


 Rod always used to laugh at the idea of flying saucers.“If there are people in  1 out space,” he  2  say,“"they won't want to come here, will they?”

 But  3  was before Rod had a very strange experienceOne summer evening, just as he  4  to go to bed, Rod heard a low humming  5  outside,  6  thousands of bees He looked out of his bedroom window In the field at the end of the garden he saw  7  bright objects coming down As they landed, their lights went off and the fields became dark Rod decided to  8  from the wall at the end of his garden

 From there he could see the  9  objects quite clearly There were twelve of them  10  and they were long and thin, like huge cigars (香烟) In the centre of the machines he could just  11  a group of figures (人物), all  12  space suits They  13  to be having a meeting

 As he stood there, Rod  14  sure that these men were from outer space Their machines were the famous  15   Rod also believed that they came from outer space Rod also believed that they came from a quiet, peaceful planet,  16  unlike the world he lived in And he wanted to  17  them!

 At that moment the figures began to move back  18  their machines They went inside and the low humming noise began again 19  the machines lit up Then the first machine rose into the air, spinning like a wheel A second one followed it and then a third

 Rod felt terribly  20   The machines were leaving without him! He jumped  21  the low wall. “Wait! he shouted, Take me with you! Please!But as he rushed  22  , a wave of hot air pushed him back and he fell to the ground

 Did he  23  see flying saucers or was it all a dream? Rod is not sure But these days, when anyone  24  flying saucers Rod keeps quiet And he is very sad, remembering the happy peaceful  25  he wanted to go to


(1) A.    an 


B the


C a


D (不填)


[  ]


(2) A.    would


B used to


C was


D had


[  ]


3) Ait






D what


[  ]


(4) A.    was getting ready


B was prepared


  C. was ready


D prepared


[  ]


(5) A.    voice


B noise


C sound


D shout


[  ]


(6) A.    like


B as


C as if


D as though


[  ]


(7) A.    the number of


B a great deal of


  C. a large amount of 


D a number of


[  ]


(8) Asee clearly


B watch carefully


  C.take a closer look


D notice


[  ]


(9) A.    funny


B interesting


  C.    mysterious




[  ]


(10)A.    in all


B above all


C first of all


D all that


[  ]


(11)A.    make of


B make into


  Cmake out


D make up


[  ]


(12)A.    put


B wearing


C dressing


D had on


[  ]


(13)A.    were


B appeared


C appealed


D had


[  ]


(14)A.    got


B made


C kept


D felt


[  ]


(15)A.    flying saucers


B spaceship 






[  ]


(16)A very


B much


C quite


D rather


[  ]


(17)A join


B live


C meet


D see


[  ]


(18)A for


B towards


C to


D into


[  ]


(19)A One another


B One after another 


  C One and all


D One by one


[  ]


(20)A alone


B sad


C disappointed


D anxious


[  ]


(21)A across


B through


C over


D on


[  ]


(22)A forward


B back


C ahead


D behind


[  ]


(23)A exactly


B truly


C clearly


D really


[  ]


(24)A speaks of


B says


C tells


D talks


[  ]


(25)A star


B planet


C. moon


D. Mars


[  ]



  When a person is curious about something, it means he is 1 in it and wishes to know more about it. There is 2 wrong with curiosity in itself. Whether it is good or bad depends on what people are curious about.

  Curiosity is 3 silly or wrong. Some persons with nothing to do are full of curiosity about what their 4 are doing. They are 5 to know what they are eating or drinking, what they are 6 home or taking outside, or 7 they have come so early or late. To be interested in these things is 8 because they are 9 at all. It is none of their 10 to know what their neighbors do or are doing. Such curiosity is 11 not only 12 but also harmful. For most probably, it 13 to small talk which often brings harm, shame of disrespect to others, and thus 14 their feelings.

