
Malnutrition (营养失调)remains a serious problem for India. But a new study shows that India’s leading causes of death now also include diseases related to obesity (肥胖)such as heart disease.
India’s National Family Health Survey shows that more than twenty percent of Indians living in cities are overweight or obese. And in the northwestern state of Punjab, that is true for almost forty percent of women.
Aradhna Tripathi is a business professional in New Delhi. She said, “ Eating is the most important thing in any Indian household and how you show your love and gratitude(感激) for a person is through the kind of food you serve him. And the kind of lifestyle we are leading is one of the reasons why we have the number of obese people increasing every day.
But Aradhna Tripathi says she has decided to lose weight. Her mother and grandmother are also diabetic(患糖尿病的). In fact, the International Diabetes Federation says India is now the diabetes capital of the world. Researchers say Indians store more body fat per kilogram than Europeans. That means obese Indians are even more at the risk of diabetes than other people.
Doctor Anoop Misra at Fortis Hospital in New Delhi says the risk of diabetes is crossing social and economic lines. Five years ago, he says, obesity and diabetes were limited to India’s richest people, but now things have changed.
But Doctor Misra is hopeful that the spread (蔓延,传播)of obesity can be slowed. And he says it must start in schools by giving all Indian children the same instruction on physical activity and diet.
The World Health Organization says China is also moving up in obesity rates. The estimate (估计) has reached about five percent countryside and as high as twenty percent in some cities.
小题1:What is this passage mainly about?
A.Obesity has become a big killer in India.
B.Heart disease is troubling people in India.
C.People in India live a very unhealthy life.
D.Malnutrition remains a serious problem in India.
小题2:According to Aradhna Tripathi , one of the causes of the obesity problems is_________.
A..the development of economy
B.the change of Indians’ lifestyle
C.Indians’ attitude (态度)towards eating
D.Indians’ attitude towards obesity.
小题3: What can we infer from the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5?
A.Most wealthy people in India are overweight.
B.Five years ago, few people in India were overweight
C.Few poor people are diabetic for economic reasons.
D.Now even the poor in India suffer from obesity.

Armed only with iPhones, the inventive rock band Atomic Tom has gone viral(广为流传) by way of the New York subway. The band has scored an Internet hit with the video to the song “Take Me Out.”
Singer Luke White says the production was a top-secret operation.
“We didn't tell anyone about this. It was completely top-secret from our family, from our friends, from our label, our management, everybody. So the first time that people saw this video was last Friday when we put it on YouTube,” explained White.
Since uploading the video to YouTube, band members have spent several days refreshing the page to watch the number of hits rise.
The video has also made its way around Twitter as many people have shared it with their friends.
“I mean, it still hasn't quite hit. It's just kind of blowing our minds right now that we're getting this: many people are fond of it, and they're sharing it with their friends. We don't know what it's like really to have something that's viral, so all of this is very new to us.” said Eric Espiritu, the lead guitarist of the band.
White explains how the video came together:
“We did our research with the applications( 应用程序) and found applications that worked out really well with the instruments and then we plugged them all into, plugged our phones into mini-battery powered amplifiers(扩音器) that we put underneath our seats, and we did a lot of, you know, practices, in terms of figuring out what the balance of the sound and like who was overpowering, who was too loud or who was too soft.”
The idea for the video came from Espiritu's younger brother Benjamin. The younger Espiritu directed the video from his initial concept through the final edit and upload to the Internet. 
“I've seen a lot of the music applications come out, and I've never actually had the chance to play with them," says Ben Espiritu. "When I started hearing about how they sound and everything, I thought it might be unique to take it one step further and then create an entire band just performing solely(单曲) on the iPhones, and I thought it would be a pretty cool idea.”
Ben says the success of the band’s music video is a credit to the talent and ability of the musicians, but it's also a sign of the times.
“It really comes down to seeing something different, seeing something unique, and I think that that's always, in any type of art form, what will speak to people, and I think it does reflect the times that we live in, taking a smart phone and then being able to turn it into an instrument, not only just an instrument, but making it sound really good.”
小题1: Who first saw the video of the song “Take Me Out”?
A.Their friends B.The people on line
C.Their familyD.Their management
小题2: What is the band members’ attitude towards the sudden fame?
A.They are thrilled.
B.They are quite used to it.
C.They are kind of confused.
D.They are so excited as to tell everyone they know.
小题3: How did the video come into being?
A.The band copied from it other musicians.
B.It had already existed in the iPhones before they bought them.
C.The band created it with the help of the applications in the iPhones.
