
13.to be honest说实在的.

分析 to be honest说实在的,实话实说

解答 答案是"说实在的,实话实说";考查词义识记;to be honest说实在的,实话实说;如:To be honest the house is not quite our style.说实话,这所房子不太适合我们.

点评 对于单词短语的识记,要从词义着手,理解词性和常见用法或搭配,并能在语境中灵活运用.

3.There was some trouble in space over the weekend.On Thursday May 9,flakes of frozen ammonia(氨) were seen drifting form the International Space Station(ISS).The team on board immediately prepared for a spacewalk to look into the issue.Two days later,on Saturday,two astronauts stepped outside the ISS to investigate(调查) the leak.The chief suspect was an old ammonia pump.
Thomas Marshburn and Christopher Cassidy conducted the search,but did not discover any visible damage."All the pipes look shiny clean,"Cassidy reported as he used a mirror to peer into the tight,deep openings.Even so,the astronauts removed the old pump and replaced it with a new one.
Ammonia is used on the ISS to cool the spacecraft's electronic equipment.NASA said this leak did not pose a safety threat to the six space station residents(常驻居民).But problems with the cooling system could threaten experiments and equipment.
It is still not clear why exactly the leak erupted( 喷发 ).NASA speculates( 推测 ) that a
microscopic piece of space matter struck the space station,leaving a tiny crack in the ammonia pump.Another possibility is that there was simply a leaky seal in the pipe.Either way,"there's nothing to lose by putting in a fresh pump and pressing ahead with additional detective work,"said Mission Control.
The ISS was launched into orbit in 1998.Since 2000,a crew of astronauts and scientists has continuously occupied it.While in orbit,the international team of astronauts could perform scientific research and data about conditions in the Milky Way and beyond.Many of their experiments focus on human's ability to live and work in space over long periods of time.
NASA astronauts Tom Marshburn and Chris Cassidy completed the May 11spacewalk in 5hours and 30minutes.While these astronauts have performed some amazing tasks,NASA has never before staged a spacewalk so quickly.Marshburn has been on the space station since December,and Cassidy is a new arrival to the ISS.While the leaky pump mystery continues to puzzle the ISS team,they hope further investigations will provide answers."This type of event is what the years of training were for,"space station commander Chris Hadfield said on Friday.

32.From Paragraph 2we learn thatC.
A.it is impossible to peer into deep openings
B.it is very difficult to replace a pump
C.it was not easy to find the damage
D.some pipes have become too old
33.What is the main use for ammonia on the ISS?D
A.To prevent astronauts on the ISS from feeling too hot.
B.To prevent pumps on the ISS from getting old quickly.
C.To help astronauts stay safe when there is damage to the space station.
D.To prevent the spacecraft's electronic equipment from becoming too hot.
34.It is implied in Paragraph 4that Mission ControlA.
A.thinks changing the pump is necessary
B.wants to keep the cause of the problem secret
C.is sure that the space station has been struck
D.no longer wants to find out the cause of the problem
35.What does the last paragraph suggest about the recent spacewalk?C
A.It took too much time.
B.It was really dangerous.
C.It was quite satisfactory.
D.It wasn't amazing enough.
18.The following are introductions to some programs that BBC I London will show on TV.
12:25a.m.Tuesday    The Real Swiss Robinson Family
Laura worried that her children have had their life too easy due to her husband's career in big business,so she decides to take her teenagers to the Cook Islands to experience the simple life.They face storms and a lack of food,but Laura is happy as their local guide shows them the island's wealth of rare fruits and foods.
11:00a.m.WednesdayOrangutan Diary
A Team have come across an armed man who is holding two baby apes who were captured,one of them,David,is sent to a medical emergency in the forest.Later a center director,Nielsen,finds a suitable place to set free more rescued animals.
7:50p.m.ThursdayLost Buildings of Britain
Simon Thurley visits the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey(修道院),which,before its destruction by Henry VIII,was famous for some of the most amazing stained-glass of its age.It also had a great deal of financial power,acting as the center of an influential business empire.Eventually,it was the king's envy of the abbey's wealth that changed the abbey's fate.
10:35p.m.ThursdayNigella Express
Nigella presents ideas for impromptu(即兴的)cooking,from new recipes and suggestions for taking advantage of the food you have to making quick,simple and impressive meals.
25.Why is Laura worried?D
A.Life on the Cook Islands is too simple.
B.Her husband faces difficulties in his business.
C.Storms are approaching her hometown.
D.Her children may not know how to cherish life.
26.Jim enjoys TV programmes of people or organizations that take care of animals.He should probably watch TV atC.
A.10:35p.m.on Thursday                
B.7:50p.m.on Thursday
C.11.00a.m.on Wednesday                
D.12:25a.m.on Tuesday
27.We can learn from the text thatA.
A.David is a animal
B.Henry VIII set up a business empire in the Abbey,
C.Nigella is an animal-lover
D.Glastonbury Abbey is famous today for its stained-glass.
5.Two UK teachers,Richard Sears and Nick Gough,have overtaken the record for the longest journey made in a tuk-tuk (a three-wheeled vehicle).
They have travelled 37,500 kilometres and passed through 37 countries.They p assed the record for a tuk-tuk journey of 37,410 km,set by Germans Susi Bemsel and Daniel Snaider in 2005,while crossing Northern Peru.
The pair,who left London in August,have travelled across deserts and forests.They have also survived close encounters (相遇) with elephants in Uganda and Botswana and an accident in Malaysia.
"Although there have been many testing times,we are happy to have experienced such wonderful places and to have met some truly great people,"Nick said.
Talking about their motivation (动机),Richard said,"The world's leaders have made a promise to achieve primary education worldwide by 2015,but over 57 million primary-aged children are now still out of school.Many more are in school,though they still cannot get better learning opportunities."
To raise awareness (意识) of education projects in parts of the world where many kids have no chance to go to school,the pair planned this journey.They have been visiting schools along the route to get to know their needs and invite sponsors(发起者) through their charity Tuk Tuk Travels.
Their choice of transport was designed to take advantage of its slow-paced,open and friendly nature to unlock different cultures and learn about and from t heir values and struggles (挣扎).The vehicle itself is eye-catching.
When their tuk-tuk broke down,not for the first time and just 70 kilometres short of the world record mark,the pair had to push the 800-kilogram vehicle for three days to make up the distance.
Having had their tuk-tuk fixed in Chepén,Peru,Richard and Nick are now back on the road.On reaching Chile,they will become the first people to drive a tuk-tuk around the world.
32.The underlined word"overtaken"in Paragraph 1 can be replaced byA.
33.Which of the following can describe Richard and Nick's journey?D
A.Long but safe.
B.Painful and boring.
C.Comfortable and pleasant.
D.Dangerous but meaningful.
34.The main purpose of Richard and Nick's tuk-tuk tour is toD.
A.raise money to buy more tuk-tuks for poor people
B.test the tuk-tuk's slow-paced,open and friendly nature
C.become the first people to drive a tuk-tuk around the world
D.tell more people about the importance of education and help them
35.The text is most probablyD.
A.a travel guide          
B.a personal diary
C.an advertisement             
D.a newspaper report.

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