years,he could sail on it.

D.They can even kill him.

E.He can wear a diving suit and have air pumped to him from above.

F.The water pressure can cause a diver to breathe with difficulty.

G.Man wants to explore deep into the sea.


One night in March 1999, a man was driving from California to Oregon, US, to visit some friends. He had stopped his car to have some food when he started to hear strange noises. Turning on the headlights, he saw an 8-foot-tall creature covered in thick, dark hair. The creature stared at him for a minute, turned in the road and walked off slowly into the woods.

In the past 50 years alone, there have been thousands of reported sightings of similar creatures in the US, Canada, the Himalayas(喜马拉雅山地区)and even Hubei Province in China. The creature is known as bigfoot.

Bigfoot is said to be a very tall(between 2 and 4. 5 metres), ape-like(类人猿似的)creature that is covered in hair and walks upright on two legs. It is very wary(警惕的)of human beings.

Believers think bigfoot is a direct descendent(后代)of ancient gigantopithecus(巨猿). But it remains one of the planet’s undiscovered secrets. There is a little evidence(证据)to support the believers’ theory: traces of hair, footprints and body prints as well as the reported sightings. Some people have even showed what they say with photos or films of bigfoot.

But so far, no one has found bones or any other definite proof that the giant creature exists.

As a result many people believe the evidence is just part of a big trick.

The footprints are easy to make and they say: all you need to do is to make two large feet out of plaster(石膏), attach them to the bottom of your shoes and walk with big steps. As for the photos and films, they are just people dressed in ape suits.

They also say the sightings are not real, just people making mistakes. For example, bigfoot could be a bear living in the wild that sometimes stands up on its back legs.

1.So far what we can be sure about is that_______.

A. there exist savages(野人)in several places in the world

B. there are some traces of hair, footprints and body prints of the “bigfoot”

C. bigfoot is a direct descendent of ancient gigantopithecus

D. all the big foot discovered have the same look

2.It was in______ that man first found the ape-like creature.

A. 1999

B. the 1960’s

C. the 1950’s

D. the 1940’s

3.We can infer from the article that some people _______bigfoot’s existence.

A. may fool the world into believing

B. have definite evidences to prove

C. refuse to believe

D. will soon offer proofs of

4.If bigfoot is just a misunderstanding, what they saw might NOT be________.

A. apes

B. bears

C. gigantopithecus

D. people dressed in animal skins


I believe in my mother.My belief began when I was just a kid.I __________ becoming a doctor.

My mother was a __________ .Through her work,she observed that__________ people spent a lot more time __________ than they did watching television.She announced that my brother and I could only watch two to three __________ TV programmes during the week.With our free time,we had to read two books each week from the Detroit Public Library and __________ written book reports to her.She would mark them up with check markers and underline the __________ parts.Years later we realised her marks were a __________ .My mother was illiterate(文盲).Although we had no money, __________ the covers of those books,I could go anywhere,do anything and be anybody.

When I entered high school,I was an A-student,but not for __________ .I wanted the fancy clothes.I wanted to hang about with the guys.I went from being an A-student to a B-student and to a C-student,but I didn’t __________ .I was cool.

One night my mother came home after her several jobs and I __________ about not having enough Italian knit shirts.She said,“Okay,I’ll give you the money I __________ this week by rubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms and you can buy the family food and pay the bills.With __________ left over,you can have all that you want.” I was very__________ with that arrangement.But once I got through __________ money,there was nothing left.I realised my mother was a financial genius to be able to keep a(n) __________ over our heads and any kind of food on the table.I was also __________ that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere.Success __________intellectual(知识上的)preparation.I went back to my studies and became an A-student again,and __________I realised my dream and I became a doctor.

1.A.led to B.picked up C.dreamed of D.thought of

2.A.maidservant B.teacher C.worker D.nurse

3.A.honest B.successful C.modest D.careful

4.A.writing B.reading C.working D.training

5.A.familiar B.uninteresting C.designed D.selected

6.A.turn in B.take in C.bring in D.check in

7.A.difficult B.easy C.opposite D.important

8.A.wealth B.quiz C.pleasure D.competition

9.A.between B.under C.within D.below

10.A.the last B.a minute C.long D.anything

11.A.know B.care C.admit D.realise

12.A.announced B.claimed C.complained D.blamed

13.A.borrow B.make C.control D.collect

14.A.something B.everything C.anything D.nothing

15.A.encouraged B.puzzled C.moved D.pleased

16.A.adding B.causing C.dividing D.exchanging

17.A.balance B.experience C.hat D.roof

18.A.aware B.worried C.confused D.delighted

19.A.included B.required C.combined D.matched

20.A.actually B.thankfully C.fortunately D.finally


As more and more people speak the global languages of English,Chinese,Spanish,and Arabic,other languages are rapidly disappearing.In fact,half of the 6,000—7,000 languages spoken around the world today will likely die out by the next century,according to the United Nations Educational,Scientific,and Cultural Organization(UNESCO).

In an effort to prevent language loss,scholars from a number of organizations—UNESCO and National Geographic among them—have for many years been documenting dying languages and the cultures they reflect.

Mark Turin,a scientist at the Macmillan Center,Yale University,who specializes in the languages and oral traditions of the Himalayas,is following in that tradition.His recently published book,A Grammar of Thangmi with an Ethnolinguistic Introduction to the Speakers and Their Culture,grows out of his experience living,working,and raising a family in a village in Nepal.

