
The following are four kinds of medicine. How to use the medicine is very important. Never take some by mistake.
   Take the medicine with water, followed by one tablet every eight hours, as required. For further nighttime and early morning, take two tablets at bedtime. Do not take more than six tablets in 24 hours. For children between six and twelve years old, give half the adult dosage(剂量). For children under six years old, go to your doctor for advice. Reduce dosage if nervousness, restlessness or sleeplessness takes place.
   Each pill of the medicine taken three times every day for fourteen-year- olds. As usual, a pill at 6:00a.m. before breakfast, one before 11:00 and one before sleep. Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart attack.
   The medicine for a person with a fever. Once two pills a day before sleep for adults. Don’t take the medicine without fever. Half for children under 12 years old. For children with a high fever, go to see a doctor at once.
   The medicine taken three times a day, once five pills for adults with a cold. Half of the pills for children under 14 years old. Take the medicine before breakfast, lunch, supper or before sleep.
小题1:If a little child under six has a fever, it’s suggested that he ________.
A.take two tablets before sleepB.stop to take another pill
C.take one tablet before sleepD.go to see a doctor
小题2:Obviously a kind of medicine mentioned above isn’t proper for ________, judging from the information.
A.children over twelve years oldB.some adults of 18 years old
C.some old persons with heart attackD.neither adults nor children
小题3:When an adult has a cold, he had better __________.
A.have as many as fifteen pills a dayB.have twice a day
C.have four times a dayD.have nine pills a day
小题4:How many kinds of medicine can be taken by children of seven years old?
A.Two kinds.B.Three kinds.C.None.D.Four kinds.


小题1:细节题:从第三个表格里的句子:Once two pills a day before sleep for adults. Don’t take the medicine without fever. Half for children under 12 years old.可知6岁的孩子,睡觉前吃一片就行了。选C
小题1:细节题:从第二个表格的内容Not for children under six years old and old persons with heart attack.可知这种药不适合有心脏病的老人。选C
小题1:计算题:从最后一段的内容:The medicine taken three times a day, once five pills for adults with a cold.可知是3乘以5得15.选A
LONDON—Life for Cathy Hagner and her three children is set to permanent(永久的) fast-forward.
Their full school day and her job as a lawyer's assistant are busy enough. But Hagner also has to take the two boys to soccer or hockey or basketball while dropping off her daughter at piano lessons or Girl Scout Club.
Often, the exhausted family doesn't get home until 7 pm. There is just time for a quick supper before homework. In today's world, middle-class American and British parents treat their children as if they are competitors racing for some finishing line.
Parents take their children from activity to activity in order to make their future bright. It seems that raising a genius has become a more important goal than raising a happy and well-balanced child.
"Doctors across the country are reporting a growing number of children suffering from stomachaches and headaches due to exhaustion and stress," says child expert William Doherty of the University of Minnesota.
Teachers are dealing with exhausted kids in the classroom. It's a very serious problem. Many children attend after-school clubs by necessity. But competitive pressures also create an explosion of activities. They include sports, language, music and math classes for children as young as four.
"There is a new parenting trend under way which says that you have to tap all your child's potential at a young age; otherwise you will let him down,” says Terry Alter, a Cambridge-based child and adolescent psychiatrist (青少年精神病专家)
"It isn't entirely new: there have always been pushy parents. But what was previously seen as strange behaviour is now well accepted."
小题1:From the second paragraph of this passage we can find that ______.
A.Hagner wastes much time helping her children's lessons
B.Hagner doesn't spend much time on her full-time job
C.Hagner is interested in spots and music
D.Hagner busies herself by following a trend
小题2:British parents, as the writer described in this passage, _____.
A.treat their children as spots players
B.pay no attention to their children's lessons
C.bring up their children in a simple way
D.give their children little time to develop freely
小题3:The writer's opinion about after-school clubs is that ______.
A.activities in the country are too competitive
B.children should attend four clubs at a time
C.some clubs result in competitive pressures
D.clubs should have more subjects for school children
小题4:The last paragraph tells us that in Britain ______.
