
  Following on from the deaths of three people in Fujian Province over the past two days as a result of the storm, the landslide happened in Minhou County of Fujian’s provincial capital, Fuzhou, China Central Television reported.

  Heavy rains brought by the typhoon caused the hillside to give way above the buildings where the students were staying, sweeping them away.President Hu Jintao yesterday made a phone call and asked for every effort to be made to find the missing.

  Typhoon Longwang, which means dragon king in Chinese, raged(狂吹)across Taiwan on the weekend before moving on to Fujian.

  About 537 000 people had been moved to safety, officials said, and 2.46 million people were affected(受到影响).Although downgraded to a tropical depression yesterday, Longwang had already damaged 60 000 hectares of crops, with 12 500 “completely damaged,” Xinhua reported.

  Economic damage was estimated at 1.2 billion yuan(US$150 million).

 Downpours from the typhoon, the 19th to hit China this year, began at noon on Sunday in Fuzhou and lasted for 14 hours, dumping 111 millimetres, according to the provincial meteorological bureau.The rain paralyzed Fuzhou’s transport system.Pools of water on the main streets were about 70 centimetres deep.

  The meteorological bureau reported that Longwang first struck Weitou town, Jinjiang city, with winds of up to 120 kilometres per hour at its centre.

  The previous typhoons to hit China’s coastal areas this year caused 188 deaths and losses totalling 73.8 billion yuan(US$9 billion), according to official figures.

  (Adapted from China Daily 10/04/2005)


Which is the best title of this report?

[  ]


Typhoon Longwang causes landslide


Typhoon causes three people to die


Typhoon causes a storm


Typhoon Longwang


Before coming to Fujian, Typhoon Longwang attacked ________.

[  ]








Hong Kong


What time did downpours from the typhoon stop in Fuzhou?

[  ]


12∶00 Sunday.


2∶00 p. m.Sunday.


2∶00 a. m.Sunday.


2∶00 a. m.Monday.


The underlined word “paralyzed” in the fifth paragraph probably means ________.

[  ]

























  The United States covers a large part of the North American continent. Its neighbors are Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. Although the United States is a big country, it is not the largest in the world. In 1964, its population was over 185,000,000.

  When this land first became a nation, after winning its independence(独立)from England, it had thirteen states. Each of the states was represented(代表)on the American flag by a star. All these states were in the eastern part of the continent. As the nation grew towards the west, new states were added and new stars appeared on the flag. For a long time, there were 48 stars. In 1959, however, two more stars were added to the flag, representing the new states of Alaska and Hawaii.

  Indians were the first people of the land which is in now the United States. There are still many thousands of Indians now living in all parts of the country. Sometimes it is said that the Indians are“the only real Americans”. Most Americans, come from all over the world. Those who came first in greatest numbers to make their homes on the eastern coast of North America were mostly from England. It is for that reason that the language of the United States is English and that its culture and customs are more like those of England than those of any other country in the world.

1.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.America is the largest country in the world.

B.The population of America is larger than that of any other country in the North American continent.

C.America covers most part of the North American continent.

D.Mexcio is to the north of Canada.

2.The first thirteen states were in the ________ of the United States.

[  ]


3.The United States didn’t have ________ states until ________.

[  ]

A.thirteen; 1959

B.fifty; 1959

C.fifty; this land first became a nation

D.fifty; 1964

4.Why is English the language of America?

[  ]

A.English is the Indians’ native language.

B.Most Americans come from all over the world.

C.Most of the people who first came to live in America were from England.

D.Canada is America’s nearest neighbor.

5.Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

[  ]

A.The States of America.

B.The Language of America.

C.The United States of America.

D.The Culture and Customs of America.


  The dark, narrow streets of London were dangerous places for a lad to wander during the ruling of Charles Ⅱ (1660-1685). Bands of hoodlums(强盗), in the pay of some ships' captains, were found everywhere. Their job was to seize as many boys as they could find and carry them off to waiting ships in the harbor. Many a pale city lad would wake up from a drugged sleep, or a blow on the head, to find himself on the high seas, bound for the New World. There he might become a farmhand, an apprentice, or perhaps a household servant.

  Thousands of unsuspecting youths were kidnapped who were never to return to the land of their birth. The traffic in young boys became, in time, a great public scandal, and this is the way it had come about.

  America desperately needed colonists. At first, many people had come willingly, lured by tales of quick wealth and unlimited opportunity. But once they arrived, they found it to be a far rougher place than they had imagined. It was true that, there was opportunity, but hard work was needed to make it pay off. Many of the new colonists, hoping for easy fortuned, were not used to the difficulties of hard manual labour.

