
For Chinese, it’s a time for dragon boat racing and Zongzi(粽子). But across the Yellow Sea, South Korea, wrestling(摔跤)and swing play are the highlights. However, both events go by the same name---the Dragon Boat Festival---which falls on May 5 of the lunar calendar.
One festival, two cultures: does one nation have the right to call its own? It has been reported that South Korea will apply to the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization(UNESCO联合国教科文组织)to make the celebration its cultural heritage(文化遗产). If successful, people from other countries may see the Dragon Festival as a Korean creation.
As the birthplace of the yearly event more than 2,000 years ago, China is not happy with the situation. “It would be a shame if another country successfully made a traditional Chinese festival part of its own cultural heritage ahead of China,”said Zhou Heping, deputy culture minister. The Ministry of Culture is even thinking of making its own application to UNESCO, covering all traditional Chinese festivals, including the Dragon Boat event.
Over the years, the Dragon Boat Festival has spread throughout the world. In Japan and Viet Nam, as well as South Korea, the festival has mixed with and become part of local culture.
With this in mind, some experts say that it is meaningless to argue about which country the festival belongs to. “No one can deny that it came from China,”said Long Haiqing , an expert from Hunan Province. “But if all the countries involved can protect culture heritage together, they will all benefit.”
56. The underlined word “highlights”can be probably replaced by “     ”.
A. most exciting events     B. highest lights on the building
C. brightest lights at night    D. most famous festivals
57. It can be inferred that South Korea ______.
A. has proclaimed(宣布)the Dragon Boat Festival as a part of its cultural heritage
B. has the exactly same Dragon Boat Festival as China
C. has no idea that China has such a festival
D. is paying more attention to its cultural heritage than China
58. China is not happy with the situation because .
A. it created the festival
B. it is also making an application
C. South Korea has no right to call the festival its own
D. UNESCO may approve(批准)South Korea’s application
59. If South Korea’s application to UNESCO is successful, _____.
A. China will also make its own application to UNESCO
B. it will be meaningless to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival
C. people from other parts of the world will think South Korea created the festival
D. the Dragon Boat Festival will become part of local culture
60. The author would probably support____ .
A. a move by South Korea to cancel its application
B. China getting UNESCO’s approval of the festival first
C. the opinion of Zhou Helping
D. China paying more attention to its cultural heritage

56---60    A D A C D



Nicola’s Love for Her Violin

     Can love between partners with a 237-year age gap (差距) lead to the perfect match (绝配)? Nicola Benedetti thinks so. The 18-year-old   36   and her “partner, a 255-year-old Italian violin,   37   to China for the first time last weekend. She   38   in Beijing on September 15 and also performed in Hangzhou and Shanghai.

     Nicola is from Scotland and   39   playing the violin when she was four years old.   40  , it was not something her parents   41   her do. She went with her sister to violin lessons and   42   it and improved very quickly.

     “There are so many different things I am fond of about the   43  ,” she said. “I can’t really   44   it but I love giving live performances, I like the feeling of playing and communicating with the   45  . I love the feeling of the violin under my chin (下巴).”

     However, playing violin six hours a day is not a/an   46   job. “I usually   47   in an upstairs bedroom when I’m at home.” she said. “But sometimes, when it’s   48   outside, it can be upset. The house is right on the   49   and I can see others having fun   50   I’m on my own.”

     Although practising is sometimes lonely, Nicola   51   felt she was lucky. “You can’t have    52  . I am really lucky to do what I love doing,” she said. Her   53   paid off (终有回报). Nicola won BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2004 at 16.

       54   her performing and recording activities, Nicola is a/an   55  of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会). She said that she would travel to Lesotho in southern Africa at the end of this year to help poor kids there.

