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Dear Mr. Brown£¬








Li Hua



Want to learn Spanish in a fast and fun way? In the modern digital age there is surely more than one way to learn a foreign language. 1. Check out the following tips to help you learn Spanish in a fast and fun way.

2. It doesn¡¯t have to be long. You will be amazed at how much Spanish you can pick up within a few weeks or a couple of months. The best way to earn a new language is to immerse(³Á½þ£©yourself fully in its culture.

Find a private tutor. 3. While it may seem boring and old-fashioned, there is no substitute(Ìæ´úÎfor having your own teacher available for one-to-one teaching.

4. There are many Spanish teaching resources on the Internet. Not only are there many websites where you can build up your Spanish vocabulary and read Spanish newspapers or magazines, but you can also use things like You Tube to watch Spanish language video clips and movies. What can be more useful than watching Spanish people speaking Spanish?

Take a Spanish course of some kind. With modern high-speed internet and multimedia computers these days, some of the various teaching courses available are truly excellent. They will make it possible for you to become fluent in Spanish faster than ever before. Many of them will give you DVDs pr CDs of the course material so you can listen in your spare time. 5. In this way, you may take part in your Spanish lessons using your iPod or other devices.

A. Make good use of the Internet.

B. And it has never been easier to make it a fun endeavor

C. This is a more traditional way of learning another language.

D. Check out the links below for information on learning Spanish.

E. Learn Spanish or somewhere else where people speak Spanish.

F. Move to Spanish or somewhere else where people speak Spanish.

G. These courses may even provide you with MPs copies of the audio.



Lipitor is a prescription medicine£®Along with diet and exercise, it lowers ¡°bad¡± Cholesterol (µ¨¹Ì´¼) in your blood£® It can also raise ¡°good ¡±cholesterol.

Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors, including family history of early heart disease, high blood pressure, age and smoking.


Who can take LIPITOR£º

¡¤ People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise.

¡¤ Adults and children over l0.

Who should NOT take LIPITOR£º

¡¤ Women who are pregnant, may be pregnant, or may become pregnant£®Lipitor may harm your unborn baby£®

¡¤ Women who are breast-feeding£®Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby£®

¡¤ People with liver(¸ÎÔà)problems.


Serious side effects in a small number of people£º

¡¤ Muscle(¼¡Èâ)problems that can lead to kidney(ÉöÔà)problems, including kidney failure.

¡¤ Liver problems£®Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it£®

Call your doctor right away if you have£º

¡¤ Unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if you have a fever or feel very tired£®

¡¤ Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or Swallowing.

¡¤ Stomach pain.

Some common side effects of LIPITOR are£º

¡¤ Muscle pain.

¡¤ Upset stomach.

¡¤ Changes in some blood tests.



¡¤ Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor£®

¡¤ Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor£®

¡¤ Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food£®

¡¤ If you miss a dose (Ò»¼Á), take it as soon as you remember£® But if it has been more than

12 hours since you missed dose, wait, Take the next dose at your regular time£®


¡¤ Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor£®

¡¤ Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor£®

1.What is the major function of Lipitor?

A£® To help quit smoking.

B£® To lower "bad" cholesterol£®

C£® To improve unhealthy diet.

D£® To control blood pressure.

2.If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should .

A£® change the amount of your next dose

B£® eat more when taking your next dose

C£® have a dose as soon as you remember

D£® take the next dose at your regular time

3.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A£® To teach patients ways for quick recovery£®

B£® To present a report on a scientific research.

C£® To show the importance of a good lifestyle.

D£® To give information about a kind of medicine.

For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (ÆìÖÄ) across the finish line of a long race£® I felt that only when I____ certain things could I finally be happy in my life£® Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and___ would win the race £®At other times I would ____like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous ____hoping to reach that banner a little faster£® ____£¬I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it£¬ the banner was never any ____£®I finally decided to___ and take a break£® It was then that I saw my____ sitting beside me£®

It had been with me as I____ hard to support my family£¬ as I played with my children and heard their____ and even when I was ____with my wife at my side looking after me £®It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner£® I just didn¡¯t have the ____to see it£®

There is an old Chinese proverb that says£¬¡°Tension is who you think you should be£®____ is who you are£®¡±Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the____ life we think we should have and ____the life we have now£® Happiness will never be found under some banner far away£® It will be found ____your own heart £¬soul and mind£® It will be found when you___ that others love you just as you do£®

