

Human growth is a process of experimentation, trial, and error eventually leading to wisdom. Each time you choose to trust yourself and take action, you can never quite be certain how the situation will ________.

Sometimes you are victorious, and sometimes you become disappointed. The ________experiments, however, are no less valuable than the experiments that finally prove successful; in fact, you

________learn more from your "failures" than you do from your________. If you have made what you think to be a mistake or failed to live up to your own ________ you will most likely put up a barrier between your essence and the part of you that is the alleged (F 7/?fikJ) wrong-doer.

However, viewing past actions as________implies guilt and blame, and it is not possible to learn anything meaning while you are engaged in blaming. ________forgiveness is required when you are severely judging yourself. Forgiveness is the act of erasing an ________debt. There are four kinds of forgiveness.

The first is beginner forgiveness for yourself.

The second of forgiveness is beginner forgiveness for another.

The third kind of forgiveness is ________ forgiveness of yourself. This is for serious misbehaviors, the ones you carry with deep ________. When you do something that violates your own values and principles, you create a gap between your standards and your actual _______.

In such a case, you need to work very hard at________ yourself for these deeds so that you can close this gap. This does not ________ that you should rush to forgive yourself or shouldn't feel regret, ________taking pleasure in these feelings for a prolonged period of time is not healthy.

The ________and perhaps most difficult one is the advanced forgiveness of another.

At some time of our life, you may have been severely wronged or hurt by another person to such a degree that forgiveness seems________.However, harboring anger and revenge fantasies only keeps you ________ in victimhood. Under such a circumstance, you should force yourself to see the bigger picture. By so doing, you will be able to ________ the focus away from the anger and resentment.

It is only through forgiveness that you can erase wrongdoing and ________the memory. When you can ________ release the situation, you may come to see it as a necessary part of your growth.

1.A. turn out B. turn up C. break up D. break out

2.A. important B. engaged C. failed D. successful

3.A. obviously B. necessarily C. continuously D. usually

4.A. success B. failure C. fault D. benefit

5.A. ability B. expectations C. belief D. experiences

6.A. mistakes B. victories C. experiments D. fantasies

7.A. Still B. Therefore C. Instead D. However

8.A. absurd B. original C. emotional D. unusual

9.A. ordinary B. advanced C. alternative D. certain

10.A. wisdom B. mercy C. injury D. shame

11.A. thought B. approach C. behavior D. purpose

12.A. punishing B. forgiving C. blaming D. praising

13.A. mean B. prove C. reflect D. represent

14.A. and B. or C. but D. so

15.A. uncertain B. premier C. next D. last

16.A. essential B. valuable C. impossible D. unavoidable

17.A.trapped B. located C. lost D. occupied

18.A. drive B. drag C. put D. shift

19.A. keep B. refresh C. weaken D. clean

20.A. naturally B. finally C. definitely D. initially



Understanding Disabilities

There are around 650 million people in the world that have disabilities,yet most people are still quite ignorant (无知的) about it.

1.What do you think of when you see the word,‘disability’?

Wheelchairs? White sticks? The Paralympics (残奥会)? 1. The legal definition of disability is that someone has a physical or mental impairment that has a great and long?term bad effect on his or her ability to carry out normal day?to?day activities.

This affects about 650 million of us,worldwide. 2. Most become disabled during the course of their life. So maybe the term TAB (Temporarily Able?Bodied) is better for people who are not disabled,because we may not stay that way forever.

2. 3.

Imagine not being able to see,or not being able to walk. Think of all the things that would be different. How can I get my education? What about my future? Would my friends still want to hang out with me? Will strangers laugh at me in the street? Can I get my own place? What job can I do?

Clearly,having a disability can affect many things in a person's life.

3.Disability and the law

4. It is illegal and extremely unpleasant to discriminate (歧视) against someone who is differently abled. The label ‘disabled’ is not always helpful. Even if someone meets the legal definition,they may not see themselves that way. Instead of thinking about what is wrong with those people,or noticing what they can't do,we should look at how we like to live,and try to make it possible for everyone to join in.