D.The band made full use of the traditional instruments to make the song.
小题4: What is the significance of the success of the band's music video?
A.It has introduced us several talented musicians.
B.It has made the musicians into millionaires.
C.It teaches the young a big lesson.
D.It reflects the talent and ability of the musicians and the times that we live in.
In the rush to get to school, you drop a piece of toast on the floor. Do you throw it away or decide it’s still OK to eat? If you’re like most people, you eat it. Maybe you follow the “5-second rule”, which claims foods are safe to eat if you pick them up within 5 seconds after dropping them.      
But you might want to think again. Scientists now say that 5 seconds is all it takes for foods to become polluted with enough bacteria(细菌)to make you sick.
Bacteria can cause many kinds of illnesses. Some kinds of bacteria can grow on food. If you eat foods on which these bacteria are growing, you can become sick.
One of these food-borne bacteria is Salmonella. It makes 1.4 million people sick every year. Salmonella is often found in raw eggs and chicken. Cooking kills these bacteria, which is why it is so important to cook eggs, chicken, and other foods thoroughly.
But how long does it take these bacteria to pollute food? A team of scientists in South Carolina did an experiment. First, they placed an amount of Salmonella on three surfaces; wood, tile (瓦片), and carpet. They placed a piece of bread and a piece of bologna(一种大红肠)on each surface for 5, 30, or 60 seconds. After just 5 seconds, both the bread and the bologna picked up enough bacteria to make you sick.
So, forget the 5-second rule. If your toast drops on the floor, throw it away and get another piece of clean toast. And this time, be careful not to drop it!
小题1:In which part of a newspaper can you most probably find this passage?
小题2:After dropping a piece of toast, a person who follows the “5-second rule” will         .
A.throw away dirty toast immediately and go away
B.pick up the toast as quickly as possible and eat it
C.eat the toast within 5 seconds and feel pleased
D.get another piece of clean toast quickly and eat it
小题3:The scientists in South Carolina did the experiment to __________ .
A.see how quickly bacteria can pollute food
B.show that the 5-second rule is correct
C.see how harmful bacteria are to people’s health
D.show that bacteria grow at different speeds on different foods
A new study has found no evidence that sunscreen, commonly used to reduce the risk of skin caner, actually increases the risk.
Researchers from the University of Yale based their findings on a review of 18 earlier studies that looked at the association between sunscreen use and melanomas (黑素瘤). They said that they found flaws in studies that had reported associations between sunscreen use and higher risk of melanoma.
Most health experts believe that by protecting the skin from the harmful effects of the sun, sunscreen helps prevent skin cancer, which is increasing in incidence (发生率) faster than any other cancer in the United States.
But questions have been raised about sunscreen and whether it may have the opposite effect, perhaps by allowing people to remain exposed to the sun longer without burning.
The researchers said that among the problems with some earlier studies is that they often failed to take into account that those people most at risk for skin cancer—people with fair skin and freckles (雀斑), for example—are more likely to use sunscreen. As a result, it may appear that sunscreen users get cancer more often.
The studies, which generally relied on volunteers to recall their sunscreen use, were also unable to prove how well the products had been applied, said the new study.
小题1:The underlined word “flaws” in the 2nd paragraph most probably means           .
小题2:People with fair skin and freckles           .
A.seldom use sunscreenB.are more in danger of skin cancer
C.can be free from the harm of the sunD.often expose themselves to the sun
小题3:We can learn from the passage that          .
A.sunscreen users get skin cancer more often
B.the volunteers have proved the effect of sunscreen
C.the new study was based on the experiences of volunteers
D.the number of skin cancer patients is increasing in America
小题4:Which of the following can be the best title for this passage?
A.Sunscreen to Prevent Skin Cancer
B.Sunscreen to Increase Skin Cancer
C.Skin Cancer Caused by Sunscreen
D.Skin Cancer Caused by Freckles
The gray-haired lady can’t wait to leave the building to search for her dad. Unless watched, she will walk in the streets in an effort to find her father, who died 30 years ago.
Not all cases of Alzheimer’s disease look like this, but Alzheimer’s is a serious disease that is said to be the fourth or fifth leading cause of death for people over age 75. It is said that about three percent of the U.S. population over age 65 have Alzheimer’s. In the early stages, people may exhibit short-term memory loss. Some may experience changes in personality, easy to be angry. As the disease progresses, patients might lose the ability to move and may be unable to speak or move at all. This progressive disease generally lasts 8 to 10 years before death occurs.
