The villagers went out to the mountain __________ the missing child.
A.in a search of | B.looking after |
C.searched for | D.in search of |
解析试题分析:句意,村民去山上寻找失踪的小孩。A答案结构错误,B.looking after照顾,照料,故排除。C和D答案均有“寻找”的意思,但句子中已有谓语动词,故不能在使用谓语动词,故排除C答案。

Casablanca, Sep. 24
A flood swept across the coastal plain about 100 miles southwest of here, killing hundreds of Moroccans in a market place yesterday morning.
Reports from the area said 218 bodies had been counted, and many of the people were missing.
The flood followed heavy rains, which filled the coastal plain and dry river beds and caused them to overflow. The flood, several feet high, hit the village of Khemis Nagua at midmorning yesterday as farmers from the surrounding area joined town people in an open market place. The roaring waters swept the villager’s living places, the market sheds (棚子),shoppers,cattle and farm tools for miles across the plain.
The flood was over almost as soon as it started, the reports said, as the water swept out to sea. Rescue workers quickly moved into the area from Safi, about 25 miles further south.
【小题1】You can learn from the text that ________.
A.hundreds of people died in the flood |
B.the flood lasted for several days |
C.heavy rains followed the flood |
D.the flood hit the village at midnight |
A. how the flood swept the coastal plain
B. the flood in fall
C why the terrible flood took place
D. a rescue attempt
【小题3】According to the text, which of the following maps may be correct?
( KN="Khemis" Nagua, C=Casablanca S= Safi)