After all—what is normal? 5. But better understanding would be a start.

A.How can the disabled find better jobs?

B.How does disability affect people?

C.People with disabilities don't need pity.

D.Most of us have never really thought about it.

E.We should consider more for people with disabilities.

F.Only 17% of people with a disability are born with it.

G.There are laws to prevent people with disabilities being treated unfairly.



The Hard Truth

One day, Marissa noticed a spider(蜘蛛) web, shining in the sunlight. A spider was spinning webs on it. The spider wasn’t trying to be something else, like a butterfly or a bee, Marissa thought. It was happy to be exactly what it was and to do what it was good at.

What came naturally to Marissa was_________. She could paint or draw all day long and never get bored. However, a few weeks ago Marissa signed________for high jump. Because her mother had been a high jump star in school, she thought it would make her mother happy. But now she________ that however hard she worked, she would never be a high jump star like her mother.

One night, halfway through her homework, Marissa fell________ .When she woke up, the clock __________1:00 A.M. Marissa got into a panic. There was still so much________ to do, but she really needed her rest for track(田径) practice. Marissa had always been a good student, but now track was risking her________ .

Then a dark thought ____________ Marissa’s mind. If she ________some of her classes, she would be off the track team. That was one way to solve her problem.

After a week of ________ her homework, letters had been mailed out to parents listing grades, and Marissa knew the letters would show that her grades had ________ a lot. She walked home with slow heavy steps, knowing her ________ plan had _________.

Just as Marissa had expected, her mother was waiting with the letter in her hand. “What’s happening to your grades? And more importantly, what’s happening to you?” she asked.

With tears in her eyes, Marissa admitted her ________ . “I only joined the track team to make you proud of me. I hated it, ________ I didn’t want to disappoint you. I thought if I were failing in my classes, Coach would kick me off the team. What a ________ I’ve made of everything.”

Marissa watched her mother’s face turn from anger to________. “Marissa, I was always proud of you. You didn’t need to do the high jump to make me happy. Now you have a lot of hard work in front of you because you made a bad ________.”

Marissa thought again about the spider. She realized she had lost sight of her ________ and twisted her web. Now she had to go back and ________ that web.

1.A. music B. art C. sport D. dance

2.A. up B. off C. over D. down

3.A. realized B. wondered C. insisted D. remembered

4.A. ill B. silent C. asleep D. apart

5.A. read B. says C. wrote D. hit

6.A. homework B. research C. housework D. practice

7.A. health B. life C. grades D. images

8.A. occurred B. took C. crossed D. appeared

9.A. gave B. attended C. took D. failed

10.A. completingB. copying C. ignoring D. preparing

11.A. risen B. dropped C. improved D. meant

12.A. perfect B. ugly C. simple D. serious

13.A. worked B. made C. stopped D. carried

14.A. feeling B. weakness C. secret D. excuse

15.A. and B. so C. or D. but

16.A. surprise B. scare C. mess D. joke

17.A. delight B. concern C. embarrassment D. disappointment

18.A. speech B. stop C. jump D. choice

19.A. balance B. example C. purpose D. success

20.A. rebuild B. break C. find D. review



Family structure is the core of any culture. A major function of the family is to socialize new members ofa culture. As children are raised in a family setting, they learn to become members of the family as well as members of the larger culture. The family provides the model for all other relationships in society. Through the observations and modeling of the behavior of other family members, children learn about the family and society including the values of the culture. Family structure and their inherent relationships and obligations are a major source of cultural difference.

The family is the center of most traditional Asians' lives. Many people worry about their families' welfare, reputation, and honor. Asian families are often extended, including several generations related by blood or marriage living in the same home. An Asian person's misdeeds are not blamed just on the individual but also on the family—including the dead ancestors.

