The surprising experiment I am about to describe proves that air is all around you and that it proves down upon you. Air pressure is a wonderful force. When you swim underwater, you can feel water push down your body. The air all around you does the same. However, your body is so used to it that you do not notice this. The pressure is caused by a layer of air called the atmosphere. This layer surrounds the Earth, extending to about five kilometers above the Earth’s surface.

The following experiment is an easy one that you can do at home. But make sure that you are supervised, because you will need to use matches. Now foe the experiment!

    What you need

    ·A hard-boiled egg without the shell

    ·A bottle with a neck slightly smaller than the egg

·A piece of paper

·A match


1) Check that the paper will sit firmly on the neck of the bottle.

2) Tear the paper into strips and put the strips into the bottle.

3) Light the paper by dropping a burning match into the bottle.

4) Quickly sit the egg on the neck of the bottle.


  Astonishingly, the egg will be sucked into the bottle. Your friends will be amazed when you show them the experiment. But be careful when you handle matches.

Why it happened

As the paper burns, it needs oxygen and uses up the oxygen (air) in the bottle. The egg acts as a seal in the neck of the bottle, so no more air can get inside. This reduces the air pressure inside the bottle. The air pressure must equalize, so more air from outside must enter the bottle. The outside air pressure against the egg and then the egg is pushed into the bottle! The proves that air is all around and that it is pressing down on it.

64.Why is there the need to take care when you are doing the experiment?

       A.The bottle could break.

       B.You need to light the paper with a match.

       C.The egg needs to be shelled.

       D.The egg has to be perfectly placed on the neck of the bottle.

65.In the experiment, the burning inside the bottle can___.

       A.equalize the air pressure inside and outside

       B.make a seal in the neck of the bottle

       C.finish up the oxygen inside the bottle

       D.produce more oxygen inside the bottle

66.How did the egg put into the bottle?

       A.The oxygen inside the bottle sucked the egg in.

       B.It became salt without the shell.

       C.The neck of the bottle was wide enough.

       D.The outside air pressure forced it into the bottle.

67.The experiment is carried cut to prove ______.

       A.water pushes on your body when you swim underwater.

       B.the earth is surrounded by a layer of air called the atmosphere.

       C.the pressure of air around us has a powerful force.

       D.the air pressure is not equalized around us.

China news, Beijing, Feb. 9 --- Housing price in China has always aroused heated discussions among property developers and ordinary Chinese. To many property developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 8,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is even higher than in the United States. This shows that there are some bubbles(泡沫) in Chinese real estate market, the International Finance News reported.
Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted to Renminbi, is about 8,000 yuan per square meter, the houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 8,000 yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, houses are sold at a price even higher than those in the US.
The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American people's average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that sold in US?
At the beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans and lands to property developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fund-raising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered.
36.According to the passage, what is the average housing price per square meter in China?
A.8000 yuan     B.10000 yuan     C.7000 yuan    D.It's not mentioned here
37.Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States?
A.Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality,
environment and supporting facilities.
B.American people's average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese
C.The houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property
developers do when they sell their houses.
D.There are more people who need houses in China.
38.What is the main idea of this passage?
A.The housing price in China is so high that the government should do something
useful to prevent it.
B.There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market.
C.The average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States.
D.Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public.
39.How many measures are mentioned in the last paragraph in order to reduce the high
housing prices?
A.Four     B.Three     C.Five     D.Two

It’s not a particular brain region that makes someone smart or not smart. Nor is it the strength and speed of the connections throughout the brain or such features as total brain volume. Instead, new research shows, it’s the connections between very specific areas of the brain that determine intelligence.

“General intelligence actually relies on a specific network inside the brain, and this is the connections between the gray matter, or cell bodies, and the white matter, or connecting fibers between neurons(神经元),”said Jan Glascher, lead author of a paper appearing in this week’s issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The results weren’t entirely unexpected, said Keith Young, vice chairman at Texas A﹠M Health Science Center College of Medicine in Temple, but “it proves that good communication between various parts of brain are very important for this general intelligence.”

“People noticed a long time ago that, in general, people who are good test-takers did well in a lot of different subjects,”explained Young. “If you’re good in mathematics, you’re also usually good in English. Researchers came up with this idea that this represented a kind of overall intelligence.”

Hoping to learn more, some experts located 241 patients who had some sort of their lesions (损害). They then diagrammed the location of their lesions and had them take IQ testes. “We took patients who had parts of their brain damaged, tested them on intelligence to see where they were good and where they were bad, then we connected those scores across all the patients with the location of the brain lesions,”Glascher explained. “That way, you can know the areas that are associated with reduced performance on these tests, which means these areas are really important for general intelligence.”

“These studies suggest results based on the absence of brain tissue (组织),”added Paul Sanberg, famous professor and director of the University of South Florida Center. “It allows them to systemize and find areas important to intellingence.”

1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. General Intelligence Depend on Brain Volume

B. Scientists Explain Mysteries of Intelligence

C. Science Research Done on Human Brain

D. Brain Lesions Cause Patients Stupid

2.According to Keith Young, we can infer that_____________.

