
It was snowing heavy on Monday morning. Li Hua was at       1.        

the bus stop, waited for Bus No.601 to go to school. After a      2.      

while a bus came and she got on it. There had many passengers    3.      

in the bus. Some were talking and some were looking out the    4.     

windows. Suddenly the bus stopped. A driver turned around     5.     

and said“Sorry. The bus has been broken down. Please get off   6.     

and help push the bus.”When he heard this, Li Hua and the other   7.    

passengers got off the bus. They worked hardly together, pushing  8.     

the bus slowly forward. Soon the bus was running again. All     9.     

the passengers were smiling but the sun was shining.          10.                           

1. heavy 改为 heavily

2. waited 改为 waiting

3. had 改为were

4. out 后面加of

5. A 改为 The

6. 去掉been

7. he 改为they

8. hardly 改为hard

9. 正确

10. but 改为and


1. 这里修饰前面的snow ,它是动词“下雪”的意思,所以用副词

2. 这里用 动名词做伴随状语

3. 这里是there be 结构

4. look out of the windows“ 向窗外望”

5. 这里特指这个公共汽车上的司机

6. been这里多余

7. 这里指代 李华和其他的乘客

8. hard 本身就是副词

9. 正确

10. 不是转折,所以应该为and

________________. Fifty years ago, only 4 out of every 100 people in the United States were 65 or
older. Today, 10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65. The aging of the population will affect
American society in many ways: education, medicine, and business. Quietly, the growing of America has
made it a very different society, in which people have a quite different idea of what kind of behavior is
suitable at various ages.
A person's age no longer tells you anything about his or her social position, marriage or health. There's
no longer a particular year in which one goes to school or goes to work or gets married or starts a family. The_social_clock that kept us on time and told us when to go to school, get a job, or stop working isn't
as strong as it used to be. It doesn't surprise us to hear of a 29yearold university president or a 35yearold grandmother, or a 70yearold man who has become a father for the first time. Public ideas are changing.
   Many people say, "I am much younger than my mother or my father was at my age." No one says, "
Act your age" any more. We've stopped looking with surprise at older people who act in youthful ways.
1.What is the main idea of the passage? (no more than 12 words)
2.How do we no longer feel when older people behave as young people? (no more than 3 words)
3.Fill in the blank with proper words to complete the sentence. (no more than 6 words)
4.What does "Act your age" mean? (no more than 9 words)
5.What do the words "The social clock" (Line 5, Paragraph 2) probably refer to? (no more than 3

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