

1. 北京历史悠久且充满现代气息,人民友好;

2. 参观了名胜古迹,品尝了当地小吃。

3. 外国人很多,是国际化城市;

4. 你的感想。

注意:1.100个词左右。 2.不要逐字翻译成英文。


Finding the Real You

Psychometric testing — personality testing — has been very popular nowadays as studies show their results to be three times more accurate in predicting your job performance. These tests are now included in almost all graduate recruitment (招聘) and are widely used in the selection of managers.

The most popular of these personality tests is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). It is based on the theory that we are born with a tendency to one personality type which stays more or less fixed throughout life. You answer 88 questions and are then given your “type”, such as Outgoing or Quiet, Feeling or Thinking.

Critics of personality testing raise doubts about “social engineering”. Psychologist Dr. Colin Gill warns that the “popular” personality traits (特性) have their disadvantages. “People who are extremely open to new experiences can be butterflies, going from one idea to the next without mastering any of them.” However, the psychometric test is here to stay, which may be why a whole sub-industry on cheating personality tests has sprung up. “It’s possible to cheat,” admits Gill, “but having to pretend to be the person you are at work will be tiring and unhappy and probably short-lived.”

So can we change our personality? “Your basic personality is fixed by the time you’re 21,” says Gill, “but it can be affected by motivation and intelligence. If you didn’t have the personality type to be a doctor but desperately wanted to be one and were intelligent enough to master the skills, you could still go ahead. But trying to go too much against type for too long requires much energy and is actually to be suffered for long. I think it’s why we’re seeing this trend for downshifting — too many people trying to fit in to a type that they aren’t really suited for.”

Our interest in personality now exists in every part of our lives. If you ask an expert for advice on anything, you’ll probably be quizzed about your personality. But if personality tests have any value to us, perhaps it is to free us from the idea that all of us are full of potential, and remind us of what we are. As they say in one test when they ask for your age: pick the one you are, not the one you wish you were.

1.The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on the belief that __________.

A. personality is largely decided from birth

B. certain personality traits are common

C. some personality types are better than others

D. personality traits are various from time to time

2.According to Dr. Gill, what is the problem with personality tests?

A. The results could be opposite to what employers want.

B. People can easily lie about their true abilities.

C. Employers often find the results unclear.

D. They may have a negative effect on takers.

3.In Dr. Gill’s view, how easy is it to change your personality?

A. It’s possible in your adult life.

B. It’s easy if you have great motivation.

C. It’s unlikely because it requires much energy.

D. It’s difficult before the age of 21.

4.What final conclusion does the author reach about the value of personality tests?

A. They are of doubtful value to employers.

B. They are not really worth doing.

C. They can strengthen the idea we have of our abilities.

D. They may encourage greater realism.


It is hard to know what babies want. They can’t talk, walk, or even point at what they’re thinking about. 1. And, compared to adults, they develop these skills quickly. People have a hard time learning new languages as they grow older, but infants have the ability to learn any language easily.

For a long time, scientists have tried to explain how such young children can learn complicated(复杂的) grammatical rules and sounds of a language. 2. This new information might eventually help kids with learning problems as well as adults who want to learn new languages. It might even help scientists who are trying to design computers that can communicate like people do.

Most babies go “goo goo” and “ma ma” by 6 months of age. 3. For decades, scientists have wondered how the brains of young children figure out how to communicate using language. With the help from new technologies and research strategies, scientists are now finding that babies begin life with the ability to learn any language.

They get into contact with other people, listen to what they say and watch their movements very closely. 4. Studies show that, up to about 6 months of age, babies can recognize all the sounds that make up all the languages in the world.

There are about 6,000 sounds that are spoken in languages around the globe, but not every language uses every sound. For example, while the Swedish language has 16 vowel sounds, English uses 8 vowel sounds, and Japanese uses just 5. Adults can hear only the sounds used in the languages they speak fluently. To a native Japanese speaker, for example, the letters R and L sound the same. 5.

A. Children don’t respond to this kind of sound.

B. Most children speak in full sentences by age 3.

C. A baby’s brain focuses on the most common sounds.

D. That is why they quickly master the languages they hear often.

E. So a Japanese speaker cannot tell “row” from “low”, or “rake” from “lake”.

F. Yet newborns begin to develop language skills long before they begin speaking.

G. Now, researchers are knowing about what’s happening in the brains of the youngest language learners.

China is known as a state of manners and ceremony (礼节). Many proverbs have been passed down from generation to generation eg. “Polite behavior costs nothing” or “Showing respect demands reciprocity (相互)” and so on. For instance, there is an interesting short story. Once upon a time, a man went on a long tour to visit his friend with a swan as a gift. But it escaped from the cage on the way. Though he tried hard, he got hold of nothing but a feather (羽毛). Instead of returning home, he continued his journey with the swan feather. When his friend received this unexpected gift, he was deeply moved. And the saying “The gift is nothing much, but it’s the thought that counts” was spread far and wide.