Traditional Chinese, among many other Asians, respect their elders and feel a deep sense of duty toward them. Children repay their parents' sacrifices by being successful and supporting them in old age. This is accepted as a natural part of life in China. In contrast, taking care of aged parents is often viewed as tremendous burden in the United States, where aging and family support are not honored highly.

The Vietnamese family consists of people currently alive as well as the spirits of the dead and of the as-yet unborn. Any decisions or actions are done from family considerations, not individual desires. People's behavior is judged on whether it brings shame or pride to the family. Vietnamese children are trained to rely on their families, to honor elderly people, and to fear foreigners. Many Vietnamese think that their actions in this life will influence their status in the next life.

Fathers in traditional Japanese families are typically strict and distant. Japanese college students in one study said they would tell their fathers just about as much as they would tell a total stranger. The emotional and communication barrier between children and fathers in Japan appears very strong after children have reached a certain age.

Although there has been much talk about "family values" in the United States, the family is not a usual frame of reference for decisions in U.S. mainstream culture. Family connections are not so important to most people. Dropping the names of wealthy or famous people the family knows is done in the United States, but it is not viewed positively. More important is a person's own individual "track record" of personal achievement.

Thus, many cultural differences exist in family structures and values. In some cultures, the family is the center of life and the main frame of reference for decisions. In other cultures, the individuals, not the family, is primary. In some cultures, the family's reputation and honor depend on each person's actions; in other cultures, individuals can act without permanently affecting the family life. Some cultures value old people, while other cultures look down on them.

(Adapted from R. L. Oxford & R. C. Scarcella, "A Few Family Structures and Values Around the Globe")


Supporting details

1. A to family structure

Family structure is of great 2. A in different cultures.

Children raised in a family will gradually learn how to 3. A in a way which is acceptable in their culture or setting.

'Many cultural differences 4. A from family structures.

Examples of

Asian families

Traditional Asians 5. A their lives around family. Not only the individual but the family is to6. A for any wrongdoings.

O In China, parents' sacrifices will probably7. off when children grow up. Children will also provide for the elders.

O In Vietnam, it's not from the personal desires but from family considerations that decisions or actions are done.

In Japan, children are 8. A to share their emotions with father, thus making communication difficult.

Examples of families in the USA

Americans don't lay much emphasis on family values. 9. A personal achievement is considered more important.


Family structures and values 10. A in different cultures.


While many of us go through life with the pursuit of money on our mind, we're often told that money can't buy happiness. But what truth is there in the saying? Is there a relation between money and happiness? 1.

Humans are very sensitive to change. When we get a rise, we really enjoy it. But some studies have shown that in North America, additional income beyond 75,000 dollars a year stops impacting day-to-day happiness. 2. They often end up spending all the money, going into debt, and experience ruined social relationships.

So surely money can't really buy happiness. Well, recent studies suggest that the problem may actually be in the way that we spend money. 3. Studies show that people who spend their money on others feel happier. As for the people who spend money on themselves, their happiness is unchanged.

4. 0ne experiment showed that instead of an organization writing a large check to a charity, dividing the amount up among employees, allowing them to contribute to a charity of their choice, increased their job satisfaction. Similarly, individuals that spend money on each other, as opposed to themselves, not only increase job satisfaction, but improve the team performance.

5. Interestingly, the specific way money is spent on others isn't important. Spending something on others is the important aspect of increasing your happiness.

A. The same principle has been tested on teams and organizations as well.

B. Money has more effect on the vast majority of people in the long run.

C. Instead of buying things for yourself, try giving some of it to other people and see how you feel.

D. And if so, how can we use it to our advantage?

E. Almost everywhere we look in the world, we see that giving money to others is positively related to happiness,

F. And while you're saving up for these greatest experiences, don't forget the daily joys in life.

G. In fact, people who win a lottery often report becoming extremely unhappy.

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