A. singer                 B. writer                C. pianist              D. violinist

A. came                 B. turned                 C. ran                       D. moved

A. checked                  B. played                    C. visited                D. remained

A. stopped                        B. requested                  C. started                     D. ignored

A. So                            B. And                        C. But                          D. However

A. made                       B. persuaded                C. wanted                    D. got

A. noticed                  B. concerned                C. minded                D. loved

A. lessons                B. violin               C. performances           D. show

A. explain                     B. imagine             C. determine              D. refuse

A. foreigners                  B. friends                         C. audience                  D. teenagers

A. boring                      B. easy                  C. wonderful             D. tiring

A. work                  B. rest              C. stay                        D. practise

A. cool                    B. sunny                C. windy               D. cloudy

A. river                         B. hill                      C. farm                        D. beach

A. while                     B. as                   C. so                       D. for

A. even                     B. still              C. ever                   D. almost

A. anything                 B. something            C. everything                      D. nothing

A. time                  B. music              C. efforts                     D. action

A. Because of            B. Besides              C. Instead of              D. Thanks to

A. adviser                    B. manager              C. organizer                 D. supporter

Nicola’s Love for Her Violin

     Can love between partners with a 237-year age gap (差距) lead to the perfect match (绝配)? Nicola Benedetti thinks so. The 18-year-old   36   and her “partner, a 255-year-old Italian violin,   37   to China for the first time last weekend. She   38   in Beijing on September 15 and also performed in Hangzhou and Shanghai.

     Nicola is from Scotland and   39   playing the violin when she was four years old.   40  , it was not something her parents   41   her do. She went with her sister to violin lessons and   42   it and improved very quickly.

     “There are so many different things I am fond of about the   43  ,” she said. “I can’t really   44   it but I love giving live performances, I like the feeling of playing and communicating with the   45  . I love the feeling of the violin under my chin (下巴).”

     However, playing violin six hours a day is not a/an   46   job. “I usually   47   in an upstairs bedroom when I’m at home.” she said. “But sometimes, when it’s   48   outside, it can be upset. The house is right on the   49   and I can see others having fun   50   I’m on my own.”[来源:学_科_网]

     Although practising is sometimes lonely, Nicola   51   felt she was lucky. “You can’t have    52  . I am really lucky to do what I love doing,” she said. Her   53   paid off (终有回报). Nicola won BBC Young Musician of the Year in 2004 at 16.

       54   her performing and recording activities, Nicola is a/an   55  of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会). She said that she would travel to Lesotho in southern Africa at the end of this year to help poor kids there.

1.A. singer                  B. writer                   C. pianist                D. violinist

2.A. came                 B. turned                     C. ran                              D. moved

3.A. checked                        B. played                           C. visited                   D. remained

4.A. stopped                                B. requested                      C. started                          D. ignored

5.A. So                                      B. And                                C. But                                   D. However

6.A. made                             B. persuaded                    C. wanted                          D. got

7.A. noticed                     B. concerned                     C. minded                    D. loved

8.A. lessons                 B. violin                   C. performances              D. show

9.A. explain              B. imagine               C. determine                 D. refuse

10.A. foreigners                        B. friends                       C. audience                       D. teenagers

11.A. boring                             B. easy                     C. wonderful                 D. tiring

12.A. work           B. rest              C. stay                               D. practise

13.A. cool                        B. sunny                   C. windy                 D. cloudy

14.A. river                      B. hill                              C. farm                                 D. beach

15.A. while                           B. as                     C. so                               D. for

16.A. even                         B. still                C. ever                       D. almost

17.A. anything                      B. something              C. everything                    D. nothing

18.A. time                    B. music                C. efforts                            D. action

19.A. Because of              B. Besides                C. Instead of                 D. Thanks to

20.A. adviser                         B. manager                 C. organizer                      D. supporter




Kate Chin, like many renters, is tired of renting. One reason is that her __1__ rent goes up like clockwork. Every year her landlord raises the rent by five percent. Another reason is her __2__. “New neighbors always seem to be more __3__ than the ones who moved out,” she said. “My first neighbor would __4__ his door very heavily. I __5__ knew when he came home or left home. __6__ he moved out, a saxophonist moved in. A saxophonist! He practiced two hours a day. On Saturday his friends would come __7__ and I had to __8__ to a whole band. I called the police, but they said saxophone playing is permitted in __9__ for up to four hours a day, because saxophone playing is job-related. They told me I was __10__ that the guy was only playing two hours a day!”

