When I was a small child£¬my parents didn't have many money and I had very few Christmas gifts£®My cousin was ten and he had gone out singing Christmas songs and made quite a bit money£®Without tell anyone he went to the shop and spent almost every penny of his money in a teddy bear£®Then he was used the change to buy a little necklace with a glass charming £¨ÃÔÈ˵ģ© heart on them£®He came to my house and told my parents what he had bought these things for me as Christmas gift£®Twenty-five years later the teddy bear has been thrown away£¬but I even have the little necklace in my jewelry box to remind me of my cousin kindness£®
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½â´ð When I was a small child£¬my parents didn't have manymoney and I had very few Christmas gifts£®My cousin was ten and he had gone out singing Christmas songs and made quite a bit¡Ämoney£®Without tell anyone he went to the shop and spent almost every penny of his money in a teddy bear£®Then he was used the change to buy a little necklace with a glass charming £¨ÃÔÈ˵ģ© heart on them£®He came to my house and told my parents whathe had bought these things for me as Christmas gift£®Twenty-five years later the teddy bear has been thrown away£¬but I even have the little necklace in my jewelry box to remind me of my cousin kindness£®
4£®in¸ÄΪon£»¿¼²é½é´Ê£¬spend time/money on athon sthÊǹ̶¨´îÅ䣬ÒâΪ"ÔÚ¡ÉÏ»¨·Ñʱ¼ä£¨½ðÇ®£©"£®
6£®them¸ÄΪit£»¿¼²é´ú´Ê£¬´Ë´¦´ú´ÊÖ¸´úa little necklace£¬¹ÊÓÃit£®
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A£® | So has | B£® | So have | C£® | So is | D£® | So does |
A£® | What we are concerned about | B£® | what we are concerned | ||
C£® | What we concerned | D£® | What we are concerning about |
A£® | to£» at | B£® | of£» at | C£® | to£» in | D£® | for£» on |