
It is not easy to find true friends.Even if you’ve connected with someone,how do you really know he is a true friend?And often you will find that someone who you thought you could trust may have let you down.There are ways you can know if a friendship is true and how you can hold onto that friend.

Generally speaking,a true friend is someone who will be there for you no matter what happens.They will stand by you through bad and good times.They will accept you for who you are without trying to change you,and they will be there to help you grow in new ways.

A true friend will keep you secrets for you trust him.They will be honest and be someone you can depend on.They will listen and be someone you can talk things over with,even if they may not have advice to share with you.

However,friendship is a two-way street.To find true friends and keep them,you must in turn be the same as well.Be there for them in their hard times and share the good times with them.Be someone your friends can depend on as well and offer them the same thing they give to you.A friendship will fall apart fast if only one person is giving and putting all the effort.If you are the only one making an effort,be honest and it works.

Actually,there will be barriers in the road but that is the test of true friendship.If it can survive those barriers,it will be stronger and better than ever.Just as St Thomas Aquinas put it,“There is nothing on this earth more prized than friendship.”

Find a True Friend

The writer’s 1.on friends

True friends 2.come by nowadays。

Those who you regarded as your friends may make you down。

Characteristics of true friendship

A true friend will 3.you whatever happens。

A true friend will keep your secrets and be a good 4.。

5.to hold friendship

6.with your friends when they are in trouble。

Be someone who your friends can 7.。

8.is the key to keep a friendship if you are the only one making efforts。


True friendship can stand up to various 10.and grow stronger and better。




The last thing Jack wanted to do was wake up early and go to work on Monday morning. Getting out of the bus, Jack found there was still 30 minutes before his ________ began, so he________ to take a walk around the block to adjust(调整) himself to another busy working day.

________ walking, he ran into a young couple talking to each other in a foreign language. “Excuse me! Could help us please?” the woman called to him in strange English. “We are tourist, lost. Need ‘Dolphin’ hotel. You know where is?” She was courageous as she spoke a ________ language.

“I’m sorry, I don’t know. I’m in a hurry,” Jack said, and moved off. He was so upset about his problems that he ________ without thinking. Having walked about 100 feet, he felt he was wrong and ________ back. Luckily, the couple were ________ there. He walked up to them. “I remembered where the ‘Dolphin’ hotel is. I’m sorry, I just got ________ : there are hundreds of hotels in New York. It’s not far from here. you may ________ there. Just go straight to that crossroad, then turn to the left, and you will see a white-blue building. That will be the ________ you’re looking for.”

The couple thanked him, and Jack ________ lightly this time. But when he turned his back, he saw that the couple didn’t move, and the look on their faces was the ________ Maybe I was talking too ________ , and they couldn’t understand me well enough, he thought. All of a sudden, he felt that he could do something more important than sit in his office all day long. He knew that he couldn’t ________ these young people behind: they couldn’t possibly get to the hotel by themselves. He walked up to them once again. They looked at him in surprise. “I could ________ you to the hotel, if you still need my help,” Jack said. For the first time since the beginning of this month, he felt relaxed.

1.A. plan B. talk C. trip D. work

2.A. decided B. agreed C. remembered D. offered

3.A. If B. Though C. While D. Once

4.A. similar B. special C. modern D. foreign

5.A. calmed B. lied C. shocked D. begged

6.A. turned B. gave C. sent D. put

7.A. already B. almost C. still D. even

8.A. amazed B. confused C. bored D. tired

9.A. cycle B. walk C. point D. look

10.A. hotel B. couple C. tourist D. bus

11.A. answered B. escaped C. left D. passed

12.A. new B. good C. true D. same

13.A. strangely B. loudly C. quickly D. nervously

14.A. get B. fall C. stay D. leave

15.A. move B. guide C. follow D. introduce


17.Maybe you don’t think animals have certain mental powers which human beings do not have.But the truth is that some of them have instincts,and besides this,I am sure they can feel certain things we humans cannot.A personal experience showed me this.

Some years ago,I had a dog named Howard. From the time when he was a puppy,he was timid,so we named him Howard,sounding like “coward”!He was especially afraid of thunderstorms.At the first flash of lightning or crash of thunder,he would run whining into his house and hide under a table.

I often went for a walk with Howard. Once,as we were walking along a road,it began to rain.I quickly ran to a bus stop for shelter.The bus stop had a roof supported by metal poles.Soon after I had got there,Howard caught my trousers in his teeth and tried to pull me away.At first I was puzzled and a little angry at his behavior.But I decided to humor him and walked away from the shelter into the rain and started to go home.

When I was about two hundred metres from the shelter,there came a flash of lightning and soon after,there was thunder which nearly deafened me.Howard stopped walking and began whining.Thinking he was afraid,I bent to pick him up.As I straightened up,I glanced at the bus shelter we had just left.I was shocked to see that two of the poles were bent and the roof was lying on the ground,broken.The shelter had been struck by the bolt of lightning!

1.The author named his dog Howard mainly because of_______.

A. his timid characteristic

B. one of the author’s friends Howard

C. his loud sound

D. his strange behaviors

2.The reason why the author was puzzled and angry with the dog was that_______.

A. Howard had a strange behavior

B. Howard should be afraid of the metal poles

C. Howard should know the approaching of the terrible lightning

D. Howard bit his trousers in his teeth

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Dogs are cleverer and better than men.

B. Dogs are usually afraid of thunderstorms.

C. Some animals can feel certain things humans cannot.

D. Dogs are naturally born heroes.

4.What can be inferred about the bus shelter from the passage?

A. It was about 200 meters from the author’s home.

B. It was destroyed in a rainy day.

C. Its roof was supported by wood poles.

D. It could produce blinding flash of lightning.

Shakespeare’s Birthplace and Exhibition of Shakespeare’s World

Welcome to the world-famous house where William Shakespeare was born in l564 and where he grew up .The property (房产) remained in the ownership of Shakespeare’s family until 1806 .The House has welcomed visitors travelling from all over the world for over 250 years.

◆Enter through the Visitors’ Centre and see the highly-praised exhibition Shakespeare's World,a lively and full introduction to the life and work of Shakespeare.

◆Stand in the rooms where Shakespeare grew up.

◆Discover examples of furniture and needlework from

Shakespeare’s period.

◆Enjoy the traditional English garden,planted with trees and flower mentioned in the poet’s works.

The Birthplace is within easy walking distance of all the car parks shown on the map;nearest is Windsor Street(3 minutes’ Walk).

The House may present difficulties but the Visitors’ Centre,its exhibition,and the garden are accessible (可进入的)to wheelchair users.

The Shakespeare Coffee House (opposite the Birthplace).

1.How much is the admission for a family of two grown-ups and two children?

A.£9.80. B.£12.00. C.£14.20. D.£16.40.

2.Where is the nearest parking place to Shakespeare’s Birthplace?

A.Behind the exhibition hall.

B.Opposite the Visitors’ Centre.

C.At Windsor Street.

D.Near the Coffee House.

3.A wheelchair user may need help to enter

A.the House B.the garden

C.the Visitors’ Centre D.the exhibition hall

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