

Several years ago, I was living in New York and working for an airline, so I never got back home for Christmas. My Christmas was happy too with some other colleagues around. But in my heart I was sad because I couldn’t stay with my family. Sometimes my colleagues would say our Christmas was filled with tears. But this Christmas was different. I was lucky. I had the whole day off, which meant I could stay with my family on Christmas Eve.

When Christmas morning came, I awoke to a small hand rubbing my face. “Dad, Merry Christmas!” was all my younger son had time to say. He seemed to be racing against time. I knew he was hunting for gifts with his brother eagerly. I got downstairs just to see the two little boys’ faces as they looked at the pocket rockets Santa Claus had left them. I realized that the real Christmas was for the children who had deep belief in the amazing power of Santa Claus. At first, their fingers went almost shyly over their toys. When their inspection had been completed, the two boys ensured that the gifts were really delivered by Santa Claus and they dragged everything into the center of the living room.

Delight flooded the room. As their mother began giving out gifts, I smiled to myself, wondering how my unexpected gifts this year would be received. With so many Christmas spent outside, I had prepared so many gifts for my children and together with my wife I hid them in several secret places. But the children were excellent detectives and they found all of them. They were happily opening packages constantly thanking considerate Santa Claus for his kindness and ability to know their desires. But I had not received a single one. I knew they had forgotten my existence with my absence from their Christmas these years.


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Paragraph 1:

I had to admit that my disappointment was growing steadily._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Reasons to Take Part in Student Clubs and Organizations

Many college students don’t know what they’re missing by not taking part in the student clubs and organizations that are offered at most colleges and universities. Taking part in one can be a rich and rewarding experience. 1.Check them out and see what’s available. Here are a few reasons why you should take part in student clubs and organizations.

(1)Meet new people.

It can be hard to meet new people in college, especially in your first year. 2. However, in a club, you’ll find yourself in a smaller group of people who likely share your interest.

(2)Help your major.

There are many student clubs and organizations for different majors and departments. Such clubs can be a lot of fun as well as a great academic resource for you. By joining an academic club you will probably have an easier time to know professors in your departments. 3.

(3)Learn important leadership skills.

Student clubs and organizations can be a good way to learn important leadership skills that would look great on job applications. 4. These skills could be event planning, finance management, and so on. Find a club that you love being a part of and if you work hard you might be able to gain such a position.


Lastly, student clubs and organizations can simply be a lot of fun. Make sure to take advantage of student clubs and organizations to make the most out of your time in college!

A. Have fun.

B. Never waste energy.

C. Class sizes can be big.

D. Take advantage of your major.

E. So don't just walk past those tables during clubs week.

F. In a club, you will be able to gain other important skills.

G. And you might even get access to study help and other academic advice.

Since having my son, I have found that I am always lucky enough to be surrounded by people willing to help.

When he was eight weeks old, I had a(n) ________ to meet with a TV producer in New York City to talk about my career. It was Monday. Could I, a young mother with a newborn, _________ from my home outside Boston to meet him on Wednesday? It was a ________ chance. So I said yes.

Honestly, it was ________. My son hated being in the car seat and ate very ________ during the long ride. ________we spent a comfortable Tuesday night at my parents’ house in Connecticut, which is halfway between Boston and New York. When we ________New York, I handed my son over to my friend from college. A dad himself, he ________him in a coffee shop during my________. Everything went fine thanks to his help.

When my son was four months old, my best friend was going through a difficult time. So I decided to fly to Florida to ________her. Without my husband, who had to work, I was ________to fly with the baby. But I figured it couldn’t be ________than driving to New York when he was a newborn, and I had gotten through that.

________, people I met on our trip were endlessly________. On the flight down, the airline worker got me an extra________because the flight wasn’t full. A nice lady sitting close to us ________him while I went to the bathroom. Taxi drivers helped me fasten his car seat and loaded the awkward pushchair in their trunks. To________my son, my friend borrowed a lot of toys. We spent four ________days in Florida.

If you want an opportunity to see the ________in people, try taking a b aby on a trip. In my experience, when face-to-face, most people sincerely want to ________each other.

