
Dear Seth,

You are only three years old, and at this point in your life you are not able to understand this letter. But some day when you , I hope you will find something in what I am going to tell you.

Life can be . There will be people in your life who won’t be very nice. They’ll you because you are different, for no good reason. You will also face heartbreak and might be by those you love. I hope you don’t have to face these too much, but such things .

Be open to life anyway. You’ll find cruelty and in your journey through life, but don’t let that you back from finding new things. Don’t retreat (退却) from life, and don’t or wall yourself off. Be open to new things, new experiences, and new people. You will many times, but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will many chances. Do remember failure is a stepping stone to .

You will meet many people who will try to do than you, in school, in college, and at work. They’ll try to have nicer cars, bigger houses, nicer clothes, and so on. To , life is a competition. However, I believe life is a(n) . If you always try your best to others, you are wasting your life. Learn to enjoy your life and you will make it a journey of , of learning and of love.

Finally, know that I love you and always will. You are a really wonderful journey, and I will always be there for you.



1.A. grow up B. show up C. cheer up D. give up

2.A. familiar B. amusing C. serious D. valuable

3.A. unkind B. peaceful C. equal D. simple

4.A. wave at B. run after C. laugh at D. refer to

5.A. if B. but C. so D. or

6.A. hurt B. found C. accepted D. impressed

7.A. matter B. work C. disappear D. happen

8.A. luck B. pain C. difference D. hope

9.A. protect B. stop C. hold D. choose

10.A. bother B. contract C. compete D. hide

11.A. leave B. prepare C. escape D. fail

12.A. enjoy B. form C. miss D. relax

13.A. success B. life C. action D. enthusiasm

14.A. earlier B. better C. less D. faster

15.A. you B. me C. him D. them

16.A. challenge B. encouragement C. journey D. aim

17.A. change B. pardon C. follow D. beat

18.A. somewhere B. instead C. afterwards D. though

19.A. fortune B. scenery C. happiness D. quietness

20.A. starting B. exhausting C. finishing D. replacing
























1.1】考查动词短语。grow up长大;show up出席、到场;cheer up欢呼、振奋起来;give up放弃。根据句意,你现在只有三岁,你不能理解这封信,但是某一天你长大的时候,我希望你能找到这封信里有价值的东西。故选A



4.4】考查动词短语。他们嘲笑你因为你不同,而再没有更好的理由。wave at朝某人挥手;run after追赶;laugh at嘲笑;refer to提到、谈到、涉及到、参考。故选C


6.6】考查动词。你也许会面临心碎,也许会被你所爱的人伤害(hurt)。hurt伤害;found 找到;accepted 接受;impressed 给---留下印象。故选A

7.7】考查动词。我希望你不必太多的面对这些,但这样的事情发生了。matter重要、关键;work 工作;disappear 消失;happen 发生。故选D

8.8】考查名词。你会残忍地发现在你生命历程里的疼痛(pain)。luck 运气;pain 疼痛;difference 区分、不同;hope 希望。故选B

9.9】考查动词。protect 保护;stop … from doing阻止做某事;hold somebody back from doing something 阻止某人做某事;choose选择。你会残忍地发现在你生命历程里的疼痛(pain),但不要让此阻止你发现新东西。故选C

10.10】考查动词。不要逃避生活,不要躲藏,抑或封闭(hide)自己。bother 打扰;contract约定、承办;compete竞赛、比赛;hide躲藏、隐藏。故选D


12.12】考查动词。你将错过(miss)许多机会。Enjoy享受、喜爱; form 组成、养成;miss 错过、想念;relax放松。故选C


14.14】考查形容词比较级。你将遇到许多对你好的人。earlier更早; better 更好;less 更少;faster更快。故选B


16.16】考查名词。challenge挑战;encouragement 鼓励;journey旅途;aim目标。然而,我相信生命是一个历程。故选C







I travel a lot in my work, and what I dislike about my job is eating alone. It always makes me feel lonely to see others laughing and talking. So, room service for several nights was a better choice for me.

After having room service three nights at a hotel in Houston, however, I needed to get out of my room. Although the restaurant opened at 6:30, I arrived at 6:25. The waiter at the front desk made a comment (评论) about my “being there really early”. I explained my dislike of eating alone in restaurants. He then seated me at a lovely table and asked me whether I would mind if he sat down with me for a while.

I was glad! He sat and talked with me about his career goals and the difficulty of being at work on nights, weekends and holidays. He said he hadn’t enough time to be with his family. After 15 minutes, he saw some customers at the front desk and excused himself. I noticed that before he went to the front desk, he stopped in the kitchen for a moment.

Then another waiter came out of the kitchen and had a wonderful chat with me. Before I left that night, some other waiters, even the cook, had come out of the kitchen and sat with me!

When I asked for my bill about one hour later, all the people who had sat down with me came over in a big group to my table, and presented me with a red rose. And I cried! What had begun as a lonely night ended as a beautiful experience.

1.The author asked for room service because _______.

A. a lot of money would be saved in this way

B. he didn’t like to eat with other people around

C. he didn’t wanted to be recognized by the waiters

D. seeing people laughing and talking made him feel bad

2.How did the waiter feel when he saw the author come in at 6:25?

A. Dissatisfied. B. Pleased.

C. Surprised. D. Angry.

3.From the third paragraph, we can learn that the waiter at the front desk _______.

A. knew how to attract more customers to his restaurant

B. found it hard to balance his work and his family

C. was getting tired of his present job

D. had never had such a chance to talk about his worries

4.The author wants to tell us that _______.

A. people are actually all lonely in their own way

B. restaurants should put the need of customers first

C. the kindness of strangers can make you less lonely

D. restaurants are full of surprises for lonely people


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