
We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. This article gives some suggestions on how to give an effective speech.
So, you have to give a speech-- and you’re terrified. You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience. Later you think, “Thank goodness, it’s over. I’m just no good at public speaking. I hope I never have to do that again. ”
Cheer up! It doesn’t have to be that bad. Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making. Ask yourself the purpose of your speech. What is the occasion? Why are you speaking? Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them. Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion. Be brief. Say what you have to say and then stop. And be yourself. Let your personality come through so that you make person-to -person contact with your audience.
If you follow these simple steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.
1. The main idea of this article is _________.
A. you can improve your speaking ability   B. a poor speaker can never change
C. always make a short speech            D. it is hard to make a speech
2. Paragraph 2 implies that ________.
A. many people are afraid of giving a speech   B. many people are happy to give a speech
C. many people do not prepare for a speech    D. many people talk too long
3. The phrase “talk over their heads” means ________.
A. speak too loudly      B. look at the ceiling
C. look down upon them   D. use words and ideas that are too difficult
4. All of the following statements are true except that ___________.
A. few people know how to make good speeches
B. a lecturer does not need to organize his speech
C. research is important in preparing a speech
D. there are simple steps you can take to improve your speaking ability
5. The title for this passage may be _______.
A. Do Not Make a Long Speech   B. How to Give a Good Speech
C. How to Prepare for a Speech   D. Try to Enjoy a Speech  


My 23-year-old son Dan stood in the doorway, ready to say goodbye to his home. In a couple of hours he was going to fly out to France. He was going to be away for at least a year to learn a foreign language and __36__ life in a foreign country.
It was a milestone in Dan’s life, a change from school days to   37  . When we were to say goodbye, I   38   closely at his face. I would like to provide him with good   39_  that would last longer than here and now.
But not a sound came over my lips. I   40   motionless and silent, looking    41__    my son’s green eyes.
I knew that this wasn’t the first time I    42    such an opportunity pass me by. When Daniel was a little boy, I followed him to the bus on his first day in preschool. I   43   the excitement in his hand that held mine when the bus came round the corner. He looked at me —just _ _44    he did now. And then he boarded the bus and   45  . The bus drove away. And I hadn’t     46   a word.
Some ten years later, a similar experience    47  . His mother and I drove him to the university where he was going to   48  . Dan was ill in bed when I wanted to say goodbye.  __49   the words let me down. I only murmured something like “I hope you are   50   , Dan.” Then I turned around and left.
Now I stood in front of him and recalled all the   51    when I hadn’t make use of those opportunities. Why does it have to be so    52    to tell your son what you feel? My mouth was
53   , and I knew I would only say a few words.
“Dan,” I   54   stammered out(结结巴巴地说), “if I had the choice myself, I would have   
55    you.” That was all I could say. It was nothing, and yet it was everything.
36. A.experiment B.experience       C.business    D.knowledge
37. A.neighborhood    B.childhood C.adulthood D.brotherhood
38. A.looked       B.fixed C.glared       D.stared
39. A.gift     B.support     C.skill  D.advice
40. A.walked       B.stood C.sat     D.wondered
41. A.like     B.for    C.at      D.into
42. A.made  B.had   C.let     D.got
43. A.felt     B.knew C.found       D.realized
44. A.when  B.as      C.since D.once
45. A.enjoyed      B.ran    C.left    D.disappeared
46. A.heard  B.said   C.gave  D.left
47. A.took place  B.took on     C.turned out D.turned up
48. A.play    B.visit  C.study D.search
49. A.Luckily      B.Once C.Again       D.Therefore
50. A.stronger     B.happier     C.greater      D.better
51. A.times  B.places       C.days  D.ways
52. A.eager  B.important  C.difficult    D.lovely
53. A.wet     B.dry    C.anxious     D.painful
54. A.directly      B.finally      C.kindly      D.nervously
55. A.loved  B.praised     C.supported  D.chosen
I used to find notes left in the collection basket of the church, beautiful notes about my homilies (讲道) and about the writer’s thoughts on the daily readings. The  41   attracted me .But it was a long time  42   I met the author of the notes.
One Sunday morning, I was 43   that someone was waiting for me in the office, a young woman who said she  44   all the notes. When I saw her I was  45   , since I had no idea that it was she who wrote the notes. She was sitting in a chair in the office. Her  46   was bowed and when she raised it to look at me, she could hardly  47   without pain. Her face was disfigured (畸形) , so smiling was very  48   for her.
We  49   for a while that Sunday morning and agreed to meet for lunch later that week.
As it  50   , we went to lunch several times, and we shared things about our  51   . We spoke of authors we were both  52   , and it was easy to tell that  53   are a great love of hers.
She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look  54   . I know that her condition  55   her deeply. Yet there was a beauty to her that had nothing to do with her  56   . She was one to be listened to, whose words came from a wounded  57   loving heart. She possessed a fine tuned sense of beauty. Her only  58   in life was the loss of a friend.
The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the  59   for a glimpse (瞥) of what it is that matters. She found beauty and grace,  60   befriended her and showed her what is real.
41. A. heading       B. paragraph                C. notes                      D. baskets
42. A. since           B. after                       C. when                    D. before
43. A. told            B. managed                  C. intended                    D. proved
44. A. lost            B. left                         C. dropped                         D. collected
45. A. shocked        B. satisfied                   C. frightened                D. disappointed
46. A. hand           B. arm                       C. head                   D. neck
47. A. cackle         B. smile                            C. speak                   D. bow
48. A. tense      B. unfair                      C. ugly                     D. difficult
49. A. chatted                B. discussed                 C. drank                   D. greeted
50. A. turned up       B. turned out                 C. came out                D. came up
51. A. families        B. beliefs                   C. hobbies                  D. lives
52. A. popular with     B. fond of                   C. familiar to                D. concerned in
53. A. friends          B. churches             C. writings                   D. books
54. A. bold        B. cheerful            C. attractive                       D. generous
55. A. hurt            B. impressed             C. prevented             D. defeated
56. A. fame            B. wealth              C. interest               D. appearance
57. A. and             B. or                  C. but                             D. also
58. A. fear             B. condition             C. focus                     D. anger
59. A. dream           B. surface             C. imagination             D. wisdom
60. A. it               B. they                C. which                   D. that

