
 _______ weather it is, we shall set out on time.

A.Whatever         B.However          C.Whenever         D.Whether





试题分析:考察让步状语从句。“No matter+特殊疑问句”只能引导让步状语从句;“特殊疑问句+ever”既可以引导让步状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句;本句中的whatever weather it is是一个让步状语从句。Whatever后面引导的是名词或者代词。However后面接的是形容词或者副词。句意:无论是什么天气,我们都会准时出发。B项不符合语法,CD两项与上下文的含义不相符。故A正确。


点评:本题的让步状语从句考察的是“No matter+特殊疑问句”的引导方式。该结构既可以引导让步状语从句,也可以引导名词性从句;要根据上下文的含义来选择合适的特殊疑问词的形式。



To what degree can a computer achieve intelligence?The answer to this question may lie in a newly-developed US computer program called Smarter Child and the Internet.

If you ran into Smarter Child online, you would be surprised at this kid’s huge memory. It can recite many facts. For example, Smarter Child knows every baseball player in every team this season.

He knows every word in the dictionary and the weather in every major city areas across the US. However, if you ask Smarter Child other questions, you get strange answers. A question about Smarter Child’s age returns. “One year, 11 days, 16 hours, 7 minutes, and 47 seconds!” Asking where he lives gets, “In a clean room in a high-tech building in California.”

Smarter Child uses the vast information on the World Wide Web as his memory bank. To answer questions about spelling, for instance, Smarter Child goes to American Heritage Dictionary online. For the weather, he visits www.intellicast.com.

Some scientists believe that by joining the many systems of the Internet, an artificial being with the combined knowledge of, say, Albert Einstein, Richard Nixon and Britney Spears could be born. However, if Smarter Child wants to think and learn on his own like the boy-computer David in the movie A. I. Artificial Intelligence, he must overcome two problems.

The first is that computers find it difficult to read web pages because the files are labeled in different ways. That’s why programmers need to tell Smarter Child where to look for the weather. It would be a much more difficult task to let him find it himself.

Another problem is that while Smarter Child can process information more exactly and faster than any human, he lacks common sense—a basic grounding of knowledge that is obvious to any young child.

From the text we can infer that www.intellicast.com is a website           .

       A.where we people can find Smarter Child

       B.which is specially designed to help Smarter Child

       C.where weather forecasts are made

       D.which is about artificial intelligence

It is probably most difficult for Smarter Child to          .

       A.learn the ability to tell right behaviors from wrong ones.

       B.tell us how to spell a difficult word

       C.provide us with a famous poem by Shakespeare

       D.tell us how the American government is run

The underlined  “it ” in Paragraph 6 refers to ________.

       A.where to look for the weather B.Smarter Child.

       C.a much more difficult task      D.to read web pages

Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

       A.A New Web Child   B.Intelligence Development

C.Smarter Child         D.The Future of Internet 

Watching a sporting event with family and friends under the sun is a great experience in summer.   【小题1】  In the United States, heat exposure led to 8,000 deaths between 1979 and 2003. Luckily, a little prevention can go a long way towards making sure of an enjoyable day.
Know the danger
Heat-related illnesses do not require record-breaking temperatures to occur.   【小题2】 The body’s temperature can reach 106 or 107 degrees Fahrenheit on a 90-degree day, creating a potentially deadly situation. Factors such as age, weight or a medical condition can influence people.
Drink plenty of water
【小题3】 Sweating is your body’s key way to keep cool, so drink water to stay well hydrated(含水的) before you feel thirsty. A cool beer may sound perfect on a hot day, but drink responsibly. Alcohol stops the body’s cooling system and causes you to go to the bathroom frequently.
Wear light-colored and loosely fitting clothing, so air can go around your body and help keep you cool. A hat is a must to help you keep cool, since your head contains many blood vessels(血管), and sun block(防晒乳) is always a good idea.
Take action
What should you do if you are suffering from the heat while watching your favorite event?
Get up and go. It is a simple piece of advice, but could make the difference between a quick recovery and something more severe that requires medical attention. The ideal thing is to move yourself from the position you’re in to an area that is a little cooler.  【小题5】

A.Weather-related causes
B.Dress for the occasion
C.In hot weather, it is essential to stay hydrated.
D.You may miss a little of the action, but it beats missing a lot.
E. It is also important to take advantage of services the equipment provides.
F. But when you add sun exposure to the crowds, the results can be deadly.
G. Temperatures between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit can be dangerous.

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