
Lose – Win is weak. It’s easy to get stepped on. It’s easy to be the nice guy. It’s easy to give in, all in the name of being a peacemaker.

A girl named Jenny once told me about her  1 in the world of Lose Win during her eighth – grade year before she finally broke  2 .

My  3 with my mom all started one day  4 she said to me sarcastically (讽刺地), “Wow, you’re surely lively today.” I  5 it so literally (字面地) that then and there I decided to close myself off from her and never  6 back to her. So every time she would say something  7 I disagreed with her, I would just say, “Okay,  8 you want, Mom.” But it really got cold quickly. And my  9 began to build. One night I talked to my mom about the school homework and she said, “Oh, that’s  10 ” and then went back to mopping the floor.

“Don’t you even  11 ?” I thought. But I didn’t say anything and stormed off. She had no idea I was  12 upset. She would have been willing to talk to me had I  13 her how important it was to me.

At last, I just blew up. “Mom, this has got to  14 . You tell me everything you want me to do and I just do it because it’s  15 than if fighting. Well, I’m sick of it.” This all came as a  16 to her.

After my blow – up, it was really rocky for a while. We felt like we were  17 all over in our relationship. But it’s getting better all the time. We discuss things now and I always  18 my feeling with her.

If you adopt Lose – Win as your basic  19 toward life, then people will wipe their dirty feet on you. You’ll also be  20 your true feelings deep inside. And that’s not healthy.

1.A.wanderings  B.disappointment        C.lessons D.helplessness

2.A.out      B.down     C.up      D.free

3.A.relationship B.problems   C.quarrels   D.improvement

4.A.as      B.since    C.when     D.before

5.A.regarded   B.treated   C.received   D.took

6.A.fight     B.struggle   C.talk     D.turn

7.A.even if    B.only if   C.which    D.as though

8.A.however    B.whatever   C.so much   D.too much

9.A.coldness   B.anger    C.disagreement D.hope

10.A.true     B.impossible  C.nice     D.important

11.A.care     B.see     C.say     D.listen

12.A.also     B.still    C.even     D.already

13.A.warned    B.shown    C.asked    D.told

14.A.end     B.change    C.last     D.stop

15.A.worse    B.easier    C.more     D.less

16.A.surprise   B.pleasure   C.gift     D.harm

17.A.going    B.starting   C.thinking   D.reviewing

18.A.share    B.have     C.discuss   D.improve

19.A.way     B.method    C.attitude   D.theory

20.A.hurting   B.waking    C.storing   D.hiding


1-5 ADBCD 6-10 CABBC 11-15 ACDBB 16-20 ABACD


A beggar, carrying a shabby(破旧的) old wallet, was begging alone from house to house. As he complained about his 36 , he kept wondering that people who lived in 37 houses should always be unsatisfied, 38 rich they might be, and they should go so far as to 39 all they have.

       “Here, for example,” he said, the former master of this house succeeded in trading, and made himself very rich. By then, instead of stopping, and handing over his 40 to another, and spending the rest of his years 41 peace, he took to(从事) equipping ships. He expected to get mountains of gold; but the ships were 42 , and his treasures were lost. Now they all lie at the bottom of the sea, and he has found his 43 disappeared like those in dreams. In short, examples of this are 44.

       At this moment Fortune suddenly appeared to the beggar and said, “Listen! I have long wished to 45 you. Here are a lot of gold coins I have found. Hold out your wallet, and I will fill it with them; but only on this condition: All shall be gold that falls into the wallet, but if 46 of them falls out of the wallet to the ground, it 47 become dust. Consider this well. I have warned you I shall 48 keep my word. Your wallet is old, don’t fill it 49 its power.” The beggar was almost too overjoyed to breathe. He 50 felt the ground below his feet. A stream of coins were poured 51 it. The wallet soon became rather heavy.

       “Is that 52 ?” “Not yet,” “Isn’t it 53 ?” “Never fear.” “Consider, you are a millionaire.” “Just a little more, just 54 a handful,” But at that moment the wallet broke, the gold coins 55 dust and Fortune disappeared. The beggar had nothing but his empty wallet and remained as poor as before.