1.A. wish B. trip C. appointment D. opportunity

2.A. walk B. drive C. fly D. ship

3.A. reasonable B. realistic C. rare D. slight

4.A. exciting B. boring C. tough D. plain

5.A. quickly B. hurriedly C. rudely D. frequently

6.A. And B. But C. As D. So

7.A. touched B. visited C. left D. missed

8.A. hunted for B. looked after C. laughed at D. called on

9.A. working B. meeting C. showing D. preparing

10.A. accept B. save C. wake D. comfort

11.A. upset B. puzzled C. nervous D. surprised

12.A. easier B. worse C. longer D. later

13.A. Amazingly B. Strangely C. Amusingly D. Instantly

14.A. useful B. hopeful C. cheerful D. helpful

15.A. cup B. seat C. blanket D. meal

16.A. taught B. moved C. watched D. loved

17.A. please B. attract C. know D. support

18.A. busy B. wonderful C. safe D. quiet

19.A. good B. fun C. secret D. smile

20.A. get hold of B. catch up with C. take care of D. make friends with

Bees play a vital role in the world. Unfortunately, bees are dying by the second.

The main purpose of bees is to make honey. Honey, shockingly, does not exist for human consumption, it is essential to the insects. Honeybees store honey in their hives (蜂巢) in order for the bees to have energy for their flight muscles and for heating the hive during the winter period. They collect pollen (花粉) which supplies protein for young bees to grow.

According to Honey, com, the increased production and quality of agricultural crops as a result of honey bee pollination is valued &t more than1 $14/ 6 billion per year. These insects are responsible for over 70 of the fruits and vegetables we eat today, including apples, grapes, coffee, beans, and broccoli.

So if they are so valuable to agriculture, why do they keep dying off? A key suspect seems to be pesticides (农药). Honeybees who are exposed to pesticides result in the damage to their neurological (神经的) functions, specifically memory or behavior. And that's why the majority of worker bees disappear and leave behind a queen, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen. There are several other causes to the decline of bees, including the destruction of natural habitat, like woodlands, forests, and other habitats for bees. Climate change is also a factor in the decline of the wild bee population.

Actually, there are a variety of methods to help the bee population grow. One way is to start your own organic garden by planting bee-friendly plants. Pesticides are used in both industrial practices and even in your home, so it is best to find organic seeds and weed killers.

1.Why do honeybees store honey in their hives?

A. To provide enough honey for human to consume.

B. To draw protein out of honey for young bees.

C. To help attract other insects and make hives stronger.

D. To strengthen bee muscles and heat hives in winter.

2.Apples and beans are mentioned in the third paragraph to show that _.

A. bees supply human beings with basic food

B. bees mainly live on these agricultural crops

C. bees are of great importance to fruits and vegetables

D. bees can bring in more money for famers every year

3.What is most likely to cause the worker bees to leave their hives behind?

A. The lack of food.

B. The abuse of pesticides.

C. The fighting among bees.

D. The destruction of the habitats.

4.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. Another way to save bees.

B. Other tips for choosing seeds.

C. More methods to plant green organic fruits.

D. Causes of the decline in the wild bee population.

The young woman entered the pool where an injured dolphin(海豚) was swimming.Despite her fear, she felt strong wearing her new leg.

In her second grade.Maja __________ her cousin,Jasmina.After Jasmina’s death.Maja swore she would honor the little girl by __________ with a dolphin, an animal that both girls __________.” Jasmina never got the chance to do it.” says Maja, now, “so I __________ that someday I’d do it for her.”

In high school, Maja was __________ about sports.She even planned to become an athlete. __________, in 1993, during the civil war in her home country, a bomb(炸弹)__________ her left leg.

After two years’ __________ in the U.S., Maja received her first artificial leg, but __________ it didn’t fit well, walking for Maja was very painful. __________, she managed to graduate from a local high school.Then after receiving a __________ from Saint Francis University, she got a job at an insurance firm and __________ started her own company.

To relax, Maja __________ often watch the dolphins play at an aquarium(水族馆)near her home.A young dolphin, Winter, who had lost its tail, caught her __________. One day, Maja happened to see trainers __________ Winter with a high-tech tail.When they were done, Winter swam freely in the water. Maja was inspired.She__________ to find the inventors of Winter’s tail.Within ten days, she had a new leg which freed her of the __________ that had troubled her for almost 16 years.

Now Maja was ready to keep her __________.She went to the aquarium.Lowered herself into the pool and held out a hand to Winter, who got close __________, then swam away.After a few minutes, the dolphin let Maja __________ its back. Finally, the two began to swim around the pool together.