A.parents used to take their children to every club
B.parents used to be wise on how to raise children
C.parents have all benefited from children's clubs
D.parents have come to know the standard of education
Are you nervous about climbing because you think it’s too dangerous? Do you feel you’re not fit enough to climb? Do you know how to start climbing?
Let’s consider the idea that climbing is dangerous. Being afraid is natural, but if you use suitable ropes and other climbing equipments you will feel completely safe. Climbers are usually very careful because they know what they are doing is dangerous. Accidents happen, but when they do, they tend to attract a lot of publicity. As a result, people think there are many more accidents than there are in reality.
You cannot expect to start climbing straight away. Climbing is a challenge and challenges take time. It is necessary first of all that you achieve a good level of fitness. Begin as soon as you become interested in climbing—go to the gym, go swimming, take up jogging and continue to do so throughout your training period.
Discover as much as you can about climbing. Visit the library and find books especially for beginners or buy climbing magazines and look for articles which describe your situation. Look up information on the Internet. Find out about equipment, methods and places to go.
Next, take a course on a climbing wall. There are plenty of climbing walls all over the country which have trained and qualified people as instructors. Call your local leisure centre to find out if there is one in your area. These training sessions are a quick way to get experience and you are likely to meet other beginners. After this, you can do an outside course or join a club where you can meet climbers of all abilities and eventually join in group-climbing events.
At first you may not understand the importance of a good training period, but after you have completed your first climb and you are standing safely at the top of a rock feeling thrilled, then you will know it was the right thing to do.
小题1:The article is written by ______.
A.a doctorB.an experienced climber
C.a beginnerD.a fitness instructor
小题2:The writer thinks a new climber should ______.
A.begin by becoming fit
B.be aware of the causes of the accidents
C.have the courage to meet the challenges
D.do enough sports to get interested in climbing
小题3:By climbing walls you can ______.
A.join a club you like B.become qualified instructors
C.gain controlled experienceD.take part in group-climbing events
小题4:The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph probably means ______.
A.the climbB.the trainingC.the equipmentD.the achievement
Feel tired lately? Has a doctor said he can’t find anything wrong with you? Perhaps he sent you to a hospital, but all the advanced equipment there shows that there is nothing wrong with you.
Then, consider this: you might be in a state of subhealth (亚健康).
Subhealth, also called the third state or gray state, is explained as a borderline state between health and disease.
According to the investigation by the National Health Organization, over 45 percent of subhealthy people are middle-aged or elderly.The percentage is even higher among people who work in management positions as well as students around exam-week.
Symptoms(征兆)include a lack of energy, depression(压抑),slow reactions, insomnia(失眠),agitation, and poor memory.Other symptoms include shortness of breath, sweating and aching in the waist and legs.
The key to preventing and recovering from subhealth, according to some medical experts, is to form good living habits, alternate work and rest, exercise regularly, and take part in open air activities.
As for meals, people are advised to eat less salt and sugar.They should also eat more fresh vegetables, fruits, fish because they are rich in nutritional elements…vitamins and trace elements …vitamins and trace elements…that are important to the body.
Nutrition(营养)experts point out that it is not good to eat too much at one meal because it may cause unhealthy changes in the digestive tract(消化系统).They also say that a balanced diet is very helpful in avoiding subhealth.
For the past many centuries, people had been enjoying the benefits of green tea for the body. Many people would prefer drinking green tea than white tea and black tea, simply because of its distinct aroma(香味) not found in other types of tea. Nowadays, keeping the natural greenish color of tea leaves remained just like before. This is done by preparing the green tea just like the way it was prepared before—by washing the leaves right after pulling off them from the bush, then boiling them.
There have been many healthful claims saying that drinking green tea-based products help a lot in improving the general health of their body. For a long time, there has been many beliefs saying that green tea can help, cure beriberi disease(脚气病), treat wounds, and even prevent tiredness. Now modern technology determines that there are even added healthful benefits that include reducing the possibility of having a heart disease and helping people to lose more weight easily.
Besides, studies have found out that green tea has Polyphenols(多酚类), a type of flaonoid(类黄酮) that greatly reduces the amount of time of cell maturation. The flavonoid found in green tea is called EGCg- a stronger matter than Vitamin C and E. It is believed to be 20 times stronger than these mentioned vitamins.
