
  The venue of the 2012 Summer Olympics was officially awarded to London during the 117th IOS Session in Singapore on July 6,2005. Since then,London has been up to its neck in preparing for the games.

  London has a lot to be excited about being the next Olympic venue requires a major eco?nomic development in terms of tourism and infrastructure(基础设施) development as well as job generation and transportation systems expansion.

  Indeed, as early as 2004, plans for the Olympic Park were already known as part of London's bid. Standing on a 500-acre property specifically for the games, the Olympic Park will have a hockey centre,a handball arena,a water polo arena,a basketball arena and the Olympic Stadium, where the opening and closing ceremonies will be held.

  It is expected that the Olympic Stadium alone would be a major attraction in itself,as it is designed to seat up to 80,000 spectators from all around the world.

  Although construction is still on-going,the improved Greenway walking and cycle paths provide an ideal advantage point for curious tourists to see much of the park.

  Along with the Olympic Park,Westfield Stratford City shopping center is also being devel?oped as part of the overall blueprint of the infrastructure preparations for the 2012 Olympics.

  It is said one of the factors that won London its bid is its plans of modernising its transport system. Public transport in London will be expanded.

  To directly transport commuters(月票乘客) from St. Pancras International to the Olympic Park,a high speed shuttle train will be put up. And of course, London minicabs will be as read-y as ever to serve.

Almost half a million tourists,athletes,and spectators are expected to come for the Olym?pics. This is a huge opportunity for generating both private and public income before, during and even after the games. There is no doubt the legacy of the Olympic Games will be felt in London long after 2012.

(   ) 1. London is said to win its bid for 2012 Summer Olympics partly because        .

     A. as early as 2004,the Olympic Park was already set up in London

    B. the Olympic Stadium is designed to seat up to 80,000 viewer

    C. the Greenway walking and cycle paths' ideal advantage

    D. London is planning to modernise its transport system

(   ) 2. The underlined word "blueprint" in the 6th paragraph means        .

 A. a booklet printed in blue

    B. a design intended to make something

    C. an activity prepared beforehand

    D. a museum decorated in blue print

(   ) 3. What is probably the most attractive part in the 2012 London Olympic Games?

      A. The Olympic Stadium.

    B. The Olympic Park.

    C. Westfield Stratford City shopping center.

    D. Public transport in London.

(   ) 4. The whole passage mainly tells us that        .

     A. public transport in London will require an expansion

    B. the Olympic Park will hold the opening and closing ceremonies

    C. London has been very busy in preparing for the 2012 Olympic Games

    D. many tourists, athletes and viewers will come to attend the 2012 Olympics

1-4 DBAC 

A为举办2012夏季奥运会,伦敦做了且仍然在做准备工作。文章重点介绍了Olympic Sta?dium ,Olympic Park,transport system等。


2.B词义猜测题。倒数第四段主要讲述正在准备中的Olympic Park及Westfield Stratford City shopping center是2012年奥运会整个蓝图的准备工作之一。A.意为一个蓝色的小册子。

3.A细节理解题。根据第四段第一句"Olym?pic Stadium alone would be a major attraction in itself"可知奧运体育馆是一个主要的看点。



  Modern inventions have speeded up people's lives amazingly. Motor-cars cover a hundred miles in little more than an hour,aircraft cross the world inside a day,while computers operate at lightning speed. Indeed, this love of speed seems never ending. Every year motor-cars are produced which go even faster and each new computer boasts(吹喊) of saving precious seconds in handling tasks.

  All this saves time,but at a price. When we lose or gain half a day in speeding across the world in an airplane, our bodies tell us so. We get the uncomfortable feeling known as jet-lag; our bodies feel that they have been left behind in another time zone. Again,spending too long at computers results in painful wrists and fingers. Mobile phones also have their dangers, ac?cording to some scientists;too much use may transmit harmful radiation into our brains,a con?sequence we do not like to think about.

  However, what do we do with the time we have saved? Certainly not relax, or so it seems. We are so accustomed to constant activity that we find it difficult to sit and do nothing or even just one thing at a time. Perhaps the days are long gone when we might listen quietly to a story on the radio, letting imagination take us into another world.

  There was a time when some people's lives were devoted simply to the cultivation of the land or the care of cattle. No multi-tasking there;their lives went on at a much gentler pace,and in a familiar pattern. There is much that we might envy about a way of life like this. Yet before we do so,we must think of the hard tasks our ancestors faced:they farmed with bare hands, often lived close to hunger, and had to fashion tools from wood and stone. Modern ma?chinery has freed people from that primitive existence.

(   ) 1. The new products become more and more time-saving because .

     A. our love of speed seems never ending

    B. time is limited

    C. the prices are increasing high

    D. the manufacturers boast a lot

(   ) 2. What does "the days" in Paragraph 3 refer to?

     A. Imaginary life    B. Simple life in the past

    C. Times of inventions    D. Time for constant activity

(   ) 3. What is the author's attitude towards the modern technology?

A. Critical    B. Objective    C. Optimistic    D. Negative

(   ) 4. What does the passage mainly discuss?

     A. The present and past times

    B. Machinery and human beings

    C. Imaginations and inventions

    D. Modern technology and its influence

 Many families in the United States observe National Grandparents' Day on the first Sunday of September after America's Labor Day. People often 1 their grandparents on this day.

