

 While I was at school, I  1  train with Spurs on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also    2  for English schoolboys, so I suppose I was    3  a school boy star.


 I didn't really get into  4  at school. I had my two elder brothers there for    5  of the time that I was there, so my stay at the school wasn't that hard.    6  other children had a really hard time.


 I left  7  the end of the Fourth Year, and that caused a bit of trouble. I was allowed    8  maths and technical drawing early. I passed them    9  , but unfortunately I failed in woodwork. If I'd stayed on    10  12 subjects like the other children.


 It was a big decision to leave early so as  11  take all my exams. It could have meant that I'd wasted    12  years. But how many could get the    13  that I had? I'm told that only one in 1000 makes it in    14  , so you have only a very slim chance. But I decided to go for it and looking back it was the    15  thing to do.


 I didn't support Spurs  16  a boy. I supported QPR, my local team. But to play for Spurs,    17  had just won the FA Cup, was interesting to me. There were so many    18  , and of course Bill Nicholson was the    19  thena great manager.

 I didn't have any girlfriends at  20  .I was  21  deeply involved (陷于) in football that I didn't have time.    22  I don't have direct contact with my old school friends, I own a sports    23  in the area, so they often drop into the shop and talk about the old days,    24  is really nice. I'm always pleased to see them.


 I would advise anyone  25  to be a footballer to stay on at school to do their exams. If a club wants you badly enough they'll come in for you later.


(1)     A am used  


B was used  


C used to  


D was used to  


[  ]


(2)  A.    played


B play


C played with  


D played a joke  


[  ]


(3)  A.    a little of  


B a few  


C a lot  


D a bit of  


[  ]


(4)     A troubles


B trouble


C any trouble  


D matter


[  ]


(5)  A.    most


B the most  


C a most  


D many


[  ]


(6)     A Each


B The


C Every


D Some


[  ]


(7)  A.    from


B in


C at


D before


[  ]


(8)     A taking


B to take  


C taken


D to be taken  


[  ]


(9)     A both


B all


C every


D neither


[  ]


(10)  A.    I'd have  


B I had taken  


C I took  


D I'd have taken  


[  ]


(11)     A no


B not


C not to  


D no one  


[  ]


(12)     A five


B four


C six


D seven


[  ]


(13)     A chance


B meeting


C money


D exam


[  ]


(14)  A.    basketball


B volleyball


C ping-pang


D football


[  ]


(15)  A.    wrong


B mistake


C right


D corrected


[  ]


(16)     A being


B for


C using


D as


[  ]


(17)  A.    who


B which


C whom


D when


[  ]


(18)     A moons


B stars


C suns


D earths


[  ]


(19)  A.    teacher


B master


C manager


D doctor


[  ]


(20)     A school


B farm


C factory


D shop


[  ]


(21)     A too


B very


C quite


D so


[  ]


(22)     A But


B Although


C Even if  


D Even though  


[  ]


(23)  Afield


B room


C shop


D clothes


[  ]


(24)  A which


B that


C when


D who


[  ]


(25)  A wanted


B wanting


C wants


D to want  


[  ]


Keving Rogers used to be my boss.At that time he always told us to sell more.As soon as I could,I left his shop and got a new job in another place.The last time I saw Rogers was more than ten years ago.At least that’s what I thought.But now I am not so sure.
I was on my way to my office in the centre of town.There is a small park nearby,which I sometimes walk through after lunch.The park was almost empty except for a shabby-looking man on one of those benches(凳子).The man looked about fifty years old and was wearing an old gray coat.It was cold and windy,and he was trembling(哆嗦).
“It’s a long time since I had a meal.Can you help me?”he said.There was something about his voice that sounded familiar.I gave him a few pennies.As he went past me I looked at his face closely.I wondered where I had seen him before.Then it suddenly came to me.Could it possibly be…? No!Impossible,I thought.I watched him walking away.He was the same height as Rogers but looked a lot thinner than I remembered.
Yesterday I ran into someone who had worked for Rogers at the same time as I did,and had stayed on longer.I started telling him about the man I had seen in the park.”For a moment I thought it was our old boss.But it couldn’t have been.Rogers must be the head of a company now.”I said.
My ex-workmate shook his head,”I thought you knew.” “Knew?Knew what?What are you talking about?”
“Rogers was sent to prison six years ago.He’s probably been out by now.For all I know he is sleeping on park benches and begging money from passers-by.”
【小题1】Where did the writer last meet Rogers?

A.In a restaurant.B.In a small park.
C.In the centre of town.D.In his office.
【小题2】Which of the following happened first?
A.Rogers was sent to prison.
B.The writer saw Rogers ten years ago.
C.The writer got a job in another place.
D.The ex-workmate left Rogers’ company.
【小题3】The sotry doesn’t mention anything about______.
A.what happened to Rogers six years ago
B.what Rogers looked like
C.why Rogers was sent to prison
D.how Rogers was living on
【小题4】The reason why the man was trembling was that______.
A.he was illB.he was very excited
C.he became very poorD.he felt cold and hungry

When I entered Berkeley. I hoped to earn a scholarship. Having been a Straight-A student, I believed I could   36 tough subjects and really learn something. One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne. I was extremely interested in the ideas he   37  in class.