Do you have any idea what you would like to be and do after graduation? A lot of people don't begin thinking about career until they reach junior or senior year, which, in my opinion, is too late.
When people are trying to decide what they want to do, it helps to know something they love. Ever since I was little, I’ve always been doing someone’s hair, make-up or nails, starting with Barbie dolls and progressing to humans. Over the years my family has really inspired me to do this and now I fix friends’ and family members’ hair for weddings, dances and other big events.
I have been thinking about what I would like to do for a career since middle school. I did some research and discovered that I might really enjoy being a cosmetologist so, I went to my hair stylist and asked her lots of questions about what it takes to reach her level and what she would recommend I do. I considered her advice and then did more research.
I used Aveda’s website to get information on the Aveda Institute and what type of credits(贷款) I would need from high school to apply. I found their institute has three parts: theatrical knowledge, practical experience, and professional business-building skills. For the past few years, I have been looking at Aveda in more and more detail. This school not only offers cosmetology, but also massage therapy(疗法). I grew up in Minnesota(美国北部的一个州), so I plan to apply to the institute in Minneapolis that several people have highly recommended. It helps students become “future industry leaders in hair care, skin care, makeup and total body wellness”. It is affordable and everyone there is friendly and understanding.
Having done the groundwork and thinking about what I’d like to do after high school, I know that I will definitely pursue my dream of becoming a cosmetologist.
1. After reading the text, we can infer the author is interested in ________.
A. traveling abroad         B. service business         C. social activities  D. acting on the stage
2. Why does the author think it’s too late for people to start thinking about careers in junior or senior year?
A. Because he/she began to think about them when very young.
B. Because many people are too old to learn.
C. Because a lot of people can’t grasp the opportunity.
D. Because many people have little they love.
3. We know from the text that a cosmetologist is ________.
A. a chemist working at college             B. a person who works in the institute
C. a doctor in a hospital                        D. a person doing all types of body care for people
4. The author plans to apply to the institute in Minnepolis NOT because ________.
A. the people there are good to others           B. some people advise him/her to do so
C. the institute is free of charge                    D. the institute is helpful to his/her future
5. The author of the text may be a ________.
A. married person                                       B. middle school student             
C. college student                                        D. a teacher in an institute