Documenting the Thangmi language and culture is just a starting point for Turin,who seeks to include other languages and oral traditions across the Himalayan reaches of India,Nepal,Bhutan,and China.But he is not content to simply record these voices before they disappear without record.

At the University of Cambridge Turin discovered a wealth of important materials—including photographs,films,tape recordings,and field notes—which had remained unstudied and were badly in need of care and protection.

Now,through the two organizations that he has founded—the Digital Himalaya Project and the World Oral Literature Project—Turin has started a campaign to make such documents,found in libraries and stores around the world,available not just to scholars but to the younger generations of communities from whom the materials were originally collected.Thanks to digital technology and the widely available Internet,Turin notes,the endangered languages can be saved and reconnected with speech communities.

1.Many scholars are making efforts to .

A.promote global languages

B.rescue disappearing languages

C.search for language communities

D.set up language research organizations

2.What does “that tradition” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.Having full records of the languages.

B.Writing books on language teaching.

C.Telling stories about language users.

D.Living with the native speakers.

3.What is Turin’s book based on?

A.The cultural studies in India.

B.The documents available at Yale.

C.His language research in Bhutan.

D.His personal experience in Nepal.

4.Which of the following best describes Turin’s work?

A.Write,sell and donate.

B.Record,repair and reward.

C.Collect,protect and reconnect.

D.Design,experiment and report.


Probably you have seen photographs of the Grand Canyon,the great valley in the desert country of Arizona.But you must go there yourself to feel its true size and beauty.The Grand Canyon is one of the greatest natural wonders of the world.

The Colorado River formed the Grand Canyon over millions of years.Slowly,the river cut down through hard rocks.At the same time,the land was rising.Today,the canyon is one and a half kilometers deep and 446 kilometers long.The oldest rocks at the bottom of the canyon are more than one billion years old.The width varies from about 200 meters to 29 kilometers across.The rim or top of the canyon is about 2,300 meters above sea level on the South Rim,and about 3,000 meters on the other side,the North Rim.As a result,there are different kinds of plants and animals on opposite sides of the canyon.The South Rim is a dry desert country.The North Rim has tall forests.

The canyon looks different at different times of a day,and in different seasons and weather.At sunrise and sunset the black,gold,brown,and orange colours of the rocks are especially clear and bright.In winter,the canyon is partly covered with snow.

The view from the South Rim of the Grand Canyon is the best.Most visitors come to the South Rim and stay in campgrounds or hotels.Every point along the canyon’s edge offers a different view.

The North Rim of the Canyon is quieter.It takes all day to drive there from the South Rim because there is only one bridge across the Colorado River.On the way,you go through Navajo Indian lands,and a colourful pink desert called “The Painted Desert”.

You can walk down into the Grand Canyon,or you can go down on the back of a mule.You can also take a boat trip down the Colorado River,and camp on the beaches at night.But whether you see the Grand Canyon from the top or the bottom,it will be an experience that you will never forget.

1.The best way to feel the size and beauty of the Grand Canyon is .

A.to see its photographs

B.to listen to the report about it

C.to travel there yourself

D.to watch the TV program about it

2.What made the Grand Canyon?

A.The earthquake.

B.The water from the Colorado River.

C.The American people.

D.The strong wind.

3.The sea level on both sides of the Grand Canyon is .

A.the same B.changing with time

C.different D.very low

4.From the passage we can know that the of the canyon is different at different times.

A.length B.scenery

C.width D.height


Kong Zi,also called Confucius(551—479 B.C.),and Socrates(469—399 B.C.)lived only a hundred years apart.During their lifetimes there was no contact between China and Greece,but it is interesting to look at how the world that each of these great philosophers came from shaped their ideas,and how these ideas in turn,shaped their societies.

Neither philosopher lived in times of peace,though there were more wars in Greece than in China.The Chinese states were very large and feudal,while the Greek city-states were small and urban.The urban environment in which Socrates lived allowed him to be more radical(激进的)than Confucius.Unlike Confucius,Socrates was not asked by rulers how to govern effectively.Thus,Socrates was able to be more idealistic,focusing on issues like freedom,and knowledge for its own sake.Confucius,on the other hand,advised those in government service,and many of his students went on to government service.

Confucius suggested the Golden Rule as a principle for the conduct of life.“Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you.” He assumed that all men were equal at birth,though some had more potential than others,and that it was knowledge that set men apart.Socrates focused on the individual,and thought that the greatest purpose of man was to seek wisdom.He believed that some had more potential to develop their reason than others did.Like Confucius,he believed that the superior class should rule the inferior(下层的) classes.

For Socrates,the family was of no importance,and the community of little concern.For Confucius,however,the family was the centre of society,with family relations considered much more important than political relations.

Both men are respected much more today than they were in their lifetimes.

1.Which of the following is TRUE according to the first paragraph?

A.Socrates and Confucius had much in common.

B.Confucius had much influence on Socrates’ ideas.

C.The societies were influenced by the philosophers’ ideas.

D.There were cultural exchanges between China and Greece.

2.Socrates shared with Confucius the idea that .

A.all men were equal when they were born

B.the lower classes should be ruled by the upper class

C.the purpose of man was to seek freedom and wisdom

D.people should not do to others what they did not want others to do to them

3.What made some people different from others according to Confucius?

A.Family. B.Potential.

C.Knowledge. D.Community.

4.This passage is organized in the pattern of .

A.time and events

B.comparison and contrast

C.cause and effect

D.definition and classification

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