A. plan            B. fate                          C. idea                         D. dream

A. dark            B. poor                        C. clean                        D. rich

A. how              B. so                   C. however                   D. whatever

A. win                B. lose                C. throw                       D. forget

A. business         B. debt                 C. money                            D. chance

A. to                     B. on                       C. with                   D. in

A. bought                B. sold                 C. missed                      D. robbed

A. luck              B. riches                       C. trade                        D. future

A. countless        B. wonderful                  C. helpless                    D. funny

A. admire             B. help                  C. encourage                 D. excite

A. little            B. much                       C. any              D. lots

A. must                   B. may                C. shall                        D. can

A. mostly          B. simply               C. possibly             D. strictly

A. beyond          B. within                      C. during             D. by

A. really           B. actually                     C. hardly                      D. nearly

A. for                  B. into                     C. on                     D. from

A. so               B. enough                     C. true                D. right

A. trembling        B. shaking           C. breaking                   D. rolling

A. try              B. put                 C. leave                        D. add

A. cleared up        B. brought up          C. fell into                  D. turned into

A newly trained teacher named Mary went to teach at a Navajo Indian reservation. Every day, she would ask five of the young Navajo students to __1__ the chalkboard and complete a simple math problem from   2   homework.

They would stand there, silently,  3   to complete the task. Mary couldn’t figure it out.   4   she had studied in her educational curriculum helped, and she   5   hadn’t seen anything like it in her student-teaching days back in Phoenix.

What am I doing wrong? Could I have chosen five students who can’t do the  6  ? Mary would wonder. No,  7  couldn’t be that. Finally she   8   the students what was wrong. And in their answers, she learned a   9   lesson from her young   10   pupils about self-image and a(n)   11   of self-worth.

It seemed that the students  12  each other’s individuality and knew that  13  of them were capable of doing the problems.   14  at their early age, they understood the senselessness of the win-lose approach in the classroom. They believed no one would  15  if any students were shown up or embarrassed at the  16  . So they   17   to compete with each other in public.

Once she understood, Mary changed the system   18   she could check each child’s math problem individually, but not at any child’s expense  19  his classmates. They all wanted to learn,  20  not at someone else’s expense.

1.  A. go to   B. come to      C. get close to D. bring

2.  A. his      B. their   C. his own      D. her

3.  A. happy  B. willingly    C. readily       D. unwilling

4.  A. Anything    B. Nothing     C. Everything D. Neither

5.  A. almost B. certainly     C. hardly       D. never

6.  A. question      B. chalkboard C. problem     D. homework

7.  A. they    B. it C. everything  D. each

8.  A. asked   B. questioned  C. told    D. understood

9.  A. outstanding B. surprising   C. annoying    D. frightening

10. A. sunburned    B. tender C. Indian D. naughty

11. A. sense    B. image C. way    D. aspect

12. A. had      B. ignored      C. respected    D. cared

13. A. none    B. no one       C. each    D. not all

14. A. Especially    B. Even though      C. Even so      D. Even

15. A. lose      B. win     C. achieve      D. answer

16. A. time     B. situation     C. chalkboard D. condition

17. A. refused B. rejected      C. tried   D. promised

18. A. if       B. so that C. unless D. in case

19. A. in favour of        B. of       C. by means of       D. in front of

20. A. and      B. but     C. so       D. or

Fish have different personalities which change as they experience life’s highs and lows.according to British biologists.

Researchers identified different“personalities” in their fish by observing the boldness or shyness of individuals,according to The Nature.Like people,some fish are very confident in the face of novelty(新奇事物)or conflict;while others are silent and fear.

The scientists selected particularly bold and shy rainbow trout,and tested whether they changed their outlook depending on what life threw at them.They arranged some fish to fight and others to  watch to  see how both the participants  and  observers  responded to victories  and defeats.Winning or losing a fight,or even watching fellow fish overcome the difficulties influenced the future behavior of the creatures studied in the lab.

The researchers made fish compete with much larger or smaller opponents.to ensure that they would win or lose their fights.These bold fish that won their fights tended to be even bolder when later presented with  a novel food  item;losing their fight caused them to be  much more cautious.