第一节   完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)
Cars are too expensive for many people around the world to own. Not only that, many cities are already full of traffic, and many country areas have rough roads.
So how do people   21        those distances that are too far to walk? They use public transportation. If you ride the subway    22         bus where you live, you can appreciate some of the benefits of public transportation. With many people     23      one bus or train there is less traffic and, more importantly, less   24              .
Which of the types of mass transit described below are you familiar with? If a regular bus can   25       dozens of people, imagine what a bus twice the size can hold! In Great Britain, there are many buses that are   26          double-deckers.
Buses in Haiti are often very crowded. It’s not   27          for passengers to actually sit on the rooftops. Buses are sometimes called “tap-taps”, because the riders on the roof tap(敲击)when they want to be dropped off.
Many large cities around the world take advantage of the   28         beneath the streets and run underground trains. People in Paris, Mexico City and Tokyo may use the subway system to get to school, to work, or to visit friends in other neighborhoods. Both the Japanese and French have   29         High-speed trains to link various cities. While electric trains in North America   30        130 kph, the French TGV (high-speed-train) is the world’s fastest, averaging over 270 kph!
21. A. find                      B. fly               C. observe                  D. travel
22. A. and                      B. also                    C. or                          D. as well as
23. A. sharing          B. crowding            C. sparing                   D. sitting
24. A. smoke           B. people         C. buses               D. pollution
25. A. include          B. stand                  C. hold                       D. seat contain
26. A. known as              B. popular with C. familiar with           D. looked like
27. A. frequent                B. usual                  C. true                        D. uncommon
28. A. building                B. structure             C. space               D. channel
29. A. imported               B. operated              C. produced         D. developed
30. A. travel            B. average        C. run                        D. fly

I began to send my first e-mail when I was 17. I discovered Google 5 years later. Now, I use the Internet all the time. Internet has become so popular that 90 percent of 12-to-17-year-olds in the United States use the Internet, according to one recent survey, and about half of those kids use it every day. They visit chat rooms and send e-mails. They go to Websites to get information for homework.
“Kids are now living in a virtual(虚拟的) world,” says Greenfield, “As the Internet is becoming more and more important for our life, we should worry about one question: Is the Internet good or bad for kids?”
“It’s X to answer the question because the Internet involves so many things,” says Justine, a media expert at Northwestern University. “They include networked computer games, news about politics, instant messaging and e-mails to your grandmother. ” So, more and more studies shows that the online world can be helpful in some ways and dangerous in others.
“Although it’s not easy to tell whether it’s good or bad,” says Justine, “the Internet, at least, is very useful and can be used widely by everyone in the world. ”
1. What percentage of American 12-to-17-year-olds use the Internet every day?
A. About 45%        B. About 50%         C. About 80%        D. About 90%
2.. Greenfield _______.
A. is an expect from Northwestern University
B. wants to stop all the kids from using the Internet
C. is worrying about whether the Internet is good or bad for kids
D. thinks that the Internet is good or bad for kids
3. “X” in the passage should be the word “_______”.
A. possible          B. difficult            C. easy             D. good
4. Which is the best title of the passage?
A. Don’t Use the Internet                        B. Kids and Emails
C. Is the Internet Good or Bad                    D. Two Experts from Universities
The first time I saw Carlos I would never have believed he was going to change my life. I had my arms full of books and I was tearing into the classroom when 1 ran into something solid. It was Carlos.
“My God, you’re tall,” he said.
Of course, the class began to laugh. Angry. I walked to my seat without a word.
I glanced back to see if Reed Harrington was laughing with the rest. That would be the last straw. But Reed was studying chemistry and did not seem to be aware of anything else. I didn’t know why I considered Reed my friend. Maybe just because he was a good two inches taller than I. Anyway, every time I blew out my birthday candles and made a wish, it was for a date with Reed Harrington.
“Take that seat,” Mr. McCarthy told the cocky newcomer Carlos,pointing to the only empty one,in the back of the room.
Carlos grinned,“But I need a couple of dictionaries.”Again the class laughed, but now they were laughing with Carlos,not at him. He had been here only 10 minutes and already he had them on his side.
It was the school elections that made me think of Carlos again. Reed Harrington was voted president and Carlos vice-president. “How come?”I kept asking myself,“How come this shrimp who’s only been in town for a little over a month gets to be so popular?”
So that morning,I stopped Carlos and said,“It doesn’t seem to bother you — being short.”He looked up at me , “Of course I mind being short. But there isn’t anything I can do about it. When I realized I was going to have to spend my life in this undersized skin,I just decided to make the best of it and concentrate on being myself.” “You seem to get along great,”I admitted, “But what about me? Nobody wants to date a girl taller than he is.” “The trouble with you is you’re afraid to be yourself. You’re smart. And you could be pretty. In fact, you might be more than pretty.” I felt myself turning red…
56.The author was angry because ________.
A.the class made fun of her                                                B.Carlos was too rude to her
C.she had to carry many books                                          D.Reed Harrington didn’t date her
57.Which of the following about Carlos is NOT TRUE?
A.He was popular.                                                                 B.He was new in the school.
C.He was shorter than the author.                                   D.He was chosen president in the school elections.
58.We can infer from the passage that ________.
A.Carlos and the author have become good friends
B.the author will be more confident
C.Carlos always encouraged the author
D.the author was tall
59.What’s the best title of the passage?
A.How to be popular                                                             B.A tall girl
C.Be yourself                                                                          D.Something about Carlos