  On the other hand, there is a 15 curiosity--the curiosity of wise men, who wonder at all the great things and try to 16 all they can about them. Columbus could never have found America if he had not been 17 . James Watt would not have made the steam engine 18 his curiosity about the raising of the kettle lid. All the discoveries in human history have been made 19 a result of curiosity, 20 , the curiosity is never about unimportant things which have few or nothing to do with the happiness of the public.


































































(9)A.not    right   






















D.the    matter   


































(16)A.find    out   






D.work    out   



































One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like 21, whatever it might be, 22 I tried it. Over the years I’ve come to 23 how much of my success I owe to my 24 of those words as one of my values. My 25 job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I 26 what I wanted to do as a career (职业) .  27 I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didn’t think the job I took 28 that much . I couldn’t have been more 29. I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity (机会) to 30 through the company into different 31. I adopted each new opportunity with the 32, “Well, I’ll try it; if I don’t like it I can always go back to my 33 position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years , and I’ve 34 every career change I’ve made. I’ve discovered I 35 a large number of different talents (才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities. I’ve also discovered that if I 37 what I’m doing and word hard at achieving my 38. I will succeed. That’s why I am so 39 to be a part of CareerFables.com. I think 40 has come and I am determined to make it a success.

21. A. everything     B. something   C. everybody    D. somebody

22. A. until after      B. ever since   C. so that       D. long before科23. A. consider      B. argue        C. include      D. realize

24. A. suggestion    B. explanation   C. acceptance     D. discussion学科25. A. hard         B. best         C. extra         D. first

26. A. determined    B. examined   C. experienced    D. introduced

27 A.  Actually     B. Gradually     C. Finally       D. Usually

28. A. helped       B. required      C. expressed      D. mattered

29. A. careful      B. mistaken      C. interested      D. prepared

30. A. look up      B. take up       C. move up       D. put up

31. A. situations    B. choices       C.  directions     D. positions学网

32. A. thought     B.  reply        C. action         D.  advice

33. A. easier      B.  newer        C.  earlier        D.  higher

34. A. permitted    B. counted      C. organized      D. enjoyed

35. A. show       B. possess       C. need         D. gather

36. A. lucky for    B. slow at       C. open to       D. afraid of

37. A. think of     B. give away     C. believe in     D. turn into

38. A. business    B. goal         C. fortune       D. growth

39. A. excited     B. curious       C. surprised     D. helpful

40. A. dream      B. time         C. power       D. honor

It had been a tiring day and I was looking forward to__31__ evening. My husband__32__ back until late and I had __33___ to sit down in a comfortable armchair in the living room and read a book. I __34__  the children to bed early and __35__ a cold supper and some coffee. Soon I was sitting comfortably with a plate __36___ with food before me and a book at my side.
I was just beginning to eat __37__ the telephone rang. I put down my knife and fork and hurried to answer __38___ . By the time I got back to the living room,my coffee __39__ cold.  After I finished my __40__ I began to drink my coffee __41__ my book open at page one.  Suddenly there was a __42__ at the door. It gave me __43__ surprise that I spilt the __44__ and made an ugly stain(污迹)on my skirt.  Some stranger had got __45__ and wanted me to show him the way. It __46__   ages to get rid of him. At last I __47__ to sit down again __48__ actually read a whole page without __49__ more interruption until the baby woke up. He began crying loudly and I rushed up-stairs. The baby was __50__ awake at eleven o'clock when my husband came home. I should have cried myself when he asked me if I had a pleasant evening!
31. A. a quiet                   B. an exciting           C. a lovely          D. a lonely
32. A. would come                B. had not come        C. came         D. would not come
33. A. decided                   B. started             C. come            D. hurried
34. A. put                      B. made             C. threw            D. allowed
35. A. boiled                     B. heated                     C. cooked           D. prepared
36. A. full                 B. filled                 C. filling               D. to be filled
37. A. as                        B. then               C. when             D. while
38. A. him                       B. her                C. it                 D. them
39. A. was getting          B. had got           C. would get          D. got
40. A. supper            B. drinking               C. reading            D. coffee
41. A. while                      B. when             C. as                D. with
42. A. stranger                 B. loud knock          C. dog               D. man
43. A. such great                B. a so great          C. such a great        D. so great
44. A. food                       B. supper            C. plate              D. coffee
45. A. gone                      B. lost               C. missing             D. away
46. A. cost                      B. spent             C. paid               D. took
47. A. tried                      B. hoped             C. decided             D. managed
48. A. before                    B. after              C. but                D. and
49. A. some                     B. any               C. much              D. no
50. A. already                    B. still               C. possibly            D. almost


“Imagine you are walking along the road. Suddenly you fall over and all the passers-by burst into laughter. You feel very  36  and think the world is laughing at you . But in fact, five minutes later, they have  37   it ever happened.” The other day when I came across these words in an article, I didn’t agree with the  38  .

The author thinks the best thing to do in this kind of  39  is to pretend nothing has happened, and so avoid  40  trouble.