1.A. lost B. visited C. rescued D. left

2.A. talking B. living C. surfing D. swimming

3.A. spoiled B. accepted C. liked D. bought

4.A. pretended B. perfected C. decided D. agreed

5.A. interested B. crazy C. positive D. concerned

6.A. Undoubtedly B. Surprisingly C. Unfortunately D. Strangely

7.A. took away B. took over C. cut down D. cut off

8.A. study B. operation C. experiment D. treatment

9.A. until B. because C. although D. if

10.A. However B. Therefore C. Besides D. Otherwise

11.A. glory B. notice C. prize D. degree

12.A. gradually B. finally C. actually D. personally

13.A. might B. should C. would D. could

14.A. nose B. leg C. eye D. hand

15.A. decorating B. guiding C. marking D. fitting

16.A. succeeded B. managed C. shocked D. puzzled

17.A. pain B. sadness C. worry D. fear

18.A. attention B. promise C. record D. habit

19.A. blindly B. swiftly C. carefully D. gratefully

20.A. touch B. cover C. mop D. inspect

Astonishingly, 26 million Britons will be obese by 2030, placing a huge pressure on health services, according to studies published on Friday highlighting the growing global obesity problem. Based on present trends, obesity rates in Britain will rise from 26 percent to 41-48 percent in men, and from 26 percent to 35-43 percent in women over the next two decades. By 2030, as many as 11 million more British adults will be obese and 3.3 million of them will be aged over 60.

The resulting cost burden on health services could be as much as £2 billion per year, according to the research published in The Lancet medical journal.

In the U.S. the prediction is even worse, with 50-51 percent of American men and 45-52 percent of American women expected to be obese by 2030, adding as many as 65 million to the country’s population of obese adults.

The study, led by Claire Wang of Columbia University in New York and Klim McPherson of Oxford University, says that medical costs will surge, given obesity’s links with diabetes, cancer, heart disease and strokes.

“The combined medical costs associated with treatment for these preventable diseases are estimated to increase by $48-66 billion per year in the U.S. and by £1.9-2 billion per year in the U.K. by 2030,” it says.

McPherson said politicians are shying away from settling the problem for fear of being criticized. “I think they do ‘get’ it but they don’t know what to do with it, and they don’t think it’s their responsibility,” he said.

Today, around 1.5 billion adults are overweight and a further 0.5 billion obese, with 170 million children classified as overweight or obese. Dealing with obesity takes up between two and six percent of health care costs in many countries.

In the study, the researchers traced the problem to the 1970s and 80s, and related it to a rise in food consumption and a more sedentary(案头的) lifestyle.

1.What can be learned from Paragraph 1?

A. 26 million Britons are suffering from obesity nowadays.

B. Obesity rates in British women and men are the same nowadays.

C. By 2030, about eleven million adults will be obese in Britain.

D. Most obese people will be aged over 60 by 2030.

2.The underlined word “surge” in Paragraph 4 probably means “________”.

A. increase quickly B. appear suddenly

C. refuse bravely D. develop independently

3.In McPherson’s opinion, politicians ________.

A. are most likely to be obese

B. have nothing to do with the obesity problem

C. should make more efforts to solve the obesity problem

D. have more detailed information about the obesity

4.In which part of a newspaper are we most likely to read the passage?

A. Health. B. Science. C. Education. D. Politics.

Yacouba Sawadogo is an African farmer who has been travelling across the deserts for the last 30 years,using ancient farming techniques to fight the threatening deserts.

His story dates back to the 1980s when Africa suffered one of the worst droughts in its history.During that period,rainfall reduced by as much as 80%,killing almost all the plants.Most local people moved away to different places,but Yacouba stayed back.Instead of giving in to the violence of nature,he decided to take control and change the face of the land completely.

Unable to read and write,and with no access to modern techniques and tools,he started to employ an old African farming practice called “Zai”.The practice involves planting seeds in small holes filled with eco-friendly manure(肥料).The holes fill up with and keep the water that falls during the rainy season.This provides moisture(水分) and nutrients for the growing plants during the dry periods.Also,the manure attracts ants,which help break up the soil further and increase its ability to take in water.

Within two decades of starting his revolutionary work,a forested area of about fifty acres came up on the land of the African desert.Yacouba featured in a documentary titled “The Man Who Stopped the Desert” through which he became known to the rest of the world.To the great joy and relief of Yacouba,what the documentary focused on was put into the re-establishment of local forests and a training program for the farmers who wanted to 1earn Yacouba’s technique.Today,“Zai” is being widely practiced in the region.

1.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. A training program for African farmers.

B. A documentary about an influential African farmer.

C. The serious situation of environment destruction in Africa.

D. An African farmer fighting deserts with old farming methods.

2.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. Yacouba advertised his farming practice through the media.

B. Yacouba’s efforts have made a great difference.

C. Rebuilding forests is no tough job at a11.

D. Deserts no longer threaten Africa.

3.Which word can best describe Yacouba?

A. Determined. B. Knowledgeable. C. Curious. D. Creative.

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