
Last Friday, I was coming home late after spending time with friends and thought I’d go down to the $99 cent pizza place. On the way, I saw a man sitting on the stairs alone there. I’d seen him before every day I run late to work, but this time I had no place to rush off to.

There was something about him, a quiet manner, different from many of other homeless people I had seen in New York City. I walked past him, went to the pizza place, and those 10 seconds waiting in line was enough to practice stepping outside of my usual, familiar flow. So with a few slices in hand, I went back to join him. I asked him if he was hungry. He said yes, but not for pizza because it made him uncomfortable. He’d rather have a few bucks for chicken and rice since it was easier on his stomach. It’s funny, in that moment, he became more real to me.

This man I had seen almost every day was someone with specific conditions, needs, and experiences. We exchanged names and ended up talking for a little over an hour that night as Kevin told me stories from his life, how he had done things when “he was younger and didn’t know any better” and how he tried to make amends (补偿) but too much time had passed. He shared his views on the value for young adults to learn the history of other people.

He talked about his one wish being in his 60’s before he leaves this earth, which is to share his story with the teenagers and young adults so they could avoid the mistakes he went through. Throughout the conversation, he eventually got his chicken and rice and gifted me a rose he had been carrying. Shortly afterwards, I made my way home, thinking to myself, “I met an amazing homeless person”.

71. The writer’s purpose in writing the passage is to ____.

A. share his experience            B. show his generosity 

C. express his thoughts            D. exchange his opinions

72. The homeless man refused pizza because he ____.

A. did not feel very hungry at that moment     B. had something wrong with his stomach

C. preferred some chicken and rice to pizza     D. might feel ashamed to be given something

73. What’s the homeless man’s last wish?

A. To become a lot younger again.       B. To make amends for his early life.

C. To have enough chicken and rice to eat.  D. To teach the young not to follow his example.

74. It can be inferred from the text that ____.

A. The homeless man is different from others 

B. The writer showed his pity to the homeless man

C. What the homeless man thought shocked the writer 

D. What the homeless man did was not very meaningful

75. How do you like the homeless man after reading the passage?

A. Learned.    B. Honorable.    C. Determined.    D. Promising.


When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
【小题1】What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A.a far better artist
B.a far more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person
D.a much more famous person
【小题2】The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .
A.polioB.back injuries
C.the operations she hadD.her bent spine
【小题3】Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .
A.1950sB. 1930sC.1940sD.1970s
【小题4】What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?

When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.
Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.
In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.
Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.
【小题1】What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A.a far better artist
B.a far more gifted artist
C.a much stronger person
D.a much more famous person
【小题2】The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .
B.back injuries
C.the operations she had
D.her bent spine
【小题3】Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .
A.1950sB. 1930sC.1940sD.1970s
【小题4】What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?

When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)became bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but noting was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953. For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

1.What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A.a far better artist                        B.a much more famous person

C.a much stronger person                  D.a far more gifted artist

2.The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by        .

A.back injuries       B.her bent spine      C.polio             D.the operations she had

3.Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the          .

A.1930s            B.1970s            C.1950s            D.1940s

4.What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?

A.Devotion          B.Encouragement     C.Worry            D.Sympathy(同情)


When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

1.What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A.a far better artist

B.a far more gifted artist

C.a much stronger person

D.a much more famous person

2.The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .


B.back injuries

C.the operations she had

D.her bent spine

3.Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .


B. 1930s



4.What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?






When Frida Kahlo's paintings were on show in London, a poet described her paintings as “ a ribbon (丝带)around a bomb”. Such comments seem to suggest Kahlo had a big influence on the art world of her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name today than she was during her time.

Born in 1907 in a village near Mexico City , Kahlo suffered from polio(小儿麻痹症)at the age of seven. Her spine (脊柱)become bent as she grew older. Then, in 1925, her back was broken in several places in a school-bus accident. Throughout the rest of her life, the artist had many operations, but nothing was able to cure the terrible pain in her back. However, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recovering, Kahlo taught herself to paint.

In 1929, she got married to Diego Rivera, another famous Mexican artist. Rivera’s strong influences on Kahlo’s style can be seen in her early works, but her later works from the 1940s, known today as her best works, show less influence from her husband.

Unfortunately, her works did not attract much attention in the 1930s and1940s, even in her home country. Her first one-woman show in Mexico was not held until 1953.For more than a decade after her death in 1954, Kahlo’s works remained largely unnoticed by the world, but in the 1970s her works began to gain international fame at last.

1.What does the phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 most nearly mean?

A.a far better artist

B.a far more gifted artist

C.a much stronger person

D.a much more famous person

2.The terrible pain Kahlo suffered was caused by         .


B.back injuries

C.the operations she had

D.her bent spine

3.Kahlo’s style had become increasingly independent since the           .


B. 1930s



4.What is author’s attitude toward Kahlo?






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