New York Times-The already crazed competition for admission to the nation’s most famous universities and colleges became even more intense (激烈的) this year, with many recording the lowest acceptance rates.
Harvard College, for example, offered admission to only 7.1 percent of the 27,462 high school seniors who applied — or, put another way, it rejected 93 of every 100 applicants, many with extraordinary achievements, like a perfect score on one of the SAT exams. Yale College accepted 8.3 percent of its 22,813 applicants. Both rates were records.
Columbia College admitted 8.7 percent of its applicants, Brown University and Dartmouth College about 13 percent, and Bowdoin College and Georgetown University 18 percent — also records.
“We love the people we admitted, but we also love a very large number of the people who we were not able to admit,” said William R. Fitzsimmons, dean (主任) of admissions and financial aid at Harvard College.
Some colleges said they placed more students on their waiting lists than in recent years, in part because of uncertainty over how many admitted students would decide to enroll (登记入学). Harvard and Princeton stopped accepting students through early admission this academic year; that meant that more than 1,500 students who would have been admitted in December were likely to have applied to many famous schools in the regular round.
Many factors contributed to the tightening of the competition at the most selective colleges, admissions deans said. The number of high school graduates in the nation has grown each year over the last decade and a half, experts estimate that the figure will reach the highest point this year or next, which might reduce the competition a little.
Other factors were the ease of online applications, expanded financial aid packages, an ambitious students’ applying to ever more colleges.
1.What’s the passage mainly about?
A.Harvard has the lowest admission rate this year.
B.Many factors have led to the intense competition.
C.Famous universities prefer to have more students on their waiting lists.
D.Admission to famous universities became even more difficult this year.
2.Which of the following has the highest acceptance rate this year?
A.Yale College.                 B.Georgetown University.  
C.Columbia College.         D.Dartmouth College.
3.How many of the 20,000 applicants would be rejected by Columbia College this year?
A.18,260     B.1,740        C.18,350         D.1,950

My family and I lived across the street from Southway Park since I was four years old. Then just last year the city put a chain link fence around the park and started bulldozing (用推土机推平) the trees and grass to make way for a new apartment complex. When I saw the fence and bulldozers, I asked myself, “Why don't they just leave it alone?”       
Looking back, I think what sentenced the park to oblivion (被遗忘) was the drought (旱灾) we had about four years ago. Up until then, Southway Park was a nice green park with plenty of trees and a public swimming pool. My friends and I rollerskated on the sidewalks, climbed the trees, and swam in the pool all the years I was growing up. The park was almost like my own yard. Then the summer I was fifteen the drought came and things changed.
There had been almost no rain at all that year. The city stopped watering the park grass. Within a few weeks I found myself living across the street from a huge brown desert. Leaves fell off the park trees, and pretty soon the trees started dying, too. Next, the park swimming pool was closed. The city cut down on the work force that kept the park, and pretty soon it just got too ugly and dirty to enjoy anymore.
As the drought lasted into the fall, the park got worse every month. The rubbish piled up or blew across the brown grass. Soon the only people in the park were beggars and other people down on their luck. People said drugs were being sold or traded there now. The park had gotten scary, and my mother told us kids not to go there anymore.      
The drought finally ended and things seemed to get back to normal, that is, everything but the park. It had gotten into such bad shape that the city just let it stay that way. Then about six months ago I heard that the city was going to “redevelop” certain worn-out areas of the city. It turned out that the city had planned to get rid of the park, sell the land and let someone build rows of apartment buildings on it.
The chain-link fencing and the bulldozers did their work.  Now we live across the street from six rows of apartment buildings. Each of them is three units high and stretches a block in each direction. The neighborhood has changed without the park. The streets I used to play in are jammed with cars now. Things will never be the same again. Sometimes I wonder, though, what changes another drought would make in the way things are today.
1. How did the writer feel when he saw the fence and bulldozers.'?
A.Scared.             B. Confused.        C. Upset.       D. Curious.
2. Why was the writer told not to go to the park by his mother?
A.It was being rebuilt.                         B. It was dangerous.
C. It became crowded.                            D. It had turned into a desert.
3. According to the writer, what eventually brought about the disappearance of the park?
A. The drought.                                   B. The crime.
C. The beggars and the rubbish.                   D. The decisions of the city.
4. The last sentence of the passage implies that if another drought came,         .
A. the situation would be much worse
B. people would have to desert their homes
C. the city would be fully prepared in advance
D. the city would have to redevelop the neighborhood

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