Chinese used to cup one hand in the other before the chest as a greeting. This tradition has a history of more than 2, 000 years and nowadays it is seldom used except in the Spring Festival. And shaking hands is more popular on some formal occasions. Bowing, as to show respect to the higher level, is often used by the lower like subordinates (下级), students, and attendants. But at present Chinese youngsters prefer to simply nod as a greeting. To some degree this development shows the ever-increasing paces of modern life.

It is common social practice to introduce the junior to the senior, or the familiar to the unfamiliar. When you start a talk with a stranger, the topics such as weather, food, or hobbies may be good choices to break the ice. For a man, a chat about current affairs, sports, stock market or his job can usually go on smoothly. Similar to Western customs, you should be careful to ask a woman private questions. However, relaxing talks about her job or family life will never put you into danger. She is usually glad to offer you some advice on how to cook Chinese food or get used to local life. Things will be quite different when you’ve gotten to know them. Though Chinese are said to be implicit (含蓄的), they are actually humorous enough to be pleased about the jokes of Americans.

1.The author tells the story in the first paragraph in order to ______.

A. make fun of the stupid person

B. explain the meaning of a Chinese saying

C. show Chinese like valuable gifts very much

D. show Chinese value polite behavior greatly

2. In Paragraph 2, the author mainly wants to introduce ______.

A. the Chinese body language

B. the traditional Chinese manners

C. the development of Chinese manners

D. the way the lower show respect to the higher

3. Which of the following picture shows the gesture mentioned at the beginning of Paragraph 2?

4. The passage is mainly about ________.

A. Chinese proverbs

B. Chinese humour

C. Chinese manners

D. Chinese body languages

Here are some traditional German beer games.

Beer Boot Pass

A very, very popular game played in Germany is the beer boot pass ( Bier Boot ), which has gained popularity all over the world. The game is usually played to pin the next round of beer on a person. In this, a full glass of beer is passed around in the group—there are some rules for this—it has to be tipped every time before it is passed and not a drop of beer must be spilled. The second-to-last person who finishes the beer must pay for the next round. The game then becomes all about judgment because either you drink the entire beer or have a sip and pass it on. You never know who the second to last person will be , so the uncertainty and excitement makes the game a favorite.

Beer Crate-Running

This is a traditional game that is extremely popular in Germany, Switzerland, and Austria, more popularly referred to as Kastenlauf. The game is similar to running a race, where a route is marked, ranging from anywhere between 5-12 km. Each participant brings a crate of beer ( the size and quantity will be specified ). The first person who successfully finishes the entire crate of beer before getting to the finish line wins.


This outdoor game is played with one team being matched against another, with equal numbers in both. The teams stand on opposite sides of the ground in a line, with their beers lined before them. An empty bottle or a tin can is placed in the center and another object ( used as an aim ) is brought in, something like a tennis ball. The first team ( A ) hits the ball onto the target to tumble(打翻)it. Once the bottle has tumbled, team A will start drinking their beers. Meanwhile, team B must run to the center, place the bottle upright, find the ball, and cross back into the line before yelling‘Stop’ . Team A then stops drinking and team B starts to throw the ball at the bottle and carrying forward the game. The game continues till one team has finished all their beer and they are declared winners .

Drinking Relay

Divide the group of people into two teams and get them to stand in a line with beer placed in front of each member . At the blow of the whistle, the first person lifts the glass and starts drinking the beer. After he is done, he has to turn the glass over to show that there is no more beer in the glass. Then , the next person starts drinking and so on. The next in line can only drink when the first person has emptied his glass. The team whose last member empties the glass ahead of others wins.

Herman the German

Even though this game seems simple, it is a lot of fun. It runs on the lines of ‘Who stole the cookie’. A person is chosen as‘Herman the German’ ( HTG ) and he has to get the game running. The other members sit in a random manner and are given names, better if they are confusing names like China Port No.1, Rum Master Blaster etc. The game starts with HTG saying – “HTG dropped a missile on China Port No.1, sir ” and China Port No. 1 has to reply with – “It wasn’t me, sir.” Then HTG replies – “Who then, sir” and it goes on. The sentence has to end with ‘sir’ and if it doesn’t, then the player has to down a beer. Similarly, if at any point the players fumble, they have to do the same. The tension makes the players forget things and there’s a whole lot of beer flowing as a result.

1.Which two games have something to do with running ?

A. Beer Boot Pass and Beer Crate-Running

B. Flunkyball and Drinking Relay

C. Beer Crate-Running and Flunkyball

D. Drinking Relay and Herman the German

2.The loser will have to buy beers for others in the game __________ .

A. Beer Boot Pass

B. Beer Crate-Running

C. Flunkyball

D. Drinking Relay

3.A person with a good memory may have an advantage in playing __________ .

A. Beer Boot Pass

B. Flunkyball

C. Drinking Relay

D. Herman the German

4.Which of the following statements is listed as a rule of the games ?

A. Every person has to sip the beer when playing Beer Boot Pass.

B. The person who replies to HTG with “sir”at the end will be punished.

C. The team can start drinking their beers as soon as they throw the ball in Flunkyball.

D. The team members have to drink their beers in turn when playing Drinking Relay.

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