Don¡¯t be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness£® Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of____ with you everywhere you go£®____ yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness£¬ you are____ there£®

1.A£® forgot B£® missed C£® overcame D£® accomplished

2.A£® safe B£® steady C£® calm D£® quiet

3.A£® act B£® run C£® jump D£® walk

4.A£® place B£® height C£® speed D£® time

5.A£® Generally B£® Gradually C£® Fortunately D£® Firstly

6.A£® clearer B£® lower C£® closer D£® smaller

7.A£® settle in B£® start off C£® stop by D£® sit down

8.A£® happiness B£® goal C£® success D£® friendship

9.A£® studied B£® fought C£® exercised D£® worked

10.A£® laughter B£® complaints C£® stories D£® breathing

11.A£® lonely B£® tired C£® sick D£® hungry

12.A£® courage B£® chance C£® wisdom D£® strength

13.A£® Stress B£® Relaxation C£® Failure D£® Pain

14.A£® real B£® perfect C£® common D£® ordinary

15.A£® enjoy B£® change C£® improve D£® create

16.A£® from B£® on C£® over D£® in

17.A£® realize B£® believe C£® hope D£® admit

18.A£® sorrow B£® responsibility C£® fortune D£® joy

19.A£® Carry B£® Make C£® Push D£® Take

20.A£® never B£® still C£® already D£® ever

Energy independencehas a nice ring to it£®Doesn't it£¿ If you think so£¬you're not alone£¬because energy independence has been the dream of American president for decades£¬and never more so than in the past few years£¬when the most recent oil price shock has been partly responsible for kicking off the great recession.

¡°Energy independence¡±and its rhetorical £¨Ð޴ǵģ© companion¡°energy security¡± are£¬however£¬slippery concepts that are rarely though through£®What is it we want independence from£¬exactly£¿

Most people would probably say that they want to be independent from imported oil£®But there are reasons that we buy all that old from elsewhere.

The first reason is that we need it to keep our economy running£®Yes£¬there is a trickle£¨ä¸ä¸Ï¸Á÷£©of biofuel£¨ÉúÎïȼÁÏ£©available£¬and more may become available£¬but most biofuels cause economic waste and environmental destruction.

Second£¬Americans have basically decided that they don't really want to produce all their own oil£®They value the environmental quality they preserve over their oil imports from abroad£® Vast areas of the United States are off-limits to oil exploration and production in the name of environmental protection£®To what extent are Americans really willing to endure the environmental impacts of domestic energy production in order to cut back imports£¿

Third£¬there are benefits to trade£®It allows for economic efficiency£¬and when we buy things from places that have lower production costs than we do£¬we benefit£®And although you don't read about this much£¬the United States is also a large exporter of oil products£¬selling about 2 million barrels of petroleum products per day to about 90 countries.

There is no question that the United States imports a great deal of energy and£¬in fact£¬relies on that steady flow to maintain its economy£®When that flow is interrupted£¬we feel the pain in short supplies and higher prices£®At the same time£¬we obtain massive economic benefits when we buy the most affordable energy on the world market and when we engage in energy trade around the world.

1.What does the author say about energy independence for America£¿

A£® It sounds very attractive£®

B£® It ensures national security£®

C£® It will bring oil prices down

D£® It has long been everyone¡¯s dream.

2.Why does America rely heavily on oil imports£¿

A£® It wants to expand its storage of crude oil£¨Ô­ÓÍ£©.

B£® Its own oil reserves are quickly running out.

C£® It wants to keep its own environment undamaged.