  Many people 2 the day through a lot of activities such as gift-giving and card-giving. Some children 3 their grandparents to school for a day where they take special lessons. Some students 4 storytelling activities that relate to their grandparents, as well as picture or music competitions where children use a story about their grandparents in their 5

  About four million greeting cards are 6 within the United States each year on National Grandparents Day. This day is also a 7 for people to appreciate and express their 8 to their grandparents through 9 actions such as making a phone call and inviting their grand?parents for dinner. People living in nursing homes may 10 a visit from their grandchildren.

  National Grandparents Day has more than one11Some people consider it to have been first proposed by Michael Goldgar in the 1970s after he visited his aunt in an Atlanta nurs?ing home. Others 12 Marian Lucille Herndon McQuade to have been the main 13 of National Grandparents Day. Throughout the 1970s McQuade worked hard to 14 people a-bout the important contributions senior citizens made and the contributions that they would be willing to make 15 asked. She also urged people to take good care of a grandparent,not for one day a year and not for material giving, 16 for a lifetime of experience.

National Grandparents Day was 17signed into law by President Jimmy Carter in 1978. Marian McQuade received a phone call from the White House to 18 her of this event. Many people believe that National Grandparents Day was inspired by her 19 . A presidential proc?lamation(声明) on September 6,1979 made this day 20 .

(   ) 1.A. support   B. praise   C. reward   D. honor

(   ) 2.A. begin   B. hold   C. celebrate   D. remember

(   ) 3.A. invite   B. expose   C. force   D. remind

(   ) 4.A. make use of   B. take part in   C. take up   D. build up

(   ) 5.A. diaries   B. plans   C. reports   D. artworks

(   ) 6.A. signed   B. sent   C. carried   D. brought

(   ) 7.A. chance   B. luck   C. condition   D. possibility

(   ) 8.A. satisfaction   B. interest   C. love   D. agreement

(   ) 9.A. quick   B. careful   C. difficult   D. kind

(   ) 10.A. create   B. receive   C. present   D. realize

(   ) 11.A. cause   B. origin   C. background   D. beginning

(   ) 12.A. make   B. expect   C. consider   D. allow

(   ) 13.A. driver   B. owner   C. researcher   D. inventor

(   ) 14.A. warn   B. educate   C. interview   D. ask

(   ) 15.A. if   B. though   C. So   D. until

(   ) 16.A. since   B. but   C. even   D. unless

(   ) 17.A. finally   B. recently   C. nearly   D. generally

(   ) 18.A. rid   B. persuade   C. clear   D. inform

(   ) 19.A. energy   B. goals   C. bravery   D. efforts

(   ) 20.A. reliable   B. changeable   C. official   D. beautiful

 We arrived at the hospital to find Dad exhausted and weak,but his smile was as sure as ev?er. My husband and I stayed with him for the weekend but had to return to our 1 by Mon?day morning. Local relatives would 2 that Dad got home from the hospital and look in on him regularly and prepare his meals. 3 would make sure he got his daily 4 and take him to his doctor appointments. But I wanted to let him know that we 5 too,even when we weren't with him.

  Then I remembered a family 6 I started when our children were small. When 7 ,their grandparents' home after a visit, each child would 8 a love note in the house for their grandfather or grandmother to find after we were gone. For several days after our 9   ,their grandparents would smile as they 10 these reminders of our love.

  So as I tidied Dad's kitchen and made up a 11for him downstairs in the living room,I began writing notes. Some were 12 "Dad,I froze the casserole(砂锅菜) in the fridge so it wouldn't go bad.”Some expressed my love. "Dad,I 13 you sleep well in your new bed. " 14 notes were downstairs where he would have to remain for weeks 15 he re?gained strength, but one note I hid 16 under his pillow. " Dad, if you have 17 this note,you must be feeling better. We are so glad!"

  While others cared for Dad's day-to-day needs,we, of course, would stay in touch by 18   . But our notes were a reminder of our love and concern for him. Just like his medicines improved his health 19   ,our notes would improve his spiritual health. Several weeks later, in one of our 20 phone calls, I asked Dad how he was doing. He said, "I'll tell you how I'm doing. I just found your note under my upstairs pillow!"

(   ) 1.A. power   B. holiday   C. jobs   D. parents

(   ) 2.A. know   B. see   C. think   D. report

(   ) 3.A. We   B. They   C. Others   D. None

(   ) 4.A. treatment   B. examination   C. work   D. medicine

(   ) 5.A. cared   B. hurried   C. changed   D. suffered

(   ) 6.A. story   B. event   C. party   D. tradition

(   ) 7.A. leaving   B. reaching   C. approaching   D. cleaning

(   ) 8.A. pick   B. hide   C. find   D. drop

(   ) 9.A. appointments   B. preparation   C. departure   D. arrival

(   ) 10. A. thought of   B. looked for   C. discovered   D. understood

(   ) 11. A. bed   B. meal   C. table   D. plan

(   ) 12. A. difficult   B. imaginary   C. practical   D. interesting

(   ) 13. A. let   B. hope   C. guess   D. hear

(   ) 14. A. All   B. Most   C. Some   D. Few

(   ) 15. A. until   B. because   C. though   D. when

(   ) 16. A. somewhere   B. nearby   C. outside   D. upstairs

(   ) 17. A. found   B. missed   C. remembered   D. forgotten

(   ) 18. A. note-writing   B. e-mail   C. post   D. phone

(   ) 19. A. thankfully   B. academically   C. physically   D. professionally

(   ) 20. A. urgent   B. regular   C. unexpected   D. accidental

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