
It is quite reasonable to blame traffic jams, the cost of gas and the great speed of modern life, but manners on the road are becoming terrible. Everybody knows that the nicest men would become fierce tigers behind the wheel. It is all right to have a tiger in a cage, but to have one in the driver's seat is another matter.

Road politeness is not only good manners, but a good sense. It takes the most cool-headed (头脑冷静的) drivers great patience to give up the desire to beat back when they are forced to face rude driving. On the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards reducing the possibility of quarrelling and fighting. A friendly nod or a wave of thanks in answer to an act of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of good will and becomes so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such behavior of politeness is by no means enough. Many drivers nowadays don't even seem able to recognize politeness when they see it.

However, misplaced(用错了地方的) politeness can also be dangerous. A typical example is the driver who waves a child crossing the street at a wrong place into the path of oncoming cars that may not be able to stop in time. The same goes for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and whenever they want to.

An experienced driver told me it would help if drivers learnt to correctly join in a traffic stream without causing total blockages( 拥堵) that give rise to unpleasant feelings. Unfortunately, modern drivers can't even learn to drive, let alone(更不用说) master the roadman ship ( 公路驾车技能). Years ago, experts warned us that the fast increase of the car ownership would demand more give and take( 互谅互让) from all road users. It is high time for all of us to take this message to heart.

1.The passage mainly talks about______________________.

A. traffic jams B. good manners

C. road politeness D. modern drivers

2.Troubles on the road are often caused by__________________.

A. traffic jams

B. the behavior of the drivers

C. the great speed of modern life

D. terrible road conditions

3.According to the writer, a good driver should___________________.

A. encourage children to cross the road whenever they want to

B. beat back when forced to face rude driving

C. be able to recognize road politeness when he sees it

D. join in a traffic stream quickly however other people feel

4.It is not right for drivers to_________.

A. master the roadmanship

B. join in a traffic stream

C. give a friendly nod in answer to an act of politeness

D. encourage old ladies to cross the road whenever and wherever they want to


Since 1936, many female space explorers have followed Russian astronaut Valentina Tereshkova. Let’s look at the missions(任务)of four important female astronauts to find out what astronauts do in space.

In 1983, Sally Ride became the first American women in space. Her team carried out scientific experiments in space and put two communications satellites in space. Satellites make it possible for us to communicate instantly with each other across the world through TV, radio, and telephones.

In 1984, Kathryn Sullivan became the first American women to walk in space. During her mission, she discovered important information about the sun’s energy and how it affects the climate in very hot and very cold places on Earth. She also took photographs of Earth and measured air pollution.

In 1992, Mae Jemison became the first African-American in space. During her mission, she did scientific experiments using the weightless atmosphere. In space, there is no gravity, so everything floats! Dr. Jemison’s experiments gave important information about the human body to produce better medicines and healthcare.

In 2012, Liu Yang became the first Chinese women in space. She did experiments in space medicine, which look at how astronauts can survive and stay healthy in space. The conditions in space are very hard on the body and space medicine helps astronauts work safely.

1.Who collected important information about air pollution?

A. Valentina Tereshkova. B. Sally Ride.

C. Kathryn Sullivan. D. Mae Jemison

2.What did Dr. Jemison’s experiments focus on?

A. Human body.

B. Space satellites.

C. Climate on earth.

D. Energy from the sun.

3.Liu Yang’s mission aimed at ________.

A. providing information about environment

B. protecting astronauts’ health in space

C. improving communication on Earth

D. testing the weightless atmosphere

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Great Walking in Space

B. Conditions in Space

C. Healthcare in Space

D. Women in Space

Before I studied psychology, I used to think that people would laugh when funny things occurred.While I was right about that, I discovered there are lots of other psychological factors that make people laugh other than the funny part of a joke.When someone laughs at a joke, there will usually be more than one reason that makes him laugh—and the more reasons there are, the more powerful the joke will be.

I was attending a stand-up comedy show in Egypt, and when the man started to make fun of pedestrians crossing streets, everyone laughed their hearts out. The main reason those people strongly laughed was that almost all of them felt angry towards pedestrians who crossed streets carelessly. The joke wasn’t only funny, it also made the audience feel that they were right about being angry at those pedestrians. That is, people were laughing both because of the funny joke and because of the happiness experienced as a result of the psychological support they got.

The better a joke makes a person feel, and the more it includes other psychological factors, the more the person will like it.For example, if you envy one of your friends, and someone tells a joke that is funny and, at the same time, makes your friend seem stupid, then you will probably laugh at it louder than if you weren’t jealous of him.

In short, we don’t laugh only when we hear something funny; we also laugh when we experience some kind of happiness that results from the other psychological factors involved in the joke.I strongly discourage making fun of anyone or belittling someone to make someone else laugh.All I want to explain is that if your joke supports a person’s emotions, he will certainly like it a lot.

1.What did the author find out after studying psychology?

A.Only good jokes make people laugh

B.Many factors lead to people laughing.

C.Funny things can make people laugh

D.Laughter can make people healthy.

2.Why did the audience laugh loud at the pedestrians?

A.They played a trick on the pedestrians.

B.The pedestrians behaved in a funny way.

C.They could feel the pedestrians’ happiness.

D.Their emotion was approved of by the show.

3.What does the underlined word “belittling” probably mean?