I admit that we should keep  41  because “Your tears will only remind others of what happened, while your  42  can let them forget it.” But this is far from satisfactory. We should do 43  to make things better.

I used to be a(n)  44  girl and not very good at maths. Our new maths teacher asked me a question and I still remember how I hung my head in  45 when I couldn’t answer it.

“If you don’t know the answer, just tell me.” the teacher said, “If you don’t how can I know   46  you know the answer or not?” All of my classmates burst into laughter. My face turned red but the teacher  47  me to go to the blackboard and  48  what I knew. If I had  49  the words in the article, I would have given up. But I tried my best. And to everyone’s  50 , I succeeded! The teacher smiled and said, “Well done! I  51  you could do it!”

Since then, I have become active in maths as  52  as in other subjects. I used to think doing maths exercises was a waste of time. But now, I know  53  I do can make things better. Everyone is the  54  of his own fate.

If we make mistakes, we should take on an active 55  . Laugh, and the world laughs with you; weep(哭泣), and you weep alone.

36.A. nervous      B. excited       C. afraid         D. embarrassed

37.A. realized      B. recognized     C. forgotten      D. remembered

38.A. speaker      B. reader         C. author        D. announcer

39.A. environment  B. surrounding    C. condition      D. situation

40.A. ordinary     B. extra          C. common       D. usual

41.A. confident    B. smart          C. calm          D. strong

42.A. smile        B. worry         C. courage       D. satisfaction

43.A anything      B. something      C. nothing       D. everything

44.A. shy         B. energetic       C. happy         D. clever

45.A. joy         B. pride          C. shame         D. surprise

46.A. what        B. that           C. when          D. whether

47.A. forced       B. invited        C. asked          D. pushed

48.A. bring up     B. put down      C. think about      D. show off

49.A. obeyed      B. doubted       C. refused         D. understood

50.A. expectation  B. disappointment  C. surprise         D. delight

51.A. hoped       B. knew         C. doubted        D. regretted

52.A. long        B. far            C. soon          D. well

53.A. whoever     B. whenever      C. wherever       D. whatever

54.A. architect     B. owner         C. host           D. controller

55.A. position      B. attitude        C. value        D. response



One of my father’s favorite sayings as I was growing up was “Try it!” I couldn’t say I didn’t like 21, whatever it might be, 22 I tried it. Over the years I’ve come to 23 how much of my success I owe to my 24 of those words as one of my values. My 25 job was just one I decided to try for a couple of years until I 26 what I wanted to do as a career (职业) .  27 I believed I would work for a few years, get married, stay home and raise a family, so I didn’t think the job I took 28 that much . I couldn’t have been more 29. I mastered the skills of that beginning level position and I was given the opportunity (机会) to 30 through the company into different 31. I adopted each new opportunity with the 32, “Well, I’ll try it; if I don’t like it I can always go back to my 33 position.” But I was with the same company for the past 28 years , and I’ve 34 every career change I’ve made. I’ve discovered I 35 a large number of different talents (才能) and skills that I never would have thought were within me had it not been for my being 36 trying new opportunities. I’ve also discovered that if I 37 what I’m doing and word hard at achieving my 38. I will succeed. That’s why I am so 39 to be a part of CareerFables.com. I think 40 has come and I am determined to make it a success.

21. A. everything     B. something   C. everybody    D. somebody

22. A. until after      B. ever since   C. so that       D. long before科23. A. consider      B. argue        C. include      D. realize

24. A. suggestion    B. explanation   C. acceptance     D. discussion学科25. A. hard         B. best         C. extra         D. first

26. A. determined    B. examined   C. experienced    D. introduced

27 A.  Actually     B. Gradually     C. Finally       D. Usually

28. A. helped       B. required      C. expressed      D. mattered

29. A. careful      B. mistaken      C. interested      D. prepared

30. A. look up      B. take up       C. move up       D. put up

31. A. situations    B. choices       C.  directions     D. positions学网

32. A. thought     B.  reply        C. action         D.  advice

33. A. easier      B.  newer        C.  earlier        D.  higher

34. A. permitted    B. counted      C. organized      D. enjoyed

35. A. show       B. possess       C. need         D. gather

36. A. lucky for    B. slow at       C. open to       D. afraid of

37. A. think of     B. give away     C. believe in     D. turn into

38. A. business    B. goal         C. fortune       D. growth

39. A. excited     B. curious       C. surprised     D. helpful

40. A. dream      B. time         C. power       D. honor


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