A. the parts of brain are working smooth on their own

B. a person good at maths has obstacles learning languages

C. overall intelligence will make a person successful

D. Jan Glascher’s article really shocks the world

3. Why did experts locate 241 patients with some sort of brain lesions?

A. To diagram the location of their lesions.

B. To take IQ tests to the patients.

C. To know more about the secrets of intelligence.

D. To take better care of the patients.

4.From the diagram, the experts concluded that_____________.

A. the absence of brain tissue will influence intelligence

B. the brain lesions can improve the performance

C. patients with brain lesions will get a high score

D. Some areas totally determine the ability of intelligence


The saying that children don’t like reading any more has been proved untrue. A new study finds that 75 percent of kids between five and 17 say that although they love technology, they still want to read books.

       The Kids & Family Reading Report also says that 62 percent of kids prefer reading printed books rather than those on a computer.At the same time, those who search an author’s website or use the Internet to find books by a particular author, are more likely to read books for fun every day.

       The study also once again proves that the time kids spend reading books for fun decreases after the age of eight and continues to drop through the teen years.The report is a follow-up to a 2006 study.But this time the focus is on the role of technology and when kids’ interest in reading starts to drop.

       “Despite the fact that after the age of eight more children go online daily than read for fun daily, high frequency Internet users are more likely to read books for fun every day,” says Heather Carter, a writer of the report.

       One in four kids between five and 17 say they read books for fun every day and more than half of kids say they read books for fun at least two to three times a week.One of the key reasons kids say they don’t read more often is that they have trouble finding books they like - a requirement that parents underestimate(低估).

       The study also finds that parents have a strong influence on kids’ reading, but only about half of all parents begin reading to their kids before their first birthday.The percent of children who are read to every day drops from 38 percent among five-to eight-year-olds to 23 percent among nine-to 11-year-olds - exactly the same time that kids’ daily reading for fun starts to drop.

       “Parents’ engagement in their child’s reading from birth all the way through the teen years can have a great influence on how often their children read and how much they enjoy reading,” adds Carter.

1.What can we learn from the text?

       A.Children don’t like reading any more after the age of 8.

       B.Most children like reading as well as going online.

       C.All kids like reading e – books instead of printed ones.

       D.Most children like going online instead of reading.

2.It can be inferred from the passage that        .

       A.the study of kids’ reading has been made before

       B.most parents begin reading to their kids from their birth

       C.all kids like to get information using the Internet

       D.nowadays all children still like to read books

3.Which of the following is true according to the text?

       A.The kids who often go online don’t like reading books.

       B.Parents should teach their kids reading from an early age.

       C.Sometimes it is difficult for kids to get the books they like.

       D.When kids get older, parents spend more time with them.

4.According to the text,        contributes a lot to children’s interest in reading.

       A.the Internet             B.parents’ engagement

       C.short supply of books technology

5.What’s the best title of the passage?

       A.Do kids still like reading?       B.Kids’ interest in reading drops

       C.New technology on kids’ reading    D.Parents’ influence on kids’ reading


China news, Beijing, Feb. 9 – Housing price in China has always aroused heated discussions among property developers(房产开发商)and ordinary Chinese. To many property developers and local government officials, housing price in China is still low compared with many developed countries. However, the average housing price in the United States is only 8,000 yuan per square meter, while in China, it is even higher than in the United States. This shows that there are some bubbles(泡沫) in Chinese real estate market, the International Finance News reported.

Although the average price of residential houses in the United States, after converted(转换)to Renminbi, is about 8,000 yuan per square meter, the houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property developers do when they sell their houses. If US property developers sell their houses according to the building area, then the housing price will be even lower than 8,000 yuan per square meter. In most big Chinese cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen, houses are sold a t a price even higher than those in the US.

The high housing sales price in large cities in China proves that Chinese real estate(房地产)market does have some bubbles. Moreover, Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities. Furthermore, it should be noted that American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese people. How can the Chinese afford to buy a house which is even more expensive than that sold in US?

At the beginning of 2007, Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public. Now in order to reduce the high housing prices, the government can regulate (控制) the real estate market by raising tax on property industry and controlling the release of loans(贷款)and lands to property developers. At the same time, the government should allow people to build more houses through various fund-raising channels, such as funds collected from buyers or raised by working units. By applying these multiple means, it is expected that the high housing prices can be lowered.

1.What is the average housing price per square meter in China?

         A.8000 yuan.              B.10000 yuan.            C.7000 yuan.    ’s not mentioned here.

2.Which of the following does NOT support the idea that the average housing price in China is  even higher than in the United States?

        A.Chinese houses can not be compared with houses in US in terms of building quality, environment and supporting facilities.

        B.American people’s average income is several dozen times higher than that of Chinese       


        C.The houses in US are not sold in terms of building area, as most Chinese property       

developers do when they sell their houses.

        D.There population who need houses in China than in the United States.

3.How many measures are mentioned in the last paragraph in order to reduce the high housing  prices?  

         A.Four.                        B.Three.                     C.Tow.                         D.One.

4.What is the main idea of this passage?

      A.The housing price in China is so high that the government should do something useful to

prevent it.

        B.There are some bubbles in Chinese real estate market.

        C.The average housing price in China is even higher than in the United States.

        D.The Chinese government issued a set of policies that aimed to benefit the public.


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