D£® Its own oil production falls short of demanD£®

3.What does the author say about oil trade£¿

A£® It proves profitable to both sides£®

B£® It improves economic efficiency£®

C£® It makes for economic prosperity£®

D£® It saves the cost of oil exploration£®

I put my sunglasses on and took a deep breath£®With her hand held in mine, we started walking down the street to her first day of school£®I knew that she would be crying; she always cries when she is anxious about new .
As we walked, she asked, ¡° What if talks to me?¡±
¡° I know that your will talk to you£®She¡¯ll help you find your seat and she¡¯ll even you all to each other£®And you already know two friends in the class from preschool£®They are too, I bet.¡±
She and started to play with her backpack strap£®It¡¯s the backpack that we spent 20 minutes up the night before£®And the same one she slipped her small stuffed animal puppy into she thought I wasn¡¯t looking this morning.
¡° What if I get shy and can¡¯t talk to anyone?¡±
¡° You might feel shy at first,¡± I said to her, ¡° give yourself a little time and you¡¯ll realize that you are having fun and feeling more .¡±
She looked up at me and smiled, as we waited at a stop sign£®¡° I¡¯m but really excited.¡±
¡° What are you most excited for?¡±
¡° .¡±
I laughed because this was the same girl who weeks before told me she was .from running one block down the street and needed to rest and drink water to .
As we turned the corner, her face dropped£®The massive group of students gathered everywhere overwhelmed her and her face fell as the tears swelled up in her eyes.
¡° You can do this, sweetie£®Everyone has a place to queue up in let¡¯s go find yours.¡±
We lined up with her class and just as she was about to cling to my leg , her friend from preschool stood next to her£®In a second, she £®As the teacher began to walk them all into the school, she was not , not holding onto me, but smiling£®I held my husband¡¯s hand, feeling happy and proud£®
1.A£® tightly B£® naturally C£® casually D£® carefully
2.A£® expectations B£® experiences C£® senses D£® exercises
3.A£® no one B£® someone C£® anyone D£® everyone
4.A£® sister B£® teacher C£® friend D£® classmate
5.A£® report B£® recommend C£® mention D£® introduce
6.A£® crazy B£® nervous C£® curious D£® cautious
7.A£® looked away B£® looked on C£® looked up D£® looked over
8.A£® washing B£® finishing C£® packing D£® keeping
9.A£® although B£® unless C£® until D£® when
10.A£® so B£® but C£® or D£® and
11.A£® comfortable B£® familiar C£® worried D£® delighted
12.A£® sick B£® scared C£® tired D£® shocked
13.A£® P.E£® B£® English C£® Chinese D£® Maths
14.A£® free B£® prevented C£® exhausted D£® separated
15.A£® refuel B£® recycle C£® reform D£® reassure
16.A£® eventually B£® slowly C£® instantly D£® constantly
17.A£® school B£® class C£® line D£® seat
18.A£® naturally B£® surprisingly C£® roughly D£® desperately
19.A£® lit up B£® gave in C£® came out D£® turned over
20.A£® whispering B£® crying C£® shouting D£® jumping

Fly Alone for the First Time

I began flying lessons at the age of 14; but the Federal Aviation Administration requires you to be 16 before you make flight by yourself. So I had to wait for two long years until I could fly a plane by myself. I used that time to master the basic maneuvers (ÒªÁì) of flying. I learned emergency procedures and practiced hundreds of takeoffs and landings until I could land the airplane smoothly without bouncing it down the runway. It wasn¡¯t always easy, and many times I would come home feeling discouraged and thinking maybe everyone was right ¨C I would never learn to fly, but by the next day, I was always eager to try again.

On the day of my 16th birthday, I made my first solo flight, which meant I could finally fly alone. The night before, my dad, who was my flight instructor, explained that the winds were forecast to be high. He said if we were in the air by dawn, the winds would probably be calm enough for me to solo. The next morning it was cold, but the sky was completely clear, and the winds were calm. I expected my dad to stay in the plane for at least three takeoffs and landings. But after the first one, he told me to pull off the runway, and he got out of the plane.

I was alone. As I climbed higher and higher, the world began to change. Everything on the ground became miniature. Houses, cars, and all looked like tiny toys that could fit in the surface of my hand. I made three takeoffs and landings that day. Each landing was perfect. It was one of the happiest days of my life.

Today, as a flight instructor, I stand alongside runways watching as my own students take to the sky on their first solo flights. I understand the joy faces, which always bring me back to that day when my dream came true. I learned that no matter how people tell you that you can¡¯t do something, if you believe in yourself, you can succeed.

1.When practicing flying, the author ______.

A. met several times of emergencies

B. was worried about his own safety

C. couldn¡¯t wait to fly alone in the sky

D. sometimes doubted his ability to fly

2.The underlined word ¡°miniature¡± probably means ¡°______¡±.

A. distant B. unclear C. small D. high

3. What was the father concerned about before his son flied alone?

A. Whether his son was brave enough.

B. Whether it would be too windy.

C. Whether he was able to protect his son.

D. Whether there were negative comments.

4.What lesson does the author learn from his experience?

A. Be confident and you will succeed.

B. Be responsible and you can grow up.

C. Give up something and you may win more.

D. Think hard and you can achieve your dream.

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