Having two cups of green tea daily is a good routine for your body. However, most doctors would suggest drinking at least 4 cups a day is the best. You can slowly increase the amount of drinking it to allow your body to get used to it. There is nothing to lose but everything to gain in drinking green tea.
小题1:Which of the following shows the right order according to the passage? _______.
a. making the leaves clean  
b. pulling off them from the bush.  
c. boiling the leaves.
A.a, b, cB.b, a, cC.a, c, bD.b, c, a
小题2:Which word in the passage has a similar meaning as the underlined word “distinct”________?
小题3:Green tea can help us in many aspects EXCEPT __________.
A.Curing beriberi diseaseB.Preventing tiredness
C.Curing heart diseaseD.Losing weight
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that __________.
A.drinking green tea has a history of thousands of years.
B.flavooid, a special vitamin, is made up of EGCg.
C.Vitamin C and E is 20 times stronger than EGCg.
D.drinking green tea has no bad effect but benefits.
小题5:Which of the following might be the best title for the text? __________.
A.Process of making green tea.B.Characteristic of green tea.
C.Benefits of drinking green tea.D.History and types of green tea.
Psychology(心理学) has a new application in the field of medicine. Many doctors, together with their patients, are looking for alternative methods of treatment of physical problems. In large hospitals, modern therapy(疗法) seems to focus on the physical disease. Patients may feel they are treated like broken machines. Some doctors have recognized this as a problem. They are now using psychological therapy, in which the patient is working with the doctors against the disease with the help of medicine. The patient does not wait for the medicine and treatment to cure him or her, but instead the patient joins in the fight.
The doctor knows that a disease affects a patient's body physically. The body of the patient changes because of the disease. He is not only physically affected, but also has an emotional response to the disease. Because his mind is affected, his attitude and behavior change. The medical treatment might cure the patient's physical problems, but the patient's mind must fight the emotional ones. For example, the studies of one doctor, Carl Simonton, M. D., have shown that a typical cancer patient has predictable attitudes. She typically feels depressed, upset, and angry. Her constant depression makes her acts unfriendly toward her family, friends, doctors, and nurses. Such attitudes and behaviors prevent recovery. Therefore, a doctor's treatment must help the patient change that. Simonton's method emphasizes treatment of the “whole” patient.
The attitude of a cancer patient receiving radiation therapy, an X-ray treatment, can become more positive. The physician who is following Simonton's psychological treatment plan suggests that the patient imagine that he or she can see the tumor(肿瘤) in the body. In the mental picture, the patient "sees" a powerful beam of radiation like a million bullets of energy. The patient imagines the beam hitting the tumor cells and causing them to shrink. For another cancer patient, Dr. Simonton asks him to imagine the medicine going from the stomach into the bloodstream and to the cancer cells. The patient imagines that the medicine is like an army fighting the diseased cells and sees the cancer cells gradually dying and his blood carry away the dead cells. Both the medical therapy and the patient's positive attitude fight the disease.
Doctors are not certain why this mental therapy works. However, this use of psychology does help some patients because their attitudes about themselves change. They become more confident because they use the power within their own minds to help stop the disease.
Another application of using the mind to help cure disease is the use of suggestion therapy. At first, the doctor helps the patient to concentrate deeply. The patient thinks only about one thing. He becomes so unaware of other things around him that he is asleep, or rather in a trance(催眠状态). Then the physician makes “a suggestion” to the patient about the medical problem. The patient's mind responds to the suggestion even after the patient is no longer in the trance. In this way, the patient uses his mind to help his body respond to treatment.
Doctors have learned that this use of psychology is helpful for both adults and children. For example, physicians have used suggestion to help adults deal with the strong pain of some disease. Furthermore, sometimes the adult patient worries about her illness so much that the anxiety keeps her from getting well. The right suggestions may help the patient to stop being anxious. Such treatment may help the patient with a chronic(慢性的)diseases. Asthma (哮喘) is an example of a chronic disorder. Asthma is a disease that causes the patient to have difficulty in breathing. The patient starts to cough and sometimes has to fight to get the air that he or she needs. Psychology can help relieve the symptoms of this disorder. After suggestion therapy, the asthma patient breathes more easily.
