

Regardless of their family background, the children’s reactions to new environments have struck the public.

In one episode of Dad! , the five-year-old daughter of former Olympic diving champion Tian Liang cries and hides behind her father when they arrive at a rural village. In an episode of the other series, a young girl in Tianjin breaks down into a tearful fit after being asked by her father to go out alone to buy eggs and a pancake.

In the eyes of some observers, these kids show no sense of independence, and the reason is put down to parents who are overly sheltering. But television viewers and parents were heartened when the sobbing Tianjin girl finally wiped away her tears as she returned holding the pancake. In the case of Tian’s daughter, she eventually began to take care of her younger companions and learned to seek help from people she didn’t know.

The father of the Tianjin girl felt “delightfully shocked” and said. “She used to have to be accompanied by her mother or grandmother. Now she has the courage to do it all by herself. ”

The shows have led many parents to change how they raise their children. Shanghai mother Liang Jing said she would try to “give some training” to her shy son, asking him to tidy up his toys. Lin Yi, a parenting expert in Beijing, said giving kids a chance to do things for themselves helps to raise their sense of achievement, which carries benefits throughout their lives. ”

1.What attracts the audience’s eyes in the programs?

A. What the kids’ family background is like.

B. Where children’s real comfort zone is.

C. How children react to new environments.

D. Why those children are independent.

2.What is Tian Liang’s daughter expected to do in the show?

A. Go out to buy something alone.

B. Hide in a safe place to avoid a danger.

C. Make friends with strange adults.

D. Live in a rural village with her father.

3.It can be inferred from the underline words “delightfully shocked” that .

A. father is more important than mother in a family

B. children deserve a chance to be independent

C. parents should provide a safe environment

D. the children are as fragile as parents expected

4.The shows are bound to raise a wave of discussion about .

A. protecting good traditions B. the social safety

C. approaches to parenting D. the influence of TV programmes














The composing career (作曲生涯) of Albert Roussel got off to a changeable start, and received one of its biggest successes from a lie.

Roussel became an orphan (孤儿) at the age of eight and went to live with his grandfather. He built on the music he had learned from his mother, entertaining himself by reading through the family music collection and playing operatic selections and popular songs on the piano. Three years later Roussel’s grandfather died, and his mother's sister took him in. Her husband arranged for young Albert to take piano lessons. Summer vacations at a Belgian seaside added a second love to his life — the sea. He studied to be a soldier in the navy, but still made time to study music.

In the French Navy, he and two friends found time to play the music of Beethoven and other composers. Roussel also began composing. At the Church of the Trinity in Cherbourg on Christmas Day 1892, he had his first public appearance as a composer. That success encouraged Roussel to write a wedding march, and one of his fellow naval officers offered to show it to a famous conductor, Edouard Colonne. When Roussel’s friend returned with the manuscript (手稿), he reported that Colonne had advised Roussel to give up his naval career and devote his life to music.

Not long afterward, at the age of 2S, Roussel did just that. He applied the qualities that he had developed in the navy to his composing and became a major force in twentieth century French music. As for Edouard Colonne’s inspiring advice that Roussel should devote his life to music, Roussel's naval friend later admitted that he had made it up and that he had never even shown Roussel’s manuscript to the conductor.

1.What information can we get from the second paragraph?

A. Albert’s grandfather died when Albert was eight years old.

B. Albert's aunt arranged for him to take piano lessons.

C. Albert gave up studying music after he studied to be a soldier in the navy.

D. Albert came to love the sea after summer vacations at the seaside.

2.From the third paragraph we know that ______.

A. in the French Navy, Roussel and two friend began composing

B. Roussel’s first public appearance at the church was successful

C. Roussel's naval friend showed the wedding march to Edouard

D. Edouard Colonne advised Roussel to devote his life to music

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

A. The composing career of Roussel started stably.

B. Roussel learned basic music knowledge from his aunt.

C. A white lie helped Roussel achieve success.

D. Roussel was cheated and hurt by his naval friend.

4.Who told a lie according to the text?

A. Roussel’s grandfather. B. Albert’s naval friend. C. Roussel's aunt. D. Edouard Colonne.


My wife and I moved into our home two years ago. We had a yard with a lot of .Very often when we have flowers, Denise or I would plant some between the rocks, just to add some to the area.

Last summer, I found a tiny little in the yard that I could not immediately identify. I knew I didn’t plant it and Denise said she didn’t either. We decided to let it growing until we could find out what it was.

Weeks passed and as I made my way back to the plant, it appeared to be a sunflower. I decided to the weeds around it. As I pulled rocks from the area to get to the weeds, I noticed something . The sunflower had not where I saw it begin. It actually had begun under a big and grown under and around it to reach the .

That’s when I that if a tiny little sunflower didn’t let a big rock stand in its of developing, we too have the ability of doing the same thing. If we ourselves like that little sunflower, we can reach where we to go and get what we need for growth.

We need to believe in ourselves knowing we have the to achieve our goals. Like the , it knew it had the ability to get over the rocks because it had in itself that it would succeed. Stand tall like the sunflower and be who and what we are, then the environment will begin to us. We will find a way to go under or any “rocks”in order to reach our goals.

1.A. flowers B. insects C. rocks D. vegetables

2.A. color B. water C. fertilizer D. shape

3.A. weed B. seed C. rock D. plant

4.A. stop B. continue C. improve D. escape

5.A. weak B. lonely C. strange D. pretty

6.A. remove B. tend C. watch D. collect

7.A. wonderful B. terrible C. valuable D. unusual

8.A. passed B. started C. left D. died

9.A. tree B. table C. rock D. wall

10.A. air B. top C. sun D. house

11.A. realized B. doubted C. regretted D. hoped

12.A. place B. way C. course D. process

13.A. fill in B. put in C. worry about D. believe in

14.A. forget B. hate C. aim D. wait

15.A. ability B. wish C. plan D. idea

16.A. yard B. sunflower C. home D. summer

17.A. energy B. virtue C. courageD. faith

18.A. aware of B. afraid of C. proud of D. tired of

19.A. support B. affect C. upset D. forgive

20.A. into B. around C. through D. from


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