When I took the first exam, I was   38  to find a 77, C-plus, on my test paper,   39  English was my best subject. I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained   40 .

I decided to try harder, although I didn’t know what that   41  because school had always been easy for me. I read the books more carefully, but got another 77. Again, I   42  with Professor Jayne. Again, he listened patiently but wouldn’t change his   43 .

One more test before the final exam. One more   44  to improve my grade. So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time,   45  the meaning of the word “thorough”. But my   46  did no good and everything   47  as before.

The last hurdle(障碍)was the final. No matter what   48  I got, it wouldn’t cancel C-pluses. I might as well kiss the   49  goodbye.

I stopped working hard. I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would. The night before the final, I even   50  myself to a movie. The next day I decided for once I’d have   51  with a test.

A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A. I hurried into Professor Jayne’s office. He   52  to be expecting me. “If I gave you the A-pluses you   53 , you wouldn’t continue to work as hard.”

I stared at him,   54  that his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct. I had worked my head   55 , as I had never done before.

I was speechless when my course grade arrived: A-plus. It was the only A-plus given. The next year I received my scholarship. I’ve always remembered Professor Jayne’s lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.

















































































































Keving Rogers used to be my boss.At that time he always told us to sell more.As soon as I could,I left his shop and got a new job in another place.The last time I saw Rogers was more than ten years ago.At least that’s what I thought.But now I am not so sure.

I was on my way to my office in the centre of town.There is a small park nearby,which I sometimes walk through after lunch.The park was almost empty except for a shabby-looking man on one of those benches(凳子).The man looked about fifty years old and was wearing an old gray coat.It was cold and windy,and he was trembling(哆嗦).

“It’s a long time since I had a meal.Can you help me?”he said.There was something about his voice that sounded familiar.I gave him a few pennies.As he went past me I looked at his face closely.I wondered where I had seen him before.Then it suddenly came to me.Could it possibly be…? No!Impossible,I thought.I watched him walking away.He was the same height as Rogers but looked a lot thinner than I remembered.

Yesterday I ran into someone who had worked for Rogers at the same time as I did,and had stayed on longer.I started telling him about the man I had seen in the park.”For a moment I thought it was our old boss.But it couldn’t have been.Rogers must be the head of a company now.”I said.

My ex-workmate shook his head,”I thought you knew.” “Knew?Knew what?What are you talking about?”

“Rogers was sent to prison six years ago.He’s probably been out by now.For all I know he is sleeping on park benches and begging money from passers-by.”

1.Where did the writer last meet Rogers?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a small park.

C.In the centre of town.

D.In his office.

2.Which of the following happened first?

A.Rogers was sent to prison.

B.The writer saw Rogers ten years ago.

C.The writer got a job in another place.

D.The ex-workmate left Rogers’ company.

3.The sotry doesn’t mention anything about______.

A.what happened to Rogers six years ago

B.what Rogers looked like

C.why Rogers was sent to prison

D.how Rogers was living on

4.The reason why the man was trembling was that______.

A.he was ill

B.he was very excited

C.he became very poor

D.he felt cold and hungry


I know I should have told the headmaster at the time. That was my real  36 .

He had gone out of the study for some  37 , leaving me alone. In his absence I looked to see  38 was on his desk. In the middle  39  a small piece of paper on  40 were written the words “English Writing Prize 1949. History Is a Serious of Biographies (人物传记)”.

A(n) 41 boy would have avoided looking at the title  42 he saw the paper. But I did not. The subject of the English Writing Prize was kept a  43 until the start of the exam so I could not  44 reading it.

When the headmaster  45 ,I was looking out of the window.

I should have told him what had  46 then. It would have been so  47 to say: “I’m sorry, but I saw  48 for the English Writing Prize on your desk. You’ll have to  49 it.”

The chance passed and I did not  50 it. I took the exam the next day and I won. I didn’t mean to cheat, but it was still cheating  51  .

That was thirty-eight years ago  52 I was fifteen. I have never told anyone about it before, nor  53 tried to explain to myself why not.

It’s obvious that I could not  54 I had seen the title. Whatever it was, it has become a good    55 of how a little mistake can trap (使陷入) you in a more serious moral corner (道德困境).

36. A. plan            B. fault           C. grade          D. luck

37. A. reason          B. course         C. example        D. vacation

38. A. this            B. which          C. that           D. what

39. A. are             B. is             C. was           D. were

40. A. what           B. which          C. that           D. where

41. A. honest          B. handsome       C. friendly         D. active

42. A. as well          B. as soon as       C. as well as       D. as a result

43. A. question         B. key            C. note           D. secret

44. A. help            B. consider        C. practise        D. forget

45. A. disappeared       B. stayed          C. returned        D. went

46. A. existed          B. remained        C. happened       D. continued

47. A. tiring           B. easy           C. important       D. difficult

48. A. the title          B. the exam        C. the paper       D. the window

49. A. repeat           B. defend         C. correct         D. change

50. A. take          B. have           C. lose         D. find

51. A. Otherwise     B. Therefore     C. anyhow       D. though

52. A. which        B. when          C. on which      D. that

53. A. I have        B. has I         C. have I       D. I has

54. A. inspect        B. perform        C. employ       D. admit

55. A. example       B. reason         C. matter        D. signal

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