  Nor could they manage the large farms by themselves. They needed help of every sort: for planting, for harvesting, for building their houses, etc. Some few skilled workers had come and set up shops--blacksmiths, carpenters, wheelwrights(修造轮子的工匠) and such--but they, too, were in need of help. Without apprentices and laborers, they could not possibly do all the work that the colonists required.

  British shipowners offered free transportation to all those who would come, in return for an agreement to work for seven years without wages. Thousands of immigrants accepted the offer. After seven years of service they were farmers in their own right--and needed help. So there was an increasing need for workers. When the captains could not get colonists any other way, they hired hoodlums to seize any young boys they could lay hands on.

  Over 100000 youngsters were taken to America in this way. Kidnapping became such an open scandal that in 1682 the London Council passed a law forbidding any person under fourteen to be bound into service without the knowledge and consent of his parents.

1.What shocked the London citizens in the late 17th century?

[  ]

A.The British shipowners needed hands in their business.

B.Bands of hoodlums wandered in the dark streets of London.

C.Many young boys turned to drugs and violence.

D.Many young boys were captured and shipped to America.

2.According to the passage, many British people were willing to settle in America because _____.

[  ]

A.they were poor and desperate

B.they thought they could find jobs easily and soon make a fortune

C.they were desperately tired of the bad conditions in London

D.they learned that skilled workers were badly needed there

3.According to the passage, the colonists were in need of hands for the following reasons except that _____.

[  ]

A.many rail tracks had to be built

B.there was a lot of work on the farms

C.many houses had to be built

D.there was a lot of work in various kinds of shops

4.Why did thousands of immigrants sign the agreement to work for seven years without pay?

[  ]

A.Because they had no money to pay for their voyage to the New World.

B.Because they could become farmers in their own right after their seven-year work.

C.Because they had no land of their own when they just arrived in America.

D.Because they were kidnapped and forced to sign it.

5.We can infer from the passage that the British government passed a law in 1682 because _____.

[  ]

A.the shipowners had seized a great fortune of the country apart from the young boys

B.it intended to stop the employment of the young workers under the age of fourteen

C.the public strongly condemned the kidnapping of young boys

D.it did not want to lose a lot of its young residents


  The kids at Shute Country Primary School in Devon are surprisingly quiet when it's time to go home in the afternoon. Instead of the usual shouting and running you can hear them asking each other,“Are the lights all off?”“Shall we check the taps in case they are dripping?”“How many paper towels did we use today?”

  But it's not unusual here. The kids have declared a war on waste.

  “We've never made the children do anything.”explained Liz Templar, the school's head teacher.“They came up with all the ideas themselves. They're doing this because they want to.”

  If you take a look around the school you won't see anything thrown away unnecessarily. Everything is collected and reused, or sent to be recycled.

  Shute School started its green revolution two years ago. They looked carefully at every part of school life--from the teaching to the cleaning. They looked at the stationery(文具) that was used--especially photocopying, the way cleaning was carried out, and how food was used--and wasted!

  Even parents were looked at: how many children came in each car? Did they use unleaded petrol? Could they bring more children in fewer cars?

  High on the list was the waste of paper. Next came unfriendly cleaning products. Paper towels were replaced with recycled paper, but the hardest thing for the kids was when they found out how much rubbish was created by the chocolate, crisps and other snacks(小吃) eaten at lunch time. Of their own accord(自愿地), the children gave them up. Now they bring apples and home-made snacks.

  The school has its own garden where they grow vegetables and flowers so that they can learn about the environment. They also use this area for their recycling store--large containers to collect aluminium, bottles, paper and fabric(织物).

  Even the school's play area is made from recycled things.

  Since the children started, the school's heating and lighting bills have fallen obviously and the number of rubbish bags has gone down from seven a week to two or three.

  Everywhere in Shute School there are bright posters asking everyone to take their rubbish home, to save energy and paper and to keep the green flag flying.

1.Which of the following is the major information we get from the passage?

[  ]

A.The pupils at Shute School are fighting against air pollution.

B.The pupils at Shute School are learning to save things.

C.The pupils at Shute School have declared a war on waste.

D.The pupils at Shute School have found a way to recycle waste things.

2.Children at Shute Country Primary School bring apples and home-made snacks to school in order to _____.

A.create less rubbish

B.save money

C.obey the school's rules

D.keep their promise

3.We can infer from the text that“green revolution” means _____.

[  ]

A.beautifying schoolyard

B.activity against waste

C.planting green plants

D.throwing away waste

4.What do the children think creates the most waste?

[  ]

A.Paper towels.

B.Cleaning products.



5.We learn from the text that the children's behavior _____.