There are many unhappy renters, __11__ there are also happy renters. “I’ve been lucky my whole life,” said Karl Leen, a middle-aged man. “My neighbors couldn’t have been any __12__ if I had picked them myself. One neighbor was a cook. He’d bring me the best __13__ in the world. Another neighbor was a pianist. She played the most __14__ music. Another neighbor was a __15__ who did my tune-ups and changed the oil in my car. My __16__ neighbor is a birder; and we go __17__ every weekend with our telescopes.”

Different persons have different attitudes. Kate saw the saxophone player as __18__, yet Karl saw the __19__ player as delightful. Millions of people would be happy just to have a roof over their head. Yet there are millions who would __20__ that their roof is the wrong color.

1.A. weekly             B. monthly         C. daily           D. annual

2.A. children          B. colleagues      C. neighbors        D. servants

3.A. inconsiderate      B. considerate          C. careful              D. foolish

4.A. knock              B. lock             C. shut                 D. clean

5.A. always             B. occasionally         C. never            D. sometimes

6.A. Before             B. Since                C. From             D. After

7.A. up             B. over                 C. down             D. on

8.A. dance              B. listen               C. turn             D. look

9.A. departments        B. apartments           C. offices              D. bedrooms

10.A. unfortunate           B. unlucky              C. lucky                D. pleased

11.A. and               B. so                   C. but                  D. for

12.A. worse             B. sadder               C. better               D. happier

13.A. books             B. clothes              C. CDs                  D. leftovers

14.A. sorrowful         B. heavy                C. delightful           D. light

15.A. artist            B. cook            C. barber               D. mechanic

16.A. former            B. latest          C. latter               D. previous

17.A. shopping          B. boating          C. hiking               D. birding

18.A. amusing           B. pleasing             C. hating          D. annoying

19.A. saxophone         B. violin               C. piano            D. guitar

20.A. find              B. remember        C. praise          D. complain


                                                         Nicola's Love for Her Violin
    Can love between partners with a 237-year age gap (差距) lead to the perfect match (绝配)? Nicola
Benedetti thinks so.The 18-year-old   1   and her partner, a 255-year-old Italian violin,   2   to China for
the first time last weekend.She   3   in Beijing on September 15 and also performed in Hangzhou and
    Nicola is from Scotland and   4   playing the violin when she was four years old.  5  , it was not
something her parents   6   her do.She went with her sister to violin lessons and  7  it and improved very
     "There are so many different things I am fond of about the   8  ," she said."I can't really   9   it but I love
giving live performances, I like the feeling of playing and communicating with the   10  .I love the feeling of
the violin under my chin (下巴)."
    However, playing violin six hours a day is not a/an   11   job."I usually   12   in an upstairs bedroom
when I'm at home." she said."But sometimes, when it's   13   outside, it can be upset.The house is right on
the   14   and I can see others having fun   15   I'm on my own."
    Although practising is sometimes lonely, Nicola   16   felt she was lucky."You can't have    17 . I am
really lucky to do what I love doing," she said.Her   18   paid off (终有回报).Nicola won BBC Young
Musician of the Year in 2004 at 16.
      19   her performing and recording activities, Nicola is a/an   20  of UNICEF (联合国儿童基金会).
She said that she would travel to Lesotho in southern Africa at the end of this year to help poor kids there.
(     )1. A. singer      
(     )2. A. came        
(     )3. A. checked    
(     )4. A. stopped    
(     )5. A. So          
(     )6. A. made        
(     )7. A. noticed    
(     )8. A. lessons    
(     )9. A. explain    
(     )10. A. foreigners
(     )11. A. boring    
(     )12. A. work      
(     )13. A. cool      
(     )14. A. river      
(     )15. A. while      
(     )16. A. even      
(     )17. A. anything  
(     )18. A. time      
(     )19. A. Because of
(     )20. A. adviser    
B. writer    
B. turned    
B. played    
B. requested  
B. And        
B. persuaded  
B. concerned  
B. violin    
B. imagine    
B. friends    
B. easy      
B. rest      
B. sunny      
B. hill      
B. as        
B. still      
B. something  
B. music      
B. Besides    
B. manager    
C. pianist    
C. ran        
C. visited    
C. started    
C. But        
C. wanted      
C. minded      
C. performances
C. determine  
C. audience    
C. wonderful  
C. stay        
C. windy      
C. farm        
C. so          
C. ever        
C. everything  
C. efforts    
C. Instead of  
C. organizer  
D. violinist    
D. moved        
D. remained    
D. ignored      
D. However      
D. got          
D. loved        
D. show        
D. refuse      
D. teenagers    
D. tiring      
D. practise    
D. cloudy      
D. beach        
D. for          
D. almost      
D. nothing      
D. action      
D. Thanks to    
D. supporter    