Physicians have learned that the psychological method is very useful in treating children. Children respond quickly to the treatment because they are fascinated by it. For example, Dr. Basil R. Collison has worked with 121 asthmatic children in Sydney, Australia, and had good results. Twenty-five of the children had Excellent results. They were able to breathe more easily, and they did not need medication. Another forty-three were also helped. The symptoms of the asthma occurred less frequently, and when they did, they were not as strong. Most of the children also felt better about themselves. Doctors have also used suggestion to change habits like nail-biting, thumb-sucking, and sleep-related problems.
Many professional medical groups have accepted the medical use of psychology and that psychology has important applications in medicine.
小题1:What does the passage mainly discuss?
A.How suggestion therapy benefits adults and children.
B.How modern therapy focuses on the disease.
C.Responses from the medical world.
D.How to use the mind against disease.
小题2:How does psychological therapy work?
A.The patient waits for the medicine and treatment to cure him.
B.The doctor uses medical treatment to cure the patient's problems.
C.The doctor, the medicine, and the patient work together to fight disease.
D.The patient uses his mind to cure himself.
小题3:What can we learn from the studies of Carl Simonton, M. D.?
A. The medical treatment can cure the patient's mental disease.
B. The treatment of a patient by treating the body and the mind is necessary.
C. The mental treatment is more important than medical treatment.
D. Few patients have emotional response to the disease.
小题4:The use of psychological therapy is helpful to some patients in that            .
A.the medical effect is better with psychological therapy than without it
B.the patients can see a powerful beam of radiation hitting their tumor cells
C.the patients' attitudes towards themselves have changed
D.the patients are easy to accept the methods the doctors use to treat them
小题5:It can be learned from the passage that suggestion therapy cannot be used to            .
A.help adults deal with the strong pain of some diseases
B.help the patients with chronic diseases
C.help change some bad habits
D.help cure patients of insomnia(失眠症)
小题6:According to the passage, which of the following remains unknown so far?
A.The value of mental therapy.
B.The effectiveness of suggestion therapy.
C.The working principle of suggestion therapy.
D.The importance of psychology in medical treatment.
More than 10 years ago, it was difficult to buy a tasty pineapple. The fruits that made it to the UK were green on the outside and, more often than not, hard with an unpleasant taste within. Then in 1966, the Del Monte Gold pineapple produced in Hawaii first hit our shelves.
The new type of pineapple looked more yellowy-gold than green. It was slightly softer on the outside and had a lot of juice inside. But the most important thing about this new type of pineapple was that it was twice as sweet as the hit-and-miss pineapples we had known. In no time, the Del Monte Gold took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the world’s best-selling pineapple variety, and delivering natural levels of sweetness in the mouth, up until then only found in tinned pineapple.
In nutrition it was all good news too. This nice tasting pineapple contained four times more vitamin C than the old green variety. Nutritionists said that it was not only full of vitamins, but also good against some diseases. People were understandably eager to be able to buy this wonderful fruit. The new type of pineapple was selling fast, and the Del Monte Gold pineapple rapidly became a fixture in the shopping basket of the healthy eater.
Seeing the growing market for its winning pineapple, Del Monte tried to keep market to itself. But other fruit companies developed similar pineapples. Del Monte turned to law for help, but failed. Those companies argued successfully that Del Monte’s attempts to keep the golden pineapple for itself were just a way to knock them out of the market.
小题1:We learn from the text that the new type of pineapple is __________.
A.green outside and sweet insideB. good-looking outside and soft inside
C.yellowy-gold outside and hard insideD.a little soft outside and sweet inside
小题2:Why was the new type of pineapple selling well?
A.It was rich in nutrition and tasted nice.B.It was less sweet and good for health.
C.It was developed by Del Monte.D.It was used as medicine.
小题3:The underlined word “fixture” in Paragraph 3 probably refers to something _________.
A.that people enjoy eatingB.that is always present
C.that is difficult to getD.that people use as a gift
小题4: We learn from the last paragraph that Del Monte _________.