[  ]

A.has brought arguments

B.has saved the school's cost

C.worried their parents

D.was forced by their head teacher


  THE names of William Shakespeare, Charles Dickens, and Jane Austen are probably not new to you.They are stars of the literary landscape and their works add to the charm of their British homeland.This week, we take you to the places where these literary masters grew up, lived or got their inspiration from.


  Located on the banks of the river Avon in the north of England, Stratford-upon-Avon provides a beautiful glimpse into Britain’s rural life.Every year, thousands of tourists flock to the town to see the land that produced Britain’s greatest playwright.They visit the house where Shakespeare lived and go to the Royal Shakespeare Theatre to enjoy his plays.

  William Shakespeare(1564-1616)

  Stratford-upon-Avon would be on an ordinary small city in Britain if it was not the birthplace of William Shakespeare.Shakespeare left the town when he was 18, but even at the height of his career in London, Shakespeare returned here regularly to visit his family.Shakespeare thought of it as his real home, even though London brought him fame.


  UNESCO World Heritage city.Bath has the country’s only natural hot springs.The city is named after its most popular sight:the Roman Baths, which were built by the Romans in the first century as a public bath house.For centuries, people went there to bathe in the natural mineral water.

  Jane Austen(1775-1817)

  Bath was one of Austen’s favorite places.It appears in her novels ?Persuasion and Northanger Abbey. In the latter she wrote:“I do like it very much.If I could have papa and mamma, and the rest of them here, I suppose I should be too happy!”


  LONDON is the cultural centre of Britain.Its historical attractions draw numerous visitors.Treasures such as Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and Buckingham Palace are among the world’s top tourist attractions.Museums like the British Museum and the National Gallery, all free, make London a favorite for art lovers.

  Charles Dickens(1812-1870)?

  Dickens spent most of his life in London and wrote extensively about this city.Born in Hampshire, south of London, Dickens moved to London when he was two years old.He depicted London as foggy, dirty, with villains everywhere, as shown in his works Oliver Twist, Great Expectations, Bleak House and A Tale of Two Cities


Which of the following doesn’t belong to the world’s top tourist attractions?

[  ]




Westminster Abbey.


Big Ben.


Buckingham Palace.


Which of the following is true?

[  ]


Stratford-upon-Avon made Shakespeare famous.


In Shakespeare’s opinion, London was his real home.


Stratford-upon-Avon was the birthplace of Shakespeare.


Shakespeare returned to London regularly to visit his family.


________ appears in the novels Persuasion and Northanger Abbey

[  ]










________ is not Charles Dickens’s works.

[  ]


Oliver Twist?


Great Expectation?


Bleak House?


Northanger Abbey?


What’s the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Introduce the places where three literary masters grew up and lived.


Introduce the works of three literary masters.


Compare the three literary masters.


Describe the three literary masters.


  Scientists have found that regular but moderate consumption of alcohol by the middle-aged can protect against some of Britain’s biggest killers, including heart disease, stroke(中风).

  The effect of up to two drinks a day for women and three for men is so marked that some researchers believe that middle-aged people should treat alcohol like a dietary supplement(补充).

  “The results show that alcohol can be good for your health provided that you adopt a careful drinking style,”said Professor Morten Cronbaek from the Centre for Alcohol Research in Denmark.

  “Age-related diseases like thrombosis(血栓)take a long time to develop but alcohol seems able to delay it by years.”

  In his study, Cronbaek mentioned 57, 000 Danes, aged 55~65, to find links between their drinking habits and death rates.He found that people who drank little often had a significant reduction in mortality(死亡率).

  The study is still following the Danes but early sighs are that such drinkers will live up to several years longer than heavy drinkers or teetotallers(绝对戒酒者).

  Alcohol also reduced blood’s tendency to form clots, a crucial factor in strokes and heart attacks.However, both benefits disappeared in heavy or binge drinkers.

  Older research had suggested that it is only red wine that has health benefits, but the new studies indicate that the effect can be seen with any alcohol.One, led by Professor Eric Rimm of Harvard medical school, shows that for middle-aged men up to two drinks a day could have the risk of heart attack-and that whisky and beer are just as effective as wine.


The underlined word“such drinkers”refers to people who ________.

[  ]


never drink


are addicted to alcohol


drink a little


drink soft drink like juice


Which kind of drink is good for health ________.

[  ]


red wine






any alcohol


Which of the following is NOT the positive effect of taking proper amount of alcohol?

[  ]


Reducing the forming of clots


Delaying the coming of thrombosis


Protecting people from getting serious diseases


Making women become more beautiful


What’s the main idea of the passage?

[  ]


Alcohol is safe.


The relation between drinking habits and death rate.


Proper consumption of alcohol contributes to people’s health.


Different drinking habits between men and women.


Older research had suggested that it is ________ that has health benefits.

[  ]


only red wine


any alcohol


white wine



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