C.Look down on

D.Make up to

4.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

A. B. C. D.

Sitting for more than three hours a day can decrease a person’s life expectancy(预期寿命)by two years, even if her or she is physically active and gets rid of (摆脱)dangerous habit like smoking ,according to a study. Watching TV for more than two hours a day can worsen that problem, decreasing life expectancy by another 1.4 years.

The analysis comes just two years after Australian researchers found that people who said they watched TV for more than four hours a day were 46% more likely to die of any cause than people who said they spent less than two hours a day watching TV. Those watching TV more than four hours a day were also 80% more likely to die of cardiovascular (心血管的) disease. “Long-sitting behavior is something we need to take note of beyond telling people to get 30 minutes of activity a day ,” said Peter T. Katzmarzyk, one of the lead researchers. But while the evidence of illnesses is increasing, it remains difficult for many people to find time to get on their feet, especially if they do desk jobs.

“Try to stand as much as you can,” Dr Katzmarzyk said. “Typically when you are on the telephone you can stand and use the speakerphone. Instead of e-mailing someone in the office, just get up and so to talk to them.” However , Dr Katzmarzyk added, standing shouldn’t be alternative to exercising, but an alternative to sitting . “Several studies show that when you’re sitting , your leg muscles are completely inactive,” he said . “When you’re sitting and completely inactive, this is when you run into trouble managing blood sugar.”

1.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A. Watching TV too long can worsen our mental health.

B. We should be active and give up smoking.

C. Sitting for too long a time can shorten one’s life.

D. Smoking too much can be harmful to health.

2.The researchers draw the conclusion of the effect of long-sitting behavior by_______.

A. making comparisons(比较) B. listing figures

C. giving examples D. classifying facts

3.What does Dr Katzmarzyk think of long-sitting behavior ?

A. It warns people to exercise 30 minutes a day.

B. It’s a bad behavior worth considering seriously.

C. It can lead to death at once.

D. It is good for desk job workers.

4.According to Dr Katzmarzyk, if you are sitting all the time, you may__________.

A. phone your friends and talk about your problem

B. put on weight quickly and become more inactive

C. want to have more sugar for your meals

D. find it hard to keep your blood sugar proper


Every day, in hundreds of ordinary situations, actions speak far louder than words. We talk with our mouth, but we communicate with our facial expressions, our tone of voice and our whole body.

1.6 When we can read what others are saying unconsciously, we can deal with things---at work and at home before they become problems.

By understanding how to use body language, you can communicate more effectively. Here is how:

2. Throughout the day, notice details about the way you speak, gesture and move. When standing, keep your shoulders straight, your body open and your weight balanced on both feet.

Work on your handshake. 3. The handshake most likely to show confidence is firm and dry, with strong but not too much pressure.

Use eye contact. Eye contact is very important in forming an impression of someone. You should have the ability to keep direct eye contact if you want to be taken seriously, But some people feel uncomfortable when it is too strong. 4.

Be yourself. Nonverbal(非言语的)messages come from deep inside you, from your own sense of self-respect. If you are comfortable with yourself, it shows. 5. They always give others a deep impression.

A. Use hand gestures carefully.

B. Pay attention to your body-talk.

C.A mirror can be useful to examine facial expressions.

D. People who know who they are have a relaxed way of talking and moving.

E. In the Business world, the handshake shows important messages about power.

F. Understanding body language is one of the most useful skills you can develop.

G. To avoid this problem, change your focus so that you look at somewhere between the eyes and the chin.

When I was a boy my father told me that he could do anything he wanted to. Dad said that he wanted to be the first to develop color prints in our city and so he did.

When I was 16,Dad looked closely at the violin I played and said that he wanted to make one.He read about violin-making, and then became a violin-maker at the age of 43. He bought the tools and materials, opened a small store and set Mom up as the shopkeeper, while he worked at a local company. He retired from the company 17 years later and continued to make violins and other instruments.

Dad often guessed why the Stradivarius violins sounded so beautiful. Some experts told him that it was the special varnish(油漆)that gave the instruments their beautiful sound.Dad argued that chemists could analyze the varnish—if that was the answer.

One of Dad’s friends asked him which kind of wood was used to make violins.When Dad explained that the top was made of spruce(云杉), his friend said that he had all old piece of spruce which Dad might be interested in.

He worked for the next 12 months making a violin from the wood that his friend had given him. It proved to be an excellent violin and it would become Dad’s masterpiece. He believed that the secret of the Stradivarius sound was in the wood itself.

Later, the instrument was stolen, Dad’s spirit was broken and he stopped making instruments. But he kept the music shop until he was 80 years old, selling guitars and violins.

The violin has been missing for more than 25 years.Somewhere a musician is playing a late-20th-century violin with an excellent tone.The owner today may never understand why this Ordinary-looking violin sounds so much like Stradivarius.

1.In Paragraph l,the writer mentioned his father’s developing color prints to .

A. let others know that he believed his father

B. show that his father would like to make violins

C. Prove that his father could do anything he wanted to

D. give an example showing that his father was an inventor

2.What did the writer’s father think about Stradivarius violins?

A. They were made by experts.

B. The wood of the violins was special.

C. The way of making them was unusual.

D. The varnish was different from the others.

3.From the underlined sentence, we learn that the writer’s father

A. found another new job

B. wanted to become famous

C. lost interest in instruments

D. liked the violin very much

4.What could be the best title of the passage?

A. My Experienced Father

B. My Father and His Violin

C. The Secret of Making Violins

D. The New Owner of the Violin

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