A.slowed other companies to develop pineapples
B.succeeded in keeping the pineapple for itself
C.tried hard to control the pineapple market
D.planned to help the other companies
New York: Staying positive through the cold season could be your best defence against getting ill, new study findings suggest.
In an experiment that exposed healthy volunteers to a cold or flu virus, researchers found that people with a generally sunny disposition were less likely to fall ill. The findings, published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine, build on evidence that a “positive emotional style” can help protect us from the common cold and other illnesses.
Researchers believe the reasons may be both objective----as in happiness improving immune, function----and subjective----as in happy people being less troubled by a sore throat or funny nose. "People with a positive emotional style may have different immune responses to the virus," explained lead study author Dr Sheldon Cohen of Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. "And when they do get a cold, they may interpret their illness as being less severe."
Cohen and his colleagues had found in a previous study that happier people seemed less likely to catch a cold, but some questions remained as to whether the emotional trait itself had the effect.
For the new study, the researchers had 193 healthy adults complete standard measures of personality traits, self-perceived health and emotional "style." Those who tended to be happy, energetic and easy-going were judged as having a positive emotional style, while those who were often unhappy, tense and hostile had a negative style.
The researchers gave them nasal(鼻的) drops containing either a cold virus or a particular flu virus. Over the next six days, the volunteers reported on any aches, pains, sneezing or congestion they had, while the researchers collected objective data, like daily mucus production. Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold.
小题1:Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Stay Away From Being Negative
B.Positive or Negative, It’s Up To You
C.An Effective Medicine For Being Fit
D.Warm People Likely To Keep Cold Away
小题2:According to Dr Cohen’s research, the reason why some people are unlikely to catch a cold is that ___________________.
A.their cheerful mood benefits the immune system
B.they have developed a certain gene against flu virus
C.they are less likely to have s sore throat and funny nose
D.they have got a stronger self-confidence in their health
小题3:The underlined word “disposition” (paragraph 2) probably means ________.
小题4:The passage is probably written for ___________________.
A.medical studentsB.lead authorsC.the publicD.the volunteers
Motherhood may make women smarter and may help prevent dementia (痴呆) in old age by bathing the brain in protective hormones (荷尔蒙) , U.S. researchers reported on Thursday.
Tests on rats show that those who raise two or more litters of pups do considerably better in tests of memory and skills than rats who have no babies, and their brains show changes that suggest they may be protected against diseases such as Alzheimer’s (早老痴呆症). University of Richmond psychology professor Craig Kinsley believes his findings will translate into humans.
“Our research shows that the hormones of pregnancy are protecting the brain, including estrogen (雌激素), which we know has many neuroprotective (保护神经的) effects,” Kinsley said.
“It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals,” he added in a telephone interview. “They go through pregnancy and hormonal changes.”
Kinsley said he hoped public health officials and researchers will look to see if having had children protects a woman from Alzheimer’s and other forms of age-related brain decline.
“When people think about pregnancy, they think about what happens to babies and the mother from the neck down,” said Kinsley, who presented his findings to the annual meeting of the Society of Neuroscience in Orlando, Florida.
“They do not realize that hormones are washing on the brain. If you look at female animals who have never gone through pregnancy, they act differently toward young. But if she goes through pregnancy, she will sacrifice her life for her infant—that is a great change in her behavior that showed in genetic alterations (改变) to the brain.”
小题1: How do scientists know “Motherhood may make women smarter”?
A.Some researchers have told them.
B.Many women say so.
C.They know it by experimenting on rats.
D.They know it through their own experience.
小题2: What does the phrase “litters of pups” mean in the second paragraph?
A.Baby rats.B.Animals. C.Old rats. D.Grown-up rats.
小题3: What can protect the brain of a woman according to the passage?
A.Estrogen.B.The hormones of pregnancy.
C.More exercise.D.Taking care of children.
小题4:“It’s rat data but humans are mammals just like these animals are mammals.” What does the sentence suggest?
A.The experiments on the rats have nothing to do with humans.
B.The experiments on the rats are very important for animals.
C.The experiments on the rats are much the same on humans.
D.The experiments on the rats are much the same on other animals.

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