Kate Chin, like many renters, is tired of renting. One reason is that her __21__ rent goes up like clockwork. Every year her landlord raises the rent by five percent. Another reason is her __22__. “New neighbors always seem to be more __23__ than the ones who moved out,” she said. “My first neighbor would __24__ his door very heavily. I __25__ knew when he came home or left home. __26__ he moved out, a saxophonist moved in. A saxophonist! He practiced two hours a day. On Saturday his friends would come __27__ and I had to __28__ to a whole band. I called the police, but they said saxophone playing is permitted in __29__ for up to four hours a day, because saxophone playing is job-related. They told me I was __30__ that the guy was only playing two hours a day!”

There are many unhappy renters, __31__ there are also happy renters. “I’ve been lucky my whole life,” said Karl Leen, a middle-aged man. “My neighbors couldn’t have been any __32__ if I had picked them myself. One neighbor was a cook. He’d bring me the best __33__ in the world. Another neighbor was a pianist. She played the most __34__ music. Another neighbor was a __35__ who did my tune-ups and changed the oil in my car. My __36__ neighbor is a birder; and we go __37__ every weekend with our telescopes.”

Different persons have different attitudes. Kate saw the saxophone player as __38__, yet Karl saw the __39__ player as delightful. Millions of people would be happy just to have a roof over their head. Yet there are millions who would __40__ that their roof is the wrong color.

A. weekly              B. monthly            C. daily                D. annual

A. children            B. colleagues               C. neighbors               D. servants

A. inconsiderate         B. considerate              C. careful                   D. foolish

A. knock                B. lock                       C. shut                    D. clean

A. always                        B. occasionally            C. never                    D. sometimes

A. Before                  B. Since                    C. From                   D. After

A. up                        B. over                     C. down                    D. on

A. dance                B. listen                     C. turn                      D. look

A. departments           B. apartments             C. offices                  D. bedrooms

A. unfortunate           B. unlucky               C. lucky                   D. pleased

A. and                   B. so                    C. but                     D. for

A. worse                 B. sadder                 C. better                         D. happier

A. books                B. clothes                C. CDs                          D. leftovers

A. sorrowful              B. heavy                 C. delightful              D. light

A. artist                   B. cook                  C. barber                  D. mechanic

A. former                 B. latest                C. latter                   D. previous

A. shopping                B. boating              C. hiking                  D. birding

A. amusing                 B. pleasing             C. hating               D. annoying

A. saxophone              B. violin              C. piano                  D. guitar

A. find                  B. remember           C. praise                 D. complain

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