Fish also learn by watching others.Bold fish watching a shy fish exploring a mystery object were much more nervous when later given a novelty item for themselves.

Predictably,shy fish that won a fight also gained more confidence,but surprisingly,shy fish that lost their fights also grew bolder when exploring strange new food,Sneddon said,adding that this could be due to what she calls a“desperado effect”(亡命徒效应).

The new research suggests that animals can gradually adapt their personalities.The results echo the effects that life experience can have on human.

1.What does.the underlined word“creatures’’probably refer to?

A.Fish.            B.Participants.      C.Observers.       D.Researchers.

2.The third paragraph of the text is mainly about—————.

A.a conclusion of the research

B.an explanation of fish characters

C.a statement of the experiment

D.a description of fish fights

3.What can we know from the research?

A.Bold losing fish become—e bolder when presented With a novel food item.

B.Losing their fights causes the bold fish to be much more courageous.

C.Bold fish watching a shy fish exploring a mystery get less nervous.

D.Shy fish losing fights grow more confident in exploring new food.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?’   

A.Fish have stress in the fierce fights.

B.Fish care about winning or losing a fight.

C.Fish have adaptable personalities.

D.Fish can learn a lot by watching others.



In Calaveras, California, there lived a man whose name was Jim Smiley. Jim enjoyed betting  36  much he would bet (打赌) some dollars on  37  . If anyone said good morning to him, he would bet them that it was 38 a good morning. Whenever a horse race or a chicken fight came into his eyes, Jim would bet on it. He didn’t care which side he bet on,  39  he had a bet. Jim showed a frog  40  to a stranger who had just arrived in Calaveras, and bet the stranger  41  dollars that the frog can jump farther and faster than any other in Calaveras County. The stranger who was 42 about it stated he didn’t see anything about the frog 43 from any others, and if he had a frog he would bet Jim. Jim  44  his frog with the stranger and went out to find a frog for the stranger.  45 , the stranger took out a bag of gunshot, forcing the frog’s mouth open and poured the shot into it. Soon Jim returned with a frog for the stranger.  46 frogs were put on the floor, and then each man gave his frog a  47 . The stranger’s frog  48  off smartly. But Jim’s frog just sat there, too  49  to move an inch. Jim was 50 . He gave forty dollars to the stranger, who took the money and started away. Jim picked up his frog, and found it extremely 51 . He turned it upside down, and the gunshot came out. He knew he had been  52   and, like a mad man, started running after the stranger. As he ran, he  53  one of the friends, who asked him where he was 54  . "To catch a thief!" shouted Jim. "No matter how fast he may run, I'll catch him. I'll  55  you five dollars!"

36. A. too                                   B. quite                        C. so                            D. very

37. A. anything                    B. everything                C. nothing                    D. none

38. A. really                        B. definitely                 C. not                          D. perhaps

39. A. only if                       B. so that                      C. now that                   D. in case 

40. A. at one time                 B. at a time                   C. at times                    D. in store

41. A. five                          B. forty                        C. some                        D. many

42. A. doubtful                    B. optional (可选择的)  C. unbelievable            D. sensitive

43. A. different                    B. resembling (类似的) C. various                     D. similar

44. A. offered                      B. provided                  C. left                          D. equipped

45. A. Moreover                   B. Meanwhile               C. Anyhow                   D. Somehow

46. A. Both                          B. All                           C. Either                      D. Each

47. A. pull                           B. beat                         C. feel                          D. push

48. A. jumped                      B. stepped                    C. paced                       D. squeezed (挤)

49. A. unbearable (难受的)   B. uneasy                            C. unready                    D. unwilling

50. A. at great pains                     B. out of question          C. in the dark                D. in trouble

51. A. heavy                        B. ridiculous                 C. awkward                  D. excited

52. A. laughed at                  B. taken in                    C. sold                        D. carried away

53. A. complained to            B. stopped                   C. whispered to             D. passed

54. A. betting                       B. going                       C. doing                       D. catching

55. A. bet                                   B. lose                         C. win                          D. send

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