Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to
Currently, cheap pirated goods, such as pirated software, music and films, pose a serious challenge to the issue of protecting intellectual property.
Piracy equals theft. Copying others' ideas, designs, inventions or trademarks deeply hurts the initiators' feelings. They are discouraged from offering up more fantastic things or fabulous ideas, which are supposed to make our world more colorful and our life more comfortable and convenient. Piracy robs us of modern civilization. Thus, it is our duty to say no to piracy.
One of the best ways to discourage piracy is to offer a diverse range of legal and affordable alternatives. If I can get a perfect song disc at 5 RMB, why do I bother buying a pirated one at 4.5 RMB? On top of this, the government must pass effective laws to punish the pirates in order to protect others' intellectual property. By making efforts, we can further the fight against piracy.