While no one is certain what causes these changes in the brain’s nerve fibers (神经纤维), their effect is certain. Alzheimer’s destroys not only the patients, but also spouses(配偶), friends and families.
What should you do if you notice progressive memory loss in yourself or a loved one? Have the person examined by a doctor who is a specialist in the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Though many reasons other than Alzheimer’s disease may cause memory loss, its early diagnosis(诊断)and treatment may delay some of the most serious effects.
What feeling will you likely experience if a loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s disease? A person will often go through the various stages of sadness, shock, anger, and so on. If the spouse develops the disease, you may experience hurt and disappointment when he or she doesn’t remember you are married.
Life for the Alzheimer’s patients and their loved ones will never be the same as the disease progresses, bringing a deep sorrow, loss and even anger towards God. No matter what feelings are present, facing them honestly will serve one better than burying them.
小题1:What can be inferred from the passage about the gray-haired day?
A.She has been living with her father.
B.She was sad about the death of her father.
C.She can’t search for her father without being watched.
D.She suffers from Alzheimer’s disease.
小题2:When people suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, ________.
A.their families and friends will suffer from the same disease
B.their families and friends will experience mental sufferings
C.they will certainly die in 8 to 10 years
D.they will forget everybody but their spouses
小题3:Memory loss occurs ________.
A.from Alzheimer’s disease and nothing else
B.from sadness, shock, anger, and so on
C.for a number of reasons
D.with changes in personality
小题4:From the passage we know that        .
A.early treatment may stop Alzheimer’s disease occurring
B.it is still unknown what causes the changes in the brain’s nerve fibers
C.nerve fibers in the brain will cause Alzheimer’s disease
D.when one suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, he will be buried
No one really knows how and why people change as they get older. Also, no theory sufficiently explains all the changes of the aging process. Aging is a complex and varied process that varies in how it affects different people and organs. In fact, even in one person , different organ systems “age “ at a different rate.
At a certain point in our lives our body systems will begin to weaken . It may become more difficult for us to see and hear. The slow change of aging causes our bodies to lose some of their ability to bounce back from disease and injury. In order to live longer , we have always tried to slow or stop this change that leads us toward the end of our lives.
Many factors decide our health . A good diet plays an important role. The amount and the type of exercise we get are another two factors. Our living condition is yet another. But scientists studying the aging problem want to know: Why do people grow old? They hope that by studying the aging medical science they may be able to make the length of life longer.
There is nothing to be afraid of as the old age comes. Many consider the later part of life to be the best time for living. Physical activity may become less, but often we get better understanding of the world and ourselves.
What we consider the old age now may only be middle-aged some day soon. Who knows ,with so many advances in medical science happening so quickly, life length may one day be measured in centuries ,rather than in years!
小题1:The underlined phrase “bounce back ”means “__________.”
A.jump backwardB.run fastC.preventD.recover
小题2:In order to make people live longer, scientists _______according to the text.
A.teach people how to eat properly
B.discover how important the exercise is to one’s health
C.study the ways to slow or stop the process of aging
D.invent new medicine to slow down the process of aging
小题3: Many consider the later part of life to be the time of living because they__________.
A.consider their lives have been very successful
B.have come through the battle of life safely
C.know more about themselves and the outside world
D.can have a good rest and enjoy themselves
小题4:How many factors which decide our health are mentioned in the text?

Our spiritual intelligence quotient (精神智商),or SQ, helps us understand ourselves, and live fuller, happier lives.
Though we're all born with SQ, most of us don’t even realize that we have it. Fortunately, you don't have to sign up for classes to learn how to improve your SQ. Here are some simple steps that can lead you to this new level of understanding.
Sit Quietly. The process of developing spiritual intelligence begins with solitude (独处) and silence. To tune in to your spirit, you have to turn down the volume (强度) in your busy, noisy, complicated life and force yourself to do nothing at all. Start small by creating islands for silence in your day. In the car, instead of listening to the music, use the time to think. At work, shut the door to your office between meetings, take a few breaths and let them out very, very slowly. Enjoy the stillness in your home after the kids are finally in bed.
Step Outside.  For many people, nature sets their spirit free. Go outside to watch a beautiful sunset. If you are walking with the dog, take the time to admire flower in bloom; follow the light of a bird and watch clouds float overhead.
Ask Questions of Yourself. Ask open-ended questions, such as "What am I feeling? What are my choices? Where am I heading?"
But don't expect an answer to arrive through some supernatural form of e-mail. "Rarely do I get an immediate answer to my question," says Reverend Joan Carter, a Presbyterian minister in Sausalito, California. “But later that day I suddenly find myself thinking about a problem in a perspective(角度) I never considered before.”
Trust Your Spirit. While most of us rely on gut(本能的) feeling to realize danger, spiritual intelligence pushes us, not away from, but towards some action that will lead to a greater good.
68. The passage is mainly about           .
A. what your SQ is and in what way it can benefit our life
B. what your SQ is and in what way it can be improved
C. the relationship between your SQ and your life
D. advantages and disadvantages of SQ
69. The underlined phrase "tune in to your spirit" in the third paragraph probably means to _____.
A. get your spirit relaxed                   B. keep up your spirit
C. keep seated quietly                      D. change your spirit
70. The author mentions the example of Reverend Joan Carter to show that            .
A. there are no immediate answers to your questions
B. e-mails can't keep working out a problem
C. the more questions you ask, the better answers you'll get      
D. changing your way of thinking might help you solve a problem
71. From the passage, we can know that the most important thing to improve your SQ is      .
A. a peaceful mind    B. deep thought   C. spare time and hobbies   D. good spirits
Air travel is such an everyday experience these days that we are not surprised when we read about a politician having talks with the Japanese Prime Minister one day, attending a meeting in Australia the following morning and having to be off at midday to sign a trade agreement in Hong Kong. But frequent long-distance flying can be so tiring that the traveler begins to feel his brain is in one country, his digestion(消化吸收)in another and his powers of concentration nowhere---in short, he hardly knows where he is.
Air travel is so quick nowadays that we can leave London after breakfast and be in New York in eight hours, yet what really upsets us most is that when we arrive it is lunch time while we have already had lunch on the plane and are expecting dinner.
Doctors say that air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time zones. Airline pilots, however, often live by their own watches.
小题1:After a long air travel, a traveler _______.
A.finds himself in a different world
B.finds his brain apart from his body
C.finds himself in Hong Kong the following morning
D.has little sense about where he is
小题2:The sentence “Airline pilots often live by their own watches. ” means______.
A.they don’t trust others’ watches
B.they don’t change their watches
C.they make a living by their own watches
D.they do as they used to do
小题3:Doctors suggest the travelers_______?
A.should rest when they arrive in New York from London.
B.should work in good condition since they just finish a long journey.
C.rest in a place with good condition.
D.give up long journey since it makes them tired.
Did you ever wonder how some of your favorite foods, products or toys came about? Believe it or not, they may have been an accident, or a failure of some other intention. Below, we found three mistakes we’re thankful for turned out to be what they are.
1. Most historians hold that the Chinese invented fireworks in the 9th century when they
discovered how to make gunpowder. Story has it that a Chinese cook accidentally mixed together what were then considered common kitchen items and noticed they burnt. When put tightly in a bamboo tube and lit, it blew up.
2. In May of 1886, a law led John Pemberton, a pharmacist(药剂师), to rewrite the formula(配方) for "Pemberton’s French Wine Coca,” his popular headache treatment. Containing sugar instead of wine as a sweetener, the outcome became something for Coke, which was later mixed with carbonated water. His bookkeeper suggested the name Coca-Cola because he thought the two C’s would look good together, which is how what we call Coca-Cola, a world –wide drink came into being.
3. During World War II, scientists at the University of Birmingham invented the magnetron—an important heat-producing part of the microwave oven(微波炉). While working for Raytheon Corporation after the war, the American engineer Percy Spencer was testing the magnetron when a chocolate bar in his pocket melted. He went on to test other foods including popcorn kernels, and found it to be a much more efficient way to cook. In 1947 Raytheon came out with the first restaurant microwave oven, which was six feet tall and weighed 750 lbs.   
小题1:The right time order of the three inventions, according to the passage, should be_________.
A.fireworks, the microwave and Coca-Cola
B.fireworks ,Coca-Cola and the microwave
C.Coca-Cola , fireworks and the microwave
D.the microwave, Coca-Cola and fireworks
小题2:Percy Spencer found the microwave efficient in cooking when he was _______.
A.looking for a way to melt his chocolate
B.trying to know how a magnetron could cook
C.working to know how the magnetron works
D.asked to invent a restaurant microwave oven
小题3:What can we learn from the above invention stories? 
A.Experiments make great inventors of our time.
B.Nothing is impossible if one tries each day.
C.Inventors come out of hard work at any time.
D.A small incident may lead to a great invention.
小题4:What’s the best title for the passage?
A.What great inventions they are!B.Inventions from Three Countries.
C.Stories of Accidental Inventions